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Douluo Dalu: Volume 26: Xiao Wu’s Resurrection

Page 10

by Tang Jia San Shao

  Feng Xiaotian saluted Tang San slightly,

  “Sixty first level agility attack type Spirit Emperor.”

  Huo Wu proudly said:

  “Fifty fourth ranked control type Spirit King.”

  She wasn’t pride for herself, but for Feng Xiaotian. In these years, the gap between her and Feng Xiaotian had already pulled open. She was always together with Feng Xiaotian, and clearly also knew how painstakingly Feng Xiaotian had cultivated. In order to cultivate, Feng Xiaotian had lived for more than two years in a valley where hurricanes formed every day, enduring the frightful hurricane stormwinds each day. In order to have his present success, he had invested enormous effort.

  Huo Wushuang said:

  “Fifty third ranked agility attack type Spirit King.”

  Watching the three opponents in front of him, the astonishment in Tang San’s eyes gradually faded, replaced by serenity. Even if he didn’t know just how Feng Xiaotian had cultivated, he could also imagine that each Spirit Master had their own fortunes. Feng Xiaotian had inevitably also paid enormous effort to have the accomplishments he did today. But, could Tang San have paid any less than him? No, of course not.

  Huo Wu looked somewhat resentfully at Tang San,

  “What? Are you planning to concede now? Still not revealing your spirit.”

  Tang San glanced at her. Honestly, he wasn’t too fond of Huo Wu’s character, she was too forceful and overbearing, but he had to admit that she was better being true to her nature than a great many hypocrites.

  Raising his right hand, his spirit suddenly releasing. Sooner or later people would know about it, and in front of the crowd of Shrek Academy students, Tang San had decided as early as when he agreed to confront the three that he wouldn’t hide his hundred thousand year spirit ring any longer. Xiao Wu’s resurrection had also softened those harsh thorns in his heart somewhat. If he should confront someone he would, pressure was equally a kind of driving force. He wouldn’t stupidly go look for Spirit Hall right now, but neither did he plan to hide anything. If he was suppressed by Spirit Hall even here in Heaven Dou City, then he would never have any chance to confront them.

  Of course, it wouldn’t be so easy for Spirit Hall to grasp his whereabouts. After reporting to Flender, Grandmaster and the others over here, Tang San and the others would immediately secretly enter the Strength Clan, that is, their Tang Sect. That was their true hiding place, and everything about the Tang Sect was what had to be kept secret the most right now.

  The crystalline Blue Silver Grass seemed even more dazzling under the noonday sun, the close to transparent spirit radiating countless dazzling lights, those six spirit rings signifying strength appearing in an instant, yellow, purple, black and red complementing each other, making Tang San seem like a deity descended from the heavens.

  Feng Xiaotian and the others’ eyes were dazzled by the light. As they saw the color of Tang San’s sixth spirit ring, their expressions grew marvellous, and the surrounding spectating students and teachers also instantly grew completely silent.

  “Sixty sixth rank, control type Spirit Emperor. Please.”

  Tang San’s deep voice roused the three opponents across from him. At this moment, they truly understood why Tang San unexpectedly had the courage to fight the three of them simultaneously. Strength, absolute strength.

  “This, this is impossible.”

  Huo Wu looked at Tang San, not daring to believe her eyes. She had always believed that, after five years of effort, at least Feng Xiaotian would be able to pull open the distance from Tang San. After all, Tang San’s spirit was only Blue Silver Grass. But at this moment, she found that while there was indeed a distance, the one pulling ahead wasn’t them.

  After five years, today Tang San used his strength to show them that the championship the Shrek Seven Devils obtained in the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament back then was fame naturally following merit.

  Tang San faintly swept his gaze across Xiao Wu. Actually, even if Xiao Wu hadn’t sacrificed herself, his strength would still be above Feng Xiaotian’s. He had endured much in these five years, but he had also obtained the corresponding awards.


  Tang San made a second inviting gesture. The blue silver grass surrounding him fluctuated slightly, his palm waving a bit, and countless blue silver grass milled towards the trio.

  Feng Xiaotian was first to react, instantly accelerating and dashing straight at Tang San, cyan light leaving a long shadow behind him, his speed incomparably fast.

  Wolf claws popping out of both hands swung along with his first spirit ring glittering, and several dozen sharp wind blades seemed to instantly erupt and spin out in all directions, forcefully blocking the Blue Silver Grass in front of Tang San.

  In the five years since they met, Feng Xiaotian’s strength really had progressed a lot. It was the same first spirit ability, but the power it produced was entirely different.

  Only, Feng Xiaotian’s wind blades still just relied on force of impact to move away Tang San’s Blue Silver Emperor, unable to harm them. The Blue Silver Emperor scattered in all directions immediately covered an even larger area, and seemed even more dazzling in the sunlight.

  Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang move simultaneously, Huo Wushuang giving an explosive shout. His attack power increasing overall after Fire Dragon Spirit Body Enhancement. Charging straight at Tang San with large steps, roaring, tyrannical flames already condensing on his fists covered with dragon scales. He hadn’t forgotten that Tang San’s Blue Silver Emperor was immune to fire, and therefore he didn’t issue is flame externally, but rather condensed it within his fists, giving his fists even greater burst power.

  A flame shadow rose behind Huo Wu, flames like specks of starlight starting to condense above her head. They had always cultivated together over these years, and knew each other extremely well, basically able to grasp the intervals between each spirit ability without communicating, without revealing any gaps.

  Tang San didn’t use any spirit abilities, just taking one step sideways, several dozen strands of Blue Silver Emperor swinging, sealing Feng Xiaotian’s steps forward. Even with Feng Xiaotian’s strength, he would inevitably be stopped for a moment before the Blue Silver Emperor, and Tang San exploited this moment to instantly accelerate, both fists rising simultaneously, directly meeting Huo Wushuang. A control type Spirit Master unexpectedly wanted to go fist against fist, colliding head on with power attack type Huo Wushuang.

  Huo Wushuang naturally wouldn’t retreat. With an explosive shout, his fire element infused fists struck straight at Tang San. The instant their fists collided, there was an explosive sound.

  Huo Wushuang thought inwardly, ‘Even if you’re stronger than me, you’ll still never be able to compete with me where you’re the weakest and I’m the strongest.’

  But, when the four fists collided, Huo Wushuang’s expression immediately changed. He clearly felt that Tang San’s fists were as solid as iron, so solid that the effect of the flames erupting from his fists completely disappeared. An immense pressure came from straight ahead. Both his fists ached simultaneously. Immediately afterward, his body flew backward uncontrollably.

  And at the same time, Tang San’s fourth spirit ring abruptly flashed, Blue Silver Prison appearing. Just one Blue Silver Prison, but its target was the one who had now pushed away the Blue Silver Emperor to swiftly charge towards him, Feng Xiaotian.

  Abruptly trapped, Feng Xiaotian scratched at the Blue Silver Emperor with all the strength of his wolf claws, but he discovered to his shock that, while it was the same Blue Silver prison, the durability of the Blue Silver Emperor facing him was an unknown amount more durable than the previous Blue Silver Grass. Cutting with all his might, he actually only left behind a shallow mark.

  Tang San basically didn’t even glance in Feng Xiaotian’s direction. Staggering one step, he was already pursuing the backwards tumbling Huo Wushuang. His right shoulder lowering forward, he directly str
uck Huo Wushuang’s chest. At the same time, two strands of Blue Silver Grass twisted around Huo Wushuang’s waist, forcefully pulling towards him.

  Huo Wushuang was after all the former Blazing Academy team captain, and naturally he wasn’t so easy to deal with. But both his arms ached, and he couldn’t block with his full power. With a loud shout, his third and fourth spirit ring brightened one after another, surging fire element explosive force blasting out with him as the center, at the same time, claws grew from his hands, and his body grew larger once again, the scales erupting with golden red light, his whole body flourishing with power.

  This third spirit of his, similar to Dai Mubai’s White Tiger Vajra Transformation, instantly increased his power to its peak.

  With a pu sound, a circle of strong firelight appeared in front of Tang San, his advance changing to shooting backwards. That was Huo Wu’s Defying Flame Ring. And now Feng Xiaotian’s fourth spirit ability also abruptly erupted, three one and a half chi long sharp blades ejecting from between the knuckles on either hand, an illusory wolf image appearing behind him. Spreading his hands out to either side, three meter long cyan lines of light shooting from the six sharp blades, finally tearing the Blue Silver Prison in front of him.

  In fact, this fourth spirit ability of his erupted completely, but Tang San’s Blue Silver Prison was originally a crowd control spirit ability. Forcing him to use the attack of his fourth spirit ability against only one, showed just how terrifying the durability of the Blue Silver Emperor was.

  Only, Tang San had in the end still been launched back by Huo Wu’s Defying Flame Ring, and Feng Xiaotian’s trio gathered together again. Feng Xiaotian took advantage of his fourth spirit ability still not having ended, putting his palms together over his head, intense cyan light leaving the claws, chopping straight at Tang San. The instant the cyan light chopped out, the air surrounding Tang San distorted violently, blocking his ability to block to the sides and forcing him to take it head on.

  Cold light flashed in Tang San’s eyes, an aggressive thought born in his heart, what about taking it on? Ice cold killing intent abruptly turned substantial, surging white light fusing into extremely violent aura and surging out, in a split second turning into a white point and meeting Feng Xiaotian’s fourth spirit ability straight on.

  Feng Xiaotian hadn’t seen any of Tang San’s spirit rings light up, and just as he was wondering where this ability came from, that white light and the cyan light he chopped out came into contact, but unexpectedly didn’t cause any collision, but rather pierced straight through and had already reached him in an instant.

  In shock, Feng Xiaotian couldn’t mind his spirit power, his whole body once again exploding with cyan light, hurriedly blocking for all his life. But, that white light quietly rushed inside, directly shocking his body.

  The Deathgod Domain’s evolved ability, Deathgod Assault, this was in itself an ability similar to a spiritual attack, and naturally wouldn’t conflict with his energy attack. But since Feng Xiaotian wasn’t sufficiently prepared for the Deathgod Assault, he instantly seemed to have fallen into an ice house. Within that insane and ruthless killing intent, he only felt as if his body was a tiny boat that could collapse at any moment. Spirit power madly flooding his body, fighting spirit falling in a straight line, he retreated a few steps with a pale complexion. And because of having lost his control, that line of cyan light disappeared before even reaching Tang San.

  Lifting the siege by attacking the source, Tang San used one of the simplest methods to dissolve Feng Xiaotian’s attack.

  “Xiaotian, are you alright?” Huo Wu held Feng Xiaotian’s shoulder with one hand, infusing her own spirit power within him. They had always been together in these years, and their relationship had long ago been confirmed, they just hadn’t married yet.

  Hearing Huo Wu’s voice, Feng Xiaotian’s immediately roused his mind, keeping his fighting spirit from collapsing, sharply biting his tongue and gathering his thoughts. Loosing a long breath, his face revealed fear,

  “So fearsome.”

  Three against one, but so far in the fight, it was the side with more people who were at a disadvantage. Feng Xiaotian’s trio couldn’t help being somewhat disappointed at this. But, they were still outstanding team battle Spirit Masters since long ago, and naturally wouldn’t be defeated like this. Expressions growing serious, Huo Wu nodded to Feng Xiaotian, pressing on towards Tang San together with Huo Wushuang, and Feng Xiaotian’s second and third spirit rings flashed simultaneously.

  A pair of giant cyan wings extended from Feng Xiaotian’s back, and at the same time, a cyan illusion condensed behind him, that was the likeness of the Stormwind Double Headed Wolf. Set off by that huge dazzling image, Feng Xiaotian soared up, drawing support from the wind and, with just one flap of his wings, he shot towards the sky, rising at least fifty meters.

  Watching this familiar scene, Tang San couldn’t help displaying a faint smile at the corners of his mouth. Back then, hadn’t Feng Xiaotian gotten the worst of it under his hands using just this ability? Why, did he want to use old skills to repeat old results?

  Huo Wushuang had already charged, and countless condensed flame meteors also flew towards Tang San just like chasing the moon along with Huo Wu’s fifth spirit ring brightening. Her flame meteors seemed a bit similar to Ma Hongjun’s fifth spirit ability, just a lot fewer. But this spirit ability still couldn’t be underestimated, because each flame meteor shooting forward contained extremely potent explosive force. Even without considering the flame element, they were still enough to cause a frightening attack.

  Huo Wushuang’s fifth spirit ring also brightened. Roaring, a five meter long huge fire dragon rose around him, circling around him and charging at Tang San.

  * * *

  [1] Three of the teachers at the original Shrek Academy.

  Chapter 182: Four Elements Academies’ Intention

  Good fellows, both of them had released their fifth Spirit Ability, so were they going to settle the outcome? No, Tang San realized their purpose immediately. The reason why Huo Wushuang and his sister spared their Spirit Power to attack wasn’t that they wanted to defeat him but to make time for Feng Xiaotian in the midair.

  Although back then Feng Xiaotian’s Stormwind Demon Wolf’s Thirty Six Successive chops lost to Tang San’s Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer, his Stormwind Demon Wolf’s Thirty Six Successive Chops were still quite strong. And Tang San wasn’t confronting only him, so given Feng Xiaotian sufficient time to store his attack power while Tang San was blocked by Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang and couldn’t use the Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer, then Feng Xiaotian would have confidence to defeat Tang San. These tactics had been practiced many times, and because Tang San was unexpectedly powerful, they finally used it.

  What reached Tang San first were the five flame meteors. Tang San’s body flickered, walking the Ghost Shadow Perplexing Steps, with an abrupt exploding of Deathgod Domain, an overpowering killing aura broke through the targeting from Huo Wu by sheer force. At the same time moving through the gaps between the five flame meteors, his right hand swung, and a dark green light ball flew to the sky. His third Spirit Ability, Spider Web Restraint was released, which pursued Feng Xiaotian who was soaring to the high sky.

  But at this moment, the second wave of flame meteors had already came in front of Tang San along with Huo Wushuang.

  The light in Tang San’s eyes condensed a little, and his body stepped back rapidly. Meanwhile, with the fifth Spirit Ring flashing, his right arm overflowed with golden light.

  The Shrek students who were watching the battle naturally wouldn’t forget the deep impression made by Blue Silver Overlord Lance back then, so each of them held their breath and watched attentively.

  The three meters golden long lance appeared on Tang San’s right arm. The flame meteors were fast, but actually couldn’t catch up with his body. With the help of the Blue Silver Emperor right leg bone, Tang San’s speed had even competed with Pure Speed Clan, so t
he speed he could reach was consequently unbelievable for Huo Wu’s trio.

  Feng Xiaotian in midair had already started his Stormwind Demon Wolf’s Thirty Six Successive chops, but seeing the Spider Restraint flying towards him, his body abruptly circled, sharp wings swinging out, attempting to cut it apart.

  However, he once again experienced the durability of the evolved Blue Silver Emperor. With the attack power of Feng Xiaotian’s Stormwind Demon Wolf’s Thirty Six Successive chops, perhaps it could barely cut normal Blue Silver Emperor. But don’t forget, Blue Silver Emperor’s tenacity would be enhanced by a hundred percent in the Spider Web Restraint. So this chop of his unexpectedly didn’t cut it. On the contrary, the Blue Silver Emperor relied on his force and twisted around him, interrupting his self-created spirit ability instantly.

  Feng Xiaotian gave an unreconciled roar, in fact, there was poison on the Spider Web Restraint. If he was actually restrained by it, there was no need for him to continue this battle. Helplessly, he couldn’t help but stop his Stormwind Demon Wolf’s Thirty Six Successive chops. The fifth Spirit Ring on his body exploding abruptly, a layer of strong cyan light sprang out from his body, transforming into countless extremely sharp wind blades, which were nearly substantial, and then transformed in to a dazzling tornado, crushing the Spiderweb Restraint surrounding him.

  Storm wind Demon Wolf’s fifth Spirit Ability, Tornado Blade[1].

  Huo Wushuang had already gotten impatient because of Tang San’s endless retreating. Stopping abruptly, he swung his arms in a circle and pushed fiercely. The transformed fire dragon around his body from his attack-defense integrating fifth Spirit Ability flew out with a roar and pursued Tang San directly, with an amazing explosive force. It not only approached to Tang San’s body rapidly, but the Deathgod Domain was even unable to keep it from to locking onto Tang San.


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