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Tremors of the Past

Page 4

by Jamie A. Waters

  Alec’s eyes narrowed as he moved to stand behind his desk. After keying in a few commands, an image of Lars appeared on the screen. “Except Lars Cerulis was born into OmniLab. Like Kayla, he remained in the system. We don’t purge names. He could have easily moved through the towers without being flagged, unless he attempted to access a secure area or his accounts. He would have known this.”

  “I’m going to strangle the idiots who didn’t catch this,” Thomas growled, jumping into action and yanking out his commlink. A moment later, he was barking instructions into the unit.

  “Seal off all exits to the towers. I want a complete list of every employee who has access to the doors, both primary and auxiliary. We have a leak and I want to flush it out.” He lifted his head and pointed to Director Borshin. “Get your traders on call. Cancel all deliveries and receivables until further notice. We’re suspending all trading until we get this situation locked down.”

  Director Borshin opened his commlink and headed out of the room, speaking into the unit along the way. Kayla’s mouth dropped open as panic flooded through her. What had she done? Her thoughts flew to the people living in Leo’s camp on the surface. She reached over to grip Alec’s arm and shook her head.

  “You can’t do that. The ruin rat camps need those supplies. I don’t even know for sure if I saw Lars in the towers. It could have been someone else.”

  Carl frowned and looked at Alec. “She’s right. The trader camps would be okay for a while, but I don’t think the surface camps can survive very long without supplies. We’ve created a dependency. If you take away their supplies, you could be killing them.”

  Alec didn’t have a chance to reply. The commander snapped his commlink shut, his jaw clenching as he stared at the screen. “We’ll start running the names of all family members who were… exiled from the towers. If any of them returned to the towers, we may be able to determine who they met with and their activities.”

  Kayla shook her head. This was fine and great, but it didn’t solve the problem with the ruin rats. “Okay. Do that. There’s no need to cancel the supplies to the ruin rat camps though.”

  Alec looked down at her, his eyes filled with regret. “I’m sorry, love. A lot of this is speculation, but I agree with Commander Thomas. We need to err on the side of caution. We’ll try to figure it out as quickly as possible. I need you to trust me.”

  Panic rushing through her, she shook her head adamantly and pointed toward the window. “Trust? This isn’t a matter of trust, Alec. Those are my friends on the surface. My family. The people who raised me. Stopping those supplies could kill them. You don’t know what it’s like out there!”

  Alec grabbed her arms and pinned them to her side. His eyes hardened, but there was an almost desperate plea under the surface. “And the alternative could kill you. If you’re right and the Coalition has been sneaking people into the towers, what’s to stop them from targeting you? Or your mother? What if one was responsible for you nearly falling off that beam earlier today? There are too many unknowns, Kayla. I told Lars the truth that night. I would do anything to protect you. I’ll be damned if I’m going to just sit by and let you get hurt again.”

  Kayla gaped at him, shocked by his visceral reaction. The raw emotion that was leaking through their bond was staggering.

  Carl stepped forward to intervene. “Let her go, Alec.”

  Alec turned his thunderous expression toward Carl, but instead of tearing into him, the High Council leader took a shaky breath and released her. Through their bond, she could feel his internal battle as he struggled to get his emotions under control.

  After a long moment, he said, “You have my word that we’ll try to get the supplies back on schedule as soon as possible.”

  Kayla swallowed and took a step back, rubbing her arms as she tried to get her feelings under control. “How long?”

  Commander Thomas cleared his throat, ignoring the intimacy of the scene that had just played out in front of him. He tapped his fingers against his tablet, scrolling through the information on his display.

  “We’ll need to screen all personnel before opening the trading routes again. Unfortunately, we can’t rely on our usual methods. Everyone with access to the chain of distribution and points of egress will need to submit testimony under a truth barrier. We’ll need to find an Inner Circle member beyond reproach to monitor it. It could take a few weeks.”

  A knot formed in the pit of her stomach. Carl was right. She didn’t think the ruin rats could handle weeks without supplies. Leo usually received at least one shipment a week from whatever trader he was working with. They might be able to stretch out their supplies a bit longer, but not if the demand from the outlying family camps was critical. This time of year was always brutal in terms of supplies. With the heat of summer in full force, the sun was breaking down the equipment faster and people were using more hydrating packs.

  Although hesitant to stir the hornet’s nest again, she needed facts—and fast. She wouldn’t let anything happen to her former ruin rat family. Kayla turned back to Alec. “What’s a truth barrier? Is that the thing we stood in when we appeared before the High Council?”

  “Yes. It’s an energy field monitored by an Inner Circle member. It’s far more effective than any computerized lie-detector test. Unfortunately, it requires a significant amount of control to erect and maintain the field. It can only be held in place for an hour or two at most.”

  “Can I help hold the field? We can try to speed up the process.”

  Alec sighed and leaned forward, pressing his palms against the top of the desk. “No, Kayla. It takes years to master the ability. I know you don’t want to hear this, but the best way you can help is to stay safe and begin training again. Given the circumstances, you need to learn some basic defensive techniques before moving on to more specialized abilities. If there’s a chance the Coalition has infiltrated the towers, we need to resume your training immediately.”

  Kayla blew out a breath. Training was definitely a necessity, but she couldn’t just sit here on the sidelines in the comforts of the towers while her family on the surface suffered or died.

  As though picking up on her agitation, Carl pressed his hand against the small of her back. He bent down and whispered close to her ear, “It’ll be okay, sweetheart. Let them figure it out from their end. I promise we won’t let anything happen to your camp.”

  Kayla nodded and leaned against him, curling her fingers into his shirt. Never before had she been more grateful for his support. She’d already made the decision to do whatever was necessary to protect the ruin rats, but it was nice to know she had an ally too.

  Chapter Four

  Carl waited until Kayla was asleep before climbing out of bed and pulling on the pants he’d worn earlier. It worried him that Kayla hadn’t said much after the scene in Alec’s office. Instead, she’d turned to him in an almost frenzied passion, channeling her frustrations in a form that was easier for her to express. Kayla’s seeming acquiescence of the situation wouldn’t last. If Carl had learned anything over the past year, it was Kayla was too headstrong to sit on the sidelines for long. With a heavy sigh, he pulled his shirt over his head and looked down at her.

  Kayla lay on her stomach with the blanket down around her hips, revealing the graceful slope of her naked back. Her dark hair tumbled in careless waves over the pillow, the color contrasting dramatically with her fair skin. Even while sleeping, she took his breath away. There was little he wouldn’t do for her, including allying with the one person determined to take her away. Giving her one last lingering look, he brushed a light kiss against her temple and pulled the blankets over her. She murmured something unintelligible and burrowed deeper into the blankets.

  Satisfied she’d sleep a while longer, he quickly pulled on his boots and made his way out of the Rath’Varein quarters, nodding a greeting to the two security officers stationed outside the door. They gave him a cursory glance as he left but didn’t acknowledge him any
further. It was just as well. He had business with Alec. The sooner it was finished, the quicker he could get back to Kayla.

  The two founding families’ quarters were situated across the hall from one another and separated by a decorative fountain. Like the door to Kayla’s family quarters, Alec’s door also had an elaborately detailed carving. Instead of a tree with winged creatures, though, this door was a more abstract representation of the elements. It all somehow tied into the whole Drac’Kin thing and the unusual abilities the Inner Circle members possessed.

  Ignoring his misgivings, Carl pressed his palm against the panel next to the door. An automated voice indicated the residents would be alerted to his arrival and to please wait. After a long interval, the door finally slid open. Carl did a double-take at the extremely attractive woman wearing a nearly translucent robe over a black negligee. At first glance, she reminded him of Kayla, but it took less than a second for him to begin noting the differences.

  She was a few inches taller than Kayla, and the barely-there attire showcased her artificially enhanced assets to perfect advantage. Her hazel eyes scanned him up and down before full lips settled in a coy smile. Dark hair fell past her shoulders, and he realized it was her hair that first reminded him of Kayla. Most of the women in the towers tended to embrace more elaborate fashions. However, this woman wore her hair in the exact same style and length as Kayla.

  Even so, the similarities were disturbing. He’d normally feel some pity that the woman was being used as a poor substitute, but from the calculating gleam in her eyes, Carl suspected she was aware of the resemblance and taking full advantage of it.

  “Well, hello. Can I help you with something?”

  The corner of Carl’s mouth twisted in a barely suppressed grin. He was fairly confident Alec hadn’t intended him to meet the woman standing in the doorway. Things just got interesting.

  “I’m looking for Alec.”

  The woman crooked her finger and beckoned him inside. He followed, watching her saunter over to the bar area. She poured herself a drink and glanced over at him. “Do you want something? Alec’s in the shower, but I’m sure he’ll be out in a minute.”

  “No, I’m good,” Carl replied, looking around Alec’s home. The rich opulence was impressive, and the cool colors seemed to reflect Alec’s reserved nature. Carl couldn’t help but wonder what Kayla would think of this place. It was a far cry from their living conditions on the surface.

  But even more intriguing was Alec’s female friend. The woman had the same air of sophistication and polish most Inner Circle members possessed. She moved about the room with an intimate familiarity as though she were perfectly at home. Carl couldn’t help but wonder how long she and Alec had been involved. Since Alec was otherwise occupied, Carl decided to take the opportunity to get to know the mystery woman.

  “I’m sorry, but I don’t believe we’ve met. I’m Carl Grayson.”

  She turned and took a sip of her drink, studying him over the rim of her glass. “Mmm. I know exactly who you are, Trader Carl.” She approached him slowly, as though giving him ample opportunity to admire her, and then held out a perfectly manicured hand. “I’m Brianna Kisbell. I’ve heard a great deal about you.”

  Carl raised an eyebrow and took her hand. “It’s nice to meet you. I apologize for the intrusion. I wasn’t aware Alec was entertaining company.”

  She lifted a shoulder in a deliberate movement, causing the robe to slip and reveal a bare shoulder. “Oh, I wouldn’t exactly consider myself company. Especially considering how much time Alec and I spend together. Besides, I’m sure Alec will want to know all about how our little Kayla is getting along. It was so fortunate you were able to help locate her for us.”

  There was no doubt about it… Alec had a viper in his nest. Whereas Kayla possessed an innate grace and sensuality, this woman was acutely aware of every move she made and how best to play it to her advantage. The entire scene seemed contrived, and he wondered if Alec knew what sort of woman he’d invited into his lair.

  Alec took that moment to emerge from one of the back rooms. His hair was still damp from his recent shower, and he wore a loose pair of lounging pants which hung low on his waist. Other than a gold chain around his neck, his normal accessories were gone. His eyes swept the room and he froze, his gaze suddenly cold when it landed on Carl.

  “Where’s Kayla?”

  Carl crossed his arms over his chest, pausing to enjoy Alec’s momentary discomfort. It might be petty, but given their history, it was difficult to feel much remorse. Their roles had been reversed just a few short days ago when Carl’s former ex-girlfriend, now turned reporter, had cornered him and insisted they have breakfast together. “She’s sleeping. I needed a private word with you.”

  Alec’s shoulders relaxed slightly, and he nodded. He strolled over to the bar, poured himself a drink, then waved his hand in a dismissive gesture. “Brianna, collect your things and go.”

  Her mouth turned downward into a small pout. She crossed over to Alec, put her hand on his arm, and tossed her hair back. There was no mistaking the invitation in her eyes. “I thought you might want me to stay tonight. I came by just to see you.” She stood on her toes and whispered something in his ear.

  Alec looked down at her with disinterest. “No. I told you to be gone by the time I finished showering. I suggest you remove yourself now or I’ll arrange to have you removed.”

  Brianna took a step back, her mouth dropping open. She obviously hadn’t been expecting him to rebuff her advances. Her eyes flashed with anger before turning away and stomping toward the back room.

  Carl raised an eyebrow. “Interesting. I didn’t know you were seeing anyone.”

  Alec tossed back his drink. “I’m not.”

  Carl glanced back toward the door where the young woman had disappeared. Alec might not call it that, but she obviously had very different ideas. Carl shrugged. He had other priorities. As long as Alec held up his end of the deal and didn’t interfere with his relationship with Kayla, Carl didn’t care who the High Council leader was screwing.

  “We’ve got a problem,” Carl began. “You’re walking a dangerous line with Kayla and stopping those shipments. If she thinks Veridian and the other people on the surface are in danger, she’ll be inclined to do something reckless.”

  Alec refilled his drink and sat down in one of the overstuffed chairs. “The trading camps have already been suspended. Director Borshin issued the order to recall all members of the trader camps an hour ago. They should be here by tomorrow afternoon. We’re setting up temporary accommodations for each camp in one of the lower levels of the main tower. Since they’re under contract, all members of the trader camps will remain under our protection until the suspension is lifted.”

  “That’s a start.” Carl sat across from Alec and leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “It takes care of Veridian, but it’s not going to help anyone in her former scavenging camp. Kayla considers them her family, and quite frankly, she’s not wrong. When she went running back to the surface, they took her in without blinking an eye.”

  Alec sighed and drummed his fingers on the armrest. “What do you suggest?”

  “I don’t know. You could arrange to give her former camp a large supply shipment to hold them over until trading resumes, but she also has contacts in other camps. I suspect she’ll be worried about them too. I just wanted to warn you that she’ll snap if you push too hard on this. This is one of those hard lines for her.”

  Alec opened his mouth to reply but stopped. He cocked his head for a moment, and then a strange expression crossed his face. He paled and whispered Kayla’s name before running for the door.

  Fully alarmed, Carl ran after him as Alec barreled his way past the two guards. He shouted at them to find Brant before bursting into her bedroom.

  The ruins were collapsing. Kayla could hear the screams and voices crying, but she couldn’t help them. She could see Carl trying to reach her through the dust, but
Edwin had them trapped. Ramiro’s voice laughed in the background, and Pretz yelled for her to run. She cried out for Alec, reaching for him across their bond, but Lars’s voice whispered in her ear that she couldn’t trust him. She just wanted it all to stop. Tears streamed down her face. They were all going to die, and she couldn’t save any of them. Veridian, Xantham, Cruncher, Leo, Mack, Marie… she couldn’t help them.

  “It’s not real, Kayla,” a voice urged.

  The bond between her and Alec flared to life, and Kayla gasped at the sensation of powerful energy that flowed through her. It surrounded her, filling her and enveloping her in its warmth. She blinked open her eyes to stare into Alec’s worried blue ones.

  Carl crouched down beside her and Alec. He brushed her hair away from her face and frowned. “What’s wrong, sweetheart?”

  “C-C-Co-l-d,” she managed. Her teeth were chattering so violently she could barely form the word.

  Carl’s head shot up to look at Alec. “What the hell is going on? What’s wrong with her?”

  Alec pulled her into his lap and tightened his arms around her. Kayla choked on a sob and buried her face against his chest. She couldn’t stop shaking. The images from the vision still lingered, and she couldn’t get them out of her head. They were all so real.


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