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Raftmates: A Story of the Great River

Page 34

by Kirk Munroe



  Billy Brackett was in a particularly contented frame of mind, andwhistled softly to himself as he tramped through the muddy streets ofone of the muddiest cities in the United States, towards the telegraphoffice. He was well satisfied with the results of his expedition thusfar, and with its prospects of a successful termination. He did notnotice the curious looks with which several persons regarded him as thebright light from a store window fell on his face, nor would he havecared if he had. His conscience was clear, and he had nothing to fearfrom observation, curious or otherwise.

  As he entered the telegraph office, the operator glanced up with a nodof recognition. A few seconds later, having finished sending thedespatch with which he had been busy, he turned his key over to anassistant and said,

  "Will you step this way a moment, sir? I wish to speak to you inprivate." With this he led the way into a room behind the office,where, after the other had entered, he closed the door.

  "What's up?" asked the young engineer, wondering at these proceedings.

  "Have you or any of your companions any counterfeit money in yourpossession?" asked the operator, abruptly.

  "No--that is, yes. One of my friends has quite a lot of it that waspassed on him for genuine this morning, and I have a few samples forpurposes of comparison."

  "But you haven't passed, or tried to pass, any of it in this place?"

  "Certainly not! Why do you ask such a question?"

  "Because I have taken a liking to you. Have not you in your possessiona note of identification from a certain Iowa Sheriff?"

  "Yes; I have such a note from a Sheriff named Riley, of Dubuque; buthow did you know anything about it?" asked Billy Brackett, greatlysurprised.

  "In a very simple way. Sheriff Riley happens to be my brother, and hewrote to me all about your little affair up the river. So I know youto be an honest man, and want to give you a warning. You may be verysure, however, that I should not do so were I not confident of yourinnocence."

  "Innocence of what?"

  "Passing counterfeit money. A good bit of it has suddenly appeared incirculation here, and your raft has been identified by some men fromup-river as one on which suspicion has already fallen in connectionwith a similar state of affairs elsewhere. You have made a good manypurchases to-day, and at least one bad bill has been traced directly toyou. Of course you may have received it in change, and passed it againunknowingly. I believe that is how it happened. If I did not, Ishould hold my tongue and let you suffer the consequences. In additionto this, all sorts of queer stories regarding you have been circulatedabout town to-day, and such a feeling has been aroused against you thata number of the worst characters in the place have determined to payyour raft a visit to-night. I don't know what they intend doing, nordo I think they know themselves, but I am certain if they find you theresult will be most unpleasant. They are to be led by a couple ofstrangers, who have been secretly watching you all day. These menclaim to be 'river-traders,' who have suffered serious losses throughyou, including that of the raft now in your possession, which, theysay, was stolen from them. I can't tell you how I gained all thisinformation, but it is at your disposal. If I were in your place, Iwould take advantage of the darkness to drop down the river, and Iwouldn't lose any time about it either."

  "You advise me to run away like a coward, instead of remaining todefend myself against these abominable and absolutely unfoundedcharges!" exclaimed Billy Brackett, indignantly. "I shall do nothingof the kind."

  "Not 'run away;' simply continue your voyage before it is unpleasantlyinterrupted," returned the other, with a smile. "If you remain untilmorning, your raft, with its contents, will certainly be destroyed byan unreasoning mob, at whose hands you and your companions may sufferbodily injury. In this case action would come first and inquiryafterwards. I am convinced you could easily prove your innocence, butdoubt if you could obtain any redress for the losses you would havesuffered in the mean time. Now I must get back to my desk. You willof course act as you think best, but I sincerely hope that you willaccept my advice, and decide that an honorable retreat is better than alost battle."

  "But there is Solon, the man whom I telegraphed to join us here. Idon't expect him before morning."

  "Why, he is here already! Haven't you met him! He arrived on theevening train, and came in here to inquire where you could be found. Igave him directions, and started him off not fifteen minutes ago."

  "I don't see how he managed it," said Billy Brackett, who had beenthinking rapidly while the other spoke; "but if he is already on boardthere is no reason why our departure should be delayed. Therefore I amalmost inclined to accept your advice, for which, as well as for yourtimely warning, I am sincerely grateful. I will, at any rate, get backto the raft at once."

  With this the young man shook hands with the operator, and left theoffice.

  "There!" exclaimed the other, looking after him with a relieved sigh;"I believe I have done that young fellow a good turn. At the same timeI have given myself a chance to capture the thousand-dollar reward thatNed wrote about, and which I was afraid this chap was after forhimself."

  As for Billy Brackett, the more he reflected upon the situation, as hehastened towards the place where the raft was moored, the more puzzledhe became as to what course he ought to pursue. He now had not onlyWinn, the raft, and himself to consider, but Glen and Binney, and thevaluable instruments belonging to General Elting. Certainly it wouldnot do to allow these to fall into the hands of an excited andirresponsible mob. Still, the thought of running away was hateful.

  As he neared the raft an undefined apprehension caused him to quickenhis steps; and at the sound of Binney Gibbs's shout of warning, hebroke into a run. Then he heard another shout of "Hol' on, Marse Winn!I comin'!" and the noise of a struggle, in another moment he was in thethick of it.

  Solon had reached the raft just in time to save Binney, who he thoughtwas Winn, from being dropped overboard by Plater, the "river-trader."The old negro attacked the big man so furiously with tooth and nailthat the latter gave the lad in his arms a fling to one side, sendinghim crashing with stunning force against the "shanty," and devoted hisentire attention to this new assailant. He had just stretched Solon onthe deck with a vicious blow of his powerful fist, when Billy Brackettappeared and sprang eagerly into the fray. Even Plater's brutestrength was no match for the young engineer's science, and the latterwould have gained a speedy victory, had not Grimshaw, who had beenengaged in casting off the lines that held the raft to the bank, cometo his partner's assistance.

  Now, with such odds against him, Billy Brackett was slowly but surelyforced backward towards the edge of the raft. In another moment hewould have been in the river, when all at once two dripping figuresemerged from it, scrambled aboard, and with a yell like a war-whoop,ranged themselves on the weaker side. A few well-planted blows, adetermined rush, and the struggle for the possession of the raft wasended. The fighting ardor of Messrs. Plater and Grimshaw was beingrapidly cooled in the icy waters through which they found themselvesswimming towards the shore. At the same time the _Venture_ was gainingspeed with each moment, as, borne on by the resistless current, itdrifted out over the mingling floods of the Ohio and Mississippi.Billy Brackett, still panting from his exertions, was bending overBinney Gibbs, who was struggling back to consciousness. Solon wassitting up, tenderly feeling of his swollen features, and declaring,"Dat ar man hab a fis' lak de hin laig ob a mewel."

  Glen and Winn had manned one of the sweeps, and were trying to get theraft properly headed with the current. Thus the voyage was reallybegun, and the young engineer, who hated to run away, was spared thenecessity of making a decision. It was a start, too, with all hands onboard. To be sure, two of them were battered and bruised, while twomore were soaked to the skin; but all were there, and none was greatlythe worse for the recent exciting experience.

  Suddenly Billy Brackett spoke up and asked:<
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  "But where is Bim? Is it possible that we have left him behind?"

  For a moment no one answered. Then Winn said: "That's what Glen and Iwere ashore for. We are afraid he is lost."

  "Lost! Bim wouldn't get lost! He has too much sense."

  "I expect he is this time, though," said Glen, "and we don't believe hewill ever be found again, either." Then he told of Bim's rushingashore, the smothered yelp, the loud splash that followed, and of theirunsuccessful search for him in the darkness. "So it looks as thoughthe poor dog were done for," concluded Glen, "and I expect it was by atrick of those same fellows who tried to capture the raft."

  Billy Brackett listened closely, without a word, and when he had heardall there was to tell, he turned abruptly away and walked into the"shanty," muttering through his clinched teeth, "The scoundrels."

  It certainly would have gone hard with the "river-traders" could thestalwart young engineer have laid hands on them at that moment.


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