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Hott and Handled (The Hott Brothers Book 3)

Page 10

by Leah Sharelle

  I already spoke with Dillion and let him know my intentions with his mum. Last week, I stopped by their house and hung out with him while he rested his sprained ankle, playing video games and general male bonding. The kid came out and asked me if I liked his mother, and I answered truthfully, a little too much honesty judging by him rolling his eyes and feigning dry retching. By the end of the discussion, Dillion was on board with my plan and asking if he could come to ride the bikes again once his ankle healed. I had to admit it was refreshing to chat with such a bright kid like Dillion Hill, he had his head screwed on, unlike some teens his age. He was all about saving money, getting more after-school jobs and watching out for his mum. Whatever the poor blighter saw his father do to Farron during their marriage didn’t give me the impression that Dillion liked his old man all that much.

  Something I understood well.

  My mind rushed back to the moment when I felt a hand run down my bare chest and come to a stop over my crotch.

  “Mmmm, this is … nice,” Farron breathed into my mouth, her eyes opened and looking right at me. This close, I could see just how deep brown her eyes were, not plain brown, not for my stunner, no hers were a golden brown with gold flecks sprinkled in, making them so mesmerizing I planned to get lost in them every day of my life.

  Pushing my groin into her hand, I growled against her lips.

  “For future reference baby, men don’t like their dicks to be called ‘nice’. We prefer magnificent, astounding, a work of art, stuff like that.”

  “Well, seeing as though I am yet to see it, I guess we will have to go off my description when we were picking up the ovens. I believe huge was the word I used.” Her hand squeezing me, then pressing down on me as she rubbed the length of my constrained hard-on. “Come on cowboy, we have a ride to get to,” she breathed, moaning when my cock twitched in my jeans under her touch.

  “I’m looking forward to another ride myself darlin’,” I drawled, giving her some space so she could turn around and helped her back up on Hercules, then quickly mounting behind her, swearing I heard her mutter, ‘I just hope I’m good at it,” but wasn’t sure I heard her right.

  I better not have heard her putting herself down.


  Hell’s bells my heart!

  Fenixx’s lips should be a weapon, his kisses the ammunition.

  Where on earth was the sass I was throwing at him coming from and did I really just put my hand on his crotch and squeeze it? In all my thirty-four years, I had ever been so bold to grab a man’s manly area. And I certainly don’t remember ever purring while saying sexy innuendos, after sucking his tongue into my mouth. The thing was, and in my defence, I loved to kiss. I loved the thought of it, loved watching it in movies, always secretly wishing I was on the receiving end of one.

  I asked him to kiss me very badly, I admit. I almost backed out but hearing about his illness and heart issues, an overwhelming fear that with one mistake in diagnosis I might not have ever met, Fenixx spurred me to leave my comfort zone and ask. Of course, I stumbled and stuttered so much I wanted the earth to open up and swallow me, but Fenixx, in the only way Fenixx Hott could, he took my stumbling and turned it into something he did wrong.

  What man did that? Alec never did, that was for darn sure. Everything was mine or Dillion’s fault. He made too much noise, or I was too needy, Dillion cried too much, I asked for too much. It was no wonder I had no confidence, spending so many years with a man not capable of showing emotion, not even to his own flesh and blood.

  Then there was Fenixx. He had only been in our lives for the briefest time, but already he and my son had started bonding. I heard Fenixx this and Fenixx that from Dillion at the dinner table every night before I headed in to take care of the night shift at the restaurant.

  It was sad because Alec was Dillion’s dad, and he didn’t care. Even sadder was Dillion didn’t either. Months before Fenixx came along, Dillion stopped talking about his dad, stopped asking if Alec called while he was at school. This week not once did he tell me he planned on texting his father, no talk about seeing Alec for his upcoming birthday. Last year Alec pulled out of plans to pick up Dillion and take him back to the city for a week, so Dillion could see his grandparents and be included in the celebrations. That had hurt my kid, ensuring a colossal argument on the phone between not only Alec and me, but another one with Alec’s mother.

  The difference between Alec’s family and Nixx’s was huge and was going to take some getting used to if this spark between Fenixx and I was heading where I hoped it was going.

  As was the affection from Fenixx, his arms closed around me again, his large hands holding the reigns loosely but commandingly. The brute of a horse moved forward, starting his slow amble to wherever Fenixx was taking me. Hell, he could take me wherever he wanted, especially if I am to get more kisses, cuddles and his deep voice telling me more about himself.

  I knew the silence that had settled around us was due to my off-hand comment about possibly being shit at sex. Fenixx’s reaction had been flash quick, but I heard the low rumbled growl as he swung himself up on the horse behind me. I was glad that he didn’t ask me to explain myself, at least he wasn’t demanding it from me yet but knowing Fenixx Hott, it was coming.

  “So,” I started, eager to end the silence, “you like me calling you honey and Nixx?”

  “Yes I do, baby,” Nixx chuckled, steering the horse down along a creek bed. The scenery was breathtaking, so much more of the mountains could be seen from here than in town, even despite its small size and lack of tall buildings. Here, there was nothing to interfere with the imagery of the ranges and the beauty they offered.

  Nixx peppered small kisses along the base of my neck, the touch of his lips creating a line of goosebumps on my skin and chorus of tingles in my core.

  “You know we are going to talk about that ridiculous comment baby, don’t you?” Nixx whispered sternly in my ear, his teeth grazing my lobe deliciously.

  “I expect we will but not now, okay?”

  Nixx grunted but said no more, thankfully. My confidence in myself was going to be an issue, how much I wasn’t sure just yet. I’d never had sex with the light on, in the years I was married and before, never ever once gotten completely naked in front of my husband, nor had I showered with him or dressed together in the same room. Something told me Nixx wasn’t going to stand for any of that.

  Wrapping each of my hands over his forearms, I eased as far into his chest as I could without pushing Nixx off the saddle. The leather was comfortable but definitely not made for two people to sit on at once. Nixx’s hum of approval warmed me, the way his upper arms tightened around me, making me let out a sigh of my own. This man was one of a kind, and he wanted me.

  “Come for dinner tonight, at my place?” I asked timidly. I was still unsure about our age gap, it seemed unfathomable that a man of only thirty was happy to go out with an older woman, but at the same time, this spark between us was too hard to ignore.

  “Nothing else I’d rather do,” Nixx replied straightaway, pressing another kiss to my neck. “Absolutely nothing.”


  “Geez Mum, why didn’t you tell me you were going to the farm today? I would have gone with you,” Dillion moaned, as he set the table for dinner later that evening. Nixx and I rode to the valley, which I had already seen then further down where he showed me the most beautiful sight I had ever had the pleasure of seeing.

  Wild brumbies.

  Never in my wildest dreams did I expect to see the majestic sight of wild horses grazing peacefully only a few hundred metres before me. It was a moment I will never forget, nor would I try to.

  “Dillion, my boy, as strange as it sounds to you, I don’t have to tell you everything I do,” I retorted, deciding to have a little fun with my teenager.

  “You are the one who begged and pleaded to go sleep over at Mark’s place, my boy. Going to see Nixx was his idea, not mine,” I continued, hiding my smile by ducking my h
ead into the oven. As if I would say no to a day with Nixx, no matter that my arse was more numb than if I had gone to the dentist and had a mouthful of needles.

  “If I knew you were going to the Triple H Mother, I would have come home early.”

  Rolling my eyes at being called mother for the nineteenth time week, I ignored his whining, pulled the roast lamb out of the oven and placed it on the potholder. The vegetables were ready and wrapped in foil to keep them hot, all we needed was our guest to arrive.

  The sound of a motorbike pulling up to the side of the house sent fluttering butterflies loose in my stomach. The bike was a dirt bike, but with a more resonant engine sound, than the one Dillion had been riding the other day.

  “Nixx is here!” Dillion shouted, racing to the kitchen window, “holy shit Mum, he has a KTM 690 Enduro.”

  “Does he? And watch your language,” I replied automatically. “Make yourself useful and go greet Nixx while I dish up. We can eat in the kitchen, it’s nicer in here than the dining room.” Rolling my eyes again, this time at the room I liked to call the dining room. It was anything but a dining room and we never used it.

  “Dining room? Is that what we are calling the shoebox that only a table and two chairs is able to fit in?” Dillion mumbled, saying out loud what I had been thinking, as he walked out of the kitchen to the back door. In truth, the house only had a back door at the side. The place had been a storage building for the pub, the previous owners converting it into a residence of sorts to increase the selling value. I hated the house, even with my personal touches, but it was mine and Dillion’s, and no one could take it from me … well other than the bank, of course.

  Grabbing three plates, I started to dish up while my son’s chatter drifted in from the side entrance. I couldn’t hear Nixx speaking, but that was most likely because my son was talking a mile a minute at the poor man.

  “Dillion, let the man get inside at least before you drown him in questions about his bike,” I shouted, with no heat in my reprimand. Not that I blamed my son for his hero-worship, I was kind of smitten myself with the hunky cowboy.

  “Hmmm, smells great baby,” Nixx praised me, walking in behind Dillion.

  Smiling, I turned and faced the man who consumed my every thought. “It’s lamb, not beef, hope that is alright?” Laughing when he clutched his chest and made a sound of disgust.

  “No beef? Sacrilege!” he joked, coming around the table and grabbing the plate out of my hand at the same time leaning over and kissing me softly on the lips.

  “Hey baby,” he breathed against my lips.

  “Hey,” I parroted, freezing in place. Dillion was a few metres away, watching us. What must he be thinking of seeing his mum kissing another man who wasn’t his father? Hell, this was probably the first time he had seen his mum kiss any man.

  “Mum, can I go look at Nixx’s bike real quick before tea?” the boy in question asked me. Turning my head, I looked wide-eyed at my son and saw he was watching us, but nothing in his expression told me he saw anything wrong with the display of affection between Nixx and myself.

  “Um …. sure?” I stuttered, looking back at Nixx to see an amused smile on his lips.

  Chuckling softly, Nixx wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me into his side.

  “Dillion, is it okay if your mum and I see each other?”

  Dillion looked at Nixx, then at me, then at Nixx again saying nothing. Seconds ticked by, and suddenly I felt the urge to pull away from Nixx’s hold on me. He must have sensed my panic because his hand tightened on my hip in a silent warning.

  “I really like your mum mate, and I promise I won’t do anything to hurt her,” Nixx declared in a deep, strong voice.

  “You promise not to mess with her?” Dillion countered, narrowing his eyes at Nixx.

  “You have my word.”

  “You know Mum comes with me, right? We are a package deal.”

  Tears welled in my eyes and my nose started to sting. Just seeing my boy standing there going toe-to-toe with a man over twice his age made me so proud.

  Nixx leant down and pressed a kiss to my temple, before letting me go to walk over to Dillion. I watched in utter amazement as Nixx held out his hand to Dillion, waiting for Dillion to take it.

  “I would want your mum if she had ten kids mate, and I would like each and every one of them because they are hers. I consider myself bloody lucky to have found you and your mum, Dillion. I’m not the kind of person to pretend, if I don’t like someone, you can believe there will be a mighty good reason for it. Fortunately, I reckon you are a f—ah, a damn, fine kid, and you are your mum’s family, which means you are part of mine too. You accept that?”

  Taking a few steps closer, I peeked over Nixx’s shoulder. I had to stand on my tiptoes to do it because the man was a mountain, but I managed to see Dillion just at the moment when he accepted Nixx’s handshake, a smile replacing the frown.

  “Yeah, I do. Ya both know I was on board with you two anyways, right?” Dillion smirked, “Now, can I go see your bike real quick?”

  “Don’t take too long, yeah? I’m starving, so I can’t promise there will be much left if you don’t get back soon,” Nixx answered, shaking his head.

  My boy knew what I wanted before I did. Smartypants.

  “Deal!” Dillion yelled as he raced out of the kitchen, hitting the back door with his usual exuberance.

  “Just like a teenager,” Nixx said, shaking his head laughing, “only knows one speed. Full throttle.”

  “What just happened?” I rasped out, not believing the scene that just unfolded.

  “That.” Nixx began walking back to me, his arms going around me and pulling me to his front. My hands automatically reached out and clung to his biceps, noticing he’d changed into a shirt with sleeves for the first time. Damn it.

  “Was your last legitimate excuse for us to be together going down the gurgler baby. The only ones left are in your head,” Nixx whispered the last part, his forehead falling to mine.

  “I’m in baby, one hundred percent. Dillion is part of that too.”

  I was already there with Nixx in theory, had already agreed to see what this was between us. One foot in, one foot out. Dillion just helped my lagging foot to step over the line.

  “Do you want gravy or tomato sauce on your meat, honey?” I asked, adding the pet name, so Nixx knew I was in too.

  “If you don’t tell my mum, I want tomato sauce and don’t forget the mint sauce on the peas,” Nixx whispered, winking at me, his eyes lighting up.

  Pecking his lips, I laughed.

  “Oh god forbid! You can’t eat peas without mint sauce!” I shuddered.

  “I knew the minute I laid eyes on you that first night you were perfect. Now you have confirmed it.” Nixx returned my kiss then went about setting the plates on the table like he had been doing it for years.

  And just like that, my whole body calmed, and the tension flowed out of me. The only thing left now was to get naked in front of him.

  God help me!

  “I hope Dillion didn’t go to bed early for my benefit,” Nixx murmured into my hair. We were sitting on the couch, me practically in his lap, watching the evening news.

  “Oh, don’t worry about that. Dillion loves his sleep. He isn’t one for TV, much preferring to go to bed and get as much sleep as possible than sit and watch a show.”

  “Sounds like my brothers and me. Mum had a hard time getting us to come inside for dinner, then she had an even harder time getting us to do the dishes after, the three of us going to bed with a full belly and hours of outside time,” Nixx agreed as he stroke his fingers through my short hair.

  My own fingers were making circles on his arm, my digits not happy they couldn’t get to his warm skin.

  “How come you changed your shirt?” I blurted.

  “You like me wearing sleeveless shirts, baby?” Nixx teased, chuckling.

  “I do, actually. Easy access,” I quipped, enjoying the way we slipped
into our easy banter.

  “Good to know,” he winked at me, “but when I take the bike on the road, I like to have sleeves.”

  Nodding in agreement, I bit my tongue to stop myself from lecturing him that he should be wearing leathers and gloves too.

  “My leather jacket is on my bike Farron, don’t worry, I’m all about the safety when I ride on the roads.”

  My goodness, he could read my mind already, or was I simply that transparent? I hoped not because if he can read my mind, he might run as far as possible.



  “Tell me what he did to you?” Nixx asked, putting it like a question, but I knew he wasn’t asking, he was demanding. It was fair, I wanted to start our relationship on the right foot, and that had to include total honesty from me.

  There was only one thing I had to insist on if I am to pour out my heart and reveal my innermost secrets.

  Sighing, I forced myself to sit up. “Okay, but you can’t be touching me while I tell you.”

  Nixx balked at my demand, but quickly recovered, giving me a curt nod.

  “Okay, now talk.”

  Here we go.


  “I fell pregnant very young, twenty-years-old, my first boyfriend, my first time,” Farron started, sitting at the end of the couch, a cushion on her lap and one on the couch between us creating a barrier so she could get through her story. I had no idea what she was about to tell me, but not wanting me to touch her gave me a bad feeling.

  “Alec didn’t love me, though I thought he did because he spent months pursuing me. Turns out he just wanted to say he’d bedded a virgin, get some points up on his mates. Well, that backfired on him big time when his parents found out about my pregnancy,” Farron drawled with a humourless laugh.


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