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Tremors of the Past

Page 6

by Jamie A. Waters

  His concern and unwavering support touched her, but there was only one choice of action. If anything, Kayla was a woman of action—she could never pretend to be anything else.

  “I’ll be careful, but I need to do this. I won’t allow them or anyone else to turn me into a victim. I need to take a stand.” She hesitated for a minute, considering his previous words. She used to believe she needed to do everything on her own. Now she was starting to realize that wasn’t true. People who loved her surrounded her. The logical side of her understood they would help and support her if she asked. It was a strange shift from always believing she needed to remain independent. Kayla bit her lip and looked up at him, feeling uncertain for the first time in a long time.

  “You’re right though. I’m not very good at relying on anyone else or asking for help. I’ve never trusted anyone like that before. Not completely. I don’t think it’s in my nature to relinquish control and rely on someone else, but…” She paused for a moment and looked away. Why was this so hard, and why did it make her feel so vulnerable? “I do need you, Carl. More than I’ve ever needed anyone. I know I don’t always show it, but I do trust you. I believe in you, but it scares me to put so much faith in one person.”

  “Kayla,” he whispered, his voice heavy with emotion. He cupped her face, brushing his thumb across her cheek. “You undo me completely. All you ever have to do is ask. I’ll always be here for you, sweetheart.”

  She lowered her head against his chest, letting the intensity of her emotions warm her from within. He wrapped his arms around her and held her, simply stroking her hair. After a long moment, she looked back up at him and gave him a small smile.

  “Maybe… for starters, you could help me out to the living area? I’m not sure I can make it without falling on my ass. Then we can find out what’s going on… together?”

  As though sensing her need to lighten the mood, the corner of his lips curved upward.

  “It’s a deal,” he agreed, helping her pull on a light robe. Leaning heavily on Carl, they headed out into the crowded common room. Together.

  Chapter Five

  The first thing Kayla noticed was a team of security personnel searching the front room of her family’s quarters. Most of them were using some sort of scanning device, running it over each piece of furniture before moving on to the next. Seara was standing in the center of the chaos helping to direct the search. Although she still carried an air of elegance and refinement, the older woman’s cheeks were hollowed and pale. Brant and two other guards hovered nearby while a gorgeous, dark-haired woman stood next to Alec. He was engaged in an argument with Brant and didn’t notice her and Carl right away.

  At the sight of them, Seara rushed over and enveloped her in a hug. “Oh, sweetheart, please tell me you’re all right. Security’s doing a scan to find any trace energy so we can find whoever was responsible.”

  Kayla managed a smile for her mother and nodded, silently reassuring her she was fine. Once Seara appeared mollified, Kayla directed her attention back to the other woman. Hopefully, this stranger had some answers.

  The unfamiliar woman wore a form-fitting black dress which barely reached mid-thigh. Her eyes focused on Kayla, taking in her damp appearance, and then her eyes narrowed slightly. Kayla cocked her head, surprised at the animosity in that brief look.

  Who the hell is she?

  Still holding Kayla’s gaze, the woman leaned close to Alec and put her arms around his neck. Her body pressed against him, the slit in the side of her dress exposed even more of her long legs. Even from across the room, Kayla could sense the ripple of intimate energy between them. The echo of it coursed along the bond she shared with Alec.

  Kayla froze in shock. A sudden, almost violent wave of nausea hit her as the woman’s energy filtered through their bond and crawled over her like a vicious parasite. It was too much. She was suffocating from the toxicity. Desperate to be free, she grabbed hold of her bond with Alec and tore apart the energy threads connecting them, nearly doubling over from the combined sense of loss and relief. Carl caught her before she collapsed and managed to keep her upright while she tried to calm her racing heart and breathe normally.

  Alec brushed the woman off of him and spun around, his face paling at the sight of Kayla. Although they were still connected on some level, the surrounding energy was strangely silent. Kayla still didn’t feel firmly encased within her own skin, but that could be attributed to the borrowed energy she’d taken from Alec. She’d much rather deal with that than the prickling sense of wrongness from the woman contaminating their bond.

  Alec started to move toward her, but Kayla quickly stepped backward into Carl’s arms. Her knuckles whitened as she clenched the robe around her in a death grip. No way. She didn’t want to get anywhere near him and that woman right now.

  Alec stopped in his tracks. Without taking his eyes off Kayla, he said in a low voice, “Brant, get Brianna out of here. Immediately. Find out what she knows and have her removed from this floor.”

  The woman didn’t appear happy with this announcement. She tossed back her dark hair and tried approaching him again. “But Alec, I’m frightened. All these guards and people are running through the halls. I don’t know whom to trust. Don’t leave me with one of the Shadows. I overheard the guards talking about a shadow energy attack. We should warn the rest of the Inner Circle. What if they come after someone else next?”

  Indecision warred on his face, and after the slightest hesitation, Alec’s eyes narrowed on the woman. Grabbing her arm, he led her toward the door and motioned for Brant to follow him outside. Kayla felt him weave energy around Brianna, but it was the heavy thread of influence she was beginning to recognize. Even so, the thought of Alec using energy on the woman sickened her. It was too reminiscent of the intimate combination of their energies she’d felt through the connection she shared with Alec.

  “I felt her in our bond,” Kayla whispered, trying to explain her reaction. Carl tightened his arms around her but remained silent. She buried her head against his chest and inhaled deeply. She loved Carl and couldn’t deny the sense of rightness at being in his arms, but she couldn’t deny the strong feelings she had for Alec. Her visceral reaction just now was proof of that. Wasn’t it? Was it truly possibly to love two men?

  Either way, she hadn’t been expecting to witness that scene. She knew Alec wasn’t celibate. He’d admitted he had his own “distractions,” as he called them. She just never expected to feel the shared intimacy between him and his unknown lovers. Even now, the thought made her stomach pitch. In some ways, it was worse than the jealousy she’d experienced when the reporter had been flirting with Carl. At least then she hadn’t had to suffer through the echo of their passion. What she just experienced made her want to gag.

  Seara’s voice interrupted her thoughts. “Kayla, I’m so sorry. I had no idea that woman… I mean, I… She looks… I’m sure it’s just a misunderstanding.”

  Kayla looked up. Her mother was frowning at the door where Alec had disappeared, disapproval etched on her face. “I’m sure what happened just now wasn’t as bad as it looked. Alec cares a great deal for you. I hope you’ll give him a chance to explain.”

  Carl tucked Kayla into his side, running his hand down her back. She leaned against him for support and said, “There’s nothing to explain, Seara. I felt her and the intimacy between them. Alec is free to be with whomever he wants. It’s none of my business.”

  The devastation on Seara’s face was heart-wrenching. The older woman let out a small cry of denial as her hand flew to cover her mouth. “No. I just can’t believe… Why would he…?” She lowered her hand and shook her head sadly. “I’m sorry. I… need some air. Excuse me.” Without saying another word, she turned away and headed down the hall.

  Kayla swallowed. Her mother seemed to be taking the whole thing worse than she was. Carl frowned and then looked down at her. “Are you okay?”

  She straightened her shoulders. How could she be? Someone
had tried to kill her, not once but twice in one day. Her yearly tally of close calls was approaching the double digits. She’d made Carl suffer through witnessing another intimate moment with Alec, who was apparently getting it on with a brunette when he wasn’t reducing Kayla to a pile of brainless mush. Her mother was having a nervous breakdown on her behalf. Emotions were a bitch and a half.

  She. Was. Done.

  “No, but I will be. I’m getting dressed. I want access to OmniLab’s security system, and I want to know exactly whom I’m dealing with. Once I get ahold of them, they’re going to wish they’d never fucked with me.”

  Carl’s raised his eyebrows and his mouth lifted in a half smile. He gave her an approving nod before leading her back down the hall.

  “Enough with the games, Brianna,” Alec bit out. “What did you see?”

  She blinked up at him. He’d had to use quite a bit of influence to discourage her from sharing information about the attack with the rest of the Inner Circle. Although Brianna could be quite alluring at times, he was at the end of his patience with her. For the past several days, ever since Kayla had returned to the towers, Brianna had been pushing for something more than just the casual affair they’d begun.

  Even though he’d been clear about his intentions from the beginning, Brianna hadn’t taken the hint. The small energy pulse she’d sent to him while Kayla was in the room had been artfully executed to achieve the desired effect. It didn’t help that Kayla was extraordinarily sensitive to energy manipulation. The pain he’d felt from her was excruciating. He’d wanted to strangle Brianna right then and there for causing Kayla a moment of hurt. Kayla didn’t understand the petty energy games some men and women played in relationships and was ill-equipped to deal with them. Another woman might have lashed back at Brianna and staked her claim, but Kayla had no such inclination.

  Instead, she’d gone the opposite direction and denied her bond with Alec. Given her history and lack of understanding of their ways, he couldn’t blame her for terminating their mental connection. It was imperative he remedy the situation as soon as possible in case there was another attack. He couldn’t afford to allow Kayla the distance she wanted. But right now, he had to get Brianna under control and make sure the towers were protected. At least Alec knew Carl would watch over Kayla until he could try to straighten things out.

  Brianna glanced over at Brant and frowned. Some of the Inner Circle were apprehensive about the Shadows, and Brianna was no exception. At the very least, Brant’s presence would emphasize the severity of the situation.

  She bit her lip. “You told me to leave. I was on my way out when I saw someone running down the hall. They nearly knocked me down. Then one of your security officers found me and brought me to you.”

  Alec nodded impatiently. “Who did you see?”

  Brianna lowered her head and peeked up at him through darkened lashes. “I’m so sorry, Alec. I don’t have any idea. I was just so frightened. They could have killed me.”

  She pressed her hand against his chest, and he resisted the urge to push it away. He knew exactly what she was attempting to do, and while he might normally indulge her little games, she’d made a grievous error in interfering with the bond he shared with Kayla.

  “Was it a man or woman?”

  “I don’t know,” she admitted with the slightest of tremors in her voice. “It happened so fast. I was too afraid to pay much attention.”

  She leaned against him and he felt the press of her breasts against his chest. Annoyed, he grabbed her shoulders and forced her to step back.

  “Drop the act,” he said, weaving a thread of influence into his words. “You’re an expert energy channeler, Brianna. You wouldn’t have been fazed unless someone was standing in your closet and threatening to destroy your wardrobe.”

  Like a curtain suddenly falling away, Brianna’s entire demeanor changed. Her eyes narrowed at him. “Fine. You want the truth? I didn’t care enough to pay attention. People come down this hall all the time hoping to get a glimpse of your precious Kayla. You keep her to yourself and everyone’s wondering about her. We all want to know why. What’s so special about her?”

  Alec frowned. He knew the Inner Circle was curious about her, but he hadn’t realized the extent. He’d need to heighten security on this floor. “What are they saying?”

  She pulled back out of his grasp and crossed her arms. “We know she’s powerful. After all, she broke the bracelets with your help. But why does she keep going to the surface when you’ve announced your intention to marry? She was gone for weeks. Some of us have our doubts and think the whole thing is a lie. I was the one in your bed, not her. She was off on the surface doing who knows what.” Her lips curled into a knowing smirk. “Although, I have a pretty good idea now. I saw the way she looked at that trader. He couldn’t keep his hands off her either.”

  Alec cursed under his breath. This was worse than he thought. “What the hell have you been telling people, Brianna?”

  She tossed her hair back and glared at him defiantly. “I haven’t needed to tell them anything. People have seen me coming to your quarters, Alec. They talk, and I let them. I won’t be your dirty little secret.”

  Alec glanced over at Brant’s impassive face. “Were you aware of this?”

  Brant inclined his head. “There’s been some talk and curiosity, but it was expected. Kayla’s return and continued presence in the towers has helped quell some speculation. Although, Mistress Kisbell is correct. The Inner Circle is anxious to meet your fiancée. It may help stop some rumors if you make more appearances together.”

  Alec took a deep breath and flexed his fingers. The thought of sharing Kayla with the rest of the Inner Circle wasn’t appealing. Their bond was still too new and vulnerable. With the continued threats looming over them and Brianna’s little energy stunt, he’d lost any progress he’d made with her. Until Kayla fully embraced their bond, he didn’t want to risk sharing her with anyone else. It was bad enough watching her with Carl, but the thought of another energy user trying to coax her away from him was intolerable.

  He scrubbed his hands over his face, feeling as though he’d aged a dozen years in the past several months. With a sigh, he lifted his head to look once more at Brianna. He couldn’t deny she was a beautiful woman. At first, he’d found it amusing she’d attempted to emulate Kayla in an effort to seduce him. Once she’d managed to work her way into his bed, though, she’d begun dropping hints she was open to a more permanent arrangement.

  There was never any possible chance of that happening though. Other than Kayla, he’d only ever seriously considered bonding with one other woman. Brianna hadn’t even appeared on his radar. Unfortunately, she refused to accept that. When Kayla last returned to the tower and confessed her feelings for him, he’d reached a tipping point with Brianna.

  Alec recalled the way Kayla felt pressed up against him in the shower. The softness of her naked body in his arms and the intoxicating taste of her on his lips was forever etched in his mind. When she’d looked at him with passion-filled eyes and he felt her desire through their bond, his control had nearly snapped. After experiencing a glimpse of what he could have with Kayla, the thought of touching Brianna now left him feeling flat. Even her energy repulsed him.

  Brianna would remain persistent though. Her little stunt with sneaking into his room this evening to seduce him was just one more example of how far she was willing to go. After a council meeting had gone overly long, he’d provided her with a set of customized access codes so she could wait in his quarters for him. She must have used those same codes to get in tonight. He’d never bothered to rescind her access, a mistake he intended to correct immediately. That was only part of the problem though.

  He needed to make things clear to her and outline the consequences if she continued to push. He wouldn’t risk Kayla getting hurt again. One more incident could be the final drive to send Kayla away from him and the towers permanently.

  Brianna watched him w
ith guarded eyes. He’d pushed her with his influence tonight, but he had no regrets. As much as she might want to try to take Kayla’s place, it would never happen. He once more wove the strong bands of influence around his words, reinforcing them with his emotions.

  “We’re finished, Brianna. You’re no longer welcome in my quarters. Kayla Rath’Varein is my bonded mate. If you ever interact with her again, I trust you’ll remain civil and give her the respect afforded by her position. If I hear otherwise, we’ll have words again and it won’t end pleasantly. You will also keep your observations and opinions regarding the trader to yourself. If I hear anything, I’ll know exactly who was responsible for instigating the rumors.” He gave her a chilling look. “I promise, you will regret it.”

  Brianna’s mouth dropped open as uncertainty flickered in her eyes. “What? You can’t do that. I thought—”

  “I just did. You may go.”

  As he withdrew his energy from her, Brianna’s eyes flashed in anger, but it was gone almost immediately. She sniffed and took a small step toward him. “Alec, please. I’m sorry, darling. After everything we’ve shared, I thought I meant something to you.”

  Alec raised an eyebrow. Oh, she was very good. If he didn’t know her as well as he did, he might be taken in by it. As it was, he pitied whichever unfortunate fool she set her sights on next. “No, Brianna. You’d do well to drop the act entirely. I might actually have a smidgen of respect for you then. You know as well as I do that neither one of us cared a whit about the other. We both enjoyed ourselves. Nothing more. Now it’s done.”

  Her eyes lit with a strange fire, and she snarled at him. “You self-righteous prick. No wonder your precious Kayla’s screwing some trader who digs around in the dirt. You may be good in bed, but beyond that, there’s nothing there. You’re as heartless and as big of a bastard as your father.”

  Alec forced himself to keep his expression blank. “Then I suggest you remember how ruthless he could be when challenged. Ask yourself if you want to find out if I’m capable of the same.”


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