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Behind The Pretty Pink Door: Have you met the new neighbours yet?

Page 8

by M J Hardy

  Before the last word leaves his lips, I hear the distinct sound of someone moaning further down the hall and his head whips towards the door and he says irritably, “Great, that’s all I need.”

  He pushes me away and says roughly, “Our visitor is waking up, that’s very inconvenient.”

  “Our visitor?”

  My voice shakes and he laughs dully, “Yes, the newest addition to our happy house. Unlike you though, she won’t be staying.”

  He moves away and then something makes him stop and as the moans increase, he turns and I see a wicked glint in his eye.

  “Do you want to come and say hi?”

  He holds out his hand and I shrink against the wall, fearful of what I may find.

  In two steps he crosses the room and grabs my hand, roughly pulling me after him and as I stumble, he wrenches my arm causing me to bite my lip as I feel the pain.

  As we head towards the room I went to yesterday, I struggle to breathe as the moans intensify and as he pushes open the door, I see the room bathed in artificial light that almost blinds me and then as my eyes adjust, the fear strikes an arrow to my heart as I see a girl tied to the bed, naked and bruised. She is blindfolded and gagged and her legs and arms are tied to each bedpost and she moans in pain.

  The video is running and trained on her and Mr Evans pulls my head around roughly to look at her and whispers, “This is what happens to girls who disobey me. This is what will happen to you if your father doesn’t play ball, and this is how you’ll end up if you try to escape. Stay away from the window, keep your mouth shut and you may just escape this fate. Put one foot wrong and your punishment will be a lot worse.”

  The tears blind me as I realise something I suppose I’ve always known. I’m not safe at all, Mr Evans isn’t a policeman and this place isn’t a safe house and if I’m to stand any chance of surviving, I need to escape and fast.

  Chapter 15


  “Do you know what Liam; nothing ever happens here, and that’s what I love about this place.”

  The rustle of the Sunday papers on the bed, remind me today is a day of rest and personal indulgence.

  Spending the morning in bed with Liam is no hardship and I just wish we could enjoy more days like this because it’s becoming increasingly obvious my working life is spiralling out of control.

  His bare leg brushes against mine and my heart flutters. He turns and sweeps the papers to the floor and growls, “I’m making the most of having you here, you know things have to change, don’t you?”


  I place my finger on his lips and say softly, “Not today, let’s just enjoy a moment when nothing else matters but us.”

  The love that burns in his eyes makes everything better as he crushes his lips to mine and I taste perfection. Everything was worth it, the sacrifice, the arguments, the loss, it was all worth it because we have each other and need nothing more than that.

  But we do.

  I ignore that voice in my head that won’t go away and set my mind to pleasure instead. We will deal with the rest later, it’s this moment that counts and I’m selfish for a reason because if I let the darkness in, it will destroy us in a heartbeat.

  It’s lunchtime before we roll out of bed and after a leisurely shower head off for a walk to the local pub for some Sunday lunch. It’s a beautiful day and relaxing in the local beer garden seems like pure bliss to me right now and I can’t wait to eat something nice. Skipping breakfast was a big mistake because eating is suddenly the most important thing on my mind and so, we set off at a brisk pace.

  Almost as soon as we step foot outside the door, I hear a loud, “Good afternoon.”

  Looking up, I groan as I see Keith dead-heading his window boxes. “Hi Keith, lovely day.”

  Liam, ever the polite one saves me from making conversation and Keith stretches and looks to the sky. “Yes, to be honest we could do with some rain, the garden is suffering.”

  He casts a disparaging eye over our own wilderness and says tightly, “Although in your case, that’s hardly a problem, it’s probably best not to feed the weeds.”

  Feeling a little sheepish, we crawl past him and as soon as we’re out of earshot, Liam says with a sigh, “We need to employ a gardener, either that or try to do it ourselves at least. As much as it pains me to admit it, the Wickham’s are right to complain.”

  Nodding, I look at the houses as we pass and see the extremely well-tended gardens and feel ashamed of our own lack of interest. In fact, it’s only ours and Charlie weirdo’s house that looks uncared for and I would hate to be branded the same as him.

  As we pass, I notice the drooping plants and weed strewn lawn and wonder if people look at our house with the same disgust as they pass. Liam interrupts my thoughts by lowering his voice and nudging me. “Don’t look now but Esme’s heading out from their side gate.”

  I look up in astonishment, to see Esme looking a little sheepish heading our way holding a football, and she blushes as she sees us watching her.


  She rolls her eyes and as she steps nearer, I whisper, “God, I wish I’d thought of that. What’s it like?”

  Liam looks confused as she giggles. “As bad as the front. You know, I couldn’t get round here quickly enough just as an excuse to knock on the door. I’ve been itching to meet my back garden neighbours , but it looks as if I’ll have to wait.”

  “Why, was no one home?”

  “No. I tried the bell and even knocking, but there was silence, so I thought I’d try the side gate. It was unlocked, so I called out as I went through because they may have been in the garden, although they weren’t when the ball went over.”

  “How do you know, the cars not here, they must be out?”

  She looks at me and frowns and then whispers, “I thought someone was in. I’m not sure why but I was looking up at their windows at the back and thought I saw a glint of something, you know, a reflection off a mirror or a window opening catching the sunlight. I thought it would be a good time to introduce myself, so I’m afraid I chucked the ball over myself and called out. There was no answer. So here I am.”



  “What did you find?”

  She laughs. “The ball.”

  Liam shakes his head as I whisper, “Did you look through the windows?”

  “Honestly, Jasmine, why would she do that?”

  “I would, just on the pretext of looking for someone. Honestly, Liam, you don’t have the first clue about snooping and gathering information.”

  Esme laughs as Liam rolls his eyes and I turn my attention back to the house in question.

  “So, anything?”

  “No, although I’m almost one hundred percent positive somebody is in there. Archie told me he couldn’t sleep the other night and was staring at the moon. He asked if they had children there because he saw a hand appear through the window.”

  “A hand, he must have been mistaken, it was dark, after all.”

  “Perhaps, but he also told me he’s seen someone looking at us through the shutters. On more than one occasion. Weird, don’t you think?”

  “Just a bit.”

  I can sense that Liam’s getting impatient and so is my stomach, so I smile brightly. “I’m sure there’s a perfectly innocent explanation about it. Why don’t you drop one of Keith’s leaflets in and ask them to come to the meeting? That’s a great excuse to go knocking.”

  Esme laughs and shakes her head. “I’ve tried that already. To be honest, if they are looking, they must think me a typical nosy neighbour. I’m fascinated by that place and I don’t know why? There’s probably nobody there, just the owner who works a lot. My imagination is off the scale and I should probably just mind my own business.”

  I shrug and look up at the house again. It stands there like an abandoned wife, unloved, cold and slightly rough around the edges. I can taste the bitterness on my tongue as I feel an affinity with t
his house, and it’s only when Liam’s hand finds mine that it brings me back to reality.

  “Come on, babe, I’m starving, all that exercise this morning has given me a raging…” he winks at Esme, “Appetite.”

  She blushes and I elbow him sharply in the side and say apologetically. “Listen, despite what the Wickham’s think, Liam and I are not sex pests, swingers, or anything resembling it. We kind of wind them up about it and play on their impression of us. Sorry if you got the wrong idea, we’re so used to playing a part, we forget sometimes that other people might not get the joke.”

  As Esme smiles softly, I feel a flash of something that hits me in the gut as I see the look she gives him. There’s a yearning in her expression that makes me hold my breath. Her eyes appear to be devouring every inch of his face, and she can’t seem to move them past him. As I see the look my new neighbour gives him, my heart sinks. Great, Esme Williams fancies the pants off my man and that’s the last thing I need.

  Chapter 16


  I can’t believe it. Somebody came. I heard the woman call out and ring the bell, and I swear my heart stopped beating for a second. I strain to hear more but the knocking stops and then I hear the drag of metal as the side gate opens and I run to the window, crouching down so I can see over the windowsill.

  As I watch in disbelief, the woman who lives opposite wanders into the garden and calls out. “Is there anybody at home?”

  Trying not to look, I can’t help myself as she moves underneath my window and calls out again. “I’m just retrieving my ball, sorry.”

  The football is lying against the back fence and I wonder when it was kicked over. The boys haven’t been out all day, I should know because as soon as I hear their voices, I watch them with a hunger I never knew I had. Normal life. A normal family and they don’t even know how lucky they are.

  I see one of them watching me through his bedroom window at night. It feels as if he is, although I know he can’t possibly see me through the darkness. I love watching him though. It’s as if I have company and I crave the sight of him.

  When I see them playing, I watch every second. I laugh when they laugh and will them on when they compete against each other. I love those boys because they remind me that life goes on. For some, anyway.

  As she moves around the garden, I wonder what would happen if she looked up and saw me. Should I try, at least? Call out through the crack in the window where only my hand will fit. At night I allow myself the luxury of feeling the fresh air and pushing my lips to the opening and breathing in hard. Freedom. So near and yet so far, because even if I escaped, I would never be free. They would find me and punish me, that much is obvious. Will I ever be free again? There’s a part of me that’s resigned to the fact I probably won’t. I don’t think I ever have because it feels as if I’ve been running all my life.

  I hold my breath until she leaves the way she came and feel the disappointment crashing through me as I realise what a missed opportunity feels like. I need to think about this situation I’m in and quickly because it’s obvious my time is running out. Next time Mr Evans looks my way, I may not be so lucky, so I need to devise a plan, an escape plan and one that won’t fail. But my dad - what about him? If I run, he’ll be in danger. If I stay, he’s safe for the moment at least.

  As soon as the woman leaves, I sit back on the bed and stare at the wall. Next time someone comes, I must be brave and try to get their attention. Whatever happens, I need to escape and get help. I must think about this because I’m not about to just wait here and accept my fate when it arrives.

  It’s time to fight back.

  As the night falls, so do I into a deep sleep and so I’m surprised to feel a rough hand shaking me and a harsh voice growl, “Wake up.”

  Instantly, my eyes open and I see Mr Evans staring at me with displeasure and my heart freezes. He’s back. This isn’t good.

  Quickly, I sit up and he grabs my hands and before I know what’s happening, snaps handcuffs around my wrists and says angrily, “I told you to stay away from the window.”


  “But what? Did somebody come around here today, or not?”

  My eyes are wide and terrified, and I shake my head. “She didn’t see me, I stayed hidden.”

  “She must have done to throw that ball over the fence and come snooping.”

  Suddenly, he raises his hand and slaps me hard across the face and I taste blood on my tongue as he snarls, “That’s for dragging unwanted attention onto us. You didn’t know I have cameras hidden everywhere, did you? I told you not to mess with me.”

  He slaps me again on the other cheek just as hard and growls, “And that’s for lying to me.”

  The tears stream down my throbbing face and I stutter, “I haven’t, I’ve done what you told me to.”

  He shakes me hard and squeezes my arms, saying tightly, “Don’t answer back. I’ve had it with you, your father, and this whole fucking situation. You’re just lucky I’m a patient man because if I had my way, you would have been shipped out and put to work a long time ago. But no, they had to go against my wishes and pussy foot around your fucking father. Well, time’s running out sweetheart because daddy’s not playing anymore.”

  “What do you mean?” I feel so afraid, what if something’s happened to my father, he could be hurt, or worse, dead?”

  Mr Evans throws me roughly against the headboard and my head hits the wall as he snarls, “Your father only had one job to do to keep you safe. Well, that’s a laugh because you were never safe. He just needed to think you were. Now he’s blown it and we’re left dealing with a shitstorm.”

  My heart beats so fast I almost can’t breathe and say fearfully, “Is he hurt, please you have to tell me?”

  I feel the blow to my stomach before I register it’s coming, and his hand slams against my mouth as I howl in pain. My cries are muffled by his hand and he says darkly, “Word of warning, don’t piss me off like your father has, you won’t like what that involves. Now shut the fuck up and think about your situation because when I come back your life will change forever.”

  He stands and then with a wicked smile leans towards me and whispers, “We’ll have some fun next time. Well, one of us will at least. You may not find it quite so satisfying.”

  He storms towards the door and slams it shut, locking me inside as always but this time, I’m left with my hands cuffed together and a huge pain in my face and stomach but they are nothing to the fear that creeps across me like an unwanted virus.

  I don’t have long.

  I must make my move.

  Chapter 17


  “Mum, can you come here, please?”

  Sighing heavily, I lay the rolling pin down and dust the flour off my hands.


  “I’m coming, I’m coming.”

  Muttering under my breath, I stomp upstairs, ready to tear a strip off Ryan for daring to call me rather than coming and finding me himself. If it’s to bring him food, I would be wise to bring the rolling pin with me and bash him over the head with it. They think I’m a glorified servant in this house, and I’ve had enough.

  As I push open the door to Ryan’s room, I hold my breath. Stale sweat, pungent odours and old food greet me as I venture inside a room he rarely leaves.


  I see him looking out of the window, hunched over his computer as always, but something about the tone of his voice makes me curious. “What is it?”

  “I saw something.”



  “What, the Armitage’s house.”

  “No, that weird one next door with the pink door.”

  Now I’m interested and head towards him and whisper, “What is it?”

  He looks a little guilty and my warning bells ring loud and clear. Oh no, not again, I’m not sure if I can deal with it happening again.

  “Please tell me you didn’t...”r />
  “I’m sorry mum.”

  The frustration, the fear and the sheer disappointment almost choke me as I struggle to form words, but Ryan doesn’t appear to share my concerns as he taps on his computer and I see something on the screen I don’t recognise.

  “What is that?”

  “It’s a camera and a weird room arrangement, don’t you think?”

  As I peer closer, I see a room with a camera set up on a tripod before an enormous bed covered in nothing but a black sheet. My heart freezes as I see something that is most definitely not ok and say fearfully, “Where is this?”

  “That house.”

  Ryan points to the house behind Esme and I feel my heart rate escalate to breaking point and I can’t decide whether I’m angrier at Ryan, or more intrigued at what he found.

  He leans back and says incredulously, “It’s a sex house, isn’t it?”


  I can’t believe my eyes and ears and feel it necessary to explain this away as something ordinary because surely, it’s no such thing, not here, not in Meadow Vale and not in full sight of our sparkling windows.

  “Don’t be ridiculous, it’s probably a photographer’s studio, the black sheet is like one of those green screens and I’m sure it’s all perfectly innocent. What isn’t though, is how you got this footage, honestly Ryan, I thought we’d sorted this, what’s the matter with you?”

  “I’m sorry mum.”

  He says the words but I’m not feeling the remorse and I say icily, “We will talk about this when your father gets home. Until then, I want you to shut down this operation, immediately.”


  “No buts, it’s wrong, Ryan. Wrong on every level, and I thought you had learnt your lesson after the last time. You cannot go around infringing on people’s privacy like this. It’s against the law and carries a stiff penalty if you’re discovered. You were just lucky they dropped the charges the last time this happened and I’m afraid of your future if this is how you get your kicks.”


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