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Dead End: Midnight Hollow

Page 34

by Penn Cassidy

  They started to move in sync, as if they’d planned this whole thing out, but I knew it was because they could read my body so perfectly.

  “So fucking beautiful,” Micheal murmured, staring into my eyes as he thrust faster and faster.

  “Come for us, luv. Let me feel you fall apart in our arms,” Damon whispered against the shell of my ear, his breath hot against my skin.

  “Mine…” I heard Jason’s possessive thoughts shift through my head.

  They were made for me, and we were connected down to our souls. Even before the crash, I knew they were mine.

  They picked up the pace, slowly drawing out my pleasure as they held me aloft and bounced me on their dicks between them, a dewy sweat working its way over our bodies from the steam of the shower. They were so deep that they hit every spot I needed them to hit, and tears were springing to my eyes from the pleasure.

  I slapped a palm over my mouth to keep from screaming, until Michael said, “I’ve warded this room, they can’t hear you.”

  Small zaps of electricity rolled over my clit and my eyes flew open and my mouth fell slack. I moaned, long and drawn out, as Michael’s magic pulsed in time with their thrusts. It felt like he was holding a vibrator to my clit, and soon I was seeing stars. I couldn’t hold it in any longer as I started outright moaning. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” I chanted. “Oh god, don’t fucking stop!”

  “Never,” Jason promised, his teeth clamping onto the tender part between my neck and shoulder before swiping his long tongue over the love bite, my panting breaths loud in the small shower.

  Both of them made noises of affirmation, mixtures of growls and groans. Hands slicked over my skin, gripping my thighs, my breasts, everywhere at once. I felt their cocks thicken even more, and they began pulsing. I knew they were seconds away from coming, and so was I.

  “I’m there—fuck!” My voice was high pitched and shaky as I came, my pussy squeezing them tight as they let go.

  “Yes…” Michael growled deeply, his head thrown back as his neck muscles strained.

  They were both moaning hard now, digging their fingers into my skin as they came inside me. It spilled out, dripping between the three of us, and they gradually slowed down, drawing out the aftershocks of pleasure until it felt like none of us would have the strength to remain standing much longer.

  We were all silent, the shower steam starting to dissipate, and slowly, they slid out of me and set me on my wobbling feet.

  “We didn’t hurt you, did we?” asked Michael, like he couldn’t help himself.

  I smiled up at him. “I’m not as fragile as you think.”

  His eyes rolled, but he smirked down at my upturned face and said, “Oh, right, I forgot you were the master of death now, goth girl.”

  Jason reached around and grabbed a bottle of soap and began lathering it in his palms before smoothing it over my skin.

  “Let us take care of you, October. Don’t think about anything, just feel good.” Jason kissed my temple, lingering for a second as he breathed me in and I breathed him out.

  I groaned again, this time in relaxed bliss as Michael grabbed the shampoo. He washed my hair while Jason lathered my body, and I thought for a moment that this must’ve been Heaven and not Hell after all. Maybe I really did die in that bus crash, and this was all just some sort of twisted hallucination in the afterlife.

  Eventually, the water ran cold, and I knew it was time to get out before I got all wrinkled. I towelled off and dressed, wearing a pair of black leather pants, a dark green crop top, and my tall combat boots. I let my hair air dry as I swiped some black lipstick and liner on, all the while the guys dressed and watched me, making it obvious that they were studying closely.

  “So what’s this big evil plan you have for Ichabod?” Michael asked, his eyes turning a dark midnight blue at just the mention of his name. I really loved that about him—his protective instincts that made me feel safe.

  “Please tell me we get to kill him a little bit,” Jason added, yellow gaze switching back and forth to steel grey. The pleased, creepy smile that spread across his wide lips said plenty. They were plotting.

  “A little bit?” I laughed, brushing my hair out slowly as I debated what to do.

  Death? Death sounded good. Death it was. Plotting was fun when it was reserved for the wicked. On second thought, death might’ve been too easy an out for the warlock.

  “You can just bring him back and we’ll kill him again.” Michael and Jason fist bumped, totally on board with that idea.

  “You guys are sadistic.” Shaking my head, I couldn’t help but grin.

  “Yeah, but that’s a part of our irresistible charm, right? That’s why you love us so much,” said Michael.

  I paused, setting down my brush and faced them both, the smile dropping from my face as my eyes flitted between them. “Nothing’s changed, right? After what I did out there, I’d understand it if—”

  “You’re fucking insane if you think super cool necromancy powers are enough to make us run away, October,” Jason assured me.

  Michael nodded. “It was pretty sexy actually, the way your eyes went all white… Never knew I had an X-men fetish.” His eyes looked dazed as a smile blossomed on his face, accompanying sinister thoughts.

  God, I loved them and their fuckery.

  I smacked him on the arm. “Shut up! My eyes weren’t really white, were they?”

  They glanced at each other before nodding in tandem.

  “Holy shit, I really am a freak…” A hysterical laugh fell from my lips before I could reign it in. “Fuck, I wish my dad was here to teach me about all this. Don’t witches in movies get like a family grimoire or something? Like a how to guide? Necromancy 101: For Dummies isn’t gonna cut it if I have to deal with people like the mayor in the future.”

  “I think you’re getting ahead of yourself,” Jason said, taking my shoulders in his strong grip. "Let’s just worry about getting rid of one psycho warlock before we go on a witch hunt.”

  “I resent that,” Michael mumbled, but he was grinning.

  “I’m glad I have one of you in my corner.”

  There was a knock on the bathroom door, and when Michael opened it, both Norman and Freddy were on the other side. They let themselves in through the steam.

  “Looks like a party in here,” Freddy said with a pout. I hated when he gave me those puppy eyes, because I. Would. Give. Him. Anything.

  I rolled my eyes, but Norman took me in his arms for a comforting hug that was slightly cold as he whispered, “You good?”

  I nodded into his hard chest. “I am now.” I breathed in his familiar scent and felt all my muscles relax. Pulling back, I looked at the four of them and said, “Why are we all crammed in my tiny bathroom?”

  Freddy grinned. “I don’t know, I kinda like the intimacy we’ve established in this room right now.” He wiggled his eyebrows like the weirdo he is.

  My cheeks flamed, because I suddenly realized both Freddy and Norman had super smelling abilities and were probably scenting all the shower hanky panky we just had.

  “Aw, don’t be embarrassed,” Norman chuckled seductively in my ear, making me feel like I just took a shot of espresso. He woke me up in more ways than one with that voice. Curse my nether region for being a hungry bitch and craving good dick.

  “We’re just jealous and giving you shit. Let’s talk in the room. There’s a few things we need to discuss before we deal with Ichabod.” That sobered me right up, the thought making me face the reality that I really did have to make a decision.

  Dread pooled in my gut at the thought of facing the man who killed my parents, but I knew it had to be done, and in a way that meant something. Ichabod was a powerful warlock, and he hated mortals with a passion. The guy was fucked in the head. I knew the guys might have an issue with the solution I’d come up with, but I just felt like it was the right way to handle this. It’s what my parents would want, and I wouldn’t stoop down to Ichabod’s level.

  We piled onto my bed, and the guys waited and listened as I told them my grand plan. I fidgeted under all of their attention, but I reveled in the waves of overwhelming love and support I could feel emanating from each of them. Fuck, I fucking loved these sexy, scary men. They really were mine, weren’t they?

  “Are you absolutely sure about this?” Norman asked. His stare was serious and penetrating. I could hear a calm worry in his voice.

  I nodded. “I know it sounds risky, but it’s the right thing to do.”

  “This doesn’t have anything to do with Calvin, does it?” Jason asked, hissing Cal’s name through clenched teeth, but he continued to gently slide his fingers through my hair as he glanced out the window.

  “He helped me,” I defended. “He went against his own father to save me…and to stop him from desecrating my mother’s grave.”

  “He kidnapped you,” Michael muttered darkly, his jaw tightening as he fisted the sheets. “Are we supposed to just let that slide?”

  “Yes,” I said with finality. “We’ll let it slide. I’m not saying what he did was right, but he was put in an impossible position. In the end, he chose to do what was right. I have a feeling he’ll be punishing himself for a while.”

  A long while probably, and I was afraid any chance he once had with Maddie was long gone. But you just never knew what the future might hold.

  “This is insane, you know that, right?” Maddie mumbled as we stood in front of the blank wall at the end of the upstairs hallway.

  We were all here—the aunties, my guys, Jessica, Maddie, Baen, Calvin, and even that creepy little marionette dummy, Roger. We stood in a half circle by the blank wall, listening to the sporadic knocking. The aunties were holding Ichabod between them with a binding spell. His limbs were plastered to his side, and he could only move his mouth, which he used to smile smugly at me.

  “What are you going to do, little necromancer?” he asked. “Send me to a hell realm?”

  “Don’t tempt us,” Freddy growled.

  Ichabod just laughed, but then glanced at his son. “I should have seen it coming, Calvin. I should have known you’d be too weak to be useful. You’re a pathetic excuse for a warlock. I might as well have had a filthy mortal for a son.”

  Cal stared back at his father with a blank face, and I noticed Maddie’s eyes flitting to him every few seconds, even though I knew she was still trying to ignore him. There was something brewing between the two of them, and Maddie was fighting it. Baen, meanwhile, was watching Maddie. He’d gone to the aunties after the others came to rescue me. When he let Fe and Pip know what was happening, they’d gone to the Wicked Quill and retrieved a very specific book Baen had in his collection and brought it back here just for this purpose. Thank the great pumpkin he’d made it to the fight in time.

  I held that book in my trembling hands now, and even just holding it, I could feel the power pulsing from its pages. It was an ancient grimoire, belonging to some line of witches that didn’t exist anymore. An antique, Baen had said, and extremely valuable.

  I’d spoken to my aunties when Fe took me into the kitchen for my healing tonic. I’d told them what I needed to do, and they’d agreed wholeheartedly. It was the only way. So here we were, standing together with the man responsible for it all between us, smiling like he was genuinely proud of himself. All because of some sick obsession with my mother. It was disgusting, and I could barely even look at him. He’d ruined too many lives already, and it stopped here.

  “Idcirco praecipio tibi ut aperta,” Auntie Pip said in a strong voice as she spoke the revelation spell, her hand outstretched.

  The wall shimmered and twisted, until an arched doorway suddenly appeared out of thin air. The knocking was louder now, and the door seemed to be moving again, breathing like it was a living thing. Auntie Pip had said it was a living thing, and I believed it. The door pulsed with power, and shivers racked my body, causing my hair to stand on end.

  I stepped forward, opening the door. It took a little force to do so, because as soon as it cracked open, a whirlwind flowed through. The dim hallway was bathed in light, and I stared into the writhing chasm of color, sparks, fog, and raw magic—the portal to the mortal world. The last in existence that was accessible at any time. On the other side of those lights was Sunset Hollow. My town. My history. The remnants of the life I was choosing to leave behind.

  I looked at Ichabod and cracked open the grimoire. I had the page marked with a bookmark, and I took a deep breath before reciting the spell word for word, my voice strong and steady.

  “Ego tibi vires Ichabod. Adque rediit mortale!”

  His eyes went wide, and his mouth parted in a scream as tendrils of blackness snaked from my fingertips, stretching towards him like creeping arms. “No! You can’t do this!” He was panicking in earnest now as reality set in.

  I repeated the phrase until that blackness was wrapping around him, making him shake, scream, and beg. I took sick pleasure in his pain, watching in awe as his magic seeped from his very skin and into the air between us. It was a shining light, and it was so bright, I had to look away. I could feel the raw magic flowing into me, but I didn’t want it. I wasn’t a witch. I was a necromancer, and I had no need for this kind of magic.

  Looking around, my eyes landed on Cal, and I smiled. Flinging my hands out, I ripped the last remnants of power from Ichabod, sending him crumbling to his knees, and flung it straight at Calvin’s chest. He staggered back, eyes wide as Maddie ran for him, but she stopped herself last minute.

  “What did you do to him?” she breathed, looking at me with wide eyes.

  I was breathing hard as I watched the magic soak into his skin, making his eyes flare with power and then settle. He sat against the wall in a daze.

  “I gave him his father’s powers.” I looked back to Ichabod with a pitying sneer. “This piece of shit is mortal now. I think it’s only fitting he be sent to live among his own kind, don’t you?”

  Maddie choked on her surprise, saying, “You mean we’re not gonna kill him?”

  I locked eyes with Cal, who was watching me with a perplexed frown. “No. We’re not killing him. We’re doing him one better. Ichabod will be banished to the mortal world forever, and then we will shatter this portal. No coming in or out of this world, unless it’s on Halloween night. It’s too dangerous. He can rot with the mortals—no powers, no allies, nothing, just the way he deserves.”

  Cal stared at me, and I could have sworn I detected gratitude shining in his eyes. I knew he most likely hated his father now, but still, losing a parent wasn’t an easy thing. I had the power to kill this warlock where he stood, but I was making a choice.

  “That’s right, assface, fuck you!” Jessica shouted as she raised her one leg and pointed. I felt her crawl out from under my hair and smiled at her squeaky little voice providing me much appreciated back up. “Have fun eating mortal food and paying taxes!”

  “How do you know what taxes are?” Freddy asked.

  Jessica snorted, rubbing her legs together in an evil manner. “I know things.”

  I looked at my aunties and nodded. The two of them waved their hands in tandem, forcing Ichabod to his feet. He was straining against the magic, utterly worthless and weak. He was as mortal as we used to be, and he would never desecrate another grave ever again.

  He teetered on the threshold now, and my aunties were waiting for the go ahead, giving me the chance to have the final say. I stepped up to his back and raised up on my tip toes until I was ear level and whispered, “You ever even think of my mother’s name again, I’ll know. I’ll find you. I’ll suck the life from your veins and relish in it, you sick bastard. Have fun playing mortal.”

  Then I pushed him into the portal. He screamed and toppled forward, the magic sucking him in and wrapping around his body like an embrace. It only took seconds for him to disappear altogether. I stood there in the sudden silence, breathing hard and fast. Tears pricked my eyes, but it wasn’t out of sadness. It was a relief
. Ichabod was gone, and he was never coming back… I’d make sure of it.

  I turned around and faced everyone who was watching in silence. My family. The only people I could trust with my life. “It’s done,” I whispered, wiping away a tear that trailed down my cheek as my emotions caught up with me. Michael stepped forward and kissed me on my cheek, taking my pain with him. One by one, the rest of my guys did, too.

  “We need to destroy it,” I said to the aunties, and they nodded solemnly and stepped forward.

  We needed all the magic we could get to do this, so Michael stepped forward too. I heard a rustling noise, and we all glanced over to where Calvin was getting back to his feet. He staggered a little, and magic played along his fingertips, but he set his jaw and walked to my side.

  “I need to help you do this,” he said, his tone grave, but I watched his throat bob. He had a power flowing through his veins now that wasn’t just about mixing potions and calling it a day. It was dark, and if he wasn’t careful, it could consume him just like his father, but I had faith he could handle it.

  “Are you strong enough to do this right now?” I asked, looking him up and down with a raised bow. I would understand if he wasn’t.

  He nodded. “I’m stronger than I’ve ever felt…thanks to you.”

  I wasn't about to say you’re welcome, not after I’d just banished his father to the mortal world, but we both knew it was something that would linger between us from now on.

  We gathered together and joined hands, though Auntie Pip held my left shoulder as I held the grimoire in that hand. “We say it together, and we say it right. The portal will shatter forever.” The others nodded.

  “Wait!” We all turned at once. Maddie came close, eyes glossy with tears. She was biting down on her bottom lip, and she looked like she was shaking a little bit. “October…”


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