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Tremors of the Past

Page 21

by Jamie A. Waters

  “What are you going to do?”

  “I need to stay down here.” Kayla paused for a moment and glanced over at her mother. “If you stay, I need a favor.”

  “No promises. If shit goes bad, I’m out of here.”

  That was probably the best she could hope for. Kayla angled her body away from the guards and handed Felix the stolen commlink. “I need you to make sure Seara gets out. Trace the pathing out of here from the secondary exit. Do whatever you have to and get her out of here.”

  Felix glanced over at her mother and pocketed the commlink. “The cavern map is on this?”

  Alec called over to her. “Kayla? Can you come over here?”

  She held up her finger and turned back to Felix. “It should be. If we get split up, I’ll meet you back at the towers. Just focus on Seara.” She paused, considering the man in front of her. Most ruin rats didn’t do something for nothing. They were always focused on the bottom line. Even though she had a history with Felix, it wasn’t fair to ask him to endanger himself. Getting involved with an Omni was always hazardous to a ruin rat’s health. Regardless of whatever promises he’d made to his brother, Felix didn’t owe her that. “You do this, I’ll owe you a debt. You can name your price.”

  Felix arched a brow, surprised etched on his face. “You’ve changed, crazy girl,” he murmured. “There was a time I didn’t think you’d make that sort of offer for anyone other than my brother and Veridian.”

  “I loved him, Felix,” she whispered, lowering her gaze. “I’m sorry I couldn’t save him. I’ve replayed that day a thousand times in my head. When Pretz died, something in me died too.”

  Felix reached out to touch her arm. She lifted her head and found his eyes filled with pain that mirrored hers. “He loved you too, Kayla. Anyone with eyes could see you two were crazy about each other. I read through OmniLab’s files back at Rand’s camp. What happened to him wasn’t your fault.”

  She managed to swallow, emotion making her throat dry. Even though Carl and Veridian had told her the same thing, part of her had never fully believed it. Hearing it from Felix, though, eased something within her.

  “He looked up to you, Felix. Pretz wanted you to be proud of him. He used to talk all the time about buying his way into the towers. He wanted to take care of you, the same way you’d always taken care of him.”

  “Fuck,” he muttered, blinking and looking away toward the river. “If you make me cry, I’m going to kick your ass.”

  She laughed, grateful for the moment of levity.

  Felix turned back to her and jerked his head in Seara’s direction. “This woman means that much to you?”

  Kayla smiled and nodded. “She’s my mother. I don’t know her very well yet, but I want to get the chance.”

  Felix swallowed. “Then I’ll make sure you get that chance.”

  Overwhelming gratitude and affection rushed through her at his words. She threw her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. “Thank you, Felix.”

  He held her close and said in a gruff voice, “Promise me you won’t disappear on me again, Kayla. You’re all I have left of my brother. I can’t lose you too.”

  She pulled back and nodded. “I promise. I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Good,” he replied, glancing over at Alec. “Maybe if you actually make this tower happen for the ruin rats, we can make Pretz’s dream become a reality. He wanted us both in the towers.”

  “He did,” she agreed, realizing he was right. “It’s strange how things work out.”

  “Yeah,” he murmured and motioned toward where Alec was waiting. “I think your Omni is getting impatient. I’ll keep an eye on your mother for you.”

  Kayla smiled up at him. He gave her a roguish grin and swatted her butt when she turned away. She turned around and made an obscene gesture, but he just laughed. She shook her head in mock exasperation but couldn’t wipe the grin off her face. At least something was going right in the world. Ruin rat humor was a very welcome diversion at the moment.

  Brant was speaking in a low voice when she approached Alec, and she only managed to catch the last part of his conversation.

  “—won’t be able to block her. That could be construed as interfering with the challenge.”

  She looked back and forth between Alec, Seara, and Brant. “What are you talking about?”

  Seara turned to her. “Brant won’t be able to negate your energy channeling once the challenge begins. Strong emotions can cause your energy to flare, but you’ll need to try to keep it tempered as much as possible. We need to make sure you don’t cause another earthquake.”

  “This just keeps getting better,” Kayla muttered under her breath.

  Alec took her hand once again, lacing his fingers with hers. The sudden contact caused their bond to flare to life. She relished in the closeness, reading a myriad of conflicting emotions from Alec. They rushed by too quickly for her to be able to tell each of them apart. “Lars is on his way down now. I need you to stay close until he issues his challenge.”

  “Does he have Carl with him?”

  Alec shook his head. “No. Our security forces reported that only Coalition military were on the surface. It’s most likely Brant’s vision was accurate and Carl’s being held in one of their camps.”

  Kayla nodded. She’d been hopeful, but Brant’s description of the floor in the camp had left little doubt. She just didn’t understand why Carl wouldn’t be wearing his boots. If something had happened to him, she’d kill Lars herself. The whole challenge thing could be damned for all she cared.

  She leaned against Alec. “So how are you planning on handling this whole thing with Lars?”

  “Yes, I’m curious how Alec is going to handle this situation as well.”

  Kayla froze at the sound of Lars’s voice as he entered through the cavern entrance with Miranda and three men wearing the signature gray of the Coalition uniforms. She’d half-expected to see Sergei, but he wasn’t in sight. The OmniLab guards moved to allow Lars and Miranda to pass, but each side kept their hands on their weapons and eyed the other with wariness.

  “Lars,” Alec greeted his cousin with a nod and pulled Kayla closer to him, “I don’t suppose there’s any chance of resolving this peacefully?”

  Lars’s eyes that had once reminded her so much of Alec turned cold. “Not unless you have a way of bringing Anne back. Your actions killed my sister, just like your father killed my mother.”

  “Lars,” Seara took a step forward, her hands outstretched in a peaceable gesture, “Alec had nothing to do with Edwin’s actions. He was little more than a child.”

  “He had the opportunity to warn us,” Lars snarled and clenched his fists in anger. “He may have been young, but so was I. Anne was even younger than both of us. She was the same age as your daughter. If Alec had given us warning, we could have done something. Instead, he kept silent and simply watched as we were exiled from the towers.”

  Seara shook her head. “No, Lars, Edwin was a tyrant. Alec was just as much a captive as we all were. What happened rests solely on Edwin’s shoulders.”

  “You’re wrong, Seara,” Lars retorted, his shoulders rigid as though he were trying to rein in his temper. “The entire council is at fault, including you. United, the council could have stood against Edwin. Instead, they allowed him to turn OmniLab into a dictatorship. Anyone who stood against him was banished. You’re all at fault.”

  “You’re right,” Seara agreed. “We all share some blame. But this…” She gestured between Alec, Kayla and Lars. “None of this is necessary. Miranda, where is your father? Where is Trenon? Does he know what you intend?”

  A trace of uncertainty flickered in Lars’s eyes. In that moment, Kayla wondered if Lars was acting without the support of the rest of the exiles. When she was in the Coalition’s camp, Trenon had appeared to support a challenge between Lars and Alec. Maybe that had changed though. If Trenon didn’t support it, was there a chance this could be resolved peacefully?

  Seara must have suspected the same thing because she took another step forward. “You don’t have to do this, Lars. I knew both your mothers. Neither one would want this for you. You and Alec were raised almost as brothers. You’ve already lost your sister. Don’t risk losing the rest of your family.”

  Unfortunately, her words had the opposite effect. It seemed any mention of Lars’s sister was a catalyst. Seara realized her error a moment too late. The doubt in Lars’s eyes had now been replaced by cold fury. His entire body stiffened, and he turned his focus back on Alec.

  “I issue a challenge, Alec Tal’Vayr, for the bond of Kayla Rath’Varein.”

  “What the hell? This is bullshit!” Kayla threw her hands up in exasperation. “You don’t even like me. For fuck’s sake, you stabbed me!”

  “That’s enough, Kayla,” Miranda snapped. “The challenge has been issued. You may be new to our ways, but this is one of our oldest laws.”

  “Really? You want to start something with me? We can go a round or two without the boys. I owe you payback for your cheap shot.” Kayla arched an eyebrow and took a step forward. She still harbored a grudge from when Miranda had shot her while she was in the Coalition’s camp. Alec wrapped his arm around her and pulled her against him. She glared at Miranda but didn’t fight his hold.

  “I accept your challenge, Lars Cerulis.”

  Kayla jerked her head up to scowl at Alec. She was surrounded by idiots. It was tempting to blast them all with a giant energy ball in the hopes of knocking some sense into them. With her luck, though, she’d probably hit a stalactite and cause it to crash to the ground. Sensing her thoughts, Alec gave her a reassuring squeeze. She closed her eyes tightly, took a deep breath, and tried to count to ten.

  She only made it to three before Alec’s energy surrounded her, filling her from within, and caused her irritation to fade away. She turned into him and looked up to meet his gaze. The adoration in his eyes was staggering. He cupped her face, caressing her skin with his touch and energy. “I love you, Kayla Rath’Varein.”

  She swallowed, trying to suppress the raw emotion threatening to overwhelm her. “Don’t do this, Alec,” she whispered, wrapping her hands around his wrists. “I don’t want to lose you.”

  “You won’t,” he promised, but his words lacked conviction. Although he tried to hide it, their bond revealed his concern. He and Lars were closely matched in power. However, while Alec truly didn’t want to harm his cousin, Lars was focused on vengeance.

  Kayla bit her lip. Life was far too fragile, and she’d spent too much time resisting her feelings for Alec. He deserved to know the truth.

  Moving even closer to him, she said silently, “I’ve never thanked you for finding me and reuniting me with my mother. You showed me a different world, one with thousands of possibilities, and protected me each time I stumbled. As a ruin rat, I never gave much thought to the future. But you changed all that. You changed me, Alec. Thank you.”

  His energy wrapped around her, cascading gently over her skin. Trailing his fingers across her cheek as though memorizing her features, he said, “You changed me too, Kayla. You’ve inspired me and so many others to stand up for what we believe in. You’ve shown me a new way to see the world and made me look outside of myself. I hope you understand what a precious gift you are to all of us. No matter what happens, I hope you don’t ever lose that spirit within you.”

  Her heart clenched at the myriad of emotions his words evoked. There had to be a way to stop this duel from happening.

  Alec dipped his head and pressed his lips against hers. Kayla melted against him, letting her body mold to his. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she gave into the emotions she’d been holding back. She loved him, and no matter what happened, she always would. It might not be the same type of love she felt for Carl, but it wasn’t any less either. It was just… different.

  He pulled her even closer against him, the warmth of his skin heating hers. With desperation in his embrace, he deepened their kiss. It was almost as though he knew it would be the last time they would hold each other.

  “I’m sorry, Kayla,” he whispered and stroked her cheek. Silently, he added, “I won’t be able to shield you from my emotions during the challenge. No matter what happens or what you sense through our bond, I want you to promise me you’ll stay back. You cannot get involved in this.”

  She started to object, but he gripped her arms tightly. “I need your promise, Kayla. I can’t concentrate on doing what needs to be done if I’m worrying about you.”

  Sitting on the sidelines went against her nature, but she wasn’t willing to risk distracting him. She jerked her head in a nod. A sudden rush of relief flowed through him and into their bond.

  “You’d better kick his ass, Alec.”

  His mouth curved upward in a small smile.

  “Touching,” Lars mused, annoyance coloring his tone. “I can’t help but wonder how it feels to love someone and know their heart belongs to a trader. Tell me, Alec, what is it like knowing Kayla prefers an ordinary human over yourself?”

  Alec’s jaw clenched, but he didn’t respond to Lars’s attempts to bait him. Instead, he pressed a kiss against Kayla’s forehead and took a step away from her. Seara moved forward to stand beside her as Kayla curled her hands into fists to keep herself from strangling Lars. All things considered, strangling him might not be a bad thing.

  Alec took a few steps toward Lars. “Before we begin, I want to know where you’re holding Carl. Regardless of the outcome, he needs to be released.”

  Kayla’s throat tightened at the sudden rush of emotion.

  Lars glanced over at her, obviously surprised by Alec’s request. “He’s being held at a Coalition camp.” He gestured to Miranda and added, “After the challenge, Miranda will make sure he’s released unharmed.”

  Kayla looked over at the blonde and saw her nod. “I’ll be sure he’s returned to Kayla.”

  Alec inclined his head. “My men have been instructed not to interfere in the challenge. We can begin when you’re ready.”

  Lars stepped forward and held his hands up, palms outward. “Then let’s do this, cousin. It’s been a long time coming.”

  Without another word, Alec pressed his hands against Lars’s palms. There was a flash of blue light where their hands touched. Kayla doubled over and gasped at the sudden rush of energy that filled the cavern. It welled along her bond with Alec and seemed to magnify in its intensity. She felt something shift inside her as though her bond with Alec had moved ever so slightly. It hovered, suspended and unanchored, giving her the almost surreal sensation of disconnection. She could also sense Lars through their bond. Kayla shivered at the discomfort and sheer malice emanating from him.

  Seara leaned over her and urged, “Just breathe, Kayla. It’s temporary. The bond has to be shifted so both of them have equal footing. It wouldn’t be fair if Alec could draw upon your energy during the challenge and Lars couldn’t. Your bond with Alec should still be stronger than what Lars has taken. Your feelings for each other are too powerful.”

  Kayla gaped at her mother. “Are you telling me they’re both going to be pulling energy through me? Are you kidding me? Who makes up these screwed-up rules?”

  Seara shushed her and whispered, “Alec will try to avoid pulling energy through you. I don’t think Lars will be able to pull much, even if he wanted to. You can try to block some of the effects. If necessary, form a shield around yourself. You can protect yourself, but you can’t interfere.”

  Before Seara could explain further, Kayla’s attention was drawn back to Lars and Alec. The surrounding air became charged with electricity. Several of the guards slowly backed away from the two men as though sensing something was about to happen. Suddenly, Alec and Lars dropped their hands away from each other. Lars gave a sharp wave of his hand, and a whirlwind of energy erupted around Alec.

  Kayla recognized it as the same type of energy Lars had used when he cut off her air. Alec gasped and quickly
yanked the energy threads away from Lars. He then lifted his palms, sending a surge of air outward, throwing Lars into the air. Lars flew upward, weaving the air energy around him, and floated back toward the ground. Before his feet had even touched down, he was launching another assault toward Alec.

  The sharp crack of air was nearly deafening, and the smell of ozone filled the cavern. The two men hurled energy back and forth, weaving it in complex patterns Kayla couldn’t even begin to decipher. She gathered her energy around her and, despite her earlier words to Seara, found herself hoping Alec would tap into her power and kick Lars’s ass into next week.

  But he didn’t. Kayla could see the strain on both men as perspiration dripped down their faces, dampening their exposed skin. The air in the cavern already felt heavy with moisture, but the electrified energy made it almost suffocating. Both men’s breathing became labored as each one struck out at the other again and again. They began using their energy as a whip. Kayla winced as a sharp crack of air slashed across Alec’s cheek. Blood trickled from the wound, and Kayla’s heart thudded in her chest. She clenched her hands even tighter, trying to suppress the feeling of panic growing inside her.

  Loose dirt, rocks, and gravel were kicked up and became weaponized projectiles. Seara wove a protective field around herself and Kayla to keep them from harm. The cavern walls began to tremble ever so slightly, and Kayla wondered how much more they could withstand. If they kept this up much longer, they could possibly bring the entire ruins down upon them.

  Alec landed a sharp blow on Lars, knocking him into a nearby stalagmite. The force was enough to loosen the connecting stalactite, and it came crashing down. Miranda cried out as Lars tried to move out the way, the falling rocks barely missing him. A crunch was heard as the bones in his wrist were crushed. He pushed upward, ignoring the pain, flinging out his good hand and throwing the stalactite back toward Alec. A large piece of rock met its mark and hit him in the shoulder, spinning him around before he could block it.


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