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Hott and Handled (The Hott Brothers Book 3)

Page 19

by Leah Sharelle

  “Hey baby, yeah, it was some kind of shit to take in, that’s for sure.” I agreed still not sure what to think about everything I just heard. It was a lot to take in, a feud spanning over fifty years over something so trivial but caused so much heart-ache and so damaging.

  “But something to digest later right,” Farron guessed, her brown eyes searching my face.

  “The later, the better. Right now, all I want to do is hold you, hell if I didn’t have the reassurance from my specialist that my heart is working perfectly, I swear it stopped beating when I saw Mack’s ute sticking arse up in that fucking shaft.” I groaned at the memory and the fear I experienced when Blake told us about Farron’s fall.

  “It wasn’t all that fun being in it when it happened either, it all happened so quickly we didn’t have any time to brace—”

  Kissing her to stop the rest of the tale, I knew if I let her continue, my pulse would pick back up again.

  “Not now baby, let’s just lay here and be thankful you are here and only have a broken foot.” I wasn’t ready to hear the grim details of my fiancée’s fall, fuck I don’t know if I ever would be. Losing Farron, the possibility of living without her … not something I could handle.

  “I’m good with that,” Farron agreed, wriggling closer in my embrace. “At least Mallory and Blake worked out their issues, and you guys have some answers and can move forward past the drama, or try to.”

  “We will baby, Noxx, Drixx and I know what we have. The lesson to take from our father is not to let the past define who we are and can be. Although, those two are entertaining when they get stuck into each other … just saying.”

  Farron reached out and cupped my jaw, it didn’t escape me she liked to do that, and especially liked it when I had a scruffy sprinkling of hair there.

  “You never cease to amaze me Fenixx Hott, your generosity and faith in people. There is no man like you, and, I for one, am glad my son gets to learn how to be a man from your example. I love you Nixx, and I can’t wait for the rest of my life with you.”

  Looking deep into her eyes, one of my favourite sights in the world, I nuzzled into her soft hand.

  “Never stop loving me Farron, it’s you my heart beats for, baby. God let me live because he knew you would come into my life and make me whole. I love you so much.”

  The quiet of the room was disturbed by the soft moans of the woman in my arms, as we kissed gently. Another steady sound only I could hear … the rhythmic beating of my heart.

  Strong and true … the love of a good woman will do that.


  I checked my watch then looked over at the driveway and still no sign of Farron’s car.

  How long does it take to have an ultrasound for fuck sake? I mean if I knew she was going to be this long, I would have cancelled the buyer or let Blake take care of it.

  Selling four hundred head of prime beef stock to a Canadian buyer who came all the way from Montreal purely for Triple H bloodlines not as important as seeing my child on a screen, but Farron insisted I stay, that there were going to be other opportunities to go with her. The buyer wanted both Hendrixx and me at the sale, even Noxx was asked to be present, which seemed strange until the guy turned up with a camera crew.

  He wanted to document the occasion and put it on social media, sprouting something about international relations. Nothing but a waste of time if you ask me, a stupid stunt that kept me from seeing my kid’s heartbeat for the first time.

  When Farron and I found out she was carrying my baby, the first thing I did was hijack the company’s helicopter and fly Farron to Melbourne for an appointment with a prenatal cardiologist, and we didn’t leave until they assured me my ASD wasn’t hereditary.

  Our marriage came before the pregnancy, much to my chagrin. After Farron’s accident four months ago, the blood test came back negative, but we knew that was probable because of the test Farron took at home.

  Life then got really interesting, Alec signed away all custody rights to Dillion, without being asked mind you, and I started the process to adopt him legally. First, Farron and I married in a small intimate ceremony. Farron wasn’t into anything flashy but she admitted to me she always dreamed of walking down the aisle in a pretty wedding dress. So, I did what any man desperately in love would do, and commandeered the helicopter and flew her to Sydney to the best and most expensive boutique. Mack did the research for me and even accompanied Farron on the trip. Apparently, I wasn’t allowed to go, something about not seeing the dress. A bunch of bullshit if you asked me, all I got out of it was two nights sleeping alone without my girl.

  The other big development was the feud between the families. We waited until Farron had time to recoup, but a week after the accident, we sent Mum on a little holiday to get her out of the house. She didn’t need to hear any of the crap that went on with Will and Dave over her.

  Noxx, Hendrixx, Mack and Mallory and I went through the biscuit tin, we found some answers and gained some questions frustratingly, but we all decided to stop in the end. Stop looking for reasons, trying to figure out the mindset of two men who hated each other and just … dropped it for good.

  We donated the money the girl’s found to Dusty’s parents and insisted they didn’t have to pay it back. Will Hott did a lot of evil shit in life, but we helped him set something right in death. Mum was never to know, we all agreed on that. We had a lot of lies and deceit to keep from her, but the three of us could live with that.

  So here I was, married, a teenage son I was proud to call mine and a baby on the way.

  All I needed was my wife to get home and …

  “Dad, Mum is back,” Dillion shouted, shaking me out of my daydreaming.

  Oh yeah, another change. Dillion started calling me Dad, on his own, and with no prodding from me. Fucking best day ever.

  “Thanks mate, wanna go get Princess and let her in with Herc for a while?”

  “Will do, old man,” Dillion saluted, grinning at me.

  “I’m not even twice your age, you little shit.”

  “And married to my mum, toy boy.”

  “Grounded boy, so grounded.”

  Tossing him a smile over my shoulder, I took off for the personal drive at our house.

  “Hey baby, what took you so long?” Reaching Farron just as she stepped down from the huge Hilux I had bought her not long after we married.

  “Sorry honey, I stopped in at the restaurant to check on the new manager and to grab this.” Holding up a calico money bag, she waved it at me.

  “What’s that?” I asked but I barely gave the bag a cursory glance, instead concentrating on my wife’s curves in those fucking sexy tight jegging things. My god every morning my cock grew hard while I watched her shimmy her sexy self into the tight stretchy pants and imagined how much I enjoyed peeling them down her firm thick thighs later each night.

  “This, my darling husband, is the year of tips you left for me every night during your stalking phase. I thought we might start spending it.” She winked at me, although Farron’s way of winking was to squint both eyes. Adorable woman.

  “The best decision I ever made, other than marrying and knocking you up,” I replied, taking her in my arms, tucking her head until my chin. All the uneasy panic of being without her suddenly gone with just her body touching mine.

  “Well, you have another decision to make honey.”


  “How many kids do you want exactly?”

  “I don’t know three more maybe, four is a good number,” I answered her absently, I tended to get side tracked whenever Farron was in my arms, or within my eyesight.

  Farron pulled away from me just enough to look at me. Her eyes sparkled that golden brown, my favourite colour.

  “How do you feel about all three at once?”

  And there it was, that smile, the one she reserved for only me. My smile.

  My ears filled with the thumping of my heartbeat. Cupping her face with one hand, the other on
e I squeezed between our bodies and cupped her tiny bump.

  Love. I loved this woman so much, it was all consuming and I wanted to drown in my love for her for the rest of my life.

  “I reckon I can handle that.”



  And the cowboys are complete!

  I hope you love Fenixx as much as I loved creating him. I don’t have favourites, unless you count my beloved Booth, but Fenixx really makes my mouth water.

  Farron, too, was perfect in my mind; she was the perfect mix of confidence as a mother and concerned as a lover. A little bit like me.

  My ladies in the Flock, I can’t wait to hear what you think of the last Hott triplet, you are all so amazing and supportive and I love you all. xoxo

  My fabulous beta readers. It is the best feeling knowing you girls take these journeys with me.

  Belinda, the broken foot was completely inspired by you, my dear friend.

  Shanneen, I miss your face, woman!

  My editor, Robyn. Thank you for making me the best writer I can be.

  My kid Tamara, I am so unbelievably happy you have started reading my books. You are such a great kid and my absolute rock. You talk me off ledges, listen to my babble, do the strangest errands for me without blinking an eye and don’t care when I gallop when I cross the street. What would I do without you? Such fun, baby, such fun!

  I was hopeful that my second grand baby would have been born by the time I finished writing Fenixx, but mother nature said no. Oh well, fingers crossed.

  To my best friend, my bestie. Thank you for always being there for me. You are one in a million, Bandit. Xoxo

  Back to the Sons.



  His Sweetness

  His Honey

  His Beauty

  His Lady

  His Angel

  His Man

  Her Prince


  Into the Fire

  Out of the Flames

  From the Inferno


  Love Hurts

  Love Heals










  Leah Sharelle loves the idea of being in love. Since her early teens, when she first discovered Silhouette Desire novels, her life has been all about reading. She would find herself rewriting scenes if she wasn’t happy with them and then would hide them under her bed. That led her to writing love stories of her own. They all ended up under her bed and are still there— where she says they will stay.

  Leah is a mum of three beautiful girls, living in Australia, and she has what most say is a weird sense of humour. She spends her free time doing movies, Sons of Anarchy, and Friends marathons. And reading. She doesn’t do angst. In fact, it drives her crazy. She loves Pina Coladas and getting caught in the rain. There’s that weird humour.




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