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The Tales Of The Heptameron, Vol. V. (of V.)

Page 14

by King of Navarre consort of Henry II Queen Marguerite


  In the morning the Lady Oisille failed not to administer to themwholesome nutriment, which she did by reading of the acts and virtuousdeeds of the glorious knights and apostles of Jesus Christ, as relatedby St. Luke, telling them withal that these relations should suffice tomake them long for the return of such a time, and to make them weepfor the uncomeliness of this age as compared with that. When she hadsufficiently read and expounded to them the beginning of this excellentbook, she begged them to go to the church in such union as that in whichthe Apostles were wont to pray, seeking of God the mercy which is neverrefused to those who ask for it in faith. Her counsel was approved byall, and they came to the church just as the Mass of the Holy Spiritwas beginning; this seemed to them very apt to the occasion, and theyhearkened to the service in great devotion.

  Afterwards they went to dinner, where they called to mind the apostoliclife, and took such great delight in it that it was as though theirundertaking had been forgotten. But Nomerfide, who was the youngest,noticed this, and said, "The Lady Oisille has made us so devout that weare letting slip the hour at which we are wont to withdraw, in order tomake ready for the relating of our tales."

  Her words caused the whole company to rise, and, after they had been fora while in their rooms, they failed not to repair to the meadow as onthe day before. When they were seated at their ease, the Lady Oisillesaid to Saffredent, "Although I am certain that you will say nothing tothe advantage of women, yet I must call upon you to tell the tale thatyou had in readiness yester evening."

  "I protest, madam," replied Saffredent, "against winning the repute ofa slanderer through telling the truth, or losing the favour of virtuousladies through relating the deeds of the wanton. I have felt what it isto lack their presence, and had I equally lacked their fair favours, Ihad not been alive to-day."

  So saying, he turned his eyes away from her who was the cause of hishappiness and of his woe; and, looking upon Ennasuite, caused her toblush as deeply as though his words had been directed to her. Yet was henone the less understood by her whom he desired should understand him.The Lady Oisille then assured him that he might freely speak the truthat the cost of any person concerned; whereupon he thus began:--

  105a. The Lady returning to her Lover, the Canon of Autun]

  [The Lady returning to her Lover, the Canon of Autun]

  105.jpg Page Image]


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