The Heart You Break (Wilde Ways Book 4)

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The Heart You Break (Wilde Ways Book 4) Page 9

by Cynthia Eden

  “You don’t oversleep. You don’t miss meetings. You’re never late for anything.”

  Not normally, no. “I am today.” She shot a quick glance over her shoulder. She was pretty sure Bran was sleeping. Hopefully, she’d be done with this meeting and back inside before he ever realized she was gone. That was the plan, anyway.

  “Is the target secured?”

  “Of course.” She kept her voice flat as she focused on her partner once more. “I locked the cabin and reset the alarm before I left.”

  “And where is the rock star right now?” Cole’s lips twisted in a faint grin that she didn’t like.

  “Sleeping. He had a long night.”

  Cole stared at her. The grin kept pulling at his lips.

  “Bran works on his music all night long.”

  “Yeah, I know. I dropped by last night, doing a little surveillance after I got your text. I stayed a while and caught some of his music on the wind.”

  “Right.” She rubbed her hands together and stepped closer. Time to cut right to the chase. She wasn’t there to talk about Bran’s music. “Look, Bran is fully aware that he has a stalker. He and the sheriff are doing some kind of amateur bait routine up here that is not going to end well.”

  Cole nodded and finally lost the grin. “I’m working on pulling background on the sheriff. Already turned up his military service, but the techs at Wilde Securities are digging deeper.”

  “I want to know how he and Bran became friends.”

  “From what I can gather, they grew up in the same area of Louisiana. Same parish, but I think Gideon is a year or two older than Bran. You want to know all the deep details of the friendship, though, you could always just ask. Seems like you and Bran are getting pretty chummy.”

  “I am going to ask.” And chummy didn’t come close to describing things. “But sometimes, people don’t tell the full story.”

  “In other words, you don’t trust Bran. Got it.”

  “No, that’s not—”

  Cole stepped toward her. His hand lifted, and he touched her neck. “Thought you just got the little scratch on your cheek, didn’t realize you got hurt here, too, when that bullet hit the store.”

  Uh, yeah. That wasn’t a bruise from the attack. She was pretty sure the mark he was touching had come from Bran. Or rather, from Bran’s mouth. Whoops. “I’m fine. Stop being touchy.” Julia brushed Cole’s hand away. “Bran has been getting messages from the stalker. The guy even left him a note after the motorcycle incident. Bran has been keeping all of this as quiet as possible, but now that I’m on the inside, I can learn everything that’s happened. I’ll be forwarding any messages that I find in his social media accounts. Anything that seems suspicious.”

  Cole tilted his head. He wore a black t-shirt, and the tats on his arms flexed as he moved. “There is a hell of a lot that seems suspicious to me right now.”

  “Tell me about it,” she muttered. Julia blew out a long breath. “Has anything been recovered from the scene of the shooting yesterday? Anything we can use?”

  “The sheriff and his deputies had that area blocked off. I was watching—they didn’t bring out anything of use, but I want to get in there myself. I want to check the place out and see what I can find.”

  Sounded like a plan to her. Once more, her gaze darted over her shoulder. After last night, she didn’t want to be caught off guard again. Bran had appeared to be sleeping, but for all she knew, he could be heading toward her at that very moment.

  “What’s he like?”

  Her attention swung back to Cole. Suspicion filled her. “Tell me you aren’t.”

  Cole rolled back his shoulders. “Aren’t what?”

  “A fan.”

  He flashed a smile. “Sorry. Guilty. I freaking love his music. And that hard blaring beat I heard last night, shit, it was genius.”

  The music he’d heard last night—Bran had played it right before they’d made love. No, we absolutely did not make love. We had sex. Rough, wild, awesome sex.

  Tension lodged between her shoulder blades. “I need to get back.”

  But she heard a twig snap. And then…

  “Julia?” Bran’s voice. Rough. Worried?

  Julia looked heavenward at the very clear, blue sky. The guy just would not stay where she left him. What was she gonna have to do? Put a bell on him?

  “I need to get the fuck away,” Cole groused.

  Yeah, he did. Unfortunately…

  There was no time for that.

  “Be a fan,” she whispered.

  And bam, Bran was there. He’d bounded around the side of the barn. When he saw her, he staggered to a stop, and relief flashed on his face. He’d dragged on a shirt, one that stretched across his chest, and he wore jeans and sneakers. Stubble covered his jaw, and his dark hair was a tousled, sexy mess.

  The relief that flew over his face lasted only a moment. Because in the next instant, he caught sight of Cole. Fury flashed in place of the relief as Bran charged forward.

  “Bran, wait!” Julia began.

  He grabbed her wrist. Hauled her behind him. And squared off with Cole. “Get the hell away from her.”

  Wow. His voice had gone low, lethal, and downright evil.

  “Bran, wait, let me explain!” She could explain this away, in a manner that wouldn’t blow her cover or Cole’s. Or maybe Cole had taken her hint and realized the role he needed to play in order to save both of their asses.

  She peeked over her shoulder and saw the wide smile that split Cole’s lips.

  “I am such a fan,” Cole told Bran, voice warm and his face all beaming. “When I saw you in town yesterday, shit, I just had to come by—”

  “At seven a.m.?” Cole cut in. “You thought it was okay to sneak onto my property at seven a.m. because you’re a fan?”

  “I just…I wasn’t gonna bother you, man.” Cole’s smile slipped. “I’m actually renting the cabin just down the road.” He pointed vaguely toward the trees and the only other cabin on the mountain top. And, yes, he was renting it. Their plan had been for Cole to stay close.

  “I didn’t know this was your place,” Cole continued quickly.

  Bran still had his fingers curled around Julia’s wrist.

  “I was out for a morning jog,” Cole added. He was wearing running pants and that black, athletic t-shirt so the story fit. “Then I saw, um, Julia here, and I recognized her from town.”

  Bran’s tense figure didn’t relax even a bit.

  “I was coming out for a jog, too,” Julia told Bran, trying to be soothing as she lifted her free hand and stroked his shoulder. “I think better when I jog, and after last night, I wanted to have some time to myself.”

  Bran spun toward her. “It’s not safe for you to be out alone.”

  Easy there, big boy. It wasn’t safe for him to be out alone.

  Bran’s golden eyes glittered at her. “I woke up, and you were gone. That scared the hell out of me when you weren’t in the bed with—”

  Shit. Overshare much, Bran? “I had to get out of my room.” Okay, yes, that hadn’t been a very subtle emphasis on the my part. She wanted Cole to think she’d slept in her own room, but one glance at his widening eyes, and she realized it was too late for that cover. Bran had already given away the secret.


  Cole coughed. “Um, sorry to bother you folks.”

  Bran’s attention turned back to him.

  “Like I said, man. I’m just a fan. When I saw her and recognized her from town, I came over to formally introduce myself. Oh.” He blinked. Smiled again. His friendly, I’m harmless smile. He offered his hand to Bran. “Name’s Cole Vincent.”

  Bran finally let go of his hold on Julia. He shook Cole’s hand, only for a moment. “Don’t take this the wrong way, Cole.” He released him. “But I need you to stay off my property.”

  Cole frowned. “Look, I don’t want any trouble—”

  “Neither do I, and, believe me, it will be safer if you stay
at your place.”

  “Safer?” Now Cole glanced around. “There trouble up here?” His gaze sharpened as it returned to Bran. “After that shot yesterday in town, you can damn well believe I’ll be on my toes. Damn. You try to get away for a while, and instead of finding some peace and solitude, you find more madness. Makes you wonder what’s happening to the world these days.”

  Bran angled his body closer to Julia. “There is madness everywhere, but usually people hide it so you don’t see it until it’s too late.”

  Cole ducked his head and backed up a step. “Sorry I got in your way.” He turned from them. “I’ll just finish my jog—”

  “You do that,” Bran urged.

  Cole gave a wave as he took off.

  Bran didn’t speak as he watched Cole disappear into the woods, but he did grab for Julia’s hand again. His grip was tight. “No more.”

  He was so confusing. “No more…what?” Sex? Candy? Rock and roll?

  He pulled her toward the cabin even as he hauled out his phone and called someone. A moment later, he barked, “Gideon? I need you to check out the guy who is staying in the cabin near me. Jerk was on my property, getting far too close to Julia. Yeah, yeah, it is a fucking coincidence that he was at the scene of the shooting yesterday and now he just happens to turn up at my place while the sun has barely risen.”

  Her gut clenched. “Bran…”

  “You’ll be paying him a personal visit? Yeah, yeah, good. Thanks, Gideon. I owe you.” He ended the call.

  They were back at the cabin. They climbed the steps, and he barely paused on the sprawling porch. He unlocked the door, threw it open, and rushed inside. Since he still had his death grip on her, she got to rush inside, too.

  But as soon as that door slammed behind them… “Enough!” Julia yanked her hand from him. “Stop dragging me around!” Did she look like she wanted to be hauled around? Her hands balled into fists on her hips as she faced off against him.

  That was when she saw the fury burning in his eyes. His face was stamped tight with a rage she hadn’t seen from him before. Wow. He looked…fierce. Sexy. Dangerous.

  “Did you think I wasn’t serious?” Bran’s voice was a snarl. He took a step toward her.

  She backed up.

  “When I told you that I had a stalker, when I said that by being with me, near me, you could be at risk—did you think I wasn’t serious?”

  “No, I mean…of course, I think you’re serious!”

  “Then why in the hell were you out there with him? Out there alone? Out there—”

  “Uh, because I am a grown woman who has a life to live?”

  He surged toward her. This time, she didn’t back up. Maybe she should have. After all, being timid and hesitant, wasn’t that the role she had to play? And in the face of his fury, the woman she was pretending to be would probably back up again.

  But she didn’t feel like pretending. Things were far too raw between them.

  “He could’ve hurt you.”

  Not in a million years. “Cole isn’t your stalker—”

  “You don’t know a damn thing about him.”

  Sure I do. He’s my partner. Nope, she couldn’t very well say that.

  “He’s a stranger who was at the scene of the shooting and now we find him on my property first thing in the morning. You were alone with him. He could’ve grabbed you, hurt you, taken you, and I wouldn’t have any idea where you’d gone.” His gaze blasted into her. “When I woke up and I couldn’t find you, do you know how I felt?”

  “Mad?” A guess, based on the rage pouring from him—

  “No.” His hands wrapped around her shoulders. But his grip wasn’t hard. It was oddly tender, especially considering the way he was glaring. “I was scared as hell. Frantic because I was afraid you’d been hurt. I warned you, you can be a target if you stay with me. You can’t go out on your own. Not while that sick bastard is out there. I need to stay close to you because if something happens to you…” His words trailed away. Bran shook his head. “If something happens to you…” Again, he didn’t finish.

  Her heart warmed. He was all grizzly bear mad because he was worried about her? That was kinda sweet. Protective. Why did he keep doing things to throw her off? “Nothing will happen. Not to me. Not to you.”

  “You’re too trusting.” He backed her up until her shoulders hit the wall. She was pinned there, caged between the wood behind her and his solid frame in front of her. “How the hell have you survived in this world?”

  Now that warmth in her heart faded. “I’ve survived just fine, thanks. Somehow, I managed to make it on my own without you standing between me and every threat out there.” Talk about wonder of wonders…Jerk. She’d gone from thinking he was sweet to thinking he was an ass all within the same minute.

  “Stand between you and threats.” He nodded. “That’s exactly what I want to do.” A muscle flexed along his jaw. “I want to stand between you and anything and everything that could hurt you. But don’t you get it? I’m the one bringing the pain. I’m the one you have to fear because I’m the bastard who brings the terror.”

  “No, you don’t.” Her hand lifted. Pressed to his chest. “You’re being targeted. You haven’t done anything wrong.”

  His gaze cut away from her. “Too trusting. Just like I fucking said. You don’t really know me.” Bran took a step back. “I’m going to work out.”

  She’d seen the giant workout setup that he had on the first floor, right down from her room.

  He pointed at her. “Don’t even think of leaving again. If you do, I’m at your side before you can blink.”

  She could blink pretty fast. “Bran—”

  “This is a deal breaker, Julia. You can stay here, you can stay with me, but I won’t have your safety put at risk. You follow my rules, or we’re done.”

  Her eyes narrowed.

  “Dammit! Don’t look at me like that!” He whirled away. “You think I like coming across as the asshole? You think I like sounding this way? I know I’m out of control. I know I’m being a jerk to you, and that is the last thing I want.” His shoulders heaved. “When I woke up and couldn’t find you, I was scared. Scared something had happened to you and that I wouldn’t get to you in time. Scared someone had taken you away while I slept.” He threw a glare back at her. “Then I found you…” He swallowed. “And I was jealous.”

  Of everything he could’ve said, that last detail floored her the most. “What?”

  “I don’t get jealous. People don’t matter enough to me. Women use me. I use them. I walk away.” Instead of walking away, he turned back toward her. “That Cole Vincent was standing close to you. Too close. I saw him, and I got fucking jealous. I had a million other things I should have felt, but I mostly just wanted to get his ass away from you because I didn’t like the way he looked at you.”

  “Cole isn’t interested in me like that.” An automatic response.

  “How do you know? You just met the guy. His eyes were all over you, and the way his body tensed when I got too close…” A rough laugh. “Let’s just say I’m not buying that he’s a fan of mine. Or at least, not one any longer.”

  Bran had been jealous? Of her and Cole?

  “I didn’t plan on this, Julia. Didn’t plan on you. Everything is spinning out of control. I’m trying to figure out how to handle things with you without being a total dick, and I know I’m failing at that job.” He raked a hand through his hair. “Don’t leave again without me, okay? Please. My heart can’t take it.”

  He’d said please. It had been all gruff and rumbly. She wondered how often he said the word. It was supposed to be a magic word, or at least, that was what her grandmother used to say.

  Bran headed down the hallway. She waited until he was out of sight, then Julia pulled out her phone. She fired a fast text to Cole. You’re getting a visitor soon. Sheriff will be heading your way.

  And the sheriff would dig into Cole’s past. Or at least, he’d try to dig. But Wilde S
ecurities had put safeguards in place—both for Cole and for her.

  The truth wouldn’t be found by the local sheriff. Bran would go right on believing the lies she’d told him. Her fingers were trembling as she put down the phone. The knowledge that she didn’t like lying to Bran was heavy in her gut. So heavy that she sent another text, this time to her boss at Wilde.

  Contact Hathway. Bran needs to know who I really am.

  Her grandmother had taught her a few other “magic” words over the years. Words like…I’m sorry.

  She stared down the hallway. I’m sorry, Bran. Sorry that I’m another person who is lying to you when you’ve already had plenty of liars in your life.

  Chapter Nine

  Cole Vincent was sitting on his cabin’s porch when the sheriff’s patrol car pulled into his drive. He didn’t get up. Just waited in the old rocking chair, with his hands hanging loosely between his knees. The sheriff had arrived even faster than he’d anticipated.

  The car braked. The sheriff exited and headed straight for Cole. As he walked, the guy’s fingers brushed against the holster on his side, and the shiny badge gleamed on the man’s chest in the light. “Cole Vincent?”

  The sheriff already knew his name. They’d spoken the previous day when Cole had given his statement to the authorities at the scene of the shooting in town.

  “Sheriff.” Cole inclined his head. “You have more questions for me?”

  The sheriff took his measure. Cole did the same. Gideon Warren. The first intel from Wilde had been trickling in on the guy. Former Marine. He’d moved to Hideaway four years ago. Started as deputy. Worked his way up to sheriff. On paper, he looked clean. One of those upstanding, squeaky types.

  Personally, Cole never trusted those types.

  “I do have more questions.” Gideon put his hands on his hips. “Why the hell were you on Bran Copper’s property this morning?”

  “Got lost, actually. Was taking a jog. Then I saw Julia—uh, she’s the woman staying with Bran. Maybe his assistant? I think that’s what she said.” He scratched his chin. “She was by the barn, and we talked for a bit.” Now he rose. “Then Bran came storming out, and I don’t think he was too happy to see me with his lady.”


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