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Tremors of the Past

Page 9

by Jamie A. Waters

  Kayla lifted her head at her mother’s words. There was the whole Fate thing again. Before she could consider it further, there was a knock on the door.

  Seara appeared to shake off whatever thoughts had been plaguing her and pressed the button to open the door. Alec stepped inside and froze at the sight of Kayla. His eyes flared with heat as he slowly scanned her up and down. When he finished, he met her gaze and swallowed. She felt her skin flush from the rush of desire that escaped through their bond.

  He embraced her energy and their bond in the gentlest of caresses, but she felt him struggling to hold back. A pained look crossed his features as he took a deep breath. Kayla hesitated, frustrated that she couldn’t read him completely. She took a step toward him, putting her hand on his arm. Contact seemed to strengthen their bond and made it a little easier to read him. She understood the desire, but there was something else troubling him.

  “Alec, what’s wrong?”

  He put his hand over hers and glanced at Seara with a frown. “Apparently, your mother has made it her mission to test the limits of my willpower by dressing you in such a manner.” He sighed and gazed once more into her eyes. The deep-blue was hypnotizing, and she wondered what it would be like to get lost in their depths. “You’re irresistible, love.”

  Seara sniffed, dabbed at her eyes with a handkerchief, and waved them off. “Go. Ignore me. I’m just feeling sentimental. I’ll see you two later.”

  Alec raised an eyebrow but followed her instructions and led Kayla out of her family’s quarters. When they exited, Brant fell into step behind them and followed them down the corridor. It gave a whole new meaning to the word “shadow.”

  Kayla looked over at Alec. “Is something going on with Seara? She’s been acting different.”

  Alec sighed. “She’s been like that ever since the Coalition abducted you. I’ve tried to talk to her about it without much success. The latest attacks on you haven’t helped matters. She’s worried about you and angry with me.”

  Kayla’s brow furrowed. “Angry with you? Why?”

  Alec’s mouth formed a thin line. “I’m not performing my duty as your bonded mate. Our relationship is highly unconventional, and it worries her.”

  She halted in her tracks, putting her hands on her hips. “Excuse me? What duties are we talking about here?”

  Alec glanced around. The corridor was currently empty, but she could tell he didn’t want anyone to overhear the conversation. She took his arm again, and he led her further down the hall, switching to their silent form of communication.

  “When two Drac’Kin bond, both mates are usually committed to each other and stay close to one another. In addition to sharing energy between them, they protect each other from harm. I haven’t protected you as well as I should have.”

  Kayla shook her head. It wasn’t Alec’s job to protect her. Besides, their bond was an accident. Even though she cared deeply for Alec, Carl was the one who owned her heart completely.

  “Maybe I should talk to her.”

  Alec gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. “That’s not necessary. I spoke with her earlier this morning. She was angry about the situation with Brianna and worried you’d leave the towers again.” He paused for a moment, and she felt his uncertainty like a prickle against her skin. “She’s right to be angry with me. I need to apologize for what happened yesterday. I believe Brianna was hoping to make you jealous. She—”

  Kayla held up her hand, cutting him off. She didn’t want to think about him with another woman. She knew it was wrong to feel possessive, especially given the situation with Carl, but there were limits. In this instance, ignorance really was bliss. “I don’t want to know. What you do in your spare time is your business.”

  Alec stopped walking and turned to look at her. He searched her expression, and the love that shone in his eyes staggered her. “She never should have touched our bond. I don’t want to be responsible for you even feeling a moment of discomfort. You’re precious to me, Kayla.”

  Her heart fluttered at his words, and she cursed herself for it. She might not want to know about his affairs, but she didn’t know what to do with his declaration of feelings either. She loved him—there was no doubt in her mind—but she loved Carl too.

  He pressed a finger to her lips to prevent her from saying anything. “I care about you more than you’ll ever know, Kayla Rath’Varein. But I have no expectations. I want you in my life, but right now, I know you need to be with Carl.”

  She paused, wondering if she’d heard him right. Was this why he’d been tamping down on their bond and not pushing her with energy? Was he was trying to give her what she wanted?

  He gave her a sad smile and nodded. “You’re lost and trying to figure out how to fit into this new world. Carl gives you strength. I’ll always be here for you, but I haven’t earned the right to be your support. One day, that may change, but for now, I know you need him. I told him, just as I’m telling you, that I won’t attempt to interfere in your relationship. But I won’t give up hope that one day you’ll accept our bond and me.”

  “Alec,” she whispered, and her eyes welled with tears, overcome by the strong emotions flooding through their bond. She blinked, trying to hold back her tears as she threw herself into his arms. A wave of gratitude and relief rushed through her. The fact Alec understood and was willing to accept her decision to stay with Carl lifted a weight off her shoulders.

  She loved him. Despite her reservations, it was possible to love two men at once. It wasn’t the same as the love she felt for Carl, but her feelings for Alec were undeniable. She’d somehow managed to fall in love with both of them. Yes, she’d chosen to remain with Carl, but it didn’t change the intense feelings she had for Alec. They were both so different and represented two vastly different worlds. There was always a balance in life. Was it possible she was close to finding hers? She couldn’t imagine her life without both of them in it, just like it was impossible for her to imagine not living on the surface or being part of OmniLab. Both aspects were now an integral part of her identity.

  Alec was wrong about Carl being the one who gave her strength though. They both did. They both challenged her in different ways. The realization caused something inside her to ease. She needed both men in her life.

  “You have both of us, love. We’ll both do what we can to help you find the balance you need. No one understands the need for balance more than a Drac’Kin. That’s why we’re drawn to our counter elements.”

  Kayla lifted her head to look up at him, captivated by the sincerity in his eyes. She’d never been good with words; it was only with actions that she felt comfortable sharing her feelings. Kayla stood on her toes and pressed a small kiss against his lips. It wasn’t a goodbye kiss or even the promise of something more. It was a kiss between two people forced together by Fate who had found strength in their freedom to choose. As she melted against him and he wrapped his arms around her to draw her closer, a voice interrupted them.

  “Well, well. If you’re trying to stir up more gossip, this is definitely a good start.”

  Alec tightened his arms around her and lifted his head. Kayla turned to see a tall, dark-haired man and woman with similar features standing a few feet away.

  “Jason,” Alec said in lieu of a greeting, although the cadence of his voice lent the impression he wasn’t happy to see the man.

  The corner of Jason’s mouth twisted upward in a small smirk. “It’s good to see you too, Alec. Some of the Circle members were wondering where you’ve been hiding. After seeing that little scene, though, I’d say the mystery is solved.”

  His eyes fixed on Kayla, and she was taken aback by their color. They were the palest of silvery-gray. His hair was cut short, but it was long enough it had started to curl slightly and gave him a boyish appeal. The darkness of his hair only served to accentuate the mirrored luminosity of his eyes. He was probably one of the most beautiful men she’d ever seen, although in her mind, Carl still won out in tha
t department.

  As though aware of the effect he usually generated, he gave her a sly grin and lifted her hand. Holding her gaze, he brushed a kiss on the back of her palm. A teasing trace of cool energy caressed her almost intimately, and she shivered at the sensation, her lips parting on a gasp.

  Alec gripped her midsection possessively and pulled her away. Kayla glanced up at Alec’s furious expression. “You’re crossing a line, Jason. She’s still being trained.”

  Jason’s eyes shone with amusement as he laughed. “You’re one to talk, Alec. You decided to stake your claim within days of meeting her.” His eyes roamed over her again, this time with undeniable interest. “I can’t say I blame you if she responds to that small of an energy pulse. I can only imagine how she must be in the throes of passion.”

  Kayla’s eyes narrowed. Without stopping to consider what she was doing, she hurled a large pulse of energy at him. Pretty boy or not, she’d dealt with egotistical assholes her entire life. It was best to smack them down immediately and establish firm lines before they got out of hand.

  Jason stumbled back and landed on his ass, his expression a mixture of shock and disbelief. The woman behind him gasped and took an uncertain step backward. Alec swore and pulled Kayla behind him, weaving a band of protective energy around her. Brant stepped forward to intervene, but Alec shook his head.

  “I’ve got her.”

  Like hell he did. Kayla jerked away from Alec and put her hands on her hips, still feeling his tightly-woven energy around her. He was either trying to prevent her from launching another attack or trying to protect her from potential retaliation. She probed at Alec’s shield, searching for weak spots. She didn’t like being imprisoned in any capacity.

  Jason threw his head back and laughed, drawing her attention back to him. He looked up at her from where he was sitting on the floor and grinned. “I’ll be damned. I saw that little display at the council meeting, but I thought it might have been a fluke.” He glanced at Alec and gave him an approving nod. “I like her. She won’t put up with any of the bullshit the Inner Circle hands out.”

  Alec glanced at Kayla again, the corners of his lips twitching. “No, she won’t.”

  Jason stood, brushed off his pants, and walked over to Kayla. “Let’s try this again. This time, I’ll behave.” He held out his hand in greeting. “I’m Jason Alivette. It’s nice to meet you.”

  Kayla cocked her head and felt Alec’s protective energy shield fall away. With a quick glance at Alec to find him giving her an encouraging nod, she took Jason’s offered hand. He gave it a small squeeze before releasing it and gesturing to the woman standing behind him.

  “This is my sister, Ariana.”

  Kayla looked at the gorgeous woman who had remained silent until now. She was a feminine version of her brother with silvery eyes and long, dark hair wound into elaborate braids, but there was a quiet serenity surrounding her. She was tall and slender, with a delicate, ethereal beauty. She still seemed apprehensive about approaching, but the smile she gave Kayla contained genuine warmth.

  Kayla was momentarily taken aback because Ariana was so far removed from most of the other Inner Circle members she’d met. Intricate waves of calming energy seemed to emanate from her, deceptively subtle in their power. It was tantalizing, alluring, and unlike any other form of energy Kayla had seen in the towers.

  Not only that, but Alec seemed just as drawn to the strange energy coming from the woman. Although she couldn’t pick up much from him through their bond, Kayla sensed a lingering regret and sense of protectiveness for the dark-haired woman. Despite herself, it made Kayla even more curious about her.

  “Ariana,” Alec murmured, his eyes softening as he gazed at her. “It’s wonderful to see you again.” He stepped forward, taking both her hands in his, and kissed her cheek. Kayla sensed their energy touch in a familiar greeting, but there wasn’t the intrusiveness she’d experience with Brianna. Instead, there was only the sensation of a cool energy wave floating just out of reach of their bond as though acknowledging and respecting the boundary. Ariana beamed up at him and then directed her smile at Kayla.

  Alec turned back to Kayla. “Ariana is a skilled water channeler. She’s agreed to display some of the intricacies of channeling water energy.”

  Jason cleared his throat. “Alec, if you’re interested in a display, I have some time this morning. I can show her a few things.”

  Alec stiffened. “That won’t be necessary.”

  “Afraid of a little competition?” Jason wiggled his eyebrows and gave Alec a teasing smirk. He turned to Kayla and added, “My sister is quite talented, but if you want to experience the full potential of our abilities, I’m your man.”

  The double meaning in his words didn’t escape her, and she crossed her arms. It was tempting to drop him back on his ass. Alec, on the other hand, was regarding the other man thoughtfully. After a long moment, the High Council leader inclined his head.

  “Very well. Your assistance would be welcome, provided you give your word that anything discussed today will remain between us.”

  Jason paused for a moment, as though surprised by Alec’s acquiescence. “You have me intrigued. Of course, you have my word.”

  Alec looked over at Ariana and she nodded. Her voice, when she finally spoke, had a soft, musical tone. “You have mine too, Alec. I would never betray your trust.”

  Alec nodded, giving Ariana a warm smile. “Thank you. Kayla will need more than a demonstration. You’re two of the most skilled water channelers within the towers. Jason, you in particular can help with a problem. Kayla needs to learn how to manipulate water energy enough to defend herself against potential attacks.”

  Jason’s brow furrowed. The teasing smirk that seemed to be one of his trademarks fell away, and he frowned. “She’s not a water channeler. I sensed fire energy when she blasted me.”

  Alec shook his head. “That’s only because it’s your counter element.” He glanced down at Kayla. “Go ahead and make a small connection with him. Send a small pulse of energy so he can see what I’m talking about. He won’t believe it otherwise.”

  She hesitated. Ever since Lars had forced a connection, the thought of forging more connections made her uneasy. Alec gave her a reassuring squeeze and said, “I won’t allow anyone to hurt you. Trust me.”

  Right. Trust him. This relying-on-other-people crap wasn’t easy. Taking a deep breath, Kayla reached out with her energy threads and felt Jason eagerly accept the contact. Goose bumps broke out over her skin as the coolness of the connection settled over her. It wasn’t an unpleasant sensation, just different. At his expectant look, she steeled herself and sent him a long, steady pulse of energy.

  She could not only feel his response but could see his reaction as her energy hit him. He inhaled sharply and took a few steps toward her. Disconcerted by his response, Kayla immediately ceased the flow. He stared at her with a look of awe and longing, lifting his hand as though to touch her.

  “Jason,” Alec said, warning in his voice.

  A wide smile crossed Jason’s face as his gaze darted back and forth between them. “She’s exquisite, Alec. Other than with Ari, I’ve never felt anything quite like that before. How is this possible?”

  “She’s a spirit channeler.”

  Ariana gasped, staring at Kayla with a look of wonder and hope. “I thought I sensed something similar to my own energy signature, but I wasn’t sure what it was. May I form a connection with you, Kayla?”

  Kayla stiffened. She was curious about Ariana’s words, but there was no way in hell she was going to become some little toy they passed around like a novelty.

  Alec, sensing her irritation, hesitated and then shook his head. “I believe you’re right, Ari. That’s part of the reason I asked you to come. However, it would be best to limit Kayla’s number of connections until she learns more about our ways. She’s had some bad experiences.”

  Ariana studied Kayla, obviously troubled by Alec’s words, but
nodded in agreement. “Of course. Please let me know if there’s any way I can help.”

  “Thank you, but I think Kayla just needs time.” Alec then took Kayla’s hand and threaded their fingers together before turning back to Jason. “Now you understand why I want to keep this information contained. Only a few people know of Kayla’s talent. You both can relate to these special circumstances better than most. It’ll eventually come out, but I’d like to make sure she has more training before it becomes public knowledge.”

  Jason and Ariana exchanged looks and nodded. Jason turned back to Kayla, sweeping his gaze over her again. She shivered as he explored their forged connection with the slightest pulse of energy. His touch was light and playful but not threatening. “Well, Alec, several of us wondered whether or not you two really intended to bond. Brianna was telling people it was all for show at that council meeting. That’s not the case, though, is it?”

  Alec’s hand tightened around hers, his eyes narrowing. The bond between them flared to life as he severed the lingering connection between her and Jason with a quick shove.

  Kayla gasped. She had no idea he could do that.

  “Make no mistake,” Alec warned, taking a threatening step toward the other man, “Kayla Rath’Varein is my bonded mate. I will not tolerate any disrespect to her or any attempts to manipulate our bond.”

  Jason raised his hands and chuckled. “Understood. My apologies.” With another long look at Kayla, he muttered, “You’re a lucky bastard, Alec.”

  Ariana gave her brother a disapproving look. “I apologize for my brother, Kayla. You’d think he’d know better by now, but it appears he’s decided to give our family a bad name with his poor behavior.” When Jason merely shrugged, Ariana turned to Alec. “It might be best to go into the pool room and begin the lesson. I think Jason could use a little cooling off, and I’m sure Kayla would actually like to learn something about our ways.”

  Alec nodded. “Let’s begin.”


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