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Who Is Sarah Randall (THE RANDALLS Book 1)

Page 9

by Gail Haris

  I struggle with my clothes and towel while hissing at him, “Noah! You’re not allowed in here! Get out before Coach walks in!”

  My shoes fall out of my hands followed by my jeans. The slit where I’m holding the towel together is starting to spread open as I bend over. I debate on bending over anymore for fear of giving him a serious peep show.

  Luckily, Noah comes over and picks them up. “Coach has gone to lunch, along with everyone else. I got worried when you were taking so long.”

  He takes the clothes from my hands so I can readjust my towel. I feel like an idiot, but if he hadn’t scared me, I wouldn’t have been so clumsy. That’s my defense, and I’m sticking to it. I go around back to the showers and get dressed.

  I walk out and find the locker room empty. Noah must’ve gone back out to the gym. I find him sitting on the bleachers looking at his phone. My voice is a little too high when I announce my presence. “Ready?”

  His eyes scan my body. He clears his throat and mutters, “Much better.”

  He stands up, and we start heading out of the gym.

  “I guess you’re going to take on the role of overprotective cousin?” I nudge him with my shoulder.

  He looks down at me and smiles. Nudging me back, he asks, “Overprotective cousin?”

  “You seemed to be bothered by me showing any skin and the guys noticing me. And I already told you, my feelings haven’t changed. I mean, I guess I can see why you might think I wouldn’t see you as a cousin, still, since it turns out we aren’t actually related. But I still view you guys as family. I miss Aunt Andrea and want to see her.”

  He looks straight ahead and is quiet for a moment. We’re almost to the cafeteria building when he stops and whispers, “I, um, didn’t know if you would acknowledge me today. None of us knew how you felt toward us—now that you’re with your real family. They ‘advised’ us to stay away from you. And—and you have to know that we were clueless. Ma is worried sick that you don’t believe her. Cindy told her that you were the result of a one-night stand.”

  “A one-night stand? I kind of wish she would’ve stuck with what she’s always told me, that my father died in a construction accident.” I don’t even know why I’m offended considering she kidnapped me.

  Construction accident. I just now connected the dots that Richard is in construction. Hmm. I guess now I know her inspiration for that story. Noah looks around and then leans toward me to whisper, “Maybe we can work something out for you to see Ma. I know she’d love that.”

  I clap my hands together. “Yes!”

  He raises a finger to his lips and whispers for me to shush. He bites his lip like he’s trying to keep it from smiling as we walk into the cafeteria. He gently holds my elbow and leads me in the direction of the food line. Noah explains the process of giving them my student number if I need to charge for food, or I can pay cash or card at the end of the line. He’s explaining why I should avoid the meatloaf due to his bad experience when he abruptly stops, and his face goes hard.

  I feel a hand on my shoulder as a deep voice whispers in my ear, “Sis, I don’t think you should be associating with him.”

  It’s strange to see Landon, who is so carefree, look angry. It completely transforms his appearance. He isn’t directing any anger toward me, but he’s shooting daggers at Noah.

  “We’re not going to cause a scene, alright? You two continue through the line, but she needs to sit at my table.”

  Noah gives him a nod and looks away. I promise Landon I’ll find his table after I get my plate. After Landon disappears, I lean toward Noah. “If they’re so against us being around each other, why are we attending the same school?”

  Noah whispers back, “The Randalls don’t want more gossip and attention drawn to this situation. Cindy’s death and your return is where they want it to end. If we were brought into it, more gossip would circulate. I already attended school here and so did their children. I didn’t even know you’d be here today until first hour when I walked in and you were in my seat.” He gives me a wink. “It’s almost like you were waiting for me.”

  I give him a small smile and shake my head. It’s our turn to get our food, so Noah grabs two trays and pushes them down the metal rail. I tell the lady which items I want, and Noah hands her my tray. I go for pizza, salad, and mac and cheese. Sans meatloaf, of course. Noah takes the roast beef, mashed potatoes, and vegetables. We both get water to drink. He gives my elbow a gentle squeeze as we start to go our separate ways. My smile starts out small and sad but he gives me another wink and I can’t help as my smile begins to stretch across my face. I turn my face away from Noah and my eyes slam directly into Landon’s. He’s been watching us the whole time.

  Rachel turns to see me and grins from ear to ear. “Sarah! Here sit by me!”

  She pats the seat next to her and I take it. She’s already finished eating so I have her undivided attention while I eat, which makes me self-conscious.

  “How are your classes going? How do you like this school? Have you made any friends? I mean, I saw you talking to Noah. Is he a friend? Talking about making an entrance. You walked in with Noah Wallace—Mr. Unavailable. Girls are either going to envy you or hate you. It’s almost the same thing, isn’t it? How’s this school different from your other one? Have you heard from Trent? Is he coming home soon?”

  She is firing questions at me before I can get a word out to answer the first one.

  Landon watches us, amused, and finally intervenes, “Alright Rachel, that’s enough.”

  Rachel gives him a confused look, so he explains, “You might be coming on a little strong.”

  “And nosy!” Another girl remarks.

  “Sorry if I came off strong and nosy,” Rachel tells me rather dramatically.

  “And rude,” the same girl remarks.

  Rachel turns to the girl. “Anything else, Emily?”

  The girl named Emily shakes her head ‘no’ and continues to eat her salad.

  Landon gives me a wide grin. “We’re all mad here.” I roll my eyes but can’t help but laugh. Is this going to be a new thing between Landon and I? Alice in Wonderland references. It’s fitting that’s for sure.

  Rachel frowns and looks back and forth between us, making Landon and I laugh harder. “I’m so confused.”

  “It’s an inside joke between us,” Landon explains and then smiles at me. I feel warmth in my chest and can’t help the ridiculous grin spreading on my face. Everyone around me begins to gossip about people and places around here that I don’t know. I’ve no idea what anyone is talking about around me that they might as well be speaking in another language. I silently eat my food while everyone around me carries on speaking about their own world. Someone mentions a name I recognize from class so I look up from my plate. I want to participate in the conversation, but before I can voice a comment, they move on to a different topic. The bell rings, and we all take our trays to leave.

  Landon asks to see my schedule again as we exit the cafeteria. I give it to him, even though I already know what class it is and its location. Next, I have Art II & III with Mrs. Taylor. I passed it earlier today on the way to gym. I’m excited because I’ve always had a passion for art. I’d mentioned this to Melissa in one of our conversations, so I wonder if she signed me up for it or if it’s simply a happy coincidence. I’m also kind of excited to know that my father and sister have a passion for art as well. It’s a connection to them, this family, this new life, but more than anything, it’s a way to connect Olivia to Sarah. It’s me remaining as me while everything else seems as an out of body experience.

  Landon begins to explain about the class and where it is, but I interrupt him, “Landon, I appreciate all your help, but I’ve been to school before. Maybe not this one, but I’m not completely helpless. I already found the class earlier. Thank you.”

  Landon nods and smiles as he hands me back the schedule. “I guess I’ll catch you sixth hour, then.”

  “I look forward to it
. And that one I probably will need a lot of help with since I have so much catching up to do.” I wave bye and head off to Mrs. Taylor’s class.

  The room is large with long tables instead of desks. It almost reminds me of a science classroom, except there is art everywhere. The room is whimsical with bright colors and various artistic decorations covering the walls. I go to Mrs. Taylor’s desk that is colorfully cluttered. She’s been my youngest teacher so far. She looks to be in her mid-thirties, attractive with wavy brown hair with caramel highlights, bright red glasses that make her long dark lashes pop over her hazel eyes, and her full lips are colored with maroon lipstick. She’s wearing a flowy, burgundy maxi dress with big, black flowers and a black jean jacket. She looks very put together, except that her hands have all kinds of different color stains that make it look as though she just finished finger painting.

  Mrs. Taylor gives me a bright smile as she turns her chair around to face me. “Well hello there! You must be Sarah. I’m Mrs. Taylor, but I let all my students call me Mrs. Carrie. Here, take a seat, take a seat.”

  She gestures out to the classroom. “We’re about to start a new project today so this works out perfectly! You did miss two projects, though.” She makes a face like ‘bummer.’ But immediately perks back up. “However, I think you can make them up,” she snaps her fingers, “just like that. Lickity Split! So,” she shrugs, “no worries.”

  She digs through all the papers on her desk, searching for something. Distracted, she waves me toward the table and chairs, “Go ahead and have a seat.”

  I take a seat in the back while she continues searching. Students begin to trickle in. Some acknowledge me and some don’t.

  Mrs. Carrie shouts, “Ah-ha!” She skips back to me and hands me two papers. “Complete these two just whenever you can. Then, you’ll be all caught up.” She claps her hands together and smiles at me.

  I thank her and tell her I’ll try to finish them as soon as possible. I read over my art assignments, a charcoal or black pencil still life drawing and a face study of drawing the other half of a face from a magazine. Both sound fun and I’m eager to get started. I’m placing the assignments in my backpack when I hear someone sit in the chair on my left.

  I look up to see a guy that had been sitting with Landon at lunch; I think his name is Eric.

  He smiles at me. “Hello there. I don’t think we’ve actually met, even though I already know quite a bit about you. Name’s Eric.” He extends his hand.

  I shake it and return the smile. “I would introduce myself, but it doesn’t seem I need to…”

  He laughs and stretches in his seat. Eric could be a poster boy for the ‘boy next door’ look. He has short blond hair with bangs styled off to the side, blue eyes, and a strong straight nose. When he smiles, I notice his perfect, straight white teeth. His cute dimples and strong jaw make him ultimately drool worthy. From the looks of his body, he must be a jock. Eric seems friendly, but he also strikes me as the type of guy that knows he’s attractive.

  “How do you know about me, again?” I playfully narrow my eyes and tilt my head.

  I’m trying to come off casual but internally, I’m cringing. Praying he doesn’t voice my fear that I’m known as the kidnapped girl. Worse, he may say he saw my face on the news. Best case scenario and most obvious is Landon. He was sitting with us at lunch. I want to be just Sarah, the new student. I mentally prepare myself for what my response should be if he does mention how I came here.

  He gives me a mischievous smile and leans his elbows on the table toward me. “I make it a point to know about all the pretty girls at this school, Sarah.”

  I don’t know if I should gag or laugh in relief. I give him a blank stare and flatly say, “Excuse me? Really, Eric?” I raise an eyebrow.

  He chuckles. “I’m good friends with your brothers. Well, Landon is one of my best friends. I played football with Trent before he graduated and I run track with Landon.”

  He scoots a little closer. “The only reason you haven’t seen me around the house is because your family wanted you all to themselves; however, now maybe it’s time you share your time with others?”

  I feel my chair being pulled away from him. I turn to my right and come face to face with Noah.

  He laughs at my stunned expression and gives a mock, “Surprise.”

  I smile. “You didn’t mention we have another class together.”

  He leans forward and whispers, “That’s because, originally, we didn’t have another class together.”

  Not sure if he is coming off as sweet or creepy. “I guess I don’t have your seat then?”

  Noah laughs. “Nope.”

  Eric slides my chair slightly closer but not as close as it was. “Wallace. How’s it going, man? Suddenly feeling artistic?”

  Noah merely nods and shrugs.

  I lean over and whisper “How’d you get to change your class this late in the school year?”

  One side of Noah’s mouth curves up into a crooked smile. “Mrs. Jones loves me.”

  Mrs. Carrie tells us we’re going to make collages. She gives us a list of requirements such as size, how many different items, and it must have a clear theme. We must write a short paragraph to turn in before the end of class about our collage’s theme.

  Eric nudges my elbow with his. “What’s your theme going to be?”

  “I’m between soccer, art, or books since those are what first popped into my head. What’s yours?”

  “Going with football. I think I will make the collage in the shape of a giant football.”

  “Oh, I like that. Very creative. Hhmm, I could steal your idea and do mine in a soccer ball. I could have the pictures divided into black and white and color photos to add contrast to the ball.”

  “I guess it would only be fair to let you steal my idea since I plan to steal your heart.”

  I stop for a moment to try and process what he just said. Noah, however, bursts out into full belly laughter with tears in his eyes.

  Eric gives me an unapologetic shrug but then narrows his eyes at Noah when he won’t stop laughing. “Anyone talking to you, Wallace? Mind your own business.”

  Noah tries to gain his composure, but as soon as he looks at Eric, he loses it again. I can’t help but giggle with him.

  He holds his hand up and tries to speak again. “I’m—mmmm—I’m sorry. Ha, but does that actually work? Wait—first, I want to know how did you seriously, I mean seriously, just say that with a straight face?”

  Eric’s lips turn up at one side and he taps his pencil on the table. “Don’t know. But Sarah can tell you if it worked or not.”

  Uh-oh. I begin to feel uncomfortable. I feel my face heat up as I rub my sweaty palms on my pants under the table. It didn’t work but I don’t want to hurt his feelings.

  Noah shifts the conversation back to our project. “Well, I found my inspiration for this project. Lame pick-up lines. I’m going to have it in the shape of a heart. Do you care if I use a photo of you, Eric?”

  Eric’s answer is a sour look.

  I smile at Noah and mouth “thank you.”

  He returns the smile and suggests, “I think you should do yours on books. I bet you could do something cool with your favorite quotes over pictures.”

  I nod in agreement and then ask him, “What are you really doing for your theme?”

  “I’m going to keep it easy. Dogs. I can do the shape of a bone, and dog pictures are everywhere. Plus, if we need to draw anything, I’ll draw Snoopy.”

  I giggle “Well it is art so there might be some drawing involved.”

  I turn back to start writing my paper. I decide to go with Noah’s idea of books and reading. I can make a big outline of a book on poster board. I’ll use my favorite quotes to outline the book and maybe add layers of quotes to add dimension as though they are pages of an open book. Then, I can have all my favorite books doodled, actual pictures, and maybe even draw some of the scenes. I definitely have enough ideas for the coll
age itself. For the reason of my theme, I describe my passion for reading and how it takes you to another world. The art of being able to see another world by using only words to paint the picture in your mind. Funny how I used to love to read because I got to become someone else. However, now that I am someone else, it’s not as exciting. I’ve made the mistake several times today of signing ‘Olivia Stevens’ so I double check my name before turning in my paper.

  When the bell rings to dismiss class, Eric leans over but loudly says, “Maybe I’ll be over today.”

  He winks at me and then gives Noah a smug look before he leaves. I didn’t think the comment would bother Noah, but I notice his hand is clenched in a fist.

  I decide to distract him by bringing up his sudden interest in art.

  “So, what class were you originally in this hour?”

  “Study hall. I never did anything in there, anyways, except goof off. I was able to sway them to let me enroll in here so late because I thought it would look better on my college resume.” He shrugs and gives me a lopsided smile. “Luckily, I’ve had Art I before, or otherwise, it wouldn’t have worked out.”

  “Have you thought of a way I might be able to see Aunt Andrea?” I ask as we’re standing up. Still feeling unsure about him changing his schedule, I rub my arm and look around.

  He shakes his head. “Nah, but I wouldn’t push it with your parents just yet. They’ll already be upset that we’re talking. I’m sure douchebag is going to inform them we’re sitting next to each other in class. He probably went to find Landon now.”

  We’re about to head in opposite directions when I grab his arm. “Tell them I said hello. Please?”

  He gives me a single nod. Feeling awkward, I drop my hand from his arm and hurry off to my next class.

  This is the first class I share with Landon. He’s a junior, whereas I’m a senior, but we are both going to be taking Spanish I. I enter the class and notice all the seats are taken, except for the one next to him. It looks like the same group from lunch, including Eric, who’s sitting behind the empty seat next to Landon. Rachel is sitting in the seat in front of Landon. Sitting next to her in front of what is my seat, I assume, is Emily. I can’t remember the rest of the group’s names.


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