Book Read Free

Girl A

Page 6

by Dan Scottow

  ‘Not sure about that new girl. She’s a little… peculiar,’ Beth said nervously.

  Margot poured two coffees, sliding one towards Beth.

  ‘Vicky?’ Margot sounded confused. ‘Oh no, she’s a sweetheart. She’s just a little gauche.’

  ‘You like her?’

  ‘I don’t like anyone, darling. But I don’t dislike her. That’s the fundamental thing. We were having a brief chat in the lift the other morning. She’s a media studies graduate. Says she has always dreamed of working for Greys. All total nonsense, of course. I think she thought I would find it flattering. Little does she realise I don’t actually give a hoot. Her heart’s in the right place. We’ve all been there, haven’t we? New job, new people to impress.’ Margot took a long sip from her steaming hot coffee. ‘Oh now that is just divine, darling.’

  ‘Every time I look up she’s staring at me. I thought I was imagining it at first, but as the week has gone on, I’ve noticed it more and more. I bet if I were to turn round now…’ Beth swivelled in her chair to see through the wall-to-wall glass of Margot’s office. ‘Yes! See, I knew it. She’s doing it right now!’

  Margot peered over Beth’s shoulder, catching Vicky’s eye. She gave her a delicate wave and a smile, and Vicky looked away.

  ‘Yes, now you come to mention it, she did seem extremely interested in you the other morning when we were chatting,’ Margot said, staring at Beth over the rim of her coffee cup.

  ‘What do you mean? What was she saying?’

  ‘Oh, she was asking all sorts of questions. How long had I known you? Where are you from? What’s your background? That kind of thing, you know?’ As Margot spoke her hand gave a dramatic flourish in the air. Beth couldn’t help think Margot should have gone into theatre rather than law.

  ‘My God! I think she’s obsessed with me. She behaved bizarrely when we were introduced.’

  ‘Maybe she fancies you?’ A wry smile spread across Margot’s face, followed by a wink.

  Beth stood up from her chair, walking to the window. She held her coffee cup to her lips, watching Vicky, whose eyes darted up from her screen, meeting Beth’s and staying there.

  ‘And she never looks away when I catch her staring either. She’s weird. I don’t like it.’

  ‘Come on, Beth, don’t be mean. Perhaps she’s got a crush on you or something. Who can blame her? You’re a looker.’

  ‘Oh please!’ Beth retorted, stifling a laugh.

  ‘You need to learn to take a compliment, my dear. Trust me when I say, I certainly don’t dish them out willy-nilly.’

  ‘Seriously, though, I hate it. It makes me feel uncomfortable. I’m quite a private person, you know that. I don’t like people I’m unfamiliar with digging around asking questions about me. Especially with what’s been going on at home…’ Beth trailed off as she realised she had said too much. She sat back down in the chair, facing Margot, who stared intently at her.

  ‘What do you mean? What’s happening at home? Is everything okay?’

  Beth felt her cheeks flush. ‘Oh, you know. With Daisy at the weekend,’ she backtracked, hoping that Margot would let it go.

  Margot pursed her lips and frowned, clearly not buying what Beth had said. But she asked nothing further. That was one thing Beth loved about Margot. She never pushed for personal information. She waited for you to offer it up. And if you didn’t, she wouldn’t ask.

  ‘Anyway, darling, what are you and that gorgeous hubby of yours up to this weekend?’ she asked, changing the subject expertly.

  ‘Actually, that reminds me. I have a favour to ask you.’


  ‘I’d forgotten we’ve got this dinner party tonight at Charlie’s boss’s house. Would you mind looking after the kids while we’re out? I don’t feel comfortable leaving Daisy with Peter at the moment, after, you know, the weekend. I’d rather there was an adult in the house.’

  ‘Oh, of course I will. I’d only be staying in with a book and a bottle of red tonight anyway. I suppose this saves me from being a terribly dull singleton, sitting in my house alone on a Friday night.’

  ‘No. You can spend it with a teenager who won’t come out of his room, and Daisy, who will probably be desperate to redo your make-up and hair for you. I warn you now. You’ll need to be firm with her, else she’ll have you looking like Coco the Clown by the time you get home.’ Beth paused, smiling at Margot. ‘Thanks. I appreciate it.’

  Margot swatted her hand towards Beth dismissively. ‘Darling, this is what I live for most weekends.’

  Beth felt she could do without the whole social circuit tonight. She wasn’t in the mood. But Charlie hadn’t reacted well when Beth suggested they make an excuse. It was his boss, after all. It wouldn’t look great. Plus, it had been on the calendar for months.

  ‘Will it be a late one?’ Margot asked, cocking an eyebrow.

  ‘God, I hope not. It’s up at that big fancy house in Hove. I think some celebrity used to live there or something.’

  ‘Sounds stunning.’

  ‘Yes, it’s very nice. I’m sure it will be a lovely night. But I can’t really be bothered.’

  ‘You’ll be fine once you get a glass or two of champagne down you.’

  ‘Hmmm,’ Beth murmured unconvincingly.

  Margot glanced at a dainty gold watch on her left wrist. ‘It’s as good as five now, why don’t you shoot off early and get yourself in the mood?’

  Beth shook her head. ‘No, I can’t. Shouldn’t even be in here now. I’m behind on submissions. I’ve got so much to do.’

  ‘Nonsense. Those budding bestsellers can wait another few days to hear your verdict. Let’s face it, most of them will go straight in the bin.’

  Beth laughed, and Margot joined in.

  ‘Yeah, you’re right. I doubt I’ll get any more done tonight anyway.’

  Margot shooed Beth with both hands.

  ‘Off you go. I won’t tell anyone.’ She winked again. ‘What time do you need me?’

  ‘We’re supposed to be there at eight, so if you can make it round for seven fifteen that would be wonderful.’

  ‘See you then.’ Margot waved Beth out the door. She headed to her office to grab her bag, then out towards the lift. As she turned around, she saw Vicky’s eyes locked on her. She was chewing the corner of her bottom lip and scratching her head with a pencil. As the doors closed, Vicky didn’t look away.

  She smiled. Knowingly, Beth thought.

  But what does she think she knows?


  Beth stepped out of the shower, wrapping a soft white towel around her body, and picked up her glass of champagne from beside the sink. She reached her other hand up to the back of her head and massaged it softly. It felt good.

  As she sauntered out of the en suite, Daisy came scurrying into the room, Cooper hot on her tail. They both hopped up onto the bed. Beth looked on in horror as the spaniel sprawled out on her garments.

  ‘No, no, no!’ Beth shouted. ‘Dog off, please!’

  Cooper jumped obediently down onto the floor, looking crestfallen.

  ‘Are you and Daddy going out tonight?’ Daisy asked as she fingered the dresses.

  ‘Yep. We’re having dinner with Daddy’s boss. I hope your hands are clean.’

  Daisy pulled her fingers back from the fabric sheepishly.

  Although technically Derek was Charlie’s boss, he was more than that. They were friends.

  ‘Does that mean I’ll be here alone with Petey all night?’ Daisy pouted, folding her arms across her chest.

  Beth sat down at her dressing table, picking up her hairdryer.

  ‘No. Aunty Margot is coming over to babysit. Do you remember her?’

  Daisy shrugged, but smiled. Beth flicked on the dryer and blow-dried her hair. Daisy perched on the edge of the mattress, watching Beth’s every move.

  She turned off the dryer and placed it down on the dressing table.

  ‘Which one are you going to wear?’ Daisy asked, m
otioning towards the gowns laid out in front of her.

  ‘Not sure yet. Which do you think I should wear?’

  Daisy looked down at the dresses. Her eyes darted from a red lacy number with long sleeves, to a black velvet off-the-shoulder dress, a little shorter, a little tighter.

  ‘I like the red one! I can’t wait till I’m big enough to wear it.’

  Beth laughed. ‘Oh yeah? You think you’ll be borrowing my dresses, do you?’

  ‘Yes!’ Daisy shouted.

  Cooper’s ears pricked up at the sound of Charlie’s key in the door and he scurried out of the room. Daisy ran after him. They both scrambled down the stairs.

  ‘I’m up here getting ready!’ Beth shouted. ‘Fancy popping those nuggets and chips in the oven for the kids?’

  ‘No problem!’

  Beth stood up, dropping her towel in a heap on the floor.

  She crossed to the bed, picking up both the dresses, holding each in front of her as she glanced at herself.

  Climbing into what passed for her best underwear, she pulled on the red dress, pushing one foot into a red stiletto. She turned to each side, assessing herself. With one hand, she piled her hair up, sucking in her tummy. Shaking her head, she slid the dress off, draping it over the back of a chair before performing the whole act again with the black one. She sat down at the dressing table and pulled her hair up into a French twist, fixing it in place neatly.

  As she was applying her make-up, her phone sprang to life, dancing about noisily on the bedside table. She crossed the room to retrieve it, assuming it would be Margot running late.

  Beth frowned as she glanced at the digits on the screen.

  She unlocked her phone, opening up the message.

  I liked the red one better.

  Beth spun around to face the large dual-aspect windows in the corner of the room. Running towards them, she stood, staring out across the driveway, into the fields and the trees beyond. Her eyes frantically scanned the landscape for any movement.

  There was nobody there. At least, nobody she could see.

  The phone chimed again.

  Holding her breath, Beth’s eyes shot down towards the screen.

  Can you see me?

  Her heart pounded.

  A bead of sweat formed on her hairline, slowly trickling down her neck. A prickling sensation made its way from the top of her head and through her entire body, down towards her fingers and toes. For a moment she thought she might pass out.

  She pulled the curtains shut, turning her back to the window. Feeling faint, she placed one hand against the sill to steady herself, staring at the phone.

  A new message flashed up.

  Spoilsport. Don’t be shy. You never used to be.

  With trembling fingers, Beth typed out a reply. Who is this?

  She bit down on her bottom lip, nervously waiting.

  Three dots appeared on her screen. Her stalker was replying. The device vibrated in Beth’s shaky hands.

  A friend.

  She was about to respond when she heard heavy footsteps ascending the stairs.


  She quickly flicked her phone to silent, tucking it under her make-up bag as Charlie entered the room. He whistled as he walked towards her, a huge bunch of white roses in his hand.

  ‘You look stunning,’ he said, offering them to Beth.

  She smiled, hoping it didn’t appear forced. ‘They’re beautiful. You shouldn’t have!’

  Her voice trembled.

  ‘I wanted to.’

  From beneath the make-up bag, the phone buzzed. The sound seemed to fill the room. Charlie’s eyes drifted to the dressing table.

  ‘Thanks. They really are lovely,’ Beth said, trying to distract him.

  The phone buzzed again. And then a third time. Beth ignored it. Her eyes not leaving Charlie’s face.

  ‘You not gonna get that?’ he asked, sounding confused.

  ‘It’s probably work emails coming in. I’m ignoring them until Monday.’ It was weak, but she prayed he bought it. ‘Would you be a love and pop these in a vase for me downstairs while I finish doing my make-up?’

  Charlie leaned down to give her a peck on the cheek.

  ‘I know you said this morning you weren’t in the mood. But I couldn’t cancel. It would be odd if you were missing, this has been arranged for so long.’

  ‘It’s fine. I’m sure it’ll be fun.’


  Charlie turned to leave. He stopped as he reached the bed, looking at the drawn curtains, and glanced over his shoulder towards his wife. Without saying a word, he left the room. Beth heard him head back downstairs.

  She grabbed her phone.

  Three new messages were on her screen. She opened them with trepidation.

  I enjoyed the show.

  Loved it when you dropped the towel.

  Come on. Open the curtains!

  Bile rose into her mouth as she read the words.

  Whoever was messing with her and her family was sitting outside the house right now.


  They had seen her naked through her bedroom window. They had watched her in her private, intimate moments.

  What else had they witnessed?


  Beth felt sick. Her head was spinning, partly from the champagne, mostly from fear.

  Was somebody watching Charlie and Daisy downstairs now? Or Peter in his bedroom next door?

  She applied the rest of her make-up in a rush, grabbed a jacket from the wardrobe and made her way down the stairs.

  Daisy was sitting at the dining table, chatting to Charlie while he took her dinner out of the oven, and plated it up. He smiled at Beth across the room as she hurried into the kitchen.

  Ignoring him, she headed straight to the French doors, turned the key in the lock and closed the curtains. Her family stared at her in bewilderment.

  She covered every window. For only the second time in the seven years they had owned the house.

  Beth came back into the kitchen, pouring herself a second glass, before taking a large gulp.

  ‘Are you okay?’ Charlie said, placing the plate of food down in front of their daughter. He crossed the room, standing next to Beth. ‘You look a little pale.’

  ‘Yes, I’m fine,’ Beth lied.

  ‘What’s with the curtains again? It’s still broad daylight.’

  ‘Margot’s coming over to babysit, I don’t want her to feel like she’s on display.’

  ‘Are you kidding? Margot loves to be on display!’

  Charlie reached a hand up to Beth’s forehead, and she flinched.

  ‘You’re shaking. What’s wrong?’

  ‘I’m cold. Maybe I should change. It’s not as warm as I thought.’

  ‘Up to you. You look amazing though.’

  Daisy was still staring at Beth, while shovelling a chicken nugget into her mouth.

  ‘I thought you were going to wear the red one!’ Daisy shouted obstinately, mouth full of food.

  ‘I changed my mind,’ Beth said. ‘And don’t speak with your mouth full!’

  Beth heard raucous rock music as Peter’s bedroom door opened and he came bowling down the stairs.

  ‘Woah, Mum, you look hot,’ he said, a cheeky smile on his face.

  Charlie laughed. ‘What do you want, Peter?’

  ‘Can’t I pay my beautiful mother a compliment without you thinking I have an ulterior motive? That hurts, Dad, really.’ Peter clasped his hands to his heart and pulled a sad face.

  Beth didn’t say a word. Charlie wasn’t sure she was even listening. She stared towards the back door, a distant look in her eyes.

  ‘Really, Pete. What do you want?’ Charlie joked.

  ‘Can Zoe come over tonight?’

  Charlie looked at his wife, waiting for her to decide. But she didn’t say anything.

  ‘Beth?’ Charlie said.

  ‘Sorry, I was a million miles away.’

  ‘Your son was asking i
f his girlfriend can come over tonight while we’re out.’

  Beth looked at Peter, then back towards Charlie.

  ‘Yes, I suppose so.’

  Charlie frowned.

  ‘Really?’ Peter couldn’t hide the surprise from his voice.

  ‘Yeah, really?’ Charlie echoed.

  ‘Yes. Margot is coming over so it’s not like they’ll be unsupervised.’

  ‘Great!’ Peter exclaimed, bounding up to his room and shutting the door.

  The doorbell rang.

  Beth stood petrified. The hairs on her neck tingled. She glanced nervously out into the hall.

  Charlie raised an eyebrow, then walked past her and opened the door.

  Margot stood on the doorstep.

  Beth didn’t realise she had been holding her breath until she let it out again. A long, relieved sigh.

  ‘Margot!’ Beth pushed by, opening the door fully to let Margot in.

  ‘Am I too early?’ Margot asked, checking her watch.

  ‘No, not at all. Come in.’ Beth stood aside and Margot breezed into the hallway wearing an all-in-one black playsuit, a fuchsia cashmere pashmina draped loosely over her shoulders. She gave Charlie a large, exaggerated kiss on each cheek.

  ‘Hello, you gorgeous hunk of a man!’ she said flirtatiously.

  ‘Right back at you!’ Charlie replied.

  ‘God. I need to up my HRT dosage if you think I look like a man!’ she retorted.

  Charlie blushed. ‘No, what I meant was–’

  ‘Oh shush, I’m teasing you, darling.’ She dismissed him with a flick of her wrist.

  Daisy stood at the kitchen doorway, looking shyly out.

  ‘My dear… look how big you’ve got!’

  Daisy didn’t reply. Beth crouched down to Daisy’s level.

  ‘You remember Margot, don’t you?’

  Daisy stuffed her thumb in her mouth and fiddled with her skirt with the other hand.


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