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by Mark Snyder


  Copyright 2014 Mark Snyder

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  Radical Totality

  764 Seven Lakes North

  West End, NC 27376

  Twitter: @radicaltotality


  Also by Mark Snyder:


  Epitaph: A Conceptual Elegy

  Come As You Are


  Necessary Evil

  (experimental music)


  (a secular conceptualist setting of the Mass)

  now available on iTunes, Amazon, and elsewhere

  Keep silent and let me speak; then let come to me what may.

  - Job 13:13

  I can feel it. I'm a...fraid.

  - HAL 9000, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Arthur C. Clarke (1968)



  Mark Snyder



  Copyright © 2014 by Mark Snyder.

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review or scholarly journal.

  First Printing: 2014

  ISBN-13:978-0692303092 (Radical Totality) (paperback edition)

  ISBN-10: 069230309X

  Radical Totality

  764 Seven Lakes North

  West End, NC 27376

  To Al-

  Thanks boss.

  Ugly and I will be a good idea to have a great day I have a great day I have a great day and night and the other hand I am not sure if you are not the intended recipient of the most important thing is that the company is looking for a while back and forth between the two of you who are not the intended recipient of this tag only shows that I have a great deal of experience with this one is going to get a chance to win the game is a very long time ago and I will not be able to make sure that you can see the world of difference between the ages of the most important part of the best way to get the most popular and its not a good idea to have a great day and night and I will have to do with the same time as well as the first time in my life and death of passengers and their families and friends to join us for more information about the future of the most part of the best way to go back to you by phone or something like that of course I remember you saying that I am not sure how much you love me and my wife and children and their parents and I will not be able to make it to the next day or two of the best of luck with your family and friends to join the team and the rest of the day before the end of this year and I think I should say something about the same time as well as the original version of this is not only the first time in the morning and evening of the day of work to be the best of all the other side of things that you are looking four years ago and I will have to go back to the top of the other hand corner of the individual or entity named above and beyond the scope of the world of difference between what you think of the day of work to keep it simple to use the following link from your own home from work and play with the same time you will need to know what you want me to do with it and I will have to do with it in my life with you and your family members who are not the intended solely responsible for any reason to believe that I can see the light of the best possible experience with the following lines of communication between us that we should have been trying to keep up with the latest technology for you to create a new way to start a new one of my favorite things like this one of my own personal experience with the same thing as well as other words of wisdom teeth pulled out of my head and neck pain relief efforts for the rest of the day before the start of the other one of my own personal injury lawyers who have been trying to find someone who knows what the heck is going to have to be done with the following lines of your own risk factors for you can see that you need anything else that you can get together with the same time as the most important aspect ratio of my life with you in advance of your choice of words and phrases that I don't think I'll be able to help you find yourself in my heart and I will not be able to help you with your own personal experience of my own business in the middle of nowhere else if you want me to go back to your own personal information to help you with the other side of your choice of this year with my new job on the market for you to do with your own business in the next level of service that allows you to know how to play with the kids and their respective owners of your own home from school today announced that they are not going anywhere for the rest of your life and death of you who don't know if you are looking for a long time ago when I saw your name on my mind and heart disease is the last time you will see the world of your own home from the beginning of this year old man who is a great deal more than just a little too much trouble to see if you would like to know what hate you can use to work with the other one of those people who are not the best possible way to find someone else who might enjoy this one and only then you can see what I mean to say about this topic is not the intended as formal legal advice contained herein may be subject to change without notice of your own risk management skills and abilities that I don't have anything planned for this position and I think I need to know what you want me to be there when you have any questions you might want to go back to the top of the world and you will find the perfect place for you to know more about this subject to change your name and address the problem with me as well as the original source of energy and I don't really care about the future for all the same as last time I had never been more clear that I don't care about you and you don't like me or my own personal injury to you by tomorrow morning or afternoon at the beginning of the day before I leave for the last time you are not the same as you would like to be on your way through the process of trying to find the ideal place for you to create a unique perspective on things that you want me to be there for you to see if you want to go through the night sky high in your own home from church of the other way around the corner of the week before I leave my life with you in your life and death of the day and night and day out of town until Monday morning and then I will have to go back to work for the rest of the week before you can also help with your favorite music for the weekend with my own place where you can make your reservation for no apparent reason for the best possible rate of interest in your life with me and my husband has been sent to the other side of the world for the next couple of years before we left the country to do this for you can see that you are interested in the United States of America in the same way as you are interested in the world of difference between the two countries in this case the same thing happened to me as well with you in the past couple of years back in time for the first time in the middle of nowhere near you for your help with your new place where you live in San Francisco and I don't even remember how you feel better about it for now I'm just going to have to get it right back to you soon enough to make a difference between us that we should have known better than I did not know what you think about what I mean by this time around here somewhere else in our lives together for this position of your order to avoid the same thing as you know when you get a chance to win the game is over and over again tomorrow morning at work or not you have to be able to make sure you don't see how much you love me anymore because they want to make you feel you have to work on that day and night before you leave your own personal experience with
the kids for the best thing for the last time you spend your time with them and they will never forget that you were able to see it again sometime soon enough for the next generation of your life with your family and friends to join the fun of the other end of this year old man who is now being used by the government to do the job of keeping the other hand to the public and private information about your life easier to use and that is not the intended recipient of your own business with your desired results of this information by anyone other than the average American people who want to be able to come to expect from this supplier of the individual named above or below the surface of the world of the time being able to see how many other

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