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Who Is Sarah Randall (THE RANDALLS Book 1)

Page 19

by Gail Haris

  He shrugs, “We’ve always been close. We both were in love with people we couldn’t be with. She’s always been in love with Trent. She’d use me to try and get closer to him. The funny thing is, I’m hurting her chances more than helping. Trent’s not going to date her if he thinks there’s the slightest chance harm could come to me as a result. She’ll never abandon our charade either. It helps to keep rumors flowing about me being a lady’s man and other stupid shit. We don’t claim to be an exclusive couple or anything.”

  “She’s a great friend.”

  “The best. I hate to see her hurting over Trent. Sometimes I think about coming out so she’ll be free of me.”

  “Landon, I think Rachel’s love for you is genuine. Sounds to me she loves you. There’re different types of love, and you have the greatest one of all. A true love that doesn’t require anything in return. She loves you, probably more than Trent. Give the girl some credit. If she’s meant to be with Trent, it’ll happen.”

  “Like you were always meant to be here? It happened.”

  I smile at him and squeeze his hand tighter. “Yeah. What’s meant to be, will be. And I was always meant to be here by your side. That’s where I’ll always be.”

  Landon’s right. I was always meant to be a part of this family. It took a while, but it happened.

  IT’S WEDNESDAY MORNING. I’M BEYOND ecstatic that after school, we’re going car shopping. I try not to let it bother me so much that these people are buying me a car. They’re my family, and slowly it’s starting to feel more that way. I’m going to accept this car with the hope I’ll pay them back. This car will allow me some freedom, at least.

  When I get to class early, I bounce over to Noah. He laughs at my excitement as I sit down.

  “Aren’t you just a ray of sunshine?” he says as he draws.

  “I might get a car today! And it’s not the idea of getting a car, but the idea of freedom. I might even be able to come visit y’all.” I stress while trying to maintain control of my voice.

  “That’d be great! Oh man, Mom’s going to be thrilled. I’m not going to tell her yet. Let’s wait until you actually get a car first.”

  I bite my lips trying to contain my huge, goofy grin. We smile at each other and then burst out laughing.

  The day drags since I stare at the clock through most of my classes. When it’s finally over, Richard and Melissa are in the parking lot waiting to pick me up. They giggle at me when they see me bouncing toward them. The first place we go to is the DMV to work on getting a Missouri State license.

  I’m surprised when our next stop is a BMW dealership. I vigorously shake my head in refusal, explaining that they’re too expensive. I still have hopes of repaying them, but with a BMW, it would take forever. I don’t know much about cars, but I do know that BMW is a luxury car. They take me to another dealership that I’m unfamiliar with, and before I can see any prices, they have me in a baby blue sports coupe. I love it immediately. That’s the one I drive home without ever knowing the price.

  After we get home, Landon comes running out the front door. “Whoa, an Audi A5. Nice!”

  “Super cute, Sarah,” Denise beams, as she pushes past Landon.

  I give everyone a ride around the block. Plus, I let Landon drive it once around the block. I don’t let Denise drive, but I do let her take charge of the radio. It’s fun and it seems normal. I text everyone when I go to my room. Aunt Andrea is delighted, especially with the idea of me getting to visit. Noah can’t wait to see the car and hopefully drive it. I laugh at the wink face emoji he adds to the end of the text. With my regular phone, I text Tara and Rachel. I get a text from Luke asking how the car shopping went. I’d forgotten that I’d mentioned it to him before Landon told me everything. I still haven’t cancelled my date Saturday. I’m about to text him to cancel when my phone begins ringing with his name on the screen.

  I answer and give a tentative, “Um, hello?”

  I hear the smile in his voice as he says, “I’d rather you tell me than reading a text. I want to hear how excited you are.”

  Nervously, I laugh and begin to tell him. He laughs a few times at either my excitement or my lack of knowledge about cars. His low voice in my ear makes my stomach flip. He really is easy to talk to and seems genuinely interested in what I have to say. Ugh, that sounds so cliché. But my mind drifts back to Landon and what a horrible person Luke really is.

  “Listen—about Saturday. I’m going to have to cancel.”

  “What? No. Please don’t.”

  “Look I just don’t think—”

  “It’s Landon isn’t it? He hates me, I know. What if I talk to him?”

  “No. Leave Landon out of this.”

  “Can we keep talking? I don’t want to hang up. You’ve never talked this much to me. Let’s keep it going, please?”

  “I have to go. Bye, Luke.”

  Rita opens the door to the lobby and smiles. “Hello, Sarah. Ready?”

  I nod and follow her back. She sits in her chair and I sit across from her.

  “Did you bring me a drawing?”

  “I’m still working on something.”

  “That’s fine. Does drawing help?”

  “Yes. I’ve started doing it with Richard.”

  “Your father?”

  She knows who I mean. But I’ve caught on that she likes to do this, refer to them as mother or father. “Yes. My father. It’s been really nice. I enjoy him sitting there with me and both of us sketching.”

  “That’s wonderful. How are things with your mother?”

  “She can’t let go of her resentment. I want a relationship with the Wallace family. Plus, I’m worried things are getting more complicated between Noah and I.”

  “How so?”

  “It feels wrong, but I think I have feelings for him…”

  “And why do you feel it’s wrong?”

  “Because at one time I thought he was my cousin.”

  “But he’s not and you two didn’t grow up together, did you?”


  “I would like to ask you this—are you attracted to Noah because he’s the bridge between both your worlds or because of him?”

  “I’m not sure. There’s just something about him.”

  “How does your family feel about this?”

  “I haven’t said a word. Not even hinted. They can’t even stand the idea of me being around him. I’m constantly terrified Melissa is going to call or say something.”


  “Because she has before.”

  “Have you tried speaking with her or Richard about this?”

  “No. Not really.”

  “You need to. We can do it here if you would feel more comfortable.”

  “I’ll think about it. They bought me a car.”

  “Wow.” She raises her eyebrows and gestures for me to continue.

  “Yeah, but sometimes I worry they’re buying—not buying my affection. I don’t know. Not that they’re trying to make up for what happened, but I don’t know.”

  “Because of the new phone and clothes?” I nod. “Do they purchase these kind of things for the other children?”


  “Maybe this is just their way. They’re not giving you more or less. They’re giving you the exact same treatment they would any of their kids. Speaking of, how’s your relationship going with your siblings?”

  “Actually, really good.” I smile.

  “Oh, I like seeing this.” She smiles. “This is the first time you’ve given me a real smile.”

  Is it? Well, when your entire world has been turned upside down, sometimes it’s hard to smile, Rita. “Landon and I have gotten really close. I feel like he understands me the most. Trent has some guilt issues he’s working through, but he’s an amazing big brother. Denise is…Denise.” I release a light chuckle.

  “Denise is a fourteen-year old. Yes.” She chuckles and nods. Rita tilts her head in thought. “I’m sure Trent doe
s seem to have some guilt he’s been carrying over the years. It must’ve been hard for him to feel responsible for the distraction needed for your kidnapping. He probably feels very protective of not only you, but all his siblings now.”

  “It’s not horrible to have so many people that care and want to protect me, but I don’t like feeling like a victim. Maybe victim isn’t the right word. I want some independence. I don’t like feeling helpless. I’m just trying to figure out who I am, but I need some space to do that. To learn what I’m capable of. Who I am and what I like. I’m just confused and sometimes it can be stifling.”

  “Don’t forget to bring a drawing. Keep drawing and expressing yourself.”

  Our time is up. We move my appointments to monthly now.

  The next two days, I only drive to school or run errands with a family member. I’m not going to push for solo rides yet since I don’t want to seem too eager and raise suspicion. Friday night, Luke texts me to ask for one more chance at a date. I leave my room to go find Landon before he goes to a party. He’s styling his hair in front of his bathroom mirror.

  “Luke texted again about a date. No way am I going.”

  He meets my eyes in the mirror and says, “You can’t do that. You used this date as your main base for getting a car. I highly doubt that was your main reason, but they bought it. Keep the date, but do not accept a second. Not for me, but for your sake. The guy is a royal prick.” I nod and leave him to finish getting ready. Surely I can tolerate him for one dinner.

  It’s the morning of my soccer game. I’m so hyped with this being game day and my first official date tonight. I have so many mixed emotions. On one hand, what Landon has told me about Luke has me disgusted. Plus, the whole punch incident. On the other hand, what our phone conversations, roses, and the feelings I get with him has me captivated. Once again, I’m so confused with how I feel. This year will be known as the year of confusion. I’m confused with who I am, who my family is, and who my love interest is. Heck, I’m even confused with my own name! As I’m getting ready for my game, I text Luke that I’m going to meet him at the restaurant instead of him picking me up. After I send the text, I put my phone away and head out for the field.

  I spot the Wallace family on one end of the bleachers and the Randalls on the other end… along with Luke. We end the game with a win, placing us currently second in the league. Coach feels if I’d been there from the beginning, no doubt we’d have been first already. The Wallace family doesn’t come to congratulate me. In fact, Noah is staring daggers in my direction. It’s most likely due to the two big arms holding me now in a bear hug.


  I wiggle free and put my hands up. “Easy there.”

  I’m surprised he even came to the game. I can’t figure out why he is so into me. Maybe because I don’t act like the other girls. I see the way they look at him. He is handsome, but I think Noah is… wait—not going there.

  “Great game. Congratulations on the win.”

  “Thank you. Well, thanks for coming. I think I need to get going. My ride is waiting for me.”

  “Yeah, of course. Don’t let me keep you. Besides, I get to have you all to myself this afternoon.” He winks as he walks away.

  I decide that even though I’m not planning to continue a relationship with Luke, I can still enjoy tonight. I can still have a good time with him tonight as frenemies.

  Denise helps me get ready because I think she’s more excited for the date than I am. She goes on about how she’s had a crush on Luke forever and he’s the greatest. She stresses how lucky I am and she wishes she was old enough to date him.

  “You know in a couple of years, our age difference wouldn’t even matter. Sorry,” she blushes. “I should stop drooling over him. He is your date. I can be really rude sometimes,” she shrugs. None of what she says bothers me since I have no intention of continuing a relationship with the infamous Luke Jamerson.

  The doorbell rings ten minutes before I’d planned to leave. I can hear Melissa and Richard making a fuss over someone downstairs. I go down and there’s Luke looking handsome as ever. They adore him, so of course they’re ecstatic that we’re going on a date.

  I make eye contact with Luke as I slowly descend the staircase. He gives a dramatic sigh and grabs his chest, “Beautiful!” He holds a hand out to help me down the last few steps.

  “I told you I’d meet you at the restaurant,” I whisper to him.

  He doesn’t release his hold on my hand as he whispers back, “This is a date. A decent guy would pick you up, not expect you to drive yourself. Although, I’m sure you’re excited to drive yourself now.”

  “A decent guy would respect what his date tells him.”

  He sighs when he sees the stern look on my face, “I’m sorry. You said you would meet me there but here I am. I like the extra time we get riding together. You learn a lot about a person during car rides.” I narrow my eyes, so he continues, “I can follow you to the restaurant, I guess.”

  I shake my head and mumble, “I’ll ride with you.”

  He gives a full smile showing off his perfect teeth. He should consider becoming a model or movie star. He continues to hold my hand until we get to the car. He opens the door for me and waves bye to everyone as we drive off.

  “You really look beautiful, Sarah.” He takes my hand and holds it as he drives.

  I ease my hand from his and decide to start up a conversation. “So, care to explain that line about ‘getting to know people with car rides?’ Did you mean through general conversation or are there certain telltale signs people give away while in a car?”

  He gives me a crooked smile as he chuckles. “Oh, there are a lot of things people reveal while in a car. For example, the kind of music they like. They don’t have to come out and say they like the song, although most do. They might know every word as they belt it out or mumble along. They might tap their hands or bust out crazy dance moves in their seat. Music tells a lot about a person. A song can also bring on a funny story. How many times have you heard a song and it brought up a memory that you then go into a whole story about? I could go on, but you get the idea. I mean, that was only a few examples, but there’s lots to learn while in the car.”

  I think about what he said while we go down the road. He doesn’t ask me where I’d like to go, but surprises me by stopping the car in front of A Taste of Tuscany. I know the little place. In fact, I love it.

  “This is your favorite place, isn’t it?”

  I’m baffled that he knows that. “Um, yeah. How’d you know?”

  He gives me a pleased smile but doesn’t answer. He gets out of the car and is at my door before I have a chance to open it. He helps me out and grabs a hold of my hand again. Once again, I ease my hand from his and place them in my back pocket as I walk.

  After we are seated, Luke begins to ask me questions about myself, and I, in return, ask him about himself. He’s really starting to grow on me. He’s ridiculously attractive, charming, and witty at times. However, I can’t get over the conversation I had with Landon and our whole spiked punch experience. I want to ask Luke about Marcus. The date is going so well, though. Besides, I have a feeling he would try to charm his way around the conversation. I push the urge away and continue enjoying his company. Our conversation flows from one topic to the next with ease. We love a lot of the same movies and music. I’m surprised that he has a soft spot for Titanic and The Beatles. He wants to travel the world before he’s forty and encourages me to branch away after graduation.

  “Life is meant to be lived! Where have you always wanted to go?”

  I think it over and finally answer, “I think the Grand Canyon would be amazing to see. I’d want to watch the sunrise. Maybe even take some colored pencils and sketch it.”

  He smiles at me with genuine excitement. He throws his hands up. “Let’s do it then! Spring break, me and you! We’re going to the Grand Canyon. We camp out and that morning, you can sketch your heart’s desire of the su
n rising over the magnificent Grand Canyon.”

  “That’s crazy. What high schoolers just plan a trip to the Grand Canyon? With a stranger no less?”

  “I think stranger things have happened…” I can’t argue with him there. “Besides, I have some money saved up. You don’t have to wait until you’re a certain age to live life.” He raises one eyebrow and tilts his head. “If you want to do any, um, nude portraits at the Grand Canyon, I could strike a pose for ya?”

  I laugh and break off a piece of my breadstick to throw at him.

  “What? I’m a big supporter of the arts!”

  We laugh and discuss other destinations and what all adventures await. Before I know it, we only have fifteen minutes before my curfew, and we’re walking out of the restaurant.

  When we get to the car, he opens my door; however, he stops me before I can get in by kissing me. He takes me completely by surprise that I stumble. He catches me with his strong arms and holds me firmly in place. I could get lost in his soft lips and firm hold. He smells amazing. I place my hands on his shoulders for support and then use them to gently push him away. I can’t do this. My loyalty lies with Landon.

  He smiles at me. “I’ve been wanting to do that since you first walked down the stairs.”

  He’s so endearing with that husky voice. His eyes seem so kind and sincere that it makes my heart melt. I almost want to lean in for another kiss. It’s unnerving how charming he can be. The allure of him. How can this be the same guy that Landon described? Being so unsure with myself right now, I get in the car with no comment.

  We listen to the radio in comfortable silence. I catch my hand tapping to the beat of a song. I peek over and see him watching me out of the corner of his eye and with an amused expression on his face.

  “You’re an eighties fan. Nice. This song does have a good beat.”

  I have to bite my lip to keep from laughing. “Maybe I like just this one song. You can’t analyze me from one song and one car ride.”

  “Nope. But you didn’t respond to any of the other stations. I changed the station three times during our drives. You also tapped to another eighties song on the way to the restaurant.”


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