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Dead End: Midnight Hollow

Page 10

by Penn Cassidy

  But I was down for the count. I saw the floor rush at me and braced for the landing. It was lights out after that.

  The soft summer breeze whipped my hair around my face as I laid in the grass next to their headstone. The dirt was still fresh, and the grass had yet to grow over it.

  Pushing a few wayward strands of orange hair behind my ear, I squinted up at the sun, wondering how the hell it was still shining while everything else was falling apart. Sitting up, I twirled a piece of grass between my fingertips as my eyes traced over the two names carved into the granite, realizing that this was all we had to look forward to when we died. Just our names stamped on cold granite as our loved ones stayed behind, talking to nobody. It wasn’t like they could hear me anymore. At least, I hoped they were somewhere else.

  “Why did you have to leave me behind?” I rasped. “I was supposed to go with you. Right by your side like always, remember? But I’m still here…” My voice carried on the wind, traveling through the empty graveyard. Nobody was around to hear me. “What am I supposed to do now, Mom?”

  Maybe I hoped for her to show me with some kind of sign that she was still around in spirit, but all I ever got in return was dead silence. The sun suddenly disappeared, leaving my once overheated pale skin chilled. Looking up in confusion, all I could see were strange black clouds rolling in from the east.

  That was odd, summer was still in full swing. With a heavy heart, I kissed my fingertips and placed them against their stone for the hundredth time this month as I climbed to my feet.

  “I’m sorry,” I whispered as the wind picked up in earnest, blowing me back a step in the process. My loose coat picked up and flapped in the breeze.

  The ground under my boots started to shake. It felt like the beginning of an earthquake, but as I tried to not topple into the dirt, I noticed that the leaves on the trees weren’t moving an inch. The trees should have been swaying with the force. Everything was frozen, not even the sound of crows calling out in surprise.

  The only movement was where my feet were planted—right above my parents' caskets. The sound of wood splintering reached my ears, and all I could do was stare down in horror to where the soil was now shifting. Stumbling backwards, my foot got caught on a gnarled root sticking up from the ground, and the moment my butt made contact with the grass, I started crawling on hands and knees to get away.

  Two horrifying, greying hands tore through the dirt in front of my mother and father’s graves, bracing itself on the solid part of the soil to move up from the hole it was buried in. A scream was stuck in my throat, and all I could do was stare in absolute panic when the soil next to it moved. Dad’s wedding band was recognizable on the one hand tearing through next. That was what got me moving.

  Twisting, I crawled on my hands and knees, scrambling through the dirt and grass. I jumped to my feet but still kept glancing over my shoulder. This couldn’t be real. I had to be dreaming right now. I looked back against my better judgement as I got closer to the entrance, only to find my dad staring me down as he dragged himself out of his grave.

  Rotten, disfigured flesh was hanging off his exposed bones, but it was unmistakably him. The same clothes we buried him in were now covered in dirt. Needing to get away before I threw up and curled into a little ball, I turned my head to see where I was going but skidded on the slick grass to a stop as more sobs racked my body.

  “You di-did this to u-us.” Mom’s sunken eyes stared straight ahead, her mouth gaping open, her cheekbones peeling and deteriorating. Her mouth was a torn mess of yellowed teeth.

  “No! You're not real. This isn’t real!” I cried as my legs collapsed under me. I stared up at her through my hazy tears as my dad shuffled slowly to her side, pointing his boney finger at me.

  “Join u-us, October. W-we can be a-a famil-y again.” His words came out disjointed and breathy as they stepped closer. Soon, both of their rotting corpses were towering over me. There was no love left in those sunken eyes.

  “Time to wake up,” Mom said. Her voice sounded suddenly normal, but she was smiling at me with her head cocked to the side. “Wake up, October!”

  I woke up gasping and clutched at my chest as my heart thundered. I was a sweaty mess and disoriented.

  “Bad dream?” someone asked as the bed dipped at my side.

  I startled so badly, I ended up getting the sheets tangled around my ankles as I scrambled to move away. I somehow found myself spread eagle with my legs sticking up in the air after I fell to the hardwood floor with a soft thud. “Shit!”

  “You just can’t help spreading those legs, can you?” Jason peeked over the edge of the bed, grinning wickedly. I hated the way those wide lips made my stomach flip.

  “Only in your dreams. I promised myself a long time ago that I’d only spread my legs for…” I grunted as I picked myself up off the floor, gripping the bed sheet. Then I closed the space between us, secretly enjoying the way his grey eyes darkened when my breath fanned his face. “A man who knows his alphabet.”

  I tried to control a grin at his confusion but waited for him to ask, because Jason just had to know the answer to everything.

  “What the fuck does that even mean?”

  He’d caved quicker than I thought, then sat back against the headboard with his arms crossed over his muscular pecs before taking a look around. My room still had all my belongings—from the standing wardrobe in the corner full of black clothing, to the shelves lining my dark walls adorned with little trinkets I’d collected over the years. What my parents allowed me to own, that is. They didn’t exactly approve of my macabre taste in collectables. Definitely not my collection of skulls, framed insects, and candles.

  The only thing I could immediately see that wasn’t there before was the honest to god cluster of cobwebs hanging from my ceiling and a gigantic tree branch spreading across my whole room, originating from my opened stained glass window. The tree branch was thick and black, and it was covered in cobwebs. Looking closer, I realized Jessica had suddenly taken up residence in the highest branch and was currently snoozing away.

  “Earth to Carrie! I asked you a question.” Jason snapped his fingers, rolling his eyes when I just stood there looking around like an idiot.

  What were we talking about? Something to with the—Oh right, now I remembered.

  “Honey, if you don’t know your ABC’s by now, I’m not sure I’m the right person to ask. Sometimes, it’s good to play with your food.” I winked, feeling abnormally cheeky. Having him in my bedroom again after a year was doing all kinds of things to my body. Speaking of… “What were you doing in my bedroom, Jason?”

  I could tell I caught him off guard, as he was still digesting my alphabet comment, then his eyes filled with realization. I started to giggle, but before I could so much as squeak, he was off my bed, grabbing me by the waist with a snarl and tossing me on the mattress. Landing with a bounce, I moved my messy orange locks out of my eyes and gaped in shock as he prowled closer, kneeling on the bed over my prone body. He grabbed both my wrists and shoved them up, holding them above my head with surprising strength.

  “I’d be happy to show you how well I can spell. I know my letters backwards and forwards, and maybe if you’re really nice to me, upside down.” He was inches away from my face, his lips curling upwards.

  It was hard to breathe, and the room felt at least ten degrees hotter. I could feel something hard digging into my pelvis, and it took all my strength not to grind against it. He knew exactly what he was doing. The way his eyes darkened to a gunmetal grey and the way his heavy breathing matched my own told me all I needed to know—he was just as turned on as I was. His heaving chest grazed my pebbled nipples, which he no doubt could feel through my thin dress.

  “I love when…eyes…color of icicles…”

  His lips weren’t moving, not in the slightest, but I heard his voice in my head like a soft whisper. He’d been talking about my eyes…but why weren’t his lips moving? It was just like on the road—brea
thy voices and words they’d never say to my face.

  “I wasn’t watching you sleep,” he whispered, his breath washing over my lips. “After you fainted like the drama queen you are, the aunties assigned us the guest rooms, but I couldn’t sleep with all the screaming going on in here.” His palm skimmed down my arm while the other hand held my wrists. “So shut the hell up so I can sleep.” His lips grazed mine, and my head spun, delaying my rational thought process. It took me a moment to realize what he’d said.

  “Get off me,” I gritted out, pulling my wrists against his vice grip. “You lost the right to touch me a long time ago.” I twisted in his grip, but he wasn’t budging.

  “No, I’m not going to fucking kiss her!” he said with his eyes narrowed, leaving me confused, because I didn’t say anything about kissing me. But if he wanted to…I didn’t think I’d actually stop him. “She got us into this mess in the first place—shut the hell up!” he spat as he turned his head to the side, whisper-yelling at absolutely nobody.

  I glanced around my empty room in confusion, seeing nobody but a still sleeping Jessica in the tree. Was he arguing with himself?

  “I have no idea what kind of acid trip you're on right now, Jason, but you need to get your hands off of me. Stop blaming me for everything.” I struggled once more to get free of him. “I had a choice to leave you dead or alive, and I don’t care what you think about it. I didn’t know what I was doing, but I’m glad I fucking did it!”

  He squeezed his eyes shut as he ground his molars together, and it wasn’t just anger I saw on his face. It was also a sort of bone deep pain. If I could reverse time, I would do it all over again, because the memory of them lying there cold and sightless would play in my mind for years to come. I couldn’t go through that pain again, and I wouldn’t let it happen on my watch. I saved them, and they could hate me for it all they wanted.

  “I had plans, you know,” he whispered, face sobering. “Plans that didn’t involve getting stuck in a town full of nightmares. And you were never supposed to get hurt.” His voice was so quiet, I could hear the creaks and groans of the old manor over each word. It was like he didn’t want to say it, but this moment was real and raw.

  “I’m not in danger, babe,” I said with a small smile, breezing past the endearment. “And I’m not hurt. I have everything I could possibly need right here.” I didn’t mean to spill my guts right now, but watching the bone deep worry flicker in his eyes had it all spilling out.

  Taking a chance, I hesitantly lifted my hand and stroked over his short five o’clock shadow, the bristles tickling my fingertips as he leaned into my touch. It suddenly felt like old times, where we could just be. Tears pricked my eyes, but I fought them. I wanted to savor this moment—just him and I, without all the hatred and memories.

  “You don’t understand,” he breathed wearily, shaking his head. “This wasn’t just some freak accident. Can’t you feel that? Someone or something caused our bus to crash on Halloween night, at midnight exactly. It’s too much of a damn coincidence!”

  He shoved up on his forearms, holding himself over me. I stared up into his eyes, but drew back, hissing a breath through my teeth. Those weren’t Jason’s eyes anymore, not the stomy greys I knew. They were bright yellow and slitted like cat’s eyes. He stared down at me without blinking, observing my every heavy breath.

  “Jason?” I asked shakily, afraid to move or even exhale. “Jason, what’s going on?”

  His whole body started trembling and shaking, while his head whipped left and right rapidly. He was only a blur, almost to the point that I couldn’t see his features at all anymore. I tried to scream, but it was like my voice was stuck in my throat. I just watched him with wide eyes as he spazzed out, wondering if I needed to punch him or hit him over the head with the candlestick by my bed.

  He stopped moving in an instant, chucking darkly, making my skin crawl with unease. He looked like himself, but didn’t. A completely transformed Jason was gazing down at me. Two small, black horns grew from his forehead at his hairline, and his wide lips stretched into a devious grin that I’d never seen on him before. As if that wasn’t enough, my eyes bugged nearly out of my head as a forked tongue slithered out and…licked my cheek.

  “My, my, you are divine.” Jason clicked his tongue seductively. “I can see why your man can’t stop thinking about you.”

  I watched in stunned silence as Jason’s lips moved, but a British accent came out instead. He still sounded like him, but again, didn’t at the same time. What the fuck was going on?!

  My hand had a mind of its own as I drew back and swung until the slap echoed off his cheek and my bedroom walls. Laughing yellow eyes started down at me in amusement. He was utterly unfazed by the admittedly hard slap. A part of me felt guilty, but then again, he did look like Satan right now.

  I slipped out from between his body and the bed and kept my back towards the wall, my hand reaching behind me for the doorknob. I was so out of here.

  “Where are you going, beautiful? Let’s have a chat, yeah?” he purred, gracefully moving his big body off the bed. A little too gracefully for a basketball player his size, all six foot four of pure muscle.

  My back hit the wooden part of the door as I fumbled for the handle, but he moved fast, so inhumanly fast, his body was covering mine before I could stop him.

  It’s not Jason. Ignore the hot demon. Ignore the muscles rubbing against your body like a slip and slide. Snap the fuck out of it, October!

  “Wha-what do you want?” I squeaked out, hating to show any sign of weakness. But hello, a freaking demon took over my enemy's sexy body! If anyone was going to take over Jason’s body, it was gonna be me!

  Wow, where did that come from?

  “Just a tiny favor, luv. First, tell lover boy his new roommate is real. No, he’s not losing his mind, and yes, he should really listen to me when I’m talking. I’ve been telling him for over two hours to wake you with a kiss, then ravish that delectable body, but nope. He had to argue with himself, something about morals and such. Anywho, name’s Damon. I’m his familiar. This is going to be so much fun. More entertaining than Hell, that’s for sure.” He grinned knowingly at my blank stare.

  Honestly at this point, nothing should surprise me, but the fact that Jason was possessed by an actual demon, whose name was Damon, really did a number on me. Christ…

  Oh my god…can I even say the word ‘Christ’ in his presence? Will he poof away into smoke and ashes if I let that slip out? I need to make a list of demon no no’s. Wait…what the fuck am I thinking?!

  “Yeah…” I swallowed hard as he cocked his head to the side, eyes flickering between mine as he leaned closer, until all I could do was stare at the forked tongue that was really close to my lips. “I’ll let him know. No worries.” I tried to play it cool, like it was an everyday occurrence to have a demon cage me in against a door trying to lick me. What was with the licking?

  I know I’m delicious and all, but damn, ask a girl before you start with the tongue action. Whatever, no biggie.

  “Lovely. I’m going to kiss you now. We have to wake up your man. It’s time he got his head out of his ass, yes?” He chuckled and dove in just as my lips parted on a gasp, his long tongue immediately stroking against mine, worshipful in a way that made my knees weak.

  I stood on my toes, placing my hands on his shoulders to either push him away or pull him closer. I wasn’t entirely sure, but it felt good, really good. He groaned deeply, wrapping his strong arms around my waist to drag me even closer.

  The moment a moan left my parted lips and I ground my heated core along the hard erection, he shoved me away. Wide, grey eyes were staring back at me in bewilderment until they hardened, and I felt the sudden chill of his hatred down to my bones.

  “What the fuck, freak?! Molesting people now, really?” He reached up to wipe off smeared black lipstick from his bottom lip.

  “Right, like you didn’t enjoy that?” I nodded pointly at his hard dick strai
ning against his jeans, and he only scowled harder. I swore he wanted to tear me to pieces, and not in the way I wanted him to.

  “That would happen with anyone, don’t kid yourself. My cock could dip into any wet pus—” I slapped my hand over his mouth as the small chandelier over my bed shook. There was a loud thump overhead, followed by a male shout.

  “That poor guy. If he doesn’t stop shouting, it’s only going to scare poor Alfred,” Jessica muttered from her tree branch before shaking her head and closing all her eyes with a yawn.

  Jason and I stared at each other for half a beat before struggling to open the door so we both could slip through, but of course, he had to go at the same time as me, leaving us both stuck against each other in the door frame and glaring at one another.

  “Move!” he snarled, accidentally grabbing my boob in the process of physically moving me out of his way, but I didn’t think it was an accident at all.

  “No, you move! I’d rather be dealing with Damon right now,” I grumbled that last part under my breath as his arm shot out to grip the door frame, blocking me from leaving.

  I watched his bicep flex in front of my eyes, and his veins popped out as the wooden frame creaked under his tight knuckled grip.

  “Who. Is. Damon?!” he growled, his eyes flashing a laughing yellow before turning back to a cold steel grey.

  “Just the fucking demon living inside you that had his, or should I say, your tongue shoved down my throat earlier!” I leaned in close and whispered, “It’s the forked tongue for me, I never knew I’d like that.” Then I licked my lips, which only drew his gaze there.

  His stunned expression gave me the opening I needed to slip past him and out the door.

  I took off running down the hall, looking over the banister to see the rest of the guys appear from the bottom level at the exact same time, before they started racing up the stairs on thundering feet. The only one missing was Michael. Ignoring the frustrated growl coming up fast behind me, I started running up the burgundy carpeted steps, gripping the old wooden banister to help keep me steady as the top floor came into view.


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