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Page 8

by Tana Stone

  Katie laughed. “Then a holiday party is definitely not your scene.” She slipped her small hand in his. “Christmas isn’t my jam anyway. Let’s blow this joint.”

  Although her words confused him, he was glad she was willing to leave early. He led her through the crowds, dodging a group of humans laughing and sloshing their drinks on the floor as they gestured with their hands. Serge passed them in a near-jog, muttering something about too many people making love by the garden gate and making a beeline for one of the bars as he wagged his finger at the Neebix bartender with the swishing tail.

  Zayn pulled Katie with him onto an open inclinator compartment, releasing a breath when the doors shut and it surged upward. The pulsing, lavender glow and soft, instrumental music were a welcome respite after the pulsating music and swirling lights of the party.

  When the doors opened again, they seemed to be on a different planet entirely. The teakwood path led across a holographic savannah, the tall grasses rustling as the moon shone over them. Even though Zayn had never seen a place like this in real life, the artificial environment now felt like home. He and Katie walked hand-in-hand down the familiar walkway—glancing over at the open-air bar and fire pit down a side path—their shoes tapping on the wood.

  Zayn hesitated when he reached the doorway to their fantasy suite. He hoped she would like the surprise he’d planned for her. Ever since his mate had mentioned not having happy Christmases when she was growing up, he’d been determined to make this one different. He knew it couldn’t be the same as being on Earth, but he’d worked with both Serge and Reina—and Reina’s contact in the procurement division—to plan what he hoped would be a dream Christmas.

  Waving his hand over the side panel, he held his breath as the door glided open. Luckily, Katie’s early departure to get ready with Trista had given him ample time to set everything up, but that had been during daylight. Now that it was dark, he got the full effect.

  Katie inhaled sharply, then glanced over at him. “Did you…?” She put a hand over her mouth as she stepped inside. “Is this for me?”

  A tall, frosted tree took up most of the middle of the suite, with multicolored lights strung around it, and a glowing, gold star perched on top. Glittering balls and spun-glass icicles festooned the branches and wrapped presents were piled beneath. A replica of a fireplace stood to one side of the tree, with two knit stockings hanging from the mantle. A plate of iced cookies and two steaming mugs of hot cocoa—or at least, the Drexian version of it—sat on one of the suite’s existing, safari-style tables.

  “I wanted you to have a special Christmas,” Zayn said, watching her. “I know it won’t make up for all the bad ones, but I thought it could be a start.”

  “It’s perfect,” she whispered, her voice cracking. She threw her arms around him, burying her face in his chest.

  He held her tight, only pulling away when he felt her body trembling. “Are you crying?”

  “They’re happy tears,” she said, her eyes glittering as she looked up at him. “No one’s ever done anything like this for me.”

  He brushed a finger across her wet cheeks. “You know I will do anything to make you happy.”

  Katie wrapped her arms around him again, and squeezed. “It’s what I always imagined when I was little, but never actually got.”

  “Really?” Warmth spread throughout Zayn’s chest as she held him, and he stroked a hand down her hair.

  “Really, really.” She stepped back, walking to the tree and touching one of the glass ornaments. “My dad was always too busy running cons to plan anything for Christmas, and we were always moving from place to place, so Christmas day was usually Hungry Man turkey dinners and some present he’d fleeced off someone. We never got a tree until they were all half dead and on sale, if then. A couple of times I made paper chains, but they never looked very good. Nothing like this. This looks like it could be in a movie.”

  Zayn joined her at the tree, which only stood about a foot taller than him, although the star brushed the top of the tented ceiling. “Serge assured me that a tree that was covered in fake snow was the latest in Christmas style.”

  Katie laughed, swiping at her eyes. “It’s perfect, although I’m not sure how Serge considers himself an expert on Christmas.”

  “I believe Serge considers himself an expert in everything.” He reached for a wrapped box under the tree and handed it to her. “Some of these boxes are just for effect, as Serge put it, but this present is for you.”

  She blinked at the silver box for a few seconds, before walking to the edge of the large bed, the sheer, fabric netting pulled back to the corners, and sitting down. She gingerly removed the bow and then peeled back the paper. “I always told myself that if I got a special present, I wouldn’t rip the paper like some kids did. I’d enjoy opening it.”

  Zayn sat down next to her as she lifted the top off the box underneath the wrapping paper, his heart beating quickly in anticipation. He’d never selected a Christmas present for someone before, and he wanted so desperately for her to like it.

  “Is this…?” She gaped at what was inside the box. “I can’t believe you got me a camera!”

  “I know you used one on Earth, so I had one of our procurement officers bring one back on the latest supply run.” He studied her face. “Do you like it?”

  “I love it.” She lifted it from the box, turning it around in her hands. “And it’s a really nice one.”

  Watching her face light with joy, Zayn realized he hadn’t felt this happy in his entire life.

  Katie set the camera down next to her and climbed into his lap. “Thank you, Zayn. This is by far the best Christmas I’ve ever had. And I love my present.” She kissed him slowly, her tongue parting his lips and teasing the tip of his tongue. “But it’s being with you that makes all of this perfect. I love you more than anything you could ever give me.”

  He nestled his face in her neck, inhaling the heady scent of her skin. “I feel the same way, cinnara. I don’t need anything but you.”

  She wiggled out of his lap, tucking herself between his knees and unfastening his pants. She wet her lips as she gave him a wicked grin. “But you haven’t gotten your present from me, yet.”

  Zayn leaned his head back as her mouth found his cock. Christmas was just as magical as the humans said it was.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Shreya took a tall glass from the Neebix bartender, ignoring his brown horns that were flushed pink and the long tail that flicked behind him. One bit of advice she’d gotten not long after she’d arrived on the space station and decided to join the independent females had been to stay away from the Neebix, no matter how handsome and charming they might seem. It hadn’t been a tough rule to follow since, before recently, she’d rarely left the independent section of the Boat, but she could see how one might succumb to their charms. The frisky aliens knew not to touch tribute brides, but that was about the only rule they followed. And even if they didn’t touch, they certainly relished looking.

  “Enjoying the party?” he asked with a smile, as he leaned over the bar. Between the Christmas carols being piped in overhead and the buzz of conversation, it was hard to hear or be heard.

  She nodded, turning her back on him to put an end to the conversation and taking a gulp of the red cocktail, the sweet bubbles tickling her throat as she swallowed. She didn’t want to give him the wrong idea. Shreya might not be a tribute bride, or officially mated to a Drexian yet, but she’d moved in with Vox, so in her mind, she was 100 percent his. Her heart quickened its pace as she thought about the Drexian with chocolate-brown hair and sea-green eyes. Her Drexian. Speaking of Vox, where was he?

  Raising herself up on tiptoes, she attempted to see over the crowd. Not an easy feat, considering the fact she was so much shorter than every Drexian warrior, and a good deal of the other aliens and humans. She recognized the Drexian warrior Torven, with whom she’d worked to rescue Vox, snaking his way through the crowd with Trista. She almost
did a double take at the blonde. It was the first time she’d seen the woman with her hair done up and wearing a dress.

  Shreya glanced down at her own outfit—a long, red-and-gold paisley-patterned saree skirt with a cropped, snug-fitting choli top. It was her way of combining her heritage with the holiday season, although she felt a little out of place amid all the cocktail dresses and sparkly outfits. She’d pulled her thick, dark hair up on one side and let it cascade down the other shoulder in loose waves. It was a far cry from what she wore every day when she went to the lab, but the other women had insisted everyone dress up for the party. She tugged at the top that ended right under her ribcage and took another big gulp. It had been a long time since she’d shown this much skin in public.

  “I almost didn’t recognize you,” the high-pitched voice said, pulling her attention down.

  “Cerise!” Shreya smiled at the tiny alien with the towering, pink wig and the slightly iridescent blue skin. Officially, she was a Perogling who’d been given sanctuary on the Boat after providing assistance in the retrieval of Vox from the Kronock. Unofficially, she was the reason Shreya had escaped the lawless planet of Lymora III.

  “I like this.” Cerise bobbed her head up and down as she appraised Shreya’s saree. “It’s colorful. You look good in color.”

  “Thanks. You look nice, too.” Even though Cerise had recently taken to shadowing Serge—and dressing like him—she had a fondness for frill. Her bright-red suit did not disappoint, with a row of fringe down each sleeve and a full, ruffled skirt.

  “It’s my first Christmas,” Cerise said, her garishly painted eyes wide as she took in the surroundings. “I heard this Santa fellow has a long, white beard. I like beards.”

  Shreya leaned down so the small alien could hear her over the chatter. “Santa is just Kax dressed up in a special outfit. And a fake beard.”

  Cerise’s face fell. “Carpithian testicles!”

  Shreya assumed this was a Perogling curse. She laughed and drained the rest of her drink, feeling the warm buzz spreading all the way to her toes.

  Cerise put her hands on her hips and sighed. “These Drexians are too hairless for my taste. I’d hoped this Santa fellow would be my type.”

  “Sorry,” Shreya said, before changing the subject. “How are things going in the independent section?”

  The smile returned to her friend’s face. “Great. The humans are very nice.”

  Shreya accepted a fresh drink from the bartender, avoiding his gaze. “And work with Serge?”

  “The new tribute brides have arrived already, but they’re still being processed through the medical bay. Soon, we’ll be assigned our humans and start planning their weddings. Serge is hoping one of the new crop of brides will want something over the top.”

  “I’m sure he is,” Shreya muttered.

  “That reminds me,” Cerise tapped her chin with a stubby finger. “You and Vox haven’t done much planning for your wedding, yet.”

  Shreya took a sip of her drink. “He’s still adjusting to everything. We’ll probably do something simple and intimate.”

  “I won’t tell Serge,” Cerise said, and then her expression brightened. “Speaking of your cybernetic mate…”

  Shreya didn’t correct her friend, and remind her that Vox was no longer part cyborg. The butterflies in her stomach made it hard for her to speak, as she watched the broad-shouldered Drexian cut his way through the crowd. His sea-green eyes darkened as he took her in, his gaze lingering on her exposed midriff.

  “I’ll see you both later,” Cerise said, her skirt swinging as she moved away. “I want to get a good spot for the tree lighting ceremony, anyway.”

  Vox didn’t seem to notice Cerise slipping into the crowd. He took Shreya’s hand and brought it to his lips. “My beautiful mate.”

  Her cheeks warmed, the heat from his lips sending a shiver down her spine. “I thought maybe you’d decided not to come.”

  He shook his head. “And leave you alone? Never.”

  She glanced around the crowd, noticing a few curious stares at the metal remaining on Vox’s face. “We don’t have to stay.”

  Stepping closer to her so that their bodies were nearly flush, he touched a hand to her bare stomach. “And miss the tree lighting?”

  She giggled. “You don’t even know what a tree lighting is.”

  “Maybe not, but it’s all I’ve heard people talking about for the past few minutes as I was searching for you. Did you know they’re going to make it snow?”

  Shreya did know. Ella had shown her how she’d created a holographic program to recreate snow on the promenade. She eyed Vox. “Don’t tell me you’re excited for snow.”

  “I do not know what it is,” he said. “Should I be excited?”

  “It’s cold and wet.”

  “Hmm.” He tilted his head at her. “I like wet.”

  Heat curled in her belly, electric sensations skating across her skin as he rubbed one thumb across her bare flesh. “Then you’re in luck.”

  His eyes flared, then went to the drink in her hand. “Is this the first time you’ve had Palaxian Pleasure Tonic?”

  “Palaxian what?”

  “Palaxian Pleasure Tonic. It loosens inhibitions.” He traced a hand down her arm. “Not that I have any when it comes to you.”

  She eyed her glass. That would explain why his fingertip felt electrified as it feathered across her skin. “So what will it do to me?” She leaned closer, arching a brow at him. “Will it make me want you to fuck me even more than I already do?”

  He drew in a sharp breath. “It will make you say things like that.”

  She put a hand over her mouth and giggled. “I see what you mean. All I can think about is how much I want to ride your cock, and I don’t even feel naughty saying it out loud.”

  Vox jerked as if jolted by electricity. “Would you like to know all I can think about?”

  She rubbed up against him, practically purring. “I hope it’s the same thing.”

  “I think back to you being tied up on Lymora III, and I wish I’d taken you then.” The words rushed out of him as he stroked his finger up the underside of her bare arm. “You were so helpless, but you were so wet for me.”

  She met his gaze, his eyes flashing with desire. She remembered how her body had betrayed her when she’d been strapped to the X-cross and how aroused she’d been as he’d dressed her. “I wanted you to fuck me, but I didn’t want to admit it. It felt so wrong to want you like that.”

  Vox pressed a palm to her back. “Nothing is wrong between us. You are mine now.”

  She nodded, releasing a breathy sigh and feeling his rigid length against her. “I was always yours.”

  He took the tall, glass cylinder from her hand and set it on the bar. “I don’t think either of us need more of this.”

  Shreya let herself be led through the crowd and onto an empty inclinator compartment. When the doors slid shut and the noise of the party was drowned out, she leaned into Vox. “We won’t be able to see the tree lighting from our suite.”

  “We aren’t going to our suite.”

  She noticed that the inclinator was dropping instead of surging up. “Where are we—?”

  He stopped her question by crushing his mouth to hers, parting her lips with a hard sweep of his tongue, and delving deep. Her head swam as he pulled her closer, pinning her arms to the small of her back and grinding his rigid length against her.

  She was in a daze when the inclinator doors swished open, and he tugged her out and along a wide, sleek corridor. When they reached a set of double doors, Vox waved a hand to open them.

  Shreya blinked a few times as he led her into the high-ceilinged space covered in mats, with white punching bags suspended in mid-air. She’d never seen this part of the station, but she suspected it was a gym for Drexians. The equipment was too oversized for humans or most of the other species on the station. She inhaled the scent of humidity, and suspected the officers’ pool she’d hea
rd about was nearby. “We’re going to work out?”

  He didn’t answer as he propelled her around padded benches and racks of weights. When they stood in front of a wide, metal, ladder-looking contraption bolted to the wall, Vox pulled a long rope of glittery, gold garland from his pocket.

  She knew the cocktails might have gone to her head, but she was confused. “We’re going to decorate this thing?”

  “Every time I see this rack, I imagine how pretty you’d look strapped to it.” Grasping one of her wrists, he pulled her so she stood with her back up against the ladder, then he lifted her arm and tied it to one of the crossbeams so quickly she barely had time to register what he was doing.

  “What in the bloody hell…?”

  Before she could jerk her other arm away, he was kissing her hard as he strapped it over her head, as well. When he tore his mouth from hers, he was panting. “Just like I remember you on Lymora III.”

  Then, as like now, her body betrayed her as heat pulsed between her legs. “What if someone walks in?”

  “They won’t. Everyone is at the party.” He unfastened the buttons running down the front of her top.

  She tugged against the restraints. “I could always knee you in the balls again.”

  He grinned at her, opening her top and growling low when he saw the tight, dusky points of her nipples. “You won’t.”

  “Cocky bastard,” she muttered, the corners of her mouth quirking up.

  He captured one nipple in his mouth and she bowed her back into him, her eyes rolling skyward. It was hard to stay angry with him when every fiber of her being was begging to be touched. Not only was she crazy about Vox, but the pleasure tonic made it impossible for her to care about anything but the fiery sensations storming through her body. She didn’t even care that anyone could walk in and see her strapped to the wall, her bare breasts exposed as her big Drexian mate sucked on them. The thought of it actually made her moan out loud.

  Shreya was so preoccupied—the feel of his hot, insistent mouth so intoxicating—she barely noticed Vox working the tie of her skirt with his hands until it had fallen to the floor in a pool of fabric.


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