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The Assassins Guild 4: Last Man Standing

Page 18

by Saxon Andrew

  Chapter Seventeen

  Ryshana held on tight to Jab in the Zak’s Jil landing bay and he finally pulled her arms from around him and nodded to Tal and Ka. They walked forward and took Ryshana’s arms and moved her toward the pressurized port. They took her through it and closed it behind them. Jab boarded the Brotherhood shuttle and, once the landing bay door raised, he flew it out of the ship and turned away toward the other side of the Andromeda Galaxy. Ryshana was crying and Ka hugged her tightly, “He can do this, Ryshana!”

  “You have no idea of the danger he’s moving into, Ka! He needs me to keep him safe!”

  “He needs you to believe in him and make sure your child is born to a mother that feels love for him instead of fear!” Tal responded. “Your baby will feel your fear!”

  Ryshana looked up at Tal and she wept harder. But by the time they arrived on the bridge, her tears had stopped and she was staring at the shuttle on the monitor as it moved out of scanning range. Ka said softly, “The Creator will look over him, just like they have from the day he brought you together.”

  “Do you really believe that, Ka?” Ryshana asked.

  “I do.” Ryshana turned back to the monitor and saw the shuttle disappear. She put her hands on her stomach and said, “Don’t be afraid, my little one. Whatever happens, you are a creation of love and you will always feel it from both of us, wherever we are.”

  • • •

  Jab flew the shuttle at high speed and changed his appearance to Borgt. He sat back and set the shuttle on automatic pilot; it would take the slow brotherhood shuttle four days to arrive at the Holy Brotherhood home world. He sat back and went over his plans on what to say when he arrived. He prayed they would work.

  • • •

  Tal turned to Ka holding Ryshana’s hand next to his console, “Have one of the engineers to install a chair next to your console.” Ka and Ryshana turned to Tal and he smiled, “We have one of our best weapon officers here; we should use her.”

  Ryshana smiled slightly and Ka asked, “Where are we going now, Tal?”

  “We’re moving above Andromeda and keep and eye on what’s happening at the abandoned planets.” Tal looked at Ryshana, “I’m reasonably certain you’d like to witness it.”

  Ryshana’s eyes narrowed slightly, “How many planets have they abandoned?”

  “Seventy-nine,” Tal replied.

  Ryshana blew out a breath, “Their depravity never ceases to amaze me. Those planets were some of the first ones conquered and must have billions of believers on them.” Tal nodded. Ryshana shrugged, “Well, just another bite out of the Brotherhood cake.”

  Tal chuckled and turned to his monitor, “There’s still a lot of cake remaining, Ryshana.”

  Ryshana shrugged, “I know, but most of the icing is gone.”

  • • •

  Rachael’s fleet was holding position far below the last defended Brotherhood planet on the starboard side of their conquered planets. Lalani turned to her and asked, “Sir, are we too far out to move in on the first undefended planet in time to prevent the aliens from being attacked?”

  Rachael shook her head, “No. The scouts are keeping a close eye on the defended planets and will let us know if any of their warships start forming up to launch an attack. I suspect this will be just like the last time; they’ll sit back and avoid watching what happens to the undefended planets.”

  Lalani nodded and turned back to her monitor. After a moment, she turned back to Rachael, “Sir, could we do what they are doing?”

  Rachael sighed before answering, “I don’t know, Lani. If we knew defending some of the colonies against attack would cause all the others to die…” Rachael paused and then said softly, “I don’t know.”

  “But Sir, there are billions of their believers on those undefended planets. I don’t understand how they can just sit by and allow them to be killed.”

  “Ryshana has told me numerous times that the Brotherhood leadership places no value on their believers, Lani; they view them as little more than tools to carry out their will. They certainly have no qualms about attacking peaceful intelligent civilizations and wiping them out with out any hesitation. I think from the very beginning of their religion, they placed no value on life. This is just another example confirming it.”

  “If that’s the case, Sir, I would think they’d attack us no matter what the price they’d have to pay,” Lani replied.

  “They’re vicious, cruel, and depraved, Lani, but they’re not stupid. The conquered planets build the fleets and berserkers that make up their fleets and they won’t just throw all of them away. I do believe that this will be the last planets they abandon and by consolidating their fleets at the final eighty planets, they’ll be much more difficult to attack. The screen of berserkers around their defended planets are now twice as large as before and I don’t see our missile barrages getting through their defenses. Everything up to this point was a warmup to the real war that’s about to kick off.”

  Lani nodded and turned back to her console. Rachael stared at the monitor showing the stars in one of Andromeda’s spiral arms above her. The view was beautiful for a place where so much evil existed.

  “Admiral, do you have a moment?”

  Rachael flinched as her subvocal module activated, “I do Commodore Higginson.”

  “I’ve been thinking about our last conversation and I need to ask you a question about it.”

  Rachael sighed and closed her eyes, before answering, “What is that?”

  “Why me?”

  Rachael’s eyes opened and she said, “I’m not sure what you’re asking, Dan?”

  “Yes, you do, Rachael. Why me?” Rachael was silent and Dan added, “I served with you for a long time before we were sent to Earth to fight in the LMC. You only had eyes for Dorman and pretty much ignored me the entire time.”

  “Dorman was the pretty boy, Dan. I was so shallow that I didn’t see past anyone’s appearance. I knew he really wasn’t attracted to me but I refused to allow him out of his situation. I guess I was pretty much crazy with my power and rank. I would not allow anyone around me that could challenge my position and I see now that I knew inside that I was way over my head in commanding a fleet, our ship, or anything else. Those insecurities are what drove me to be so ridiculous.”

  “That’s not an answer, Rachael,” Dan interjected.

  “I hope you noticed that I also didn’t allow you to transfer out of my command, Dan.”


  Rachael sighed again, “Because I saw how brilliant you were and knew that I needed you to make the right decisions whenever I didn’t know what to do. You knew my ship better than I did and you were a failsafe for me. I secretly admired your quick mind and insights in handling difficult situations. I was surprised that you didn’t save me from the stupidity of not reading the manuals on the Epy Warship I was assigned.”

  “I also blew the whistle on you to Admiral Talent causing you to be demoted. There’s no way you should ever forgive me for doing that.”

  “You’re right. And I blamed you and Dorman for doing it for a long time.”

  “So, I ask you again, why me?!” Dan asked emphatically.

  “Dan, that wasn’t the first demotion I had.”

  “Yes, it was!”

  “No, it wasn’t, Dan. The first demotion came when I was removed from commanding one of the Colony Fleets to being on the Fleet Commander’s headquarters staff. The second one came when I was ordered to report to Earth’s command to take part in the war against the aliens attacking the colonies. When I arrived on Earth, I was demoted to Captain commanding a single warship. Being demoted to Lieutenant was the third-demotion I received in less than two years.”

  Dan was quiet for a moment and then said, “You were still an admiral when you went to the Fleet Commander’s staff.”

  “Come on, Dan! I told myself that numerous times but everyone knew that I was placed on his staff because of incompetence. It was after Ta
l demoted me to Lieutenant that I was forced to take a good look at who I am and why I acted like I did. He and Jan showed me what real leaders look like and I quickly realized I was no where close to being as good as they are. He beat me up several times and forced me to accept that I am just not cut out to command anyone.”

  “But he promoted you, Rachael.”

  “Only after I went through some growing pains that washed away my insecurities. It was only knowing that I would never command a ship again that allowed me to relax and just worry about doing the necessary things to keep our ship safe. Serving on the Sha was where I found the first peace in my life. I refused the promotion to Admiral initially and Tal had to convince me I could do it. I also refused to take command of the Colony’s fleets. I finally accepted the promotion because Tal believed in me. That meant more to me than any of my insecurities.”

  “So, for the last time, Rachael, why are you attracted to me. I know it’s not because of my overwhelming good looks.” Rachael laughed and Dan added, “You didn’t have to agree so quickly.”

  “Dan, I was furious with you and Dorman and that anger made me keep an eye on what you did after you no longer reported to me. Your saving your crew in the LMC before your ship self-destructed was amazing and now all three of you are in higher command. You were the one that convinced Jan to save that squadron of alien warships from the Brotherhood’s ambush. I’ve seen how brave you are, almost to the point of being stupid, and I’ve been amazed at what I’ve seen. I remember the times serving in the colonies that you saved me from making really dumb mistakes. You could have let me flounder and been free of me…but you didn’t. You’ve shown you have a good heart and I guess over time, I wished you were still on my ship with me. Eventually, I wished I was serving on your ship. I don’t know why, but I do feel affection for you and I’ve been stupid trying to protect you from being placed in dangerous situations. That trip out to communicate with the aliens really frightened me. If it were my decision to make, I wouldn’t have let you go alone.”

  “What about Dorman?” Dan asked.

  “What about, Dorman?” Rachael countered. Dan was silent and Rachael continued, “I never had a loving relationship with him, Dan. He was the trophy boy and not much else. I was stupid to put him in that situation and he’s with the right person now. He and Jan were made for each other.”

  “So, you’re alone now.”

  Rachael sighed, “Yes, I guess I am.”

  “So am I,” Dan said softly. “Perhaps when all this is over, we might try to do something about that.”

  The contact ended and Rachael’s eyes widened. Did he just say what she thought she heard? She immediately contacted him over her subvocal module, “Did I hear you correctly?!”

  Dan chuckled, “We have a war to win first, Rachael. But when it’s over, I’ll come looking for you wherever you are.”

  The contact ended again and Rachael felt her heart swell as she smiled and turned back to the monitor. Dan was right, either of them could die in this conflict; waiting was something that would give her a reason to survive.

  • • •

  The aliens arrived on time and the attacks on the seventy-nine Brotherhood planets began with giant cities being burned to the ground. The Zak’s Jil was holding station out from one of the most heavily populated planets and the crew had somber expressions as they watched the planet’s destruction. Tal glanced at Ryshana and saw her normal delight was missing from her face. “What’s wrong, Ryshana?”

  Ryshana sighed, “I’ve been listening to the communications intercepted by the scouts from that planet, Sir. It appears just before the aliens arrived, there was an insurrection by the population that killed every cleric on the planet. They were enraged by being abandoned by the Brotherhood leadership and I suspect they quit believing in the Creator’s Mission because of the way they were treated. There was a chance that planet could turn away from their teachings. But now…it will never happen.”

  “I thought you said they would never change?” Ka said to her.

  Ryshana shrugged, “I suspect a cold dose of reality could change a lot of things, Ka. I still hate them, but all I see now is a dreadful waste of life.”

  Tal lowered his chin slightly, “They had to go, Ryshana. The alien civilizations they destroyed to take those planets demand revenge and there is no stopping that from happening.”

  “I understand there are consequences to ones actions; but this is such a horrible thing to witness. I guess seeing the young children dying affects me more because of my child. However, the real cancer is not on these planets but on their home world. Jab was right; he had to make the effort so this will never happen again.”

  Tal turned back to the monitor and wondered if Jab was going to be able to carry out his mission. Everything depended on him doing it and he waited for the scout sent to follow Jab to report in. He should know in a few days.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Jab slowed the shuttle as he moved into the planetary system of the Holy Planet. He watched the planet growing larger and was surprised that there weren’t any warships located in the systems outer planets. He understood why as the planet appeared on the shuttle’s scanner, the planet had a gigantic swarm of warships and berserkers forming a giant globe thousands of miles out from the planet. He also saw hundreds of shuttles surrounded by warships holding position out from the planet. He moved away from them and took a different course to the planet. He waited and the warning came in over the shuttle’s communicator, “You will stop immediately and hold your position! State your business!”

  Jab leaned forward with his head in his hands as a man appeared on the monitor, “I have come to speak with Third Cleric Welden. It’s urgent that I speak with him.”

  The communications officer stared at the emaciated pilot and said, “Weldon is now the Second Cleric and has been so for a long time.”

  “He was the Third Cleric when I was last here. It’s urgent that I speak to him! Tell him that Borgt is trying to contact him.” Jab stared at the man and then collapsed to his control panel.

  The officer turned to the warship’s commander, “Sir, I have a shuttle that just arrived and I think you should see the recording of my conversation with the pilot.”

  The commander turned and ordered, “Put it on the monitor.” The commander watched the conversation and said, “I’m surprised that pilot is alive. He looks like death warmed over. Charge one of our blasters.”

  The Second-in-Command quickly interjected, “Sir, you might want to think about that!”

  The Commander turned to his second with his brow furrowed, “Why, I’d be doing him a favor.”

  “Sir, that pilot’s communication was heard by numerous warships around us. All the other shuttles that arrived have demanded an audience with the High Cleric. This one is the only one that has asked to speak to someone else. What if one of the other ships tells the Second Cleric that a shuttle arrived wanting to speak with him and he deems speaking to this Borgt as being important? Are you willing to take the risk of not telling him before destroying that shuttle? He also used a name that he believes the second Cleric knows. This could get us all executed if you make the wrong call on this.”

  The commander stared at his second and turned to the communication officer, “Put me in touch with someone on the Second Cleric’s staff.”

  • • •

  Weldon was sitting in a meeting with the other high-ranking clerics listening to the High Cleric scream at them about how to handle the shuttles that had arrived demanding an audience. The High Cleric was close to losing it. Suddenly, his communicator began vibrating and he lifted it to see his staff-leader. He raised it and whispered, “I TOLD YOU TO NEVER INTERRUPT ME IN A MEETING WITH THE HIGH CLERIC!!”

  “A shuttle has just arrived outside the planet and the pilot has directly asked to communicate with you. The commander that forwarded the request says the pilot is in rough shape and is clearly malnourished.” Welden’s expression turned
angry and the man quickly added, “The pilot says his name is Borgt!”

  Welden’s eyes flew wide open and he saw the High Cleric leaning forward with a malevolent expression, “I trust you will implement the appropriate punishment for whoever just interrupted my meeting!”

  “High Cleric, a shuttle has just arrived above the planet and the pilot has requested to speak with me; he says his name is Borgt!” The High Cleric’s eyes flew wide open and Welden added, “The commander of the warships says he is severely malnourished.”

  The High Cleric turned to the commander of his military, “YOU WILL BRING THAT SHUTTLE TO ME IMMEDIATELY. AND TELL THE ONES BRINGING IT THAT IF THE PILOT DIES I WILL HAVE THEM EXECUTED!” The High Cleric turned to Welden, “Come with me!”

  A high ranking cleric quickly interjected, “Supremacy, what are we going to do about the shuttles demanding an audience?”

  The High Cleric turned and snarled, “There will be no audience! Tell them I’m ordering them to return to their planets and rule them like they’ve been ordained to do! If they refuse to leave, remove them for disobeying my orders!” The High Cleric turned and stormed out of the huge meeting chamber.

  • • •

  The ship commander turned to his second, “It appears you were right. We’ve been ordered to take the pilot directly to the High Cleric and if he dies, we’re to be executed. Get the doctors into the landing bay and give them the Second Cleric’s direct communication frequency!”


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