Who Is Sarah Randall (THE RANDALLS Book 1)

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Who Is Sarah Randall (THE RANDALLS Book 1) Page 12

by Gail Haris

  During P.E., Tara asks me again if I’ll ask Noah about Jeff at the end of class. I promised her I would, but she reminds me again at the end of class. She’s borderline nagging at this point. I get dressed and ready faster than usual because I’m being rushed.

  This is the first time I’m ready before Noah, so I go stand by the boy’s locker room.

  “She’s hot dude. I’d like to kidnap her, ya know what I’m saying?” I hear a low voice say. My stomach sinks and I feel bile rise in my throat. I feel my cheeks flame and my hands shake. Suddenly there’s the sound of sneakers squeaking and low grunting.

  “Man, what’s with you! C’mon! It was a joke. You got a hard on for this chick, cool, but take a joke.”

  I hear a low growl. “You don’t joke about someone getting kidnapped, prick.” Noah.

  “Aight, aight. I’m sorry, okay?” It’s the first voice again.

  “Man, she’s under your skin bad.” Another voice.

  I roll my eyes and lean my head back against the wall. Poor Noah. If only people knew he saw me as family, they might be more sensitive to what they say around him.

  I hear a different voice speak. “What’s the deal with you two? I see y’all talking a lot, sitting together and shit.”

  I don’t hear a reply, so I assume he shrugged off whatever he said. Guys are just as bad as girls with gossip.

  Another male voice, much lower than the others, begins to talk. “You know, I heard from Alex that Eric is planning to ask her to homecoming.”

  The first guy speaks up again. “Nah, Landon told Eric not to touch her, or he’d beat his ass. Eric told him, ‘Like you’d be able to, pretty boy.’ But then Landon said, ‘Aight, say I can’t, but you know who can? Trent.’”

  Another guy, possibly Jeff shouts, “Yeah! You know Trent can whoop him. You might wanna watch out, Wallace. You’re tough and all, but I wouldn’t want to go up against Trent Randall.”

  There are some grunts in agreement.

  The first guy speaks again. “Eric’s been friends with them both since elementary school. Does he really think they’d let him go on a date with their sister? I mean, they know him.”

  Note to self, do not date Eric. Not that I was interested in him to start with. He’s extremely attractive, but he gives off a creepy vibe. Something about him screams slimy and egotistical.

  “Think they’d let Wallace here get anywhere near their sister? Whattya say, Noah? Is she worth getting your ass handed to you by Trent fucking Randall?” That sounds like Keaton.

  Noah speaks too low for me to hear his response. If he even gave one. The guys are too busy laughing and making a hooping noise. I hear footsteps, so I decide to get away from the door. A few guys come out before I spot Noah, Jeff, and Keaton walking together with their heads down, seeming to have a private conversation.

  I’m afraid he isn’t going to notice me, so I call out, “Noah! Hey!”

  They look up and smile, Jeff’s smile a little too big and mischievous. They walk up to me and stop. “Hello, Jeff. How are you?”

  He’s still cheesing when he takes a moment to look between Keaton and Noah before replying, “Doing good.”

  I decide it’s silly to bother Noah about Jeff when he’s standing right in front of me.

  “Jeff, I was wanting to ask you about homecoming,” I ask casually.

  Jeff’s face drains of all color, and he looks panicked at Noah. Confused, I turn to Noah, who also looks confused and pissed off at the same time. Keaton bites his bottom lip trying to keep from smiling.

  “Did I miss something?” I give a nervous laugh.

  Noah nods and puts his hands in his pockets. “No, all’s cool.” He lightly nudges Jeff.

  Realization dawns on me that they think I’m asking Jeff to go with me. I start laughing, “Whoa! No! I mean, no offense, Jeff. Sorry, that came out wrong. Oops.”

  They visibly relax but Jeff plays hurt. “Well, gee thanks. What were you going to ask?”

  “I want to know if you have date, just not for me.” I smile.

  Jeff gives his mischievous smile again. He makes air quotes. “For a friend, huh?”

  I roll my eyes. “Yes. For a friend.”

  “Well if it really is for a friend… Let’s see. That would mean you’re asking for Emily? No, she likes to recycle her dates. Rachel? No, she sticks to Landon. Amber? Nope, unless she broke up with her boyfriend. Ah, yes. Tara. Must be Tara. You’re asking for Tara…hhmmm. Interesting.”

  I tilt my head and narrow my eyes. “You’ve paid a lot of attention to who I’ve become friends with.”

  He shrugs as though it’s not uncommon to stalk someone. “You’re the new girl in a small school. Everybody knows who you’ve befriended.”

  I didn’t really think this school was small. It’s bigger than my old one. “Anyways. Tara? Homecoming? Don’t be mean. She actually wanted me to ask Noah about you, but I figured this way would be faster and easier. Why not go straight to the source, right?”

  Jeff gives me a thoughtful nod but then looks at Noah. “Alright man, I’ll catch you later.” He pats Keaton’s chest and nods for them to go. Keaton throws his hand up in a single salute to me and they start walking off.

  I call out, “Hey! You didn’t say if you have a date!”

  He doesn’t even look back, just gives a single wave like Keaton just did. Rude. I turn back to Noah who’s wearing a smirk. We begin walking out of the gym toward the cafeteria.

  I nudge his shoulder with mine. “Speaking of homecoming,” I say in a sing song voice.

  He laughs and nudges me back. “What about it?”

  I give him a sideway glance and smile. “Who are you going with? Apparently, everyone is going.”

  “What about you? Are you going with someone? Is that why you dolled yourself up today?” He looks at me out of the corner of his eye.

  “I asked you first. And besides, I told you, you don’t have to worry about me. I think the new fam has gladly taken on the role of protective guardians.”

  Before we enter the cafeteria, I look up at Noah expectantly. “Well? Homecoming?”

  “Of course, I’m going to the game since I’ll be in it. The dance I’ll most likely attend with a couple of buddies.”

  “Oh yeah, you’re playing in the game!” I can’t believe I’d forgotten that little detail. Especially since he’s one of the big athletes here. “Well, I’m not sure on the dance yet, but I’m for sure going to watch you play.”

  He gives me a shy smile. There’s a hint of pink to his cheeks. I smile to myself at how adorable he looks trying not to blush.

  An idea occurs to me. “Maybe Uncle Brad and Aunt Andrea will be at the game? I might get a chance to visit with them.”

  “Yeah, they’ll be there. They don’t attend the away games but do come to all my home games. They’ll be there, especially if you’ll be there.”

  The way he emphasizes ‘especially’ makes me giggle and my heart swell.

  Once in the cafeteria, Noah whispers for me to go to art early, and then we separate. I want to inform him that he didn’t specify how early, but he’s already heading toward his group of friends. I get in line and grab a tray for my food. After I fix my tray, I head towards Landon’s table and grab a seat.

  When I notice Noah taking his tray to the trash bin fifteen minutes early, I tell Landon I forgot some homework in my locker that’s due today. He doesn’t question me, thank goodness, but just nods, continuing his conversation with Rachel. Tara asks if I want her to go with me back to my locker, but I decline her offer. I hurry and dump my tray.

  Noah is alone and waiting for me when I walk in the room. I go ahead and take out my sketch pad so I can at least finish my assignment that’s due for this class. I didn’t completely lie to Landon. It’s just not due until next week. Noah watches me and compliments me on how talented I am. I don’t agree with him, but I still like hearing him praise my art. This isn’t the first time he’s watched me draw and noted how impre
ssed he was.

  “So, you have a big game tomorrow. Nervous?”

  “I will be for about five seconds before the game starts. It passes quickly once the game starts.” I say.

  “Yeah, I get that. I don’t remember Mom ever mentioning you play before. Did you play at your old school?” he asks while watching me intently.

  “The school didn’t have a soccer team, but I did play with friends on a community club team.” I smudge the charcoal pencil line I just drew to give more of a shadowy effect on my drawing.

  “You know, I was thinking,” he shifts slightly forward in his chair, “would your parents ever let you go to a friend’s house?”

  I look up at him surprised. I hadn’t really thought about it since I had only just met everyone. I shake my head, “I doubt it. I don’t exactly have friends right now since I’ve only known them for two weeks. Why do you ask?”

  He sighs. “I was trying to think of ways that you could come see us.”

  I gasp. “You want me to lie to them about where I’m going? That’s the oldest trick in the book.” I give him a pointed look. “You’re an only child, but the Randalls have three other kids that I’d bet money have already tried a stunt like that. I bet they are prepared for anything I might try.”

  He laughs, “I guess you’re right. Okay. What about driving? You go shopping and we all bump into each other.”

  I grin and throw my hands up. “What a surprise!”

  He waves his hand at me. “Mocking me? This display of immaturity is not becoming.”

  I giggle and go back to my work.

  “Well, at least I’m trying, Liv. I’m actually surprised we’re still in the same classes.”

  I blush that he used the name ‘Liv’ again. “Well I think Landon is our best ally right now. He already put in a good word for you. They said we are good to be around each other at school.”

  “Yeah, Landon and I used to be cool. I was closer to Trent since we played sports together. I’d been to your house a few times.”

  I pause my hand. This is all news to me. “They quit being your friend after…after Cindy passed away and all this came out about me?”

  Noah rubs his jaw. “Trent popped up out of nowhere on the football field. At first, we all thought he was stopping by to say ‘hi’ since he’d played with most of us before he graduated. Instead, he comes charging at me. I had no idea what had gotten into him. Out of nowhere, he started beating the shit out of me.”

  He balls his hands into fists and acts out punching. “He kept screaming, ‘Did you know? Did you know, asshole?’ repeatedly with each punch.” He lets his hands rest at his side, “I didn’t know. None of us knew. I don’t think they completely believe it. Well, I take that back. Trent and I had a long talk after he calmed down. We were close before, but it’s not been the same…”

  Noah looks sad. “He believes me, but he still can’t let it go. I’m guilty by association.”

  I feel sad for them, so I try to comfort him. “He probably isn’t allowed to be friends with you. Same with Landon. I doubt he really blames you for what your aunt did.” I smile and shake my head. “Denise, now, Denise is the type to accuse someone of being guilty by association.” I begin to tell him about my relationship with Denise. Our conversation takes a lighter note. It drifts to the topic of homecoming again.

  “Well, I hope you go. It’s senior year. You need to,” he says. The first bell rings, and students trickle in.

  Eric sits down and casually slides his chair close to mine. Noah pulls me closer to him. The difference is, Noah will scoot down as well to give me space. This has almost become a game for Eric. I think he flirts worse with me when we’re in Noah’s presence.

  I think Eric feels Noah is competition, so he likes throwing it in his face that he has the advantage of being one of Landon’s best friends. I just wish I could tell Eric that Noah doesn’t see me that way so he can calm it down. He tells me he plans to come over tonight, loudly so Noah can hear as well. Apparently, Landon has a new video game they’re going to try out.

  He gives me a lopsided grin. “I’ll be honest with you, Sarah. I want to come over and play, just not with Landon.”

  I keep looking straight ahead to the front of the room. Maybe if I ignore him, he’ll take the hint. At least he might stop talking.

  “I could tell Lanny that I’m going to the bathroom but get lost and find your room instead.” He tilts his head and raises an eyebrow. “Do you have any games in mind that we could play together?”

  Girls actually like this? I’ve heard the way the girls talk about him. I’m having a hard time understating why they like him, though. I mean, he’s handsome…but then he talks.

  “I have a game we can play now,” I whisper to him.

  He raises both eyebrows at that, and his mouth spreads into a full grin. “And what’s that?”

  “How about quiet mouse still mouse? You don’t speak. You don’t move. No more talking to me. No more moving closer to me or touching me.”

  He starts to speak, but I hold a hand up. “Nope, game’s started.”

  Noah has his head down in his arms. I don’t hear him, but I know he’s laughing because his shoulders are bouncing. He finally stops and turns the page on his sketch pad. A minute later, he slides it to me:

  I’m glad you stopped him. I was about to, but it wouldn’t have been that way. I can’t get suspended or I won’t get to play in the game. But at least I would’ve shut him up.

  I turn to Noah and roll my eyes at him. He holds his hands out like what was he supposed to do.

  Eric’s an idiot. You would’ve been a bigger idiot if you got suspended over that idiot.

  Noah takes the pad and writes:

  Maybe so. Do me a favor and lock your doors when you are home. Like you said, he’s an idiot.

  The rest of the day flies by. When Landon, Denise, and I get home, we’re surprised that Trent’s truck is in the driveway. We go in the house and when Denise sees him in the kitchen, she runs over to hug him.

  Landon pats him on the back, “Checking in? Don’t worry we’re all accounted for.”

  “You’re such an ass.” Trent lightly punches Landon in the shoulder.

  I’m not sure what to do, so I stand back awkwardly. Trent smiles at me and asks me how I am. I give a short, “good.” He comes up and hugs me. He’s everything you’d imagine in a big brother. Strong and caring. He breaks away with a pat on my shoulder.

  I’m surprised when he tells me he’s excited for my game tomorrow, and he can’t wait to watch it. Trent barely remembers me from when I was a baby. It feels nice knowing he came home this weekend to watch my soccer game.

  Melissa begins prepping for supper as everyone starts to leave the kitchen. I stay behind to help. Landon calls out that Eric is coming over, and he’ll probably stay for supper. I inwardly groan. I guess I’ll need to lock my door. I debate about telling Melissa that I find Eric creepy. What if she overreacts? Worse, what if she tells me I’m being silly? I could also go to Landon. Eric is his best friend. He’s known him longer and he is probably more like a brother than I am like a sister.

  After supper, I go up to my room and take out Cindy’s journal. I kind of want to text Noah about creepy Eric, but even if I said it as a joke, I think it’d cause him to worry. So, I decide against it. I’m about to start reading when I hear a light knock on my door. I walk over and put my ear against the door.

  “I hear you Sarah. Let me in. I just want to talk,” comes a low voice.

  “Are you serious? You seriously came to my room! Go away,” I tell Eric in a firm voice.

  “Don’t be like that. I’m best friends with your brothers. My parents are best friends with your parents. Honestly, they’d be glad for us to hang out. Open the door,” Eric insists.

  I hear another low, unhappy voice, “I’d hardly call us friends, much less best friends. Get the hell out of this house. I’ll tell Landon you’re sick and had to run on home.”

  I hear Eric take on a pleading tone. “Hey man, calm down. She invited me up here.”

  “Then why isn’t she inviting you in? Don’t bullshit with me.”

  “Trent, man, I was coming to just talk to her. We have classes together, ya know. I wanted to ask about an assignment.”

  There is no mistaking the threat in Trent’s voice. “Get. Out. Or do you need help finding your way out?”

  I hear footsteps quickly descending the stairs.

  “Open,” Trent clips.

  I don’t hesitate.

  “Thanks,” I whisper.

  “Has he been bothering you? Don’t lie.” Trent points his finger at me.

  I nod. “He’s made comments. He’s more annoying than anything.”

  He puts his hands on his hips. “Have you told Landon what a douche his little friend’s been? Did you tell him that he’s going to use him as an excuse to get to your room?”

  I sigh. “Trent,” I feel defeated, “I just got here. I just started school here. I don’t want to be trouble…any more than I already have been.”

  He seems to understand where I’m coming from and places a hand on my shoulder, “Really, Sarah? I get where you’re coming from. And I don’t like it. You’re not causing trouble. You never have. Stop blaming yourself for the situation other assholes cause. It doesn’t matter who they are or what the situation is. There’s never a time when you let some creep harass you.”

  I push his hand off. “I didn’t let him do anything. I don’t know if you noticed, but I kept my door locked. How’d you know he came up here and was using Landon as an excuse?”


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