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Mine All Mine : Book One

Page 5

by Sofia Giselle

  “Oh my God, you guys get a room,” Kara said, trying to pry them apart by pushing against their chests with her hands.

  Haltingly, Nyle pulled away from Serenity, staring intensely into her eyes. Her face was flushed; her breathing choppy. It made him that much harder.

  He smiled at her and ran his finger across her swollen lips. “You ladies can continue your conversation now,” he huskily replied.

  “Hell, conversation my ass,” Kara obnoxiously replied. “After a kiss like that all she probably wants to do now is fuck.”

  Serenity covered her face with embarrassment and turned away from them both, turning red. “Kara please.”

  Kara’s sea-green eyes danced with mischief as she ran her fingers through her shoulder-length chestnut-brown ringlets. “No need in trying to be modest now honey. You practically let him fuck you right here in the church.”

  “Jesus Kara!”

  Nyle chuckled good-naturedly and looked away to see Ricky walking past them in a hurry. He hadn’t had a chance to talk to him since the ceremony was over and he wanted to speak with him before they left. He’d noticed earlier that once the ceremony was over, Ricky was no longer standing in line with his groomsmen. He didn’t know when he’d left, because his head had been bowed and his eyes were closed during that ridiculously long prayer the minister had insisted on giving. Somewhere deep inside of him, Nyle wondered if Tristan had something to do with Ricky’s sudden departure.

  “You ladies excuse me for a moment,” he addressed Serenity and Kara. He looked over at Serenity, his eyes still heavy with longing. “I’ll be right back okay baby?”

  Serenity nodded, her eyes twinkling. “Okay honey.”

  His eyes lingered on hers then he went off in search of Ricky. He found him over by the wedding party table, grabbing a covered dish and hoisting a huge duffel bag over his shoulder. “Ricky.”

  Ricky looked up at him in surprise and gave him a slight half-smile. “Nyle.”

  Nyle stood in front of him, sincerity in his eyes as he spoke. “I haven’t had a chance to talk to you since the wedding, and I just wanted to thank you for standing up with me. I know it wasn’t easy because of your friendship with Tristan. I know you were always closer to him than me. But we are still friends and bandmates, and I value our friendship. And it meant a lot to me to have you here today.”

  “Me too man,” Ricky earnestly said. “It was an honor to stand up with you guys.”

  “I noticed you left the ceremony for a while and I saw Katherine left out too. What happened? Is there anything I need to be concerned about?”

  Ricky stared at him for a long moment, his blue eyes hesitant; his body rigid. “Tristan was here.”

  Nyle stiffened but remained poker-faced. “Oh? How did you know he was here?”

  “He was standing in the back of the church. I happened to look up during the prayer and I saw him standing back there.”

  “Did Serenity see him?”

  “I don’t think so, no.”

  Nyle assessed Ricky. He couldn’t tell if he was lying or not and he was remiss to ask Serenity about it. He didn’t want to stir the pot just in case she hadn’t seen him.

  Nyle picked up a half-empty glass of wine on the table and gulped it down. “What did he want?”

  Ricky nervously looked around the reception hall. Once he made sure Serenity was nowhere near, he leaned close to Nyle and whispered in his ear. “He had a gun.”

  Nyle frowned. “A gun? What was he doing with a gun?”

  Ricky simply stood there looking at him.

  A look of understanding flitted in Nyle’s stormy blue eyes. “Ah. He was going to try to take me out huh?”

  “If I hadn’t stopped him Nyle, I don’t know what would’ve happened.”

  Nyle shrugged nonchalantly and grabbed another glass of wine, drinking it slower this time. “He wasn’t going to shoot me.”

  “You didn’t see the look in his eyes Nyle. Believe me, he was going to shoot you. He wanted to kill you.”

  Nyle was nonplussed. “Well, thanks to you, he didn’t. I appreciate that. I’m sure that wasn’t easy for you.”

  “Not at all.” Ricky paused. “He’ll probably contact you.”

  “I’ll be ready for him. Believe that. If he’s a real man he’ll show up without that little pussy piece of metal. A real man fights with his hands.” Nyle studied his hands as if trying to prove some silent point.

  “He’s taking it really hard Nyle. I didn’t think he was going to leave. His mom saw him back there too, but she was too petrified to do anything. Not long after she saw me take him out, she came out and told him to leave. If she hadn’t, I don’t know how much longer I could’ve kept him at bay. Nyle, I’ve never seen him that messed up.”

  “He brought this on himself Ricky.”

  Ricky looked taken aback at Nyle’s insensitive remark. “Yeah,” he unconvincingly replied. “Yeah I guess so.”

  Nyle noticed the conflicted look in Ricky’s eyes and heavily sighed. “Look Rick, I know you love Tristan. At one point in time, I did too. But life can’t stop just because he’s having a hard time dealing with reality. He fucked up. He’s the one who walked away. He broke Serenity’s heart. He hurt her. All I’m trying to do is make her happy. That’s all. And I am.”

  “And she makes you happy.”

  Nyle nodded emphatically. “Yes. I know it’s crazy how we got here but the beautiful thing about all that bullshit is that we’re whole, happy, and complete again. And I’m not going to let Tristan ruin that for us. Period. If he wants to sit down and talk to me man to man about it, fine. But he’s not going nowhere near her again so long as I’m alive. And I mean that.”

  Ricky nodded in understanding. “I hear you man. As long as you guys are happy, that’s all that counts. I’ll see you later. I have to pick Jenny up from her mom’s.” Jenny was Ricky’s daughter with an ex-girlfriend. “You guys have a safe and adventurous honeymoon.”

  “Thanks, we will. You and Ashley are still going to come through when we get back right? Don’t forget. I intend to redeem myself from that last poker game you won.”

  Ricky grinned at him. “Sure. Just call me when you guys get back. Tell Serenity goodbye for me and I’ll talk to her later.” He turned to leave.

  “What’s that?” Nyle asked, pointing at the duffel bag over Ricky’s shoulder.

  Ricky glanced down at the bag and looked back at Nyle, blinking nervously. “Uh… It’s uh…”

  “Don’t tell me you packed more leftovers in there man. You didn’t have to do all that. I’m sure someone in the kitchen could’ve put a care package together for you.”

  “No. No. It’s not food in here.”

  “Where’d it come from? That bag looks beat up as hell. You have clothes in it or something?”

  Ricky uncomfortably looked at Nyle. He struggled with himself about whether or not to tell the truth. “It’s for Serenity.”

  Nyle’s thick eyebrows knitted in confusion. “Serenity?”

  “Yeah,” Ricky said, biting his lip. “From Tristan.”

  Nyle’s eyes darkened. “What is it?”

  Ricky weighed it over in his mind before answering. “It’s letters.”


  “Yeah. Letters that he wrote to her when he went away.”

  Nyle coughed uncomfortably and pinched the bridge of his nose. He looked towards Serenity and was relieved to see she was still preoccupied with Kara. “Let me see that.”

  “Nyle- “

  “Let me see it Ricky!” Nyle harshly whispered.

  Ricky hesitated for what seemed like hours before handing it over to Nyle. Nyle hugged the bag to his chest like he was afraid it would grow wings and fly away. He angrily looked at Ricky. “You were going to give these to her?”

  “I wasn’t sure Nyle. I didn’t know what the fuck to do with it. But I figured if she had them it might give her some kind of closure, you know?”

  “She married me R
icky. That’s all the closure she needs.” Nyle looked over at Serenity again and leaned closer to Ricky, whispering conspiratorially. “I don’t think it’s a good idea for her to have these. Do you?”

  Ricky chewed on his lower lip, avoiding Nyle’s heated eyes. “I guess not.”

  “I’ll take care of it.”

  Ricky looked at Nyle, his eyes big with worry. “What are you going to do with it?”

  Nyle quietly looked at Ricky, his lips tight, his jaw tightly clenched as he struggled to remain calm. “I think it’s about time you go pick your daughter up now Ricky. I’ll see you when we get back.”

  Ricky paused, unsure about what to do but Nyle wasn’t budging. “Yeah,” he simply said after a long while. “I’ll see you later.”

  Nyle’s eyes bore into Ricky’s back as he walked towards the exit of the reception hall. His fiancé’ Ashley was waiting for him by the door and she smiled big and gave Nyle a wave when she saw him watching them. Nyle fixed a fake smile on his face and waved back at her, gritting his teeth.

  Once they were gone, he looked back over at Serenity to make sure she was still distracted with Kara; then casually walked through the reception hall towards the professional designer kitchen, outside to the large garbage dumpsters in the back. Whistling the original song he had written for Serenity, he yanked the door of one of the dumpsters open and tossed the bag inside. He reached down inside and quickly began tossing whatever pieces of trash he could find on top of it. Before long, a mountain of waste covered it.

  Satisfied that it was hidden from sight, Nyle slammed the door back shut and walked away brushing off his hands, a devilish smile hugging his lips.


  Nyle was enjoying his bride. They were tucked far, far away in a Midwestern Colorado cabin in the woods, hidden from the distractions of the paparazzi, media, life, the world and all its issues. They had spent the day skiing and touring the grounds of a resort on the property where the cabin was located and were now planted in front of a roaring fire in the fireplace. Nyle and Serenity were on a makeshift pallet in front of the fire. They were locked in a wild, all-consuming embrace, feasting on one another’s lips as if they were starving and hadn’t eaten in days.

  Serenity was perched on his lap dressed in a beyond sexy baby blue lace bra and panty set that had made Nyle’s eyes damn near pop out of his head and his dick as hard as nails when she’d retreated from the bathroom in it. Nyle only had on his boxer briefs but it was one pair to many. He wanted to be naked and free. Along with the fire, candles were strategically placed and lit throughout the room. A mix of their favorite love songs played on the Bluetooth speaker. The mood was right and Nyle was ready.

  They had been down this road many times before, pleasing each-other manually, orally… Whatever it took to tame the wild attraction between them and keep at bay the ravenous hunger they had been nursing for the past two years. It felt different this time because they would get to complete the circle.

  Serenity’s hair was loose down her back in wild curls, just the way he loved it. He couldn’t stop running his fingers through it. He couldn’t stop touching her period. He couldn’t get enough. He dragged his hands down her warm, soft body and massaged her ass, groaning deeply as he connected with the ample flesh.

  He loudly smacked her on the ass; then jiggled it in his hands before smacking it hard again. She moaned long and hard and he smiled against her lips.

  He pulled away and stared lustfully into her eyes. “You nervous?”

  Serenity ran a finger across his hairline and seductively smiled. “A little.”

  “I’ll be gentle. I have to admit, it’s going to be hard, but I’ll be as gentle as I can.”

  She traced his full lips with her finger. “You don’t have to be. I can handle it.”

  “You like it a little rough, huh?”

  “I like a little pain with my pleasure sometimes, yes.”

  Nyle tried not to think about how much of that pleasure with pain was experienced and enjoyed with Tristan. Pushing the thoughts far away in his mind, he began kissing her again, putting his hand to her panties. They were beyond drenched. He pulled back and wildly looked at her, before kissing her again, his tongue plunging in and out of her mouth as he cupped her pussy and squeezed.

  “I love that your pussy is so wet for me,” he rasped as he trailed wet kisses all over her neck.

  “Nyle,” she deliriously moaned, his firm touch between her legs driving her mad.

  “Say my name again.”


  He kissed her madly, taking her breath away. Pulling away from her, he picked her up by her hips and sat her beside him on the floor. He turned around and sat in front of her on his knees. Slowly, he ran his hands up her back and undid her bra, marveling in wonder as her huge breasts bounced free. Serenity was practically hyperventilating as she watched his hand go up one side of her body and down the other, focusing primarily on her breasts.

  She put her hands behind her and opened her legs as he pulled her panties down, exposing her bald pussy. Moisture covered it from top to bottom.

  Nyle licked his lips in hunger. “As long as I live, I’ll never get tired of looking at your pussy.” He stroked her breasts with both hands. “Looking at your breasts. Looking at all of you.”

  Tears sprang to her eyes as he put his hand to her face, tenderly stroking her smooth skin. “I am the luckiest man in the world,” he emotionally whispered. “Seeing you walking down that isle today, I can’t describe the joy I felt. All I could think about was how far we’ve come. I thought about the day I met you and thought you were so beautiful. The most beautiful creature on the planet. I thought about how I yearned for you and thought about you from afar. I thought about how much I used to wish you were mine and you belonged to me. I thought about how hard I fought to have you and love you and how happy I was when you told me you wanted me and wanted to be with me.

  “I wasn’t your first choice. But I’m honored and I feel blessed to be your last. I am yours for the rest of my life. You’re the only woman for me and you always will be. I want to spend the rest of my life making you happy because you deserve it. I love you so much baby.”

  Serenity’s spirit soared. A tear slowly fell down her cheek. “I love you Nyle.”

  Nyle grabbed her in a hot embrace and passionately kissed her. He ran his tongue over her lips and began stroking her between her legs again, running his finger up and down the slick moisture of her pussy. Serenity cried out and opened her legs wider to him, throwing her head back. Nyle kissed down to her breasts and sucked them slowly one by one. He opened his mouth wide, attempting to fit her whole breast in his mouth. It drove him crazy her breasts were so big. He aggressively grabbed both breasts with his hands and sucked them together, squeezing and caressing them, moving them in and out of his mouth. Serenity cried out and placed her hands against his, helping him move them. Her hands soon left his hands to grip and tug on his wild raven hair.

  “Yes Nyle,” she gasped. “Like that. Just like that.”

  Nyle happily obliged. He sucked her titties for minutes, alternating between sucking, licking, biting, and kissing them. He groaned loudly against her.

  They’re all mine. These titties are mine. They belong to me.

  Nyle released one breast with a loud pop, licked the skin in between her breasts; then moved to the other one. He fingered her while he arduously sucked her breasts. Serenity arched her hips to his touch and freely moved against him, lost in his lovemaking. His fingers moved in and out of her at a moderate pace. Her pussy sucked him in, making noises as his talented limbs fingers stroked it. She was beyond wet. He loved that he was turning her on so much. They had the whole night and six more days to themselves but Nyle felt greedy with the desire to experience everything at once.

  Leisurely, he trailed his tongue down to her stomach and stroked and kissed the skin there, before hitting pay dirt between her legs. He lay down on his stomach and opened her wider, h
is eyes staring heatedly at her pretty, pink pussy. Nyle looked up at her with lustful eyes and kissed her pussy. He kissed it again. And again. And again, his eyes never leaving hers.

  Serenity’s hands clenched in knots beside her as she watched him, lost in his hypnotizing sensual blue eyes. Her pussy was beyond wet. So wet she was baptizing the blankets with her juices.

  Nyle stuck out his tongue and began slowly licking her, trailing his tongue from top to bottom. He stuck his tongue in her hole; then flicked it against her lips. He sucked on her clit and stuck two fingers inside of her, moving them at the same pace as his mouth. He kept his eyes trained on her the whole time. He couldn’t stop looking at her. He was addicted to how beautiful her face looked when he was making her feel good. He wanted to see that face every night until he died.


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