Forbidden Neighbor: A Contemporary Romance Boxset (Forbidden Saga Book 2)

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Forbidden Neighbor: A Contemporary Romance Boxset (Forbidden Saga Book 2) Page 24

by Summer Brooks

  I stormed over to my closet and pulled out my suitcase, ripping things from the closet and shoving them inside. Most of the clothes in the giant walk-in closet weren’t even mine. Alec had bought all these designer dresses and shoes for me to wear, but he could just recycle them for the next misguided woman who would take my place. I didn't fucking care anymore. I had to get out of here, and I didn't want any reminders of him.

  I looked down at the shoes I was wearing, the ones that had started an argument at my parents’ house, and I kicked them off my feet with such force that they flew across the room, hitting the wall on the opposite side with a satisfying thud.

  Fuck this place. Fuck Alec Slade, and fuck his snobby ass friends and family. His father's business could go bankrupt for all I cared.

  I hated myself for letting this affect me so much. He wasn't my boyfriend. He was my employer. So why did I feel like my heart had been trampled? Why did I react the way a real girlfriend would whenever women came on to him if I wasn't his real girlfriend at all?

  My head hurt from crying, and suddenly, I had no more energy left in me. My open suitcase laid on the floor, half packed and I fell onto the bed, still fully clothed. I just needed to rest a minute before I finished packing. I couldn't do all this right now.

  A knock came at my bedroom door just as I had given up and let my eyes close. My light was still on and my things were in disarray.

  "Go away," I yelled, with the last of my strength.

  He knocked again. "I just want to talk for a minute, Myra. I can explain. That was not at all what it looked like and I just want a chance to explain myself. That's all I ask for."

  "I think your lady friend must think it’s rude of you to leave her all alone. You'd better get back in there."

  "Myra, please don't be like this."

  I got off the bed and threw the door open, standing face to face with Alec who looked worse than I had ever seen him look. He must have been out at the club or something and had brought that woman home from there. He definitely hadn't had a quiet night at home, that was obvious. It was almost upsetting seeing him look so rough around the edges when I was used to him looking so polished at all times.

  The worst thing was that I was still attracted to him and I hated it.

  "I just want to talk to you," he said again.

  "There is nothing to talk about," I replied, my anger rising. "I don't see why we both don’t just get some rest. You are allowed to do whatever you want. I don't see the reason why you feel the need to explain your actions to me. I'm not your damn girlfriend, remember? This," I waved my hands around wildly, "is all for show. It's fake, Alec. Just like you, and your friends, and your whole fucking life. Fake. Remember that." I took a breath.

  "You can do what you want without having to answer to me, but remember, I can do what I want as well. And I'm not sure I want to be involved in all of this fake bullshit that you've created anymore. It's not who I am. I don't know who you are, but I can tell you, this isn't me. Drama, lies, deceit, and whatever the hell it is you do in your free time. That's not me."

  "I'm tired and I'm going to sleep. I suggest you do the same. You look like hell, by the way."

  I slammed the door in his face before he could say anything more. Then I turned out the light and pulled the blanket over my head, sobbing into the pillow before I ran out of energy and fell sleep in an agitated state.



  This was bad. Really bad.

  My head was pounding, the light hurt my eyes and I was in need of a shower, a hot meal, and about thirteen hours of sleep.

  But none of that was as important as getting Myra to not be mad at me, which I knew wasn't going to happen. How could I expect her to not be mad at me when I was so mad at myself? How could I have let this happen?

  I took a moment to gather my thoughts after I finally got Jasmine to leave. She didn't take it well when I asked her to never call me or show her face on my property again. Then I put her into the cab that would take her home. I didn't care if she was mad. All that mattered was Myra, and things with her were going to get royally fucked now, if they weren't already.

  I never should have gone to Grant's damn party. What the fuck was he thinking, giving me drugs without my knowledge? A few years ago, we all would have gotten a good laugh out of this but now it was just messed up. Grant was just doing what we had always done, though. What had I ever done to make anyone take me seriously?

  I had never even wanted to be taken seriously. I prided myself on being the life of the party for so long but now the only party I wanted to give life to was the one with Myra.

  But now she wanted nothing to do with me.

  I checked the time. It was four in the morning already. And after she had slammed her door in my face, there was no point in doing anything but trying to get some sleep. I needed to get my head straight if I was going to be able to talk to her. I just hoped she’d still be here in the morning.

  By the time I woke up it was nearly noon and the bright sun was shining across my body. Normally after a night like last night I would have spent the day in bed but today I only had one mission and that was to get Myra to believe me when I told her this wasn't my fault. I also needed to tell her how I really felt.

  I hopped into the shower, washing away the horrible stickiness that the night sweats that accompanied overindulging left me with. I'd have to deal with Grant later, let him know that what he did was unacceptable and that I didn't even know if I could still be friends with him after such an immature and irresponsible act.

  When I had cleaned myself up and made my way out to find Myra, it didn't take me long to find her in the kitchen, scooping a pile of scrambled eggs and bacon onto her plate. At least she was still here.

  When I had gone to her room last night, I wasn't sure if I saw a suitcase lying out on her floor.

  "Myra," I said, coming into the kitchen. "Mind if I join you for breakfast?"

  She glared at me, but just shrugged. "It's your house," she acknowledged. "Do whatever you want."

  "You live here, too. I want to make sure you're comfortable."

  She huffed. "It's my home temporarily. Very temporarily, I might add."

  "Look, I can explain everything, if you'll just give me the chance."

  "Like I said last night, there is no need to explain anything to me. I'm your employee and your roommate, if anything. What you do in your personal life is of no concern to me."

  She sat down at the table and slowly chewed her food, making a point to ignore me.

  I fixed myself a plate and joined her at the table even though I had no interest in eating. Not the food anyway.

  "Well, whether or not you think I owe you an explanation, I am going to give you one anyway because I respect you."

  She rolled her eyes. "I am beginning to think that you don't respect anyone at all."

  "That's not true. Last night was not my fault. I was drugged."

  She let out an incredulous laugh. "You expect me to believe that?"

  "It's the truth, Myra. After you sent me a series of cold texts, my best friend reminded me that his birthday party was last night. I wasn't even going to go but he guilt-tripped me into it. Grant and I go way back. I promised him I'd come for just one drink and one drink is all I had. The fucker drugged me, thinking he would get me to loosen up. As soon as I started to feel the effects, I called for a ride home, and I don't remember anything else."

  Myra threw down her fork and glared at me. "You left out the part where you invited a woman to your bed, Alec. Please, tell me more." She said sarcastically.

  "I didn't invite her," I insisted. "She invited herself and got into the car with me when I was too inebriated to know what was what. She thought I would need someone to look after me. When I woke up with her in here, I was horrified but nothing happened between us. I wasn't even conscious enough for anything to happen!"

  "Then how did her shirt come off?" Myra asked, a wicked smile on her face. S
he didn't believe a word I was saying and was toying with me.

  "She did all of that. I swear, I asked her to leave and she wouldn't stop. That's when you showed up."

  "So you're the innocent victim in all of this?"

  "Essentially, yes. I know it sounds crazy but for once I am not the one who went wild."

  "You're full of shit."

  "I'm not full of shit." I pulled out my phone and brought up Jasmine's number. "You can call her yourself and ask if anything happened."

  "No thanks," Myra said.

  "I told her never to call me or come here again."

  "Why'd you do that?"

  "Because I don’t want her. I want someone else." I stared at Myra. "I want you."

  Myra stood up, her hands on her hips. "You're telling me you want me?"

  "Yes, I am. I want you. I like you."

  "I'm not your real girlfriend and I never will be. You're getting your reality all mixed up with your little scheme. This is what happens when you lie to everyone Alec, you get all confused and can't keep anything straight anymore."

  She folded her arms, looking at me as if I were the scum of the earth. "And because of you, I've become a liar too. I'm lying to my family. I'm lying to your family. It's not who I wanted to be."

  I looked down. "I'm sorry, Myra."

  She didn't listen. "And you can explain away last night all you want. It still doesn't explain what happened at the party. It wasn't even the same fucking girl in your room. How many women do you need in your harem to make you feel good about yourself?"

  "That woman at the party was drunk and I wanted nothing to do with her. You aren't being fair."

  "Fair? You expect me to treat you with fairness when you don't do the same for anyone else? Is it fair that you are lying to your own dying father?" She screamed.

  She was pressing my buttons now but I couldn't do much because everything she was saying was right.

  "I don't care who any of these women are, but you know what? All of this is fucking humiliating for me. It's going to be my picture in the tabloids next to you with headlines about how I am getting played, and everyone else is going to think it's real even if we know it isn't. It's just all so disgusting."

  "What can I do to make you trust me? I’ve already told both of those girls that I want nothing to do with them and that I'm with you know. I'm deleting Jasmine's number from my phone right now. See?" I held up my phone so she could see me deleting her contact. "I don't want anyone but you, okay? This started out as a scheme, yes, but maybe I want that to change."

  "It's not going to change. This will never be real. I already told you."

  "So are you packing up and leaving then?"

  She looked down, running out of steam. "No," she answered quietly. "I made a promise to you and I will stand by it. I've already told my parents that we’re together. I've already given up my apartment. We're going to finish this together, and then, well, I don't know what happens after that. I'll go from there when that point comes."

  "Thank you," I said quietly.

  She just sighed. "I don't like it, but I'll do it."

  "You’re a wonderful girl, Myra."

  "You're not a wonderful man," she retorted.

  Damn, she had a fire in her when she was mad.

  "You're right about that. But I don't want to drag you down to my level."

  Her eyes met mine, and my love for her grew. I wanted her so fucking bad right then.

  "But I want you to know that everything I have told you is the truth."

  "I don't know if you yourself even know what the truth is, Alec."

  "Yes, I do. You're wrong about that." I moved toward her. "I know that the things you make me feel are true."

  I reached for her and she didn't back away. I grabbed her hips and pulled her toward me and leaned in to kiss her, half expecting her to back away. She didn't. Instead, she melted into me and kissed me fervently, angrily. She opened her mouth to me and I took her invitation, pressing my tongue into her mouth, biting and sucking on her lip. She gripped at my sides, drawing me into her as if she were a wild animal, our need for each other combining to form something even greater, a powerful entity that seemed to take over.

  For now, our arguing was suspended in this mutual need. I picked her up as she wrapped her legs around my waist, her warm pussy pressing against my hard cock as I pinned her to the wall and rubbed against her, tasting her moans in my mouth as she pressed into me with greed.

  If there was any way to make what we had together real, this was it.



  "I'm taking you to bed right fucking now unless you tell me no," Alec whispered in my ear as he held me up by placing his large hands over my ass cheeks, my legs wrapped around him. The thin fabric of my lounge shorts weren't doing a good job of concealing the wetness that was seeping from me, making my desire for him all the more noticeable.

  "Yes," was all I said, biting his neck, sucking on his flesh, every atom in my body revolving around my need for him. There was no more reason left in me, just this moment where I needed what I needed. Everything else, all the twisted details, didn't matter to me for once. Alec had the ability to stop time for me. And it felt good to live in the moment for once.

  Alec carried me out of the kitchen and up the stairs as if I weighed nothing. He kicked open the door to his room and leaned down so that my back hit the soft bed and he came tumbling down on top of me. The weight of his body pinned me to the bed and he pushed his hips into me, letting me feel his perfect cock pressing against the dampened cotton of my shorts.

  We kissed feverishly, each of our bodies writhing with arousal and need. Alec reached his hand between us and unbuttoned his pants, and I pushed them down over his ass, leaving his boxers on. He rolled off of me, helping me out of my shorts as I pulled my camisole down. I was then completely nude in Alec's bed.

  He pulled off his t-shirt, revealing his taut stomach and broad chest, then rolled back onto me, the warm skin of his slightly hairy chest pressing against my naked breasts. He kissed a trail down my body, sucking on my nipples while he toyed with the other one between his fingers. He was an expert. He left both hands to knead my breasts and made his way down past my stomach. He glanced up at me with a wicked look before plunging his tongue into my slit, assaulting my clit with his lips and tongue while rolling my nipples with his fingers. The moan that escaped me wasn't a sound I had ever heard myself make before.

  "Fuck me," I begged pressing my pussy into his lips.

  He licked his lips, grinning at me, then got on his knees so that I could push his boxers down over his hips. His engorged cock sprang free at full mast. It was the most perfect cock I had ever seen. I spread wide for him and he leaned over me again, taking my body into his arms in a tight embrace. I returned his sweet embrace, wrapping my arms around his neck as he kissed me deeply. I was so wet and the tip of his cock was so slick with his arousal that he slid into me on the first try, breaching my entrance with ease and pressing into me until his pelvis hit mine.

  He was searing hot inside of me, filling me perfectly with just the right amount of stretching to accommodate him snugly.

  He moved on top of me rhythmically, our bodies rocking in unison. The rest of the world had ceased to exist. Every other desire I’d ever had before ceased to exist. Now all that existed was me and Alec, and the sizzling electricity that was between us as we moved together.

  He was everything I’d ever needed in a lover, giving me sensations that I didn't even know I needed.

  "You're so beautiful," he whispered into my ear as he fucked me. "So, so, fucking beautiful." He pressed deep inside me, and my mouth automatically opened in a moan.

  "You like that?" He asked me, pleased with himself. He moved in the same way again, and then again, not giving me any chance to recover. The orgasm built in me slowly at first, gaining momentum every time he pressed onto that magic spot.

  "I want to come with you," Alec said, watching m
e intently as the pleasure gathered strength.

  Again and again, he drove me closer, and I could see in his face that he wasn't far off either. The heat escalated until I was sure we would both erupt in flames. And then it broke. We moaned in unison as the climax shook our worlds. I was unable to see, unable to focus, unable to feel anything except the undulating waves that washed through me as Alec's cock spasmed inside of me. His face twisted in pleasure and his body tensed as he let loose.

  When the dust settled, Alec stayed on top of me, not withdrawing himself as we both came together. We stayed like that, suspended in this state of post coital inebriation until I could feel him growing hard inside of me again.

  He began to move, just a little bit, building the energy back up. I wanted him again.

  He rolled over onto his back, bringing me with him so that I switched places with him. "I want to see you on top of me," Alec directed me, helping me to get settled. "I want to watch your beautiful body moving on me."

  I bent my knees up around him, gaining leverage as I began to move, my tits hanging into his face and brushed against his rough chin. He took my nipple into his mouth and sucked, his hands on my hips guiding me up and down. I bounced on him with an angered, lustful rage, all of the negative things I had felt before becoming neutralized as his cock drove me toward another orgasm.

  "That's it," Alec urged. "Ride me until you come, baby. I want to see you happy."

  He gripped my ass as I slammed my body down onto his, my clit rubbing against his pelvic bone just right, until the familiar wave of ecstasy rose. I came hard, my pussy walls choking his cock, draining him once again of his hot cum.

  His back arched and he growled as he spent himself once again. I fell forward onto his chest, our sweat mingling together, my hair spilling over his chest.


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