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Fox Hunt: The Stallions of the Hidden E Ranch

Page 10

by Ellis Leigh

  Chapter Nineteen

  Garrett woke me up the next morning with sweet kisses to my cheek, a cup of coffee in one hand, and his other grabbing my ass nice and hard.

  “Morning, beautiful.”

  I grumbled a good morning, too tired from a full day and night of him fucking me every which way to be willing to smile just yet. He’d gotten more than his twenty-four hours with me because of how he’d started right at midnight, which was fine by me. But my body was feeling those extra hours like whoa.

  He laughed at my crankiness, setting the coffee on the nightstand and curling up behind me. “You ready for Quinn today?”

  That got my attention. “I don’t know. Am I?”

  Garrett stayed quiet for a long moment before nuzzling my neck. “I think so. He’s not as kinky as Matthew and not as…mouthy as me. If you’re into voyeurism, he might be just your speed.”

  Well, damn. “He likes to be watched?”

  “He likes to do the watching.”

  “So yesterday morning…”

  “Yesterday morning was probably a wet dream come true for him.” Garrett groaned, grinding his hard cock against my ass. “It wasn’t too bad for the rest of us either.”

  I giggled and patted his hip. “You’ve been inside me for like thirty hours. Save it for next time, big boy.”

  “But it might be a while before you come running back to my bed.” He rolled me over, smiling down at me, looking almost carefree. Almost. “Quinn wouldn’t mind so long as he got to watch.”

  He waggled his eyebrows comically, making me laugh again. A fun moment in the middle of what felt like looming chaos. Which had to be his intention. Distraction.

  “Thanks,” I said, tucking his wavy hair behind his ears. He grinned and kissed me, patting my hip as he rose to his knees.

  “C’mon, my beautiful Waverley. The day awaits your presence, as do the rest of your mates.”

  I gripped his arms, hanging on. Suddenly nervous. “Are you on guard duty today?”

  He blinked, not smiling. Not joking. “Yes. We all are.”

  I hated that, hated knowing they’d be putting themselves in danger. That my past was interrupting their business, their lives, our future. I hated everything except being with them.

  “You be careful, okay?” I whispered, fighting back tears that only would have made the situation harder. “Don’t take any risks with Chance. He’s human, but he can hurt you. He can hurt any one of you.”

  My stallions. My mates.

  Garrett leaned down, brushing his lips against mine. “I’ll be careful. I promise, beautiful. As will the rest of the guys.”

  There was nothing else I could ask of him.

  I showered alone, thinking about my men. Worried about them. They had to have all made it through the night just fine if Garrett was in such a good mood. A comforting thought. And I’d do my best to keep an eye on them. To protect them from Chance and all his fuckery. Because at the end of the day, the stallions of the Hidden E Ranch were mine to love and care for. My men, my family, my future.

  And nothing would ever come between me and my mates.

  Chapter Twenty

  My day with Quinn started with me being chased down the hallway by Garrett and Tripp. The two had me giggling and breathless by the time I reached the kitchen. Most of the rest of my stallions sat around the table, drinking coffee and eating a breakfast I hadn’t made for them.

  “You know, if you keep letting someone else do my job, I’m going to feel irrelevant.” I smiled and leaned down to kiss a very tired-looking Liam, sighing when he grabbed me by the hips and pulled me closer. He buried his face in my breasts and held me tightly, clinging to me as if afraid to let me go. I understood that fear, felt the same thing. I ran my fingers through his hair and down his neck, trying to give him as much comfort as I could. Trying to help him while soothing my own soul.

  He held me long enough for the other guys to head outside for work. Each man stopped to give me a one-armed hug or a kiss to the cheek before walking to the door and disappearing into their day. Everyone but Matthew, who pinched my ass hard and ran a hand over Liam’s head before leaving us alone in the kitchen. All had looked concerned, all had seemed anxious. That wasn’t good news.

  But when Liam finally sighed and pulled away from me, he smiled. “Sorry about that, sugar. It’s been a long night.”

  Because of my ex. “Any updates on where Chance might be?”

  Liam patted my thigh and tugged me into his lap, feeding me bacon as he shook his head. “Not yet. We tracked him all the way across the country, but Chance sort of disappeared when he got to Arizona.”

  “So, he’s here?”

  “Maybe, maybe not. Either way, we’ve got you. You will be safe with us.”

  I shook my head at my silly stallion. “I’m not as worried about myself as I am about all of you. He might hurt you.”

  “We’re all more worried about you.” Liam brushed my hair back and nuzzled my neck before tapping me on the hip. “Quinn’s been locked upstairs for days staring at computer screens and doing all the digital legwork. Why don’t you head on up there and give him a good distraction?”

  I nodded, still snuggling him, too worried not to want to cling to each and every one of my mates. Liam chuckled and stood, taking me with him. Forcing me to stand on my own. Pushing me toward the stairs leading to the attic room where Quinn lived.

  “Go on. He’ll be your guard for the day, so the two of you can get to know one another. And don’t worry—he won’t spank that delicious ass of yours for being so late.” Liam shot me a wink. “Unless you want him to, of course.”

  I chuckled and headed for the stairs, ready to get to know the quietest stallion on the ranch. I climbed slowly, anxiousness heavy in my chest and fluttering in my gut. Stallion number four. The computer guy. The one who usually had his face buried in a tablet or a phone. The one Garrett had said liked to watch.

  And yet, with all that, the only thing I could think about in regard to Quinn was those glasses. I had a thing for them—a bit of a kink, perhaps. A naughty professor fantasy. Whatever, those dark frames sitting in front of his blue eyes were hot.

  Darkness cloaked the attic room, leaving shadows in all the corners and a sense of gloom to the place. Some sort of funky metal music played softly, leading me toward the far end. Toward where I could see lights dancing on the ceiling for some reason.

  “You’re welcome up here, sweet girl. C’mon over.” Quinn’s voice carried across the room, calming a little of my nervousness. I followed it around a corner, knowing exactly why those lights had danced on the ceiling when I finally saw where he sat.

  Screens. Twelve of them, all as big as televisions, all mounted to the wall ahead of me. All showing different things, most of which I couldn’t figure out. And Quinn—he sat in what looked like a big, dark beanbag chair, a keyboard in his lap and those sexy-as-fuck glasses perched on the bridge of his nose. What was it with me and those glasses?

  Of course, he was handsome—all my stallions were. It was like some sort of genetic lottery. Horse shifters were apparently all ridiculously hot. Or at least, mine were. But only Quinn wore glasses, and something about them spoke to me. Made me want to see them askew as I rode him. Made me wonder if he was like Clark Kent and Superman.

  Hopefully, I’d find out. “I understand you’re my guard for the day.”

  “Yep. Just you and me, all alone in this big old attic all day. Whatever will we do with ourselves?”

  I knew what I wanted to do. Quinn must have known where my mind would go with that comment, because he sat a little deeper and grinned. Letting his knees fall open. Letting me get a good, long look at him.

  He didn’t wear a shirt, just a pair of baggy gray sweatpants that did nothing to hide the bulge he sported. The muscles of his chest were thick and well defined, leading to abs that were made for licking. And those glasses.

  Those glasses would be the death of me. I’m pretty sure I whimper
ed when he pushed them up his nose.

  Quinn reached for me, holding out his hand. “C’mere, pretty. Come stand over here.”

  I stepped a little closer, trying to keep my nerves and excitement at bay. Failing, but trying. Quinn tugged me around the front of the beanbag and looked me up and down, almost inspecting me. Which was fine—I might have been doing the same thing.

  “I’d like to see your fox, if you wouldn’t mind,” Quinn said, leaning back, staring at me with an almost excited sort of interest.

  That request threw me for a loop.

  “My…fox?” The others hadn’t asked to see her. Some had gotten a look, of course—my guards while I’d taken my runs through the woods. But no one had specifically asked.

  Quinn shrugged. “I’m a visual learner, and I’ve never seen a fox shifter up close. You don’t have to if you don’t want—I don’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”

  I remembered Garrett’s words, about how Quinn liked to watch. Which was probably a little off. The computers, the tablets, the screens before him, the way he seemed to inspect me as he looked me over, wanting to get to know my fox… Quinn didn’t just like to watch, he liked to see. To have whatever he was studying right before him so he could visualize the details instead of reading about them. I could understand that.

  I could also give him the education he wanted.

  I stripped off the too-large T-shirt I wore—the one I’d “borrowed” from Garrett—yanking it over my head and dropping it to the floor. My panties went next with me bending over to drag them down my legs so I could step out of them. Quinn said nothing as I undressed, just sat there and watched me from behind those black glasses. A small smile playing on his handsome face and his eyes locked about a foot below my face. Breast man—got it.

  “You ready?” I asked, cocking a hip and giving him a wicked grin that Matthew would have been proud of.

  Quinn tore his eyes away from my breasts. “You’re getting more comfortable with us. You weren’t this brazen with Liam.”

  No, I wasn’t. “I didn’t know him then.”

  Quinn hummed, taking another good, long look at my breasts. “You know us now, though.”

  “Yes,” I whispered. “I’m comfortable now. I’ve chosen to stay with my mates—that means all of them. No point in being shy.”

  Quinn smiled all slow and wide, bringing his eyes to meet mine again. “I’ve seen the way your pussy clenches when you come on another man’s fingers. No need to be shy whatsoever.”

  Yeah, that little show would not be forgotten anytime soon. By me or my mates. And if the way Quinn was staring at my pussy was any indication, he might want to relive the moment. Maybe participate this time.

  I’d like that too.

  “So,” I said, taking a slow, seductive step closer to him. “Do you want me to shift still?”

  He seemed to shake himself out of whatever he’d been thinking. “Yeah. Please do, sweet girl. I’ve been dying to get an up close and personal look at you.”

  In my fox form. We’d probably get up close and personal as humans—naked humans—later. I was okay with that, so I did what he asked. I shifted right there in Quinn’s attic, standing in front of his wall of screens. My inner fox stretched as she appeared, working out the kinks and knots in her muscles. Wanting to run to get her blood pumping. But she didn’t run—instead, she inched closer to Quinn. We both wanted to be near our mate, it seemed.

  “Pretty.” Quinn leaned forward, petting me. Running his hand over my coat and making me want to purr like a damn cat. “Your fur is amazingly soft. I hadn’t expected that. And this color—the oranges and reds have a depth you can’t see from farther away. You really are a beauty.”

  I hopped into his lap, forcing him to sit back, rubbing myself against his bare chest so he could feel just how soft my fur was. So he could get a real good look at my colors.

  Quinn dragged his hand down my spine, even running his fingers over my tail all the way to the tip. “This tail is fucking sexy, sweet girl. I bet Matthew already used a plug on your ass, didn’t he? Yeah, probably something sparkly for you. I’d buy you one with a tail on it. See if you’d like to be my little fox even in human form.” He ran his hand over me again, making me mewl in delight. “Fuck, that sound is like a mating call to my stallion. Shift back for me. I need you human for this.”

  I shifted, falling into his lap when I did. Naked and shaky and feeling so much lust for the man who kept his hands on me. Who kept petting me, even when the soft fur was gone.

  “There you are,” he said, tucking my hair behind my ear before turning me around. I laid back against his chest, spread my legs over his, and simply enjoyed being with him for a minute. Enjoyed learning the feel of him, the idiosyncrasies that made him Quinn. The warmth of his body against mine.

  Quinn kissed my neck, wrapping his arms around me so he could reach his keyboard. As he typed, the kisses turned to little nips, something that had me moaning and writhing in his lap. Something he chuckled about.

  “You needy already, sweet girl?”

  Yes. Always. How could I not be with so many handsome men around me all the time? Quinn didn’t seem to expect an answer, though.

  “Okay, time to do a bit of work before we get to the fun.” He typed for a little while, making the screens change even as he bit down close to my collarbone. Multitasking like a boss. “See that screen? The one in the middle. I want you to take a good look.”

  I tried to focus, but Quinn had stopped typing and had brought his hands back to my body. To my breasts, to be precise. He tweaked and kneaded, following me as I arched into his touch. Bringing his head down to suckle softly on my shoulder—to tease me with what that mouth could be doing to my nipples—before popping off.

  “Look, sweet girl. Just for a minute. I need to know if I’m right.”

  My body didn’t want me to look. It wanted me to feel, to fall into the lusty haze of being touched by Quinn. Still, I looked. Wanting to do what he said. To please him even if only by acknowledging what he wanted. I looked…

  And then I nearly screamed.

  My ex, Chance, whose real name was apparently Scott, seemed to be staring right at me.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  A chill shot down my spine. “That’s him. That’s Chance.”

  “I figured as much. He’s quite the bastard. The stuff I’ve dug up on him…” Quinn shook his head and released a heavy breath. “It’s fucked with my head. To think that could have been you—victimized and tortured and taken away forever.”

  When he shuddered, I pressed back, angling myself so I could place a kiss on his chin. “But it wasn’t. I got away. I made it here.”

  “Yeah, you did. You got to us. You made it to Liam, and he brought you home.” He slid a hand between my legs, holding me tight while teasing me at the same time. “Speaking of Liam, do you know how hot your little show with him made me?”

  I shivered as he ran a knuckle over my clit, gasped as he flicked me right at my opening. “No. How hot?”

  He cupped my pussy, fingers slipping inside and heel of his hand pressing deliciously against where I was so sensitive. “I jacked off six times thinking about it, and I’m still so fucking hard. Seeing my mate being pleasured so thoroughly by a stallion in my herd? I didn’t think there was anything hotter.”

  He thrust his fingers deeper, three at once, gripping me from the inside and pulling. Squeezing in a way I’d never experienced. Making me writhe and mumble, trying to call for him. Trying to beg him for more.

  Quinn chuckled, the sound much darker and more deviant than I’d thought would come from him. “This is going to be hotter. Having you ride my cock will be more intense than watching you. And I love to watch.”

  I trembled as he moved his hand inside me, against me. All over me. Palm on my clit, fingers deep, he held on to my pubic bone and squeezed his hand closed, shaking me. Making me want to come faster than I’d ever experienced. The sensations, the pressure, were to
tally new. Totally wrong and yet so damn right. I could barely breathe, couldn’t speak. I wanted more of what he gave me, wanted to experience what an orgasm from that squeezing-shaking motion would be like. Wanted to know why it felt so good. Why it made me so damn wet.

  Quinn grunted as he thrust upward, hips and hand working against me. Pressing that thick cock to my soft ass. So firm, so stiff. Every inch of him so hard, and I couldn’t wait for him to fill me. For him to come inside me. But he didn’t make a move to use his cock. He kept his hand busy, though. Kept the other one on my thigh, pulling my legs open. Holding me in place.

  At least, until he didn’t.

  Letting go of my leg, still keeping the fingers of his other hand fucking my pussy, he reached for his keyboard and clicked a few keys. The picture of Chance disappeared.

  “I’m going to hunt that fucker down for you,” Quinn said, clicking more keys in a slow, stuttered pattern. Still multitasking, yet not as well as before. “I’m going to make sure our girl is safe.”

  A few more keystrokes and every screen changed. It took me a moment to understand what I was seeing, but once I did…

  “Oh, fuck. Quinn.” I grabbed his hand, the one between my legs, and pushed. Wanting him deeper, needing more. There, on every single screen, was us—live video from multiple angles of the two of us in that exact moment. Four. Four angles. There must have been cameras all over his room, recording everything, which was so…hot and weird and tantalizing all at the same time.

  And yet, it made sense. All of my stallions had been unique so far, had taught me what they liked. What got them off. This was no different. Garrett had said Quinn liked to watch. It was my job to give him a show.

  I angled myself a little more, making sure the camera in front of us got a good shot of what he was doing to me. Made sure to spread my legs a little wider so he wouldn’t miss a single second. Quinn didn’t say anything, just kept moving his hand. Kept rocking his hips so his cock rubbed against me. Kept watching me on the screen and in his lap. Fantasy and reality. Watching and participating.


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