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Well This Sucks

Page 14

by CoraLee June

  Claire’s quarters looked nothing like the rest of the building. They had large windows draped with elegant curtains, bright marble floors, and pink floral wallpaper in a trendy print. Her couch was neon yellow, and the art on the walls was a collection of mismatched designers from a variety of eras.

  I loved it.

  “Drew! Come join us in the sitting room. Diego was telling me about your unique situation.” Unique situation? That felt like a politically correct term. Like when I got bangs when I was twenty-one and Ryan called the style “unique and brave.”

  I made my way down the marble hallways and toward the sound of their combined voices. This room had deep purple tile and a white couch. Claire was wearing a flapper dress and had her jet-black hair pulled into a tight bun. I wanted to be Claire when I grew up.

  Claire and Diego were sharing a couch, talking and laughing comfortably in the way only old friends can. Claire stood up and gestured toward the loveseat directly across from where they were sitting.

  “Please, have a seat,” she said graciously.

  I sat and crossed my legs at the ankle, doing my best to be classy. Diego’s face gave no hint of what he was feeling. I’m pretty sure if he were mad, he wouldn’t be hiding it so well. I would take neutral over mad any day of the week. How come he could feel my shit, but I couldn’t feel his?

  “Drew, can you tell me about your experience with Diego earlier this evening?”

  “I had some time before my group session tonight, so I was spending some time in my room charging—” Diego interrupted with a loud cough. I took that to mean Claire wasn’t supposed to know I had my phone. “I mean, relaxing and recharging before facing the rest of my night. I closed my eyes for a minute and became overwhelmed with emotion.”

  “What kind of emotion?” Claire asked, not picking up on my little mistake.

  “It began as a feeling of intense loss over my old life. I realized that my life is never going to be the same. I will never feel like my old self again. I was grieving the world as I knew it and trying to figure out how to fit into this new one. It made me miss my friends, and I was overwhelmed with sadness.” Saying it out loud brought more tears, and I fought to keep them from falling. I had to keep it together, I did not want to cry in front of Claire.

  Claire nodded and pulled out a notebook and pen. I watched her take notes. “Those are normal feelings. It is a very difficult transition. That’s why we are so particular about who we change. We try to prepare and support fledglings as much as possible, but you will have to process and navigate this on your own. Tell me what happened next, Diego.”

  He shifted in his seat, as if embarrassed to explain. “I was meeting with Asher in my office when an overwhelming need to be with Drew took over me. It’s like I could feel her despair. I rushed to her dorm room to comfort her.”

  Claire stopped writing. “Emotion sharing,” she whispered.

  “I can feel her confusion right now.”

  I didn’t like that Diego had unbridled access to my conflicting emotions. I hoped he could feel my annoyance, too. Claire let out a low whistle. “This hasn’t happened in quite some time. Everyone kind of assumed that vampires have evolved past the need for...mates,” she said in a low, awed voice.

  Certainly, I heard her wrong. Mates? What did that even mean?

  “I’ve felt drawn to Drew from the moment I saw her,” Diego admitted. His expression turned hungry. His eyes locked on me, and I felt a zing of arousal at his stare. I wanted to enjoy that revelation; however, it bothered me that the first time I heard any sort of declaration of feelings was told indirectly.

  “I have that sort of effect on men,” I replied with a smile. “I get dick salutes wherever I go. This is nothing new or special.”

  Claire turned her attention to me, and she giggled. From the corner of my eye, I saw Diego clench his fists. “You’re not going to date anyone else, Drew.”

  Possessive assholes didn’t really do it for me. “Claire, can you please explain why Diego can read my emotions and is marking his territory like a junkyard dog?” I sighed, afraid of the answer. “In the lobby, he kissed me and licked my fang in front of everyone. My fang!” I pretended to be traumatized by the experience, but really, I wanted him to do it again.

  “Well, as I mentioned before, this hasn’t happened in quite some time. But, based on what you both described, the two of you are fated.”

  “That would also explain why I couldn’t kill her when I was supposed to, why I couldn’t control myself and let her feed from me instead,” Diego admitted, as if that made the most sense in the world.

  “Fated?” I asked, incredulous.

  “It certainly sounds that way,” Claire stated. Noticing my blank stare, she continued, “Hundreds of years ago, when vampires were still an infant race, every single one of us would have a fated mate.” She smiled at me like that explained everything.

  “Sorry, I’m still a little lost. I guess I should pay more attention in my vamp history class,” I said. Although, I understood enough for the knot in my stomach to twist around even tighter.

  “Oh no, dear, this isn’t something we teach anymore,” Claire reassured me with a smile. “There are enough of us now that it isn’t necessary to our survival to have a mate fated to us. However, when we were still young in our existence, having such a deep emotional connection to our mates helped us find one another in a time when it was rare to ever meet another vampire.”

  “And what if I don’t want to be fated? Is this like an arranged marriage type of deal?”

  Diego looked like I slapped him in the face. He probably wasn’t used to being rejected. His eyes were wide, and he leaned back further into the couch, as if to put more distance between me and my hurtful words. Between his status and chiseled jawline, I bet he had lady vamps throwing themselves at him. Hell, not even a week ago, I was one of them. But I didn’t like the idea that I had no choice. Diego’s big dick energy may have been wounded, but Claire looked at me knowingly.

  “I don’t know that anybody has questioned it before. When it was the predominant way of finding our mates, we were all so happy to have found someone. The emotion sharing brought us so close that by the time we physically found each other, we were already in love,” Claire sighed, and I wondered if she was remembering her own fated lover. “But we live in a completely different world now where we are free to choose our partners. I can see why you would be hesitant to accept Diego eternally. After all, being queen is certainly something to consider.”

  I blanched at the word queen. In fact, my asshole literally puckered at the thought. I hadn’t even considered that with all the talk of star-crossed lovers. I couldn’t be the fucking queen. All at once, it hit me. I absolutely didn’t see myself as queen to an entire undead race. Not to mention, I wasn’t exactly thrilled by the idea of an arranged marriage. I was a modern woman, for suck’s sake. I wasn’t even sure I was capable of loving someone, and I certainly wasn’t about to dive right into this fated relationship simply because my newly evolved DNA wanted to bone Diego. I made a quiet but firm decision to put some distance between us. I didn’t want anything outside of my control dictating who and what I was—and I certainly wasn’t Diego’s lap dog or this coven’s queen.


  Claire looked at Diego and me thoughtfully before saying, “I would wait before telling everyone, Diego. This changes everything, and Graham already wants to take your spot. A fated mate will make you a novelty. Our people love the traditions of our old ways. Plus, it is rumored that mated pairs are stronger, faster, and unbeatable. Right now, Drew is sharing in your experience and control as the Vampire King. She is no fledgling. No wonder she was able to resist feeding. It’s incredible, really. Graham is going to be pissed. And not to mention—”

  “Yes. I know the other reason we should keep this quiet.”

  What? Was it because I wasn’t good enough to be his fated mate? Sucking prick.

  I didn’t want to deal with
their prejudice. “I agree with Claire. We probably shouldn’t tell anyone. Like...ever. Let’s pretend this doesn’t exist, okay?” I said while squirming in my seat and avoiding Diego’s wounded look.

  “Oh, you can’t avoid it forever, sweetheart. Eventually the pull will be too much to handle,” Claire said. “But we should wait as long as possible.”

  “I think I can control my libido,” I gritted. “I do work for the largest sex toy company in the world, you know. If it gets too much to handle, I can take care of it myself.”

  Diego growled. Legit fucking growled.

  I turned to look at him, and fucking hell if he didn’t look completely delicious. Our gazes clashed, and a furious need rushed through me. It was chaotic and messy, demanding and harsh. My breath hitched, and I about flooded my panties on demand. Was this how he was feeling? Or was this our weird attraction to one another? Damn.

  “Well,” Claire said. “The two of you obviously have a lot to discuss and work through. I have a couple of books and diary entries from past fated couples that I will send your way.”

  The three of us stood up, and Claire put her bony hand on my shoulder. “I know this is a lot.” She eyed Diego with a smirk. “Make him work for it. I know for a fact that fated mates used to have elaborate courtships. It helped the entire process feel more like a choice.”

  Diego started stroking his chin with a smile, as if already planning how he was going to woo me. Fuck that.

  “Thank you for your insight, Claire. As always, it was a pleasure,” Diego said before walking up to her and offering her a friendly hug.

  “Any time, my king.”

  Diego guided me to the front door with his heated hand at the bottom of my back. I could tell that his thoughts were loud, despite the silence growing between us. He ground his teeth as he went, and it wasn’t until we were out the door and on an elevator that he spoke.

  “Why don’t you want me?”

  I wasn’t expecting that question. I mean, I knew he probably didn’t have to deal with it a lot, but had he never been rejected before?

  “I want the option to choose who I marry. I don’t know you. Just because sex with you would probably be fun, doesn’t mean I want to sign up for a lifetime of your bossy attitude.”

  He started running his hands through his hair. “There is a lot to be done,” he said, ignoring me.

  “Are you even listening to me?” I asked. “This is not happening, dude.”

  Diego pressed me up against the wall of the elevator, and I about swooned at the feel of his hard muscles against me. “I am. And I fully intend to court you formally. I’m not afraid of a challenge.”

  I breathed in his scent. Why the hell did he have to smell so good? “Who said I’d even agree to a date with you?”

  He smirked. “You will.” Diego kissed me. It was brief but powerful, and I felt my entire body vibrate with need the moment he pulled away.

  The elevator doors opened, and Diego walked out, as if he hadn’t declared that he was going to court me like some bodice ripper romance. Rocky was waiting for us in the hallway. “Gather Lady Drew’s belongings and move them to my penthouse. Spread the word that her status has been elevated, and I am courting her. If anyone so much as looks at her, I will personally rip out their throats.”

  Well, fuck. So much for keeping this under wraps.

  “Y-yes. Of course, sir.”

  I pinched the bridge of my nose. “I’m not moving in with you. And are courtships common? Because I really don’t want there to be a lot of fuss when I officially turn you down.”

  Diego smiled and grabbed my hand. I let him because...well, I don’t exactly know why. “Courtships are somewhat common. People will be surprised to hear that I am in one though,” he explained while pulling me toward the dining room.

  I wasn’t sure I wanted to know why. “Surprised?” I asked.

  “I’ve received offers, but in my three hundred years, I’ve never courted someone. Especially not a fledgling.”

  Well. What a sucking disaster.

  Diego and I were sitting at the head table along with Claire, Graham, and a few others I recognized from the council. It was another coven dinner, but this one was much more relaxed. I guess they only brought out half naked dancing humans when they were trying to make a good first impression. Thank suck. I mean, how unsanitary. Bare asses on a table was just disgusting.

  I was on my best behavior. I had a new tactic that I was fully committed to. I was going to convince the council I wasn’t going to be a psychotic murderer the second they let me out of their sight. After the hearing, I didn’t want anyone to have any reason to doubt me. I was dressed appropriately for the dinner in a tight black dress with strappy black heels. Considerably lower heels than the skyscrapers Betty called shoes. I drew thick black lines on my eyelids with a charcoal pencil and put on a red lipstick called Alpha Female. It was my own little way of rebelling against Diego.

  Courtship? Hah. Fat fucking chance.

  I nodded politely and only spoke when spoken to. I was determined to do whatever it took to convince the council that I was a good little vampire and that they could trust me. It wasn’t even really that hard, I treated it like a product pitch. I was the product, the council was my potential client, and I just had to behave well enough to persuade them to buy into me. Easy peasy.

  At least it was until Diego stood up and clinked his fork on his wine glass. He waited until the dining hall was quiet and he had everyone’s attention. “Thank you for joining us tonight. I enjoy our weekly dinners together. They give me a chance to watch you grow and mature along this journey. They also give you all an opportunity to get to know us as your council. In the spirit of getting to know me better, I am happy to announce that I have entered into a courtship.”

  I looked up at Diego, my resolve to not become a raving murderer was fading quickly. Whispers broke out among the more seasoned vampires, while the fledglings looked around, confused. Diego offered his hand to me.

  “Don’t be shy, Drew,” he said as he slipped his hand under my arm and lifted me to my feet.

  “I thought we were keeping this a secret so Graham doesn’t go all Murder, She Wrote on us,” I hissed under my breath, forgetting that vampires had super hearing, and the entire banquet hall probably heard me.

  Being the skilled politician that he was, Diego whispered to me. “Don’t worry about Graham. He’s a power hungry, grumpy weakling who bought his way onto the council.”

  A few vampires snickered at Diego’s words. Yep. Super hearing. Nothing was a secret here. But I didn’t give two sucks what Diego thought. Graham wasn’t the sort of person I wanted to piss off.

  “Everyone, this is Drew. We seem to have an undeniable connection I wish to explore more.”

  Undeniable connection was a politically correct way of saying that for some reason, my vampire body wanted to get down and dirty with his vampy dick. Maybe this could work. Market research for my new supernatural line of dildos…

  “I expect each of you to treat her like your future queen as well as respect the boundaries of our relationship. Drew is off limits.”

  “Lift your leg and piss on me while you’re at it, Diego,” I whispered through clenched teeth. I did not sign up for this. Why couldn’t he take me out to dinner like a normal dude? I didn’t understand vampire politics, but something about this moment felt strangely like some weird vampire proposal.

  “To the future queen,” Diego said while raising his glass. Yep. This was too serious for my tastes. I eyed Claire, and her expression was full of sympathy. I wasn’t a good lip reader, but I could have sworn she said the word idiot while shaking her head at Diego. Didn’t we just agree to keep this a secret? What the fang fuck?

  The entire fucking room clapped. Betty was laughing at the look of horror I knew was on my face. The walls were closing in. No. Nope. I was not a fan.

  I looked to Graham, who was scowling at me. I was sure it was a kick to the balls that the wom
an he tried to have killed was now courting the king.

  “Excuse me,” I whispered before speed walking out of the dining room. I felt Diego’s presence at my back, following me out. Certainly, he sensed my aggravation. What good was emotion sharing if he couldn’t sense that I wasn’t ready?

  Once we were out of the dining room, I started to run. I didn’t even look to see how far behind Diego was, I ran. I darted through the hallways without really having a plan until I saw the front door. I thought the door would be guarded, but I didn’t see anybody there. In a split second, I decided to risk it. I sprinted all out until I was through the doors and didn’t slow down until I was halfway down the block. By some massive stroke of luck, there was a taxi idling on the other side of the street.

  “Drive!” I yelled, diving into the back seat. Once the cab was moving, I chanced a look over my shoulder and saw Diego standing at the entrance to the tower of doom. He didn’t make any effort to stop the driver, he just stared at me. A searing pain slashed through my chest. It felt foreign yet somehow familiar. Was this how Diego was feeling?

  “Miss? Where are we going?” I shook my head and rubbed at the sore spot with my palm.

  Without even thinking, I gave the driver Ryan’s address and then rode the rest of the way in silence. As we pulled up in front of his building, it occurred to me that Ryan might not be home. I didn’t have my phone, so I couldn’t even text to give him a heads-up.

  “Twenty-seven dollars, ma’am.”

  I patted my pockets. Shit. I didn’t have any money on me.

  After a minute of debating the ethics of it, I willed my words to wash over him. “You’re going to let me ride for free,” I said. He got that dazed look in his eyes that Yaz had. I felt ashamed, so I added a few more commands. “And you’re going to live your best life. And call your mother to tell her you love her. And you’re going to start eating healthy and sleeping eight hours a night.” I eyed a package of cigarettes sitting in the passenger seat. “And you’re going to quit smoking and meditate.”


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