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Who Is Sarah Randall (THE RANDALLS Book 1)

Page 16

by Gail Haris

  “I don’t think it’s really a date per say. He’s acting on Trent’s behalf.”

  Denise casually shrugs as her hair is styled. “Maybe that’s how it started, but I doubt that’s how it is now.”

  “You think Luke thinks this is a date?”

  She gives me a mischievous smile. “One can only hope, right?”

  “How does everyone know Luke so well if he goes to a different school?”

  “He used to go to the same school as us. His younger sister still goes to public. Luke transferred in high school for sports and better opportunities for colleges. Trent should’ve done that but there’s no telling Trent anything. He liked where he was.”

  Denise turns her attention from me to offer plenty of suggestions to the hair stylist. I smile at her because even as she’s somewhat bossy she still comes off adorable. It’s part of her charm.

  We go back to the house so we can put on our dresses. I’m still nervous about wearing mine because it’s more revealing than what I’m used to.

  We hear the doorbell and my heart flutters. I had a really nice time with Luke yesterday. I’m also a little nervous that this will be the first time I’ll be alone with him, even if it’s only for the short car rides. I’m riding with Luke in his car since after dinner, we’re all going to separate places. Trent and Maggie are joining us for dinner, but can’t join us at the dance. Denise and Clint will be going to the middle school building. Denise isn’t thrilled that Trent is acting as a chaperone on our dinner date, but I’m relieved. I’m pretty sure Denise doesn’t want me at her dinner date, either. But once again, I’m relieved because the more the merrier.

  When we arrive at the dance, all eyes are on us. Luke, apparently, is quite the heartthrob around here. Even though he attends a different school, he’s still well known. He excuses himself to run to the restroom, leaving me standing alone. Noah saunters over to me, and he looks quite handsome. He’s similarly dressed as Luke. However, his outfit is not the high fashion designer brands. He looks like he should be on the cover of a magazine, nonetheless.

  He gulps and clears his throat, “Um, wow.”

  I give a nervous laugh. “I know right? Everyone is staring.” I lightly slap his chest. “Thanks for warning me that Luke draws attention whenever he enters a room.”

  Noah purses his lips together and shakes his head. “I’m afraid you’re mistaken as to why everyone’s staring. Have you looked in the mirror this evening?”

  I raise my hand to my face and look down at my dress. Did I spill something? Do I have toilet paper on my shoe?

  “Did I spill something? Is my dress tucked into my underwear? Quick, tell me. This is embarrassing.” I panic as I keep examining myself.

  Noah touches my arm to get my attention. I stop and meet his eyes.

  He gives me a boyish grin. “You look incredible. I mean, I don’t think anyone can keep from staring.” He loses his grin and becomes somber. “Luke’s a lucky guy.” He turns his eyes away from me to stare out into the dance floor. “He’s here with the most beautiful girl in the room.”

  My heart skips a beat, and I throw my arms around him. “Thank you, Noah. You always come to the rescue to put me at ease.” He hesitantly wraps his arms around me. I sigh and relax further in his embrace. His hold becomes more firm. Something shifts between us. I hold him tighter, and his hand travels to the small of my back.

  “May I cut in,” a deep voice cuts through our trance.

  I look up and smile at Luke. Noah reluctantly releases me and tells me he’ll catch up with me later tonight. Luke rests his hands firmly on my hips, and even though I don’t feel like dancing, I decide it’s better to let him think that’s what Noah and I were doing. I don’t know how I’d explain hugging another guy from school. Nobody except the family knows about Noah being Cindy’s nephew.

  Luke gives me a playful smile. “I’m going to have to keep a closer on eye you, Miss Randall. I walk away for five minutes, and someone is already trying to steal you away.”

  Nice choice of words there. I wonder if the term “steal me away” was intentional.

  I try to give him a playful smile. “What would my big brother, Trent, say?”


  “You slacking on the job?”

  “Oh, I’m not worried about him. I’m more worried about losing my date.”

  He winks at me and holds me closer. He definitely knows how to turn on the charm. I’m not used to flirting. I couldn’t date before, so there was never really any point. I turn my head and blush. I feel someone’s eyes on me and look over to find Noah watching us. His jaw and fists are clenched. Then, I see Karlie come up to him and drag him out onto the dance floor. I don’t know why, but I hate the idea of him dancing with her. I want to dance with Noah. I shake my head to clear the thought away. I’m here with Luke.

  The music changes to an upbeat tempo. Luke slides behind me and begins to perform some dance moves that I’m not completely comfortable with. They seem very suggestive. I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do in return. I bend my knees and bounce awkwardly. Landon comes to my rescue by pulling me away and into a group of people. It’s basically everyone we sit with at lunch. Instantly, I feel relief, and I’m comfortable enough with this group to dance. I throw my hands up and begin swaying my hips. Tara cheers me on, and Rachel joins in front of me. Landon is performing outrageous dance moves with Emily. We dance this way through three songs. I’m breathless from dancing and laughing so hard.

  I leave the group to get a cup of punch. Luke is by the punch table talking with a few of the football players.

  “There she is.” He raises his cup to me. He turns around and gets me my own cup of punch. I gladly accept it. He leans his shoulder against mine. “That’s the second time I’ve had you taken away. Nice dance moves by the way. Maybe I can have the next one?”

  I nod and take another sip of punch. It’s really good. I finish the cup and gladly accept a second. I’m so thirsty from dancing and this punch is cold and sweet. Luke asks if I’m ready for another dance, and I agree to dance with him. It’s a fast tempo song, but before I can be nervous, he dances our way back to the rest of Landon’s group. I’m touched that he probably did this so I’d feel more comfortable. This time, I’m much more relaxed dancing with Luke. I sway my hips freely and let my head roll from side to side. When the song is over, his smile and excitement is so contagious that I find myself smiling with as much enthusiasm. He asks if I would like another drink, but I’m slightly distracted noticing Karlie still hanging around Noah. I take the cup absent-mindedly and allow Luke to hold my hand leading me across the floor.

  I take a long drink. I notice he keeps getting closer to me, but I don’t mind. In fact, if I’m being honest, I like the feel of his warm, strong body. He’s really buff. He might be the buffest guy I know. Is “buffest” a word? I don’t know. I don’t care. After the third cup is gone, I feel so light and carefree. In the back of my mind, I get a nagging feeling that something is wrong. A song comes on that I recognize from the radio, and everyone gets excited. Luke wastes no time dragging me back onto the dance floor. This time, he’s even more comfortable with me. His hands begin to stray from my hips to other neighboring areas. His mouth is against my ear breathing heavily. My mind is fuzzy because I’m unsure if I’m wanting him to stop or not.

  Landon calls out my name. I look over and he takes my hand. “You feeling alright?”

  I giggle and nod. “Have you tried the punch? It’s delicious. Here.” There’s not much left in my cup, but at least he can sample it. “Drink me!” I shout and begin laughing hysterically at my own joke. When Landon doesn’t laugh, my eyebrows furrow. “Get it? I’m referring to our joke.”

  He tugs my hand. “You look a little flushed. Wanna take a break?”

  “She’s fine, man. Let us dance.” Luke nuzzles my neck tickling me. He eases us further into the crowd. His strong hands knead my waist. I close my eyes and focus on the beat of the music.
His body is in sync with mine, and it’s starting to overpower my senses. I feel the movements starting to become obscene, so I try to allow some space between us. However, he pulls me back and keeps a firm hold on me. I try shrugging him off, and the effort is making me tired.

  My eyes feel heavy. “Luke, I need to go sit down.”

  “Nah, you just need to relax right here with me. I’ve got you.” His hands snake around my body.

  I shake my head and try again to shrug him off. What’s wrong with me?

  Suddenly, Luke is gone, and I sway with the loss of support. Landon and Noah are standing there looking pissed.

  I go to Noah and whisper, “I don’t know what’th wrong with me, but I don’t feel tho well.”

  He looks me over and sniffs at my mouth. I back away, confused as to why he’s sniffing me.

  He stares at me intently as he asks, “Did you know the punch is spiked?”

  I’m dumbfounded. I shake my head and stare at him. I can’t believe I was so stupid. I didn’t taste any alcohol, but I should’ve realized it was the drink making my head fuzzy. If Noah thinks I’m a complete idiot, he doesn’t show it.

  Instead, his tone is full of understanding. “One of the guys offered me some punch earlier. When I saw how you were acting, I figured you must’ve had some.” But then his tone is clipped and cold as he glares daggers at Luke. “However, when I was offered punch, they told me it was spiked.”

  Landon gets in Luke’s face. “Did you seriously give her a spiked drink? Trent asked you here to keep that kind of stuff from happening. I told him it was a bad idea to trust you.”

  Luke laughs. “Oh, c’mon man. I offered her a drink, I didn’t force her to drink it. She didn’t seem to mind.”

  Landon shakes his head in disbelief. “She didn’t know! Did you tell her it was spiked? No, you didn’t!”

  Luke throws his arms out. “Like she couldn’t taste it? There was a lot of alcohol. You can taste it!”

  Noah steps up to him and seethes, “You were a prick for not telling her.”

  Luke shakes his head in disgust and mumbles, “Whatever.”

  We’re drawing attention, and a faculty member breaks through our group, “Is there a problem here?”

  Landon gives a carefree smile. “Oh no. There isn’t a problem.”

  Tara and Rachel get on either side of me and lead me over to the bleachers.

  “Hey are you alright?” “How are you feeling?” “Are you going to be sick?” “Do you need to go home?”

  Their questions seem to be coming at me rapidly but in drawn out, slow motion at the same time.

  I look between the two of them and grumble, “Did you two drink any?” They both give me a “duh” look. Did everyone drink? I must be the only one causing a problem. If they get caught, it’ll be my fault. I feel guilty and foolish. The thought never crossed my mind that the punch could be spiked. That would’ve never happened at my old school. We didn’t even serve punch at dances. Maybe that’s why. It’s nice of the girls to sit here with me, but I know they’d rather be dancing. I try to assure them I’m fine, but they don’t leave until Noah and Landon arrive.

  “Do you need me to take you home?” Landon asks, kneeling in front of me and handing me a cup of water.

  “I’m fine!” I cringe when I realize how forceful I said that. It’s not their fault. I shake my head but then get dizzy. I take a few deep, calming breaths. I take a long gulp of water. “I’m sorry. For snapping at you. I already feel better. I think I might have just drunk the punch too fast,” I confess sheepishly.

  He gives me a chuckle but then in a more serious tone says, “Luke should’ve told you it was spiked. Dick. He’s such a dick.”

  I sigh. “It could be possible he assumed I knew. Everyone seemed to know but me.”

  There will be no swaying Landon otherwise. He argues, “Still, Sarah. It’s common courtesy to mention that little tidbit of information. He was here because Trent trusted him. He knew better than to offer you a spiked drink.”

  I roll my eyes. Another reminder that he was here on Trent’s behalf. He was probably trying to have fun while babysitting, and I proved what a baby I really am.

  Luke stalks toward me, but Noah and Landon stand, blocking his path. I’m frustrated that this is still happening. “Guys, stop.”

  Noah looks uneasy about allowing Luke to come sit next to me.

  Luke looks between the two guys. “Care to give us a minute? I need to apologize to my date.”

  They give him a hard look as they walk only a few feet away.

  He opens his mouth, but I cut him off, “I’m sorry, Luke.”

  He looks baffled and laughs. “What? Why?”

  I take a deep breath and begin, “I noticed I was feeling funny after the first cup, yet I drank a second cup. And then a third cup.”

  He holds his hand up. “In no way is this your fault. I should’ve told you, and…if I’m being honest, I wanted you to let loose a little.”

  He should’ve told me, but I assure him, “Either way, I’ll let Trent know it wasn’t all your fault.” I think about it and maybe it was his fault. “Only most of it.”

  He waves the comment off. “I’m not worried about him. How many times do I have to tell you?”

  “You’re doing this as a favor to him. I assumed you didn’t want him mad at you.” I pick at my fingernails.

  He places his hand over mine, and I look up at him.

  He gives me a crooked smile. “I think you might be missing something. Trent asked me to go to this with you, but I’m here because I want to be.” He eases closer to me and inclines his head toward me. “In fact, I want to be on a few more dates with you. Anywhere else you need an escort?”

  Unsure whether or not I want to go on another date with Luke, I remain quiet.

  “For now, why don’t we have another go on the dance floor?” He holds a hand out and helps me stand from the bleachers.

  Noah and Landon are still watching us. They both shoot disapproving looks at us. Looks like those two found a common foe.

  I watch Karlie saunter up to Noah again. Ugh, speaking of “foe.” Or more like common hoe. I smile to myself at my own little joke. I watch them through narrowed eyes. She needs to get over him. He’s way out of her league. As a ballad begins, Luke wraps his arms around me. Noah allows Karlie to lead him onto the dance floor next to us. Landon is dancing with Rachel a few feet away. I can see Noah has a firm grip on Karlie, trying to hold her back to maintain some distance between them. She is pawing all over him. She had the nerve to refer to me as pathetic.

  Luke nuzzles his nose in my hair and then whispers in my ear, “Have I told you how amazing you look tonight?”

  I’m not really paying attention to him because I can’t get over how ridiculous Karlie is acting. Noah must feel my stare because he looks over at me. His eyes narrow and his jaw hardens. He pulls Karlie closer to him. She gives me a smug smile while rubbing her hand up Noah’s neck and through his hair. She looks back at him as she brings her hand back down and lets it lay against his jaw, whispering to him. I feel myself getting hot with anger. I try to be subtle and ease myself and Luke towards them. I feel Luke’s body against mine, but my eyes are on Noah. The gentle sway of his hips and his strong hands on Karlie’s hips. We make eye contact again. Both of us staring through the narrow slits of our eyes. The song ends, and immediately, Noah drops his arms and stomps away. Luke, however, is still holding me.

  “Whenever you’re ready to leave, just let me know,” he whispers.

  I smile and nod. “Thank you. Can we leave in, say, ten minutes? I need to tell Tara something before I leave. But I think I’m ready to go home.”

  He gives me that guy nod for “cool,” “alright,” or whatever they mean with that.

  It’s not really Tara I’m wanting to go see. I find Noah by the punch table filling a cup.

  “Is that for Karlie? I thought you said you were coming stag?” I sneer.

e scoffs at me. “Uh no. It’s actually for me. And I am here alone.”

  I cross my arms and debate if I should ask him if he’s interested in her. Instead, I ask, “Have you met her parents? What’s her dad’s name?” I have a hunch. I just want to know if this is the same guy. It shouldn’t matter. But this is the man that’s baby hurt Cindy and pushed her to her breaking point. Maybe it was because of them she kidnapped me. And now, that same child is trying to hurt me.

  Noah narrows his eyes. “Still a little tipsy there, I see. Um, random but yes. Her parents come to school functions so, yeah. Her dad’s Michael. I don’t know him well. Mom can’t stand the guy…oh.”

  I feel hot angry tears at the back of my eyes. I probably shouldn’t hold it against her for her father’s past sins, but considering I already don’t like her—now, I despise her. Speak of the devil. She puts herself between us.

  Her eyes stay on me as she sweetly tells Noah, “A gentleman would offer a lady a cup.”

  I keep my eyes on her as I imitate her. “Why yes Noah, I would love to have a cup. Thank you.”

  She narrows her eyes at me. “Excuse you.”

  I let out a cold laugh. “Oh, you’ve got to be kidding… You were referring to yourself as a lady?” I point out to the dance floor. “Was that lady-like when you were out there dry humping his leg?”

  She barks out a laugh. “Says the little hussie that practically gave Luke Jamerson a lap dance twenty minutes ago. And don’t try that innocent bullshit with me, honey. He ‘spiked’ your drink. Right. Afraid to lose your girl-next-door angel persona? You went to a different school. Not a different planet. I’m not buying your little act.”

  Noah hands me a cup and places a hand on the small of my back. He mumbles into my ear, “Ignore her, Liv. Let’s go.”

  Him whispering the nickname he has for me immediately calms me down. Karlie says a few choice words about Luke being here out of pity, but I don’t pay any attention to her. I allow him to lead me over to a quiet, dark corner.


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