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My Determined Suitor

Page 5

by Shelley Munro

  Lana dragged in a deep breath, her chest expanding with the heavy intake of air. Her pulse thudded, faster than normal while she considered his question and watched him stalk her. Yeah, stalk! The man had it down to a fine art. She wanted him to kiss her more than she wanted or needed her next breath. This thing between them, this thing that should remain casual and a mere scratching of an itch had taken on a life of its own. It had hit her during the journey back here. She’d learned something about herself. The ability to separate sex and love wasn’t easy and Lana didn’t think she had it in her to enjoy sex without letting her emotions become involved. Problem. A big-time problem, although on the plus side, Duncan would leave once the rodeo ended. Time would take care of the rest, and besides, she’d keep busy with the restaurant.

  He reached her side and drew her into an embrace, pressing their bodies together in a nonsexual, friendly manner. Not what she’d expected. The contact seemed causal and easy despite the tension she sensed in him. Yep, she gave him a few more seconds before he lost patience and kissed her, annihilating her good intentions with a couple of smooth moves.

  It was about fifteen seconds longer than she’d predicted when Duncan put space between them to study her expression, his eyes glowing with banked passion. “My kiss?”

  “Oh, and I thought you’d just take it,” she said with gentle mockery.

  “I prefer to do things my way in the bedroom.”

  “How could I know that? It’s not as if we’ve had sex in a bedroom yet.”

  A bark of laughter escaped him. “True, which is why I’d like to remedy the situation. Some good old-fashioned fucking in a bed followed by a little kink. What do you say?”

  Lana sighed. Her body wasn’t having a problem with the idea, turned on by both the idea and his frank speech. Her mind had become the problem. Too much thinking. Way too much thinking. She’d come to Middlemarch with sex on her brain. Nothing had changed after an afternoon of sex with Duncan. Nothing. She still had months and months of horniness stored up inside.

  Coming to a decision, she said, “I like the idea.”

  “You won’t change your mind again?”

  “No. Do you really want coffee?”

  Duncan shook his head, his gaze watchful.

  “I didn’t think so. Let me turn everything off and we’ll hit the bedroom.” Tremors shook her hands when she returned the coffee beans and mugs to the cupboard and flipped the switch on the coffeemaker. She wanted to experience his muscles flexing beneath her fingers, his cock embedded deep in her pussy surging and retreating again, needed him with surprising intensity, considering they’d had sex several times already.

  “Are you dithering?”

  “Dithering?” She wrinkled her nose. “What sort of word is that?” Damn, the man for being so perceptive. She was bloody procrastinating because the strength of her need scared her half to death.

  “I want to know if I frighten you.” He watched her, unmoving, his posture relaxed. His eyes glowed, holding heat and tension. Passion.

  “You don’t frighten me. I know you’d never hurt me.” Not true. Lana feared he’d spoiled her for other men. Somehow the thought of having a quick weekend of sex with another man, whenever she had a gap in her schedule, didn’t appeal. Damn and blast her head. Her mind was too busy. She kept thinking and had started to second-guess every decision she made. “You want to fuck me, Duncan? Let’s do it.”

  “And what if Saber and Emily come home early? Or if one of the others arrive unexpectedly. I didn’t think you enjoyed others watching you during the sexual act. You worried about someone seeing earlier.”

  Lana snorted. “That’s not what I meant and you know it. I’m going to bed. If you want to come with me, that’s fine. If not, you know where the door is.” She sauntered past, giving him attitude even though inside she quivered like an inexperienced girl. But there was nothing girlish in the sexual response, the moistening of her sex and the tight sensation in her nipples. Her breath came in pants and she had to force herself to keep moving to her allocated bedroom. Lana took another two tottery steps before masculine hands spanned her waist. The next instant her world tilted, and she hung over Duncan’s shoulder, looking at the passage from a new perspective.

  “Put me down.”


  “I’ll scream.”

  “Go ahead and scream, babe. We’re going to the bedroom.”

  “I can go by myself. I have legs.” Lana thumped her fists on his backside and his buttocks flexed as he strode along the passage.

  “Which room?”

  “The last one at the end. I could have walked by myself,” she repeated.

  “It was time for action. You were thinking too much. You’ll have plenty of time to think on Monday.”

  Exactly what frightened her.

  Inside the bedroom, he tossed her onto the bed and turned on the light.

  “Strip,” he said.

  Lana blinked against the bright glare and stared up at him. “You want me to strip?”

  “Yeah, I didn’t watch you this afternoon.”

  “I don’t want to.” A lie. She wanted to obey him and that posed a problem. She’d done everything Jamie had told her to and look what happened there. As much as she’d loved Jamie and missed him, she hadn’t been blind to his faults and the problems in their marriage. If Jamie had lived… Oh no! She wasn’t going there. He was dead so there was no point thinking about what might have been.

  Duncan’s eyes narrowed, and he folded his arms across his chest. “I might as well leave then.”

  “You wouldn’t.”

  “Try me.”

  Lana frowned. He confused the heck out of her. Combined with her own feelings, he made her head whirl. “I thought you wanted me, wanted to be with me tonight.”

  “I do, but I’m not willing to take half measures. It’s all or nothing, Lana.”

  “What does it matter? We’re only together for the rest of the weekend.”

  Duncan’s frown deepened. He pushed away from the wall and crossed the carpeted floor to stare at her. “You might as well know. When it comes to sex, I like things my way. Complete compliance.”

  A ripple went through Lana at his words. Part of it was concern because of her experience with Jamie, but inside, interest stirred as well—a flutter of her pussy and a tightening ball of tension in the pit of her stomach. She swallowed. “I’m not sure I like the idea of being dominated. I prefer to make my own decisions.”

  “And I’m fine with that, except for the bedroom. I told you earlier I want to dominate the order of things.”

  “I see.” Lana scrutinized him, searching for his intentions. Not a whisper of gossip had reached her about his sexual predilections, which meant he was both circumspect and didn’t step out of line with any of his partners. She had firsthand experience of some of his techniques and had lived to tell the tale. Nothing too bad. What did she have to lose?

  It was just for the weekend.

  Come Sunday they’d part and mightn’t see each other for six months or longer. Pushing aside her lingering worries, she shoved off the bed. Okay, if he wanted her to strip, she’d do it. Not that it would take long since she only wore a dress. A naughty frisson danced through her, bringing a rash of chill bumps to her arms and legs. Humming, she swayed, satisfaction filling her when Duncan stepped back to give her room.

  His hot gaze made her wet and daring. She reached behind and slid open the zipper of her dress. Gracefully, she rolled her shoulders, letting one of the bodice straps slither down her arm to bare the upper slopes of her breasts. Continuing to sway to the tune she heard inside her head, she peeked at Duncan through lowered lashes. All male and sexy with it. He wasn’t cute. No, that description didn’t work for him. Masculine and confident. Lana snorted inside. Like Jamie, which should have made her scramble for cover. Instead, she’d grab the moment and tempt fate.

  Duncan leaned against the wall, a smile hovering on his lips. “Is that it? Don
’t I get to see more skin?”

  Lana breathed out with a huff of irritation. With a shrug of her shoulder the other strap slipped down her arm. She shimmied and the silky green fabric moved lower until, aided by gravity, it slithered to a pool at her feet. Lana stepped out of it and bent to pick it up. With peekaboo motions she held the fabric up to screen her naked body. Really, it seemed decadent to strut around wearing high heels and not a stitch more. At any other time she might have melted to a puddle of embarrassment, but Duncan made her nudity seem natural. Desirable.

  “I’ll take the dress for you.” Duncan tugged it from her hands and placed it over the back of a chair so it wouldn’t wrinkle. Then he let his attention wander to her, his warm eyes drifting across each one of her curves. It felt as if he were touching her physically and a shiver of pure need rippled across her skin.

  “Are you going to spend the night looking at me?”

  “If that’s what I decide to do.”

  “Won’t that be boring? For both of us?”

  “You like me looking. Your breathing is elevated. Your breasts are swollen and ripe for my touch. And best of all, I can smell your arousal. Knowing you want me, want my touch, is very sexy. Sex is more than shoving a cock into a receptive pussy. Good sex is a state of mind. It’s a banquet rather than a snack on the run. That is what I want with you tonight. A feast.”

  Lana’s averted her gaze and fought the urge to lift her hands to cover her breasts while contrarily, her sex grew moist. A man had never seduced her with words before. The suit and tie brigade who visited her restaurant, the so-called educated businessmen didn’t do this well with conversation. Their most determined flirting did nothing. This cowboy, with a few well-chosen words, had her panting for him. She swallowed and tried to regulate her choppy breathing. It didn’t work. Her heart had settled into a gallop and nothing could stop the excitement pulsing through her body.

  “No comment?” Duncan pushed away from the wall and prowled across the room until he reached her side. With the tip of one blunt finger he traced around a nipple. As they both watched, it drew tight and an aching sensation throbbed, working down her body. She couldn’t restrain her gasp and reached for him, wanting to touch, if only to ground herself.

  “No touching,” he instructed. “I will do the touching for the moment.”

  Her breasts rose and fell with her quick inhalation. Slowly he circled her, studying her nude body. He trailed his fingers across her shoulder blade and cupped the curve of one buttock before he faced her again with the faint smile still in place.

  “Beautiful. Sexy. Desirable.”

  With Duncan, that was exactly how she felt. “You could add impatient.”

  “Good things come to those who wait.”

  “That’s what my mother used to say.”

  “Sounds like a wise woman.”

  Lana sighed. “She was. I miss her.”

  “No sad thoughts tonight. We’re having a feast, a celebration.”

  “Then why am I so hungry?” Lana wailed.

  Duncan chuckled. “Patience. Part your legs for me.”

  Obediently she shifted her stance, a little embarrassed by her arousal. Not that it seemed to bother Duncan. He pinched one nipple without warning, the surge of pain dragging free a husky protest. But the pain didn’t linger, settling straight to her pussy, curling into heat and desire. Duncan leaned closer and kissed the delicate skin of her neck, giving her the faint bite of teeth and the soothing rasp of his tongue. Her breathing settled into a purr. His sinful lips moved lower, and he licked across her collarbone before the hot, tight suction of his mouth brought a jolt of dark pleasure. It speared straight to her core, the heat blossoming and plumping her folds.

  “I love the way you respond.”

  When a man tended a woman so well with strokes and seductive licks, pleasure came easy. A mew of need escaped as his mouth neared one pouting nipple. Her pulse stalled before jumpstarting. Now. Please take me into your mouth. Luckily, he answered her fervent prayers, taking her nipple deep into his mouth. There was nothing gentle about it. He sucked hard, and the sensation echoed in her sex, a swift spasm of pleasure and a sensation of tightening. A purr of approval escaped.

  “I like that,” she murmured, her head lolling to the side.

  “I know, sweetheart. Just wait. It will get better. Much better.”

  How could it get better? She’d experienced his lovemaking already and didn’t see how he could improve. Heck, she hoped his words were all talk because if he spoke the truth, she’d be in trouble. If things got any better, she’d start to daydream about him when she should ground herself in reality and get back to her business on Monday morning.

  Duncan ran callused hands over her rib cage and her hips while he shifted his mouth to her other breast. The combination of sensations flooded her mind, the drag of rough fingers over her smooth skin, the tug of his mouth at her breast, and the sounds. He murmured gentle encouragement whenever his mouth wasn’t busy, praising her softness, her lush curves and her responses. Damn, she wanted to whimper. She might in a minute. All the blood in her body seemed to head south, and it pulsed in her pussy. Lana stirred, restless.

  “Good girl. I’ll make it better soon.” He mouthed her nipple, giving her a hint of teeth.

  “Hurry,” she ordered.

  Duncan released her nipple, letting it slip from his mouth. “We’re doing things my way, remember?”

  “Yeah, like the song. I can hardly forget. Your way is slow. We only have the weekend.”

  Not if he had anything to do with it, Duncan thought. This was only the start of something everlasting.

  He moved down her body until he knelt in front of her. She shifted, redistributing her weight. The scent of her arousal wafted closer, and he screened his eyes. Toast. The woman wriggled past his defenses without difficulty, but he had to stay strong. Strength and determination to win her.

  With pressure on her thighs, he encouraged her to spread her legs farther apart. Knowing the position could become uncomfortable soon, he upped the pace. He licked along the juncture of torso and leg, dragging his tongue downward until he neared her mons. Silky-smooth skin. God, she tempted him like no other. He rasped his tongue along her slit, parting her folds to gain access to her clit. Her honey flowed across his taste buds.

  “Duncan.” Lana’s legs trembled, her hands grasping his shoulders for support.

  Duncan rose in a smooth move, lifting her into his arms. He lowered her to the bed and followed her down to the mattress. Her beautiful eyes glowed with passion, calling to him. His cock had lengthened, and because he still wore his jeans, cramped his style. Bloody uncomfortable. Duncan adjusted himself before cupping her ass with his hands and lifting her to his mouth. With leisurely strokes of his tongue he feasted, tasting her honey and stoking her pleasure. He wanted to drive her crazy, just as she drove him wild. And if he enjoyed her meltdown, why should he argue?

  She moaned, muscles tensing when he licked at her clit. Using his fingers, he filled her while he rasped his tongue down her cleft. The tiny sounds she made at the back of her throat filled him with lust and put intense pressure on his zipper, yet he wouldn’t be anywhere else. He hummed and blew warm air over her nub, watching it pulse. Lana bucked under his ministrations, whispering his name.

  “Soon, Lana. You can go higher yet.”

  “No, no, no,” she chanted. “Make me come. It’s so good it hurts. Please, please make me come.”

  His cock twitched, and he had to bite back a groan. Forcing away his desperate desire, he concentrated on Lana, the woman he wanted and had lusted after for years. The thought centered him and helped Duncan push harder. He teased and drove her higher until her limbs trembled and she lifted her hips, jerking them upward each time he licked near her clit. She pleaded and begged and shook, looking so beautiful it made his heart twist.

  With the taste of her on his lips, he pulled away to survey her. Legs splayed, her sex glistening, she seemed l
ike a wanton angel.


  Satisfaction coursed through his veins as he watched her, the rapid rise and fall of her chest and the restless movements of her limbs.

  Lana propped up on her elbows to glare at him. “Is that it? Are you finished?” Her words rose until the final ones came out at a distinct shriek.

  Suppressing a smile, he said, “Of course not. I’m going to take off my clothes, settle myself between your legs and guide my cock into place.”

  Her tongue darted out to moisten her lips. “And then what?”

  “I’ll thrust into you, pushing deep until I fill you.”

  Her eyes widened before she nodded. “Good idea. Hurry.”

  “Touch yourself while I undress,” he suggested. “But not enough to make yourself come.”

  “While you watch?”

  “You promised to obey me.”

  A crease furrowed her brow, and they stared at each other for a long moment—a male-and-female battle—until Lana averted her gaze. As he watched, her hand inched down her torso at a torturous pace.

  Duncan bit back a curse and pushed off the bed to strip. Boots first then his clothes. He made quick work of the chore, hissing with relief when his cock sprang free. The entire time he watched Lana finger herself, sliding her digit into her pussy, coating it with her juices and bringing it back to circle her swollen clit.

  “Once more,” he said, kneeling on the bed beside her. While she repeated the action, he tugged one nipple, twisting it.

  “You’re torturing me,” she complained.

  “What do you want me to do?”

  “I want you to shove your cock inside me for a start.”

  “Next time I’m bringing my bag of tricks and I’ll make sure I have a gag and ropes.”

  Lana’s mouth dropped open. He’d mentioned ropes before and she thought he’d been joking. Her teeth snapped together with an audible click. “I do not talk too much.”

  Duncan didn’t reply. Instead he flopped onto his back and stared at her with silent expectation.


  “You wanted my cock. Take what you need.”

  Unbidden, her gaze swept his body to settle at his groin. His thick shaft jutted upward, the mushroom-shaped head glistening. His brows rose, and a smile curled his lips. Challenge shone in his eyes.


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