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Capitalism: A Ghost Story

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by Arundhati Roy

  3. Manas Dasgupta, “Hazare Clarifies Remarks on Modi, But Activists Unrelenting,” Hindustan, April 13, 2011, 2011/04/13/stories/2011041364651600.htm.

  4. “Hazare Failed to Recognise Workers’ Contribution: RSS,” Hindu, February 5, 2012, -failed-to-recognise-workers-contribution-rss/article2863182.ece.

  5. Mukul Sharma, “The Making of Moral Authority: Anna Hazare and Watershed Management Programme in Ralegan Siddhi,” Economic and Political Weekly 41, no. 20 (May 2006): 1981–88.

  6. Lola Nayar, “Flowing the Way of Their Money,” Outlook India, September 19, 2011, article.aspx?278264.


  1. Special correspondent, “Intellectuals Protest Deportation of US Broadcast-Writer,” Hindu, September 29, 2011, http://www -us-broadcasterwriter/article2497779.ece.

  2. Ibid. “When reached for comments, sources in the Home Ministry claimed that Mr. Barsamian had travelled to India without a ‘valid visa.’ However, sources at Delhi’s IGI airport alleged that Mr. Barsamian had violated his visa norms during his visit in 2009–10 by indulging in professional work while holding a tourist visa. Thereafter, he was put on a watch list by the immigration authorities in order to prevent his entry on his next visit. The watch list was reviewed from time to time on the basis of inputs received from various quarters.”

  3. See “Kashmir: Time to Go,” Economist, April 4, 2007,

  4. “US Professor Deported for ‘Political Activism’ in Valley,” Indian Express, November 4, 2010, -professor-deported-for—political-activism—in-valley/706855/. For a full report from the People’s Tribunal on Human Rights and Justice, written by Angana P. Chatterji et al., see “Buried Evidence: Unknown, Unmarked, and Mass Graves in Indian-Administered Kashmir,” November 2009, graves/BuriedEvidenceKashmir.pdf.

  5. See press note from the International People’s Tribunal on Human Rights and Justice in Indian-Administered Kashmir: http://www -deported-from-srinagar-airport-press-note-from-iptk/.

  6. See 2013 report from the Committee to Protect Journalists: http://

  7. See Shoma Chaudhury, “The Inconvenient Truth of Soni Sori,” Tehelka 8, no. 41 (October 2011), .asp?filename=Ne151011coverstory.asp.

  8. J. Venkatesan, “Salwa Judum Is Illegal, Says Supreme Court,” Hindu, July 5, 2011, -is-illegal-says-supreme-court/article2161246.ece.

  9. See TehelkaTV video of the Chhattisgarh police official admitting to scripting Lingaram Kodopi’s arrest after Kumar filed the habeas corpus petition: &list=PLz16ahsYEHrI1wNDNb56QpDATYZx0j8qw&index=1.

  10. KumKum Desgupta, “Those Discordant Notes,” Hindustan Times, September 20, 2011, -views-on/ColumnsOthers/Those-discordant-notes/Article1 -748175.aspx.

  11. Mohua Chatterjee and Vishwa Mohan, “Azad Killing a Big Blow to Maoists,” Economic Times, July 3, 2010, http://articles.economictimes -rajkumar-maoists-dandakaranya.

  12. Aman Sethi, “Maoists Announce Azad’s Successor,” Hindu, July 21, 2010, maoists-announce-azads-successor/article525724.ece.

  13. Supriya Sharma, “Security Forces Running Riot in Dantewada?” Times of India, March 23, 2011, http://articles.timesofindia -villages-local-police.

  14. See

  15. “Civil Rights Activist Binayak Sen Gets Bail,” Times of India, May 25, 2009, -25/india/28202410_1_plea-binayak-sen-chhattisgarh-high-court.

  16. Shoma Chaudhury, “The Doctor, the State, and a Sinister Case,” Tehelka 5, no. 7 (February 2008), story_main37.asp?filename=Ne230208The_Doctor.asp.

  17. “Vanvasi Chetana Ashram Faces State Repression,” Association for India’s Development, 908/343/.

  18. Tusha Mittal, “Where Is Our Savior?” Tehelka 49, no. 7 (December 2010). See also Amnesty International human rights abuses report:

  19. See public statement from Amnesty International, November 10, 2010: en/d7b90262-946e-4fb2-9b1e-4974cc01bc16/asa200312010en.html.


  1. Joe Klein, “The Full Obama Interview,” Time, October 23, 2008.

  2. Sheryl Gay Stolberg and Jim Yardley, “Countering China, Obama Backs India for U.N. Council,” New York Times, November 8, 2010,

  3. Yusuf Jameel and Lydia Polgreen, “Indian Agency Insists 2 Kashmiri Women Drowned,” New York Times, December 14, 2009, http:// Human Rights Watch Asia authored a report on the high incidence of rape by Indian security personnel. See “Rape in Kashmir: A Crime of War,” Asia Watch (division of Human Rights Watch) and Physicians for Human Rights, vol. 5, no. 9 (2009),

  4. Special correspondent, “Bajrang Dal’s Warning to Arundhati Roy,” Hindu, October 28, 2010, bajrang-dals-warning-to-arundhati-roy/article853157.ece.


  1. Sandeep Joshi and Ashok Kumar, “Afzal Guru Hanged in Secrecy, Buried in Tihar Jail,” Hindu, February 9, 2013, http://www.thehindu .com/news/national/afzal-guru-hanged-in-secrecy-buried-in-tihar -jail/article4396289.ece. Even the lawyers who argued for his death sentence decried the secret hanging as a “human rights violation.” See Manoj Mitta, “Afzal Guru’s Secret Hanging a Human Rights Violation: Prosecutor,” Times of India, February 13, 2013,

  2. See Joshi and Kumar, “Afzal Guru Hanged in Secrecy.”

  3. Sumegha Gulati, “SAR Geelani, Iftikhar among Those Placed under Detention,” Indian Express, February 10, 2013, http://www -under-detention/1072061/. During the trial, Geelani was presented as the mastermind of the 2001 attack, though he was eventually acquitted.

  4. Mohammad Ali, “Muslim Groups See Political Motives,” Hindu, February 11, 2013, muslim-groups-see-political-motives/article4401021.ece.


  1. Ahmed Ali Fayyaz, “Two Days after Hanging, Letter Reaches Azfal’s Wife,” Hindu, February 11, 2013, national/otherstates/two-days-after-hanging-letter-reaches-afzals -wife/article4403636.ece. Fayyaz notes, “Seals and signatures on the communication make it clear that the letter was written on February 6, or three days after the mercy petition was rejected, and dispatched only a day before the execution,” making it clear that the late notice was deliberate.

  2. News desk, “Kashmir’s One Month since Afzal Guru’s Hanging: 350 Civilians, 150 Cops Injured, 4 Dead,” Kashmir Walla, March 10, 2013, -civilians-150-cops-injured-4-dead/.

  3. See “Afzal Guru Papers” online: “Full Text: Supreme Court Judgement on Parliament Attack Convict Afzal Guru.”, February, 9, 2013, full-text-supreme-court-judgement-on-parliament-attack-convict -afzal
-guru/371782-3.html. See also Arundhati Roy, ed., A Reader: The Strange Case of the Attack on the Indian Parliament (New Delhi: Penguin Books India, 2006), and Nirmalangshu Mukherji, December 13: Terror over Democracy (New Delhi: Promilla, 2005).

  4. “Short of Participating in the Actual Attack, He Did Everything . . . ,” Indian Express, February 10, 2013, -actual-attack-he-did-everything...-/1072027/.

  5. “Afzal Guru Papers”: “There is no evidence that [Afzal] is a member of a terrorist gang or a terrorist organization, once the confessional statement is excluded. Incidentally, we may mention that even going by confessional statement, it is doubtful whether the membership of a terrorist gang or organization is established.”

  6. Praveen Swami, “Terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir in Theory and Practice,” India Review 2 (July 2003). See also Muhammad Amir Rana, A to Z of Jehadi Organizations in Pakistan (Lahore, Pakistan: Mashal Books, 2004).

  7. See Yug Mohit Chaudhry, “Why Balwant Singh Rajoana Shouldn’t Be Hanged,” Hindu, March 29, 2012, opinion/op-ed/article3255057.ece.

  8. For new evidence on just how deliberate the hanging was, see “Government Behind Parliament Attack, 26/11: Ishrat Probe Officer,” Times of India, July 14, 2013, india/Govt-behind-Parliament-attack-26/11-Ishrat-probe-officer/ articleshow/21062116.cms.

  9. Bashaarat Masood, “The Grand (Standing) Mufti of Kasmir,” Indian Express, February 7, 2013, -grand-(standing)-mufti-of-kashmir/1070526/. See also http://m -status/1070521/ and -band-breaks-after-threats.

  10. Aijaz Hussain, “Kashmir Police Publish Nuclear War Survival Tips,” Associated Press, January 22, 2013, india-warns-kashmiris-possible-nuclear-attack.


  1. Andrea Shalai-Esa, “Saudi Deals Boosted US Arms Sales to Record 66.3 Billion in 2011,” Reuters UK, August 27, 2012, -idUKBRE87Q0UT20120827.

  2. Stephen P. Cohen and Sunil Dasgupta, “Arms Sales for India,” Foreign Affairs, March/April 2011, articles/67462/sunil-dasgupta-and-stephen-p-cohen/arms-sales-for-india.

  3. “Mukesh Ambani Tops for the Third Year as India’s Richest,” Forbes Asia, news release, September 30, 2010. The article notes, “The combined net worth of India’s 100 richest people is $300 billion, up from $276 billion last year. This year, there are 69 billionaires on the India Rich List, 17 more than last year.” India’s 2009 GDP was $1.2 trillion.

  4. P. Sainath, “Farm Suicides Rise in Maharashtra, State Still Leads the List,” Hindu, July 3, 2012, sainath/article3595351.ece.

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  About the author

  ©Sanjay Kak

  Arundhati Roy was born in 1959 in Shillong, India. She studied architecture in New Delhi, where she now lives. She has worked as a film designer and screenplay writer in India. Roy is the author of the novel The God of Small Things, for which she received the 1997 Booker Prize. The novel has been translated into dozens of languages worldwide. She has written several nonfiction books, including The Cost of Living, Power Politics, War Talk, An Ordinary Person’s Guide to Empire, and Public Power in the Age of Empire. Roy was featured in the BBC television documentary Dam/age, which is about the struggle against big dams in India. A collection of interviews with Arundhati Roy by David Barsamian was published as The Checkbook and the Cruise Missile. She is a contributor to the Verso anthology Kashmir: The Case for Freedom. Her newest books are Field Notes on Democracy: Listening to Grasshoppers, published by Haymarket Books, and Walking with the Comrades, published by Penguin. Roy is the recipient of the 2002 Lannan Foundation Cultural Freedom Prize.




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