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Passage of a Desolate Woman (#2, the Winds of Misery Victorian Romance) (A Family Saga Novel)

Page 15

by Dorothy Green

  “Wear a bonnet,” he said, smugly.

  She pursed her lips together in annoyance.

  “Now, what say you, put on some of my clothing and let’s have some fishing outside. You have been indoors too long.”

  “Outside, is that safe?”

  “They are looking for women, not a young boy fishing. If anyone comes upon the top of the cliff they will see too males and nothing more.”

  “Alright then,” she said excitedly.

  Jacob pulled out a tunic and a pair of his trousers. “You will need to roll these up but they should do.”

  “I will get the fishing line ready outside.”


  He walked outside. Jennifer pulled off her dress and stockings. Then she pulled his tunic over her head. She inhaled deeply, it smelled just like him. Oh, how me made her stir inside. The kiss he gave her was fresh on her mind. It was a dangerous kiss. It was a kiss that could persuade her to throw caution to the wind and join him on his quest risking her freedom once more. All for that delicious kiss and the promise of more.

  She turned to the old mirror and laughed, a hearty laugh. “I look ridiculous.”

  Jennifer double over in laughter at her reflection, but she did look like a young boy.

  Then she realized that she was laughing. It had been so long since she had in real life. Not since Kevin. The last time she had a real laugh and felt alive was in Jacob’s cottage, long ago. The spark came back to her, and it was all due to Jacob.

  The hard life in London had changed her. In truth, it had broken her spirit, but not her will to continue to support her family, even though she had not seen them in years. But the simple act of laughing, she had lost. She had been spending years being angry; angry at the factory system that took Kevin, angry at the people that sat by and did nothing about it. So much anger, and now it was leaving her. Jacob was showing her a life, with passion, and laughter. She only wished that it could last.

  She walked out of the fish hut, onto the beach. Jacob was putting bait on the end of hooks when he turned and saw her. He burst out laughing as she stood there.

  Then she started to laugh with him;no words were needed. They both grew into hysterics, laughing and laughing.

  “You look just like me in my clothes,”

  “You tease me, sir. I think I look like a proper gentleman,” She played along.

  “A very beautiful gentleman,” He said.

  The smile fell from her face as she looked at him. Her toes were digging into the sand, and the ocean waves were loud in her ears, but all she could think about was his words.

  “ You think I am beautiful?”

  “Yes, have I not said so before?”


  “I am sure that I have. I have said it a million times in my head, perhaps it never came out of my lips, but I have always thought so, even when I first saw you in the Black Forest.”

  “That feels like ages ago,” She said.

  “It does for me as well. Yet here we are, and you are even more beautiful than you were when I found you injured on the ground of the forest. You will always be beautiful, Jennifer.”

  “As are you, Jacob.”

  In that moment, a very loud neigh interrupted their strong gaze. Champion came between them, nodding his head up and down.

  They laughed. “I believe someone is feeling left out. You are the most beautiful of us three,” Jennifer said, scratching his neck.

  Jacob laughed. “He is one for all the attention. Now let’s catch our dinner shall we?”

  “Yes, if you will show me,” she moved to him.

  It was undoubtedly the best day that she had ever had, except for one day playing with Adam collecting frogs. But this day measured up to it quite equally. She and Jacob fished, catching plenty for dinner and breakfast the following day.

  They ran in the sand, and played in the surf. Indeed, she felt like she did not have a care in the world. He often had this effect on her. How did he do it?

  * * *


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  * * *

  Jacob was indeed having a very pleasant time with Jennifer. The kiss they shared had shook him to his core. He had never experienced a kiss like that before, not from any woman he had ever been with; either a very experienced one, or one he was properly romancing. Jennifer was unlike any woman he had ever met, and she was now adequately a woman.

  Her words cut him to the core, that she would be with him if he wasn't a criminal. Making that choice was not an easy one. But he had worked for years to get where he was, and he wanted to finish it, and then perhaps he could offer her a better life; if she was still out there, waiting for him.

  But he could not ask that of her. She needed to go on her way, because that is what she wanted, and he would not stand in her way. He had told her once not to let anyone else tell her what to do, and so he would not do that now.

  But he was glad that at least he could release how he felt about her. He told her she was beautiful. He told her he wanted her. These were things that he had held inside for years, and he felt some sense of relief that she now knew.

  He knew they did not want to, but they both had obligations to attend to. She needed to keep the money flowing home, and he needed to head west for his one last big job.

  Therefore, when it was time for them to leave their private paradise, he had an ache in his heart that he was not expecting.

  “Where will you go?” She asked as she did her best to look like a boy, as they prepared to leave that morning.

  “Out west, to Cornwall. The very edge of England,” he said packing his bag.

  “Cornwall? I hear it is very beautiful. Seaside just like this place.”

  “Yes, that is true.”

  “And what do you do there?”

  “It is best that you know very little.”

  “That is true.”

  “I have a question to ask you.”

  “Ask me anything.”

  “When I was in London, one of the radical Labour Party men left London to meet a man in Black, at Crossroads. There was a secret password, to say when they came upon the man. Was it you?”

  Jacob stopped, stunned at her words.

  “What is the password?”

  “It was a saying. I do not remember exactly, but something to the effect of ‘the sun sets fast in the winter, and the wind cuts like a knife.’”

  Jacob felt sick to his stomach, he had dealings with the very men that had put her in prison. But which one? He had many late night rendezvous, and he never knew what they were up to, only what they wanted him to find.

  “What did he look like?”

  “Tall, menacing, red hair. Was it you?”

  “It was. That is one of the meeting places that I use, and that is my password phrase.”

  “I knew that it must be. At the time I begged to have him take me to you. But I could not be sure.”

  “I wished that you had. I would have taken you from them, and they would not have used you the way they did. Fate is very strange in that way, is it not?” Jacob said, feeling somewhat depressed that they had such a close encounter, a connection, and yet it did not happen. He could have saved her from being a fugitive. He could not dwell on this.

  “Do you find that you are ready? We must leave within the hour, to make good time with the light.”

  “I am ready. I came with nothing.”

  “Then let's be on our way to Washington.”


  “Yes, that is where I know a man, Mr. Hawkins, and his wife may be in need of a new lady's maid and companion. I think it is the sort of work that will be good for you. It is not at all hard work, more of the companion than anything. You deserve a break, Jennifer.”

  “Thank you. Once again, I appreciate everything you have done for me, not just now, but before in the Black Forest. Thank you, Jacob.”

  “I would do it all again in a heartbeat. Let's get on.”

sp; “Do I look like a proper boy?”

  “Yes, but perhaps we should smudge some charcoal on your face, as you are too pretty of a boy.” He stuck his finger in the ash of the fireplace, and walked to her. Now that he was close, he had to fight the urge to kiss her again. He put his thumb on her cheek, and slowly wiped from left to right, and then again and again. He was no longer trying to make her look dirty, he just wanted to touch her. She looked up at him with those green emerald eyes, like fire.

  He cleared his throat and moved away. “Let's get on with it.”

  He grabbed his bag and walked outside, allowing the cold ocean air to cool him off. Otherwise he would take her in his arms again and he would not be able to stop this time. She had him heated, as always.

  Together they walked up the steep trail, leading Champion by the reins until they were on top of the cliff. Only then did they mount the saddle, and rode off together. He sat her behind him, as she was supposed to be a young boy. She embraced him; holding on, he felt the same remorse he felt when he took her to the Post to go to London, long ago. He did not want to take her, but he had no choice – just as he did not then.

  They moved fast, riding inland away from the ocean. They stopped a few times to rest, and to let Champion rest. But then they were on their way again. They arrived in the village of Washington late in the night.

  “This is our stop for the night. Tomorrow I shall take you to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins.” Jacob said, pulling Champion to the stable beside a large brick building.

  “Where are we?”

  “This is the Washington Inn. I will get us a room for the night. We are all tired, are we not, Champion?” he patted Champion and went to work pulling off the saddle bags.

  “Come,” he said to Jennifer, not wanting to help her off the mount for she was supposed to be a boy.

  She climbed down and he wanted desperately to help her down, to touch her.

  “My good man, take care of him. He is fiesty. Take off his saddle and feed and water him; we have travelled far. I will return in half an hour,” Jacob said to a stable man that appeared from inside the stable.

  “Yes, of course sir. He will have the best care.” Jacob flipped a coin at him.

  Then he turned and looked at Jennifer. “Let us see if there is lodging for us here.”

  Jennifer nodded her head and followed him in. Jacob entered the tavern portion of the Inn. It was very quiet at this late hour.

  “One room, just for the night. We are passing through,” Jacob said to the man at the counter and paid.

  “Yes sir. Here is your key. The room is straight down the back hall and on the right. Marked with a number eight. Can you read numbers?”

  “Yes, I can read and write fine.”

  “Good, mark your name in the ledger and you are set. Would you need late supper?”

  “Yes whatever you have available, cold ham, cheese, bread, fruit and hot tea for two.”

  “Understood, sir.”

  Then Jacob turned and headed down the hallway with Jennifer followingly quietly behind.

  He unlocked the door and they entered.

  “This is Washington. I like it. It is bigger than my village at home. That is a good thing, it means not everyone knows your business,” Jennifer said as she sat down to take off her boots by the fireplace.

  “Yes, it is a village where the rich come during the summer. Therefore it is much bigger than what you are used to. You will see and you will like it. In the morning I will go to fetch you some proper clothes, so that you are not dressed as you are when you meet the Hawkins. I will order a bath brought up to you as well.” He said as he set his bag down, and stroked the fire, making the room comfortable.

  A few minutes later there was a knock at the door. Jennifer stood up and walked to the corner where she would be unseen, as she had already washed the dirt off of her face.

  “Your supper, sir,” a young maid said.

  “I will take it. Thank you,” he grabbed the tray and closed the door.

  “It is alright. You have not been seen.” He smiled as he carried the tray and set it down on the large table. The room was of modest size, and it was quite comfortable.

  The supper consisted of a pint of wine, a pot of tea, two meat pies, a half of cheese, bread, and some fruit. It was a fine meal.

  “Thank you for this. I am very tired and hungry,” she said moving to the table.

  “As am I,” Jacob sat down with her.

  She poured tea for him and set one cube of sugar and a splash of cream inside it. He noticed that she knew exactly how he liked it. Did she remember from the cottage all those years before, or had she watched me at the fishing hut?

  “This is strange, is it not?” she asked after they had started to eat quietly and drink tea.

  “What is that?”

  “You and I. We have been in various different places together across England.”

  “Yes, it is strange. I have thought that myself,” Jacob said, looking at her. He would never tire of looking at her vibrant red hair, pale skin, and green eyes. She was a vision, even in boys’ clothes. But her question was on his mind as well. It was strange that he had found her in the Black Forest, and now they were together again. He had rescued her twice. Why was he attached to this woman in such a way?

  “I will return. I must check on Champion. Have some wine, it will help you have a good sleep. Lock the door behind me.” He stood up and did his duty to check on his horse, who was happily situated in a stall surrounded by hay, with plenty of water. He bid him a good night and returned to the room.

  Jennifer opened the door upon his knock. Then she moved to the table and took the cup of wine in her hand. She stared at him.

  “Will you hold me again tonight?” Her voice was weak, practically a whisper.

  It stunned Jacob to hear her ask such a thing so bluntly as they ate their meal. It was something she usually asked once she was in bed.

  “It tortures me to do that and not be able to kiss you, but yes, I will. Since it is the last time,” He said.

  “The last time...” her voice trailed off, and she pulled her gaze from his. He could see the sadness on her.

  Jacob was not lying about it being torture. Every night when they slept on the beach, he wrapped himself around her, and was testing his restraint and not taking things further. For he wanted to, he had waited very long for her.

  To have her lying pressed against him in a bed, was so close to having her. But she denied him. He could not pass up the chance to savor feeling her body against his one more time. The last.

  After they ate, Jacob watched as she pulled off the trousers she wore. His tunic was long on her, down to her knees, and acted as a nightgown. Though he could see her slender calves and dainty feet.

  She climbed under the blanket. He kicked off his boots and pulled off his shirt. He lay behind her, embracing her. A soft sigh escaped her lips.

  They slept in bed together - as friends? Possibly, but most definitely not as lovers.

  Jacob had a restful sleep with her in his arms. Nothing felt better to him than this, not all the gold in the world. He hated morning, for when morning came it meant that he would have to give her up, and leave the bed.

  The dawn light, hit his face, waking him up, but he refused the sun. I will stay here a few more hours, we arrived late after all.

  He pulled her closer, holding her one last time. Jacob wanted to memorize how she felt against him, for in a few hours he would need to wake because there was work to be done.

  * * *

  Jacob had fallen asleep with such comfort and joy in his heart. But before noon, he awoke as she still slept. He dressed and went downstairs.

  He ordered that a bath be brought up to her in one hour’s time, as well as breakfast and hot tea. The knocking on the door would wake her in sufficient time.

  Then he went into the village, to the dress shop, and bought four dresses, three pairs of stockings, 2 bonnets, and a riding coat. A
nd as he paid for the bounty, he remembered that she had nothing, so he bought a carpet bag as well to put all her belongings. Then something caught his eye, a beautiful ring; a wedding ring with an emerald. It was just as green as her eyes. He itched to buy it. What if I settled with the amount of money I had, did not show up for the job in Cornwall? What If instead I took this ring and proposed? We could settle right here in Washington under new identities.

  It was a bittersweet thought, but he let it linger inside of him, allowing it to make him feel very good indeed. But he could not follow through; there was work to be done.

  * * *


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  * * *

  “Michael has been commissioned to build a church in a small village to the west next year. We need help to prepare for that at the end of the year, as well as I need help around the house now, and that is the work we can offer,” Mrs. Holly Hawkins said to Jacob.

  “That will do just right for Sarah, would it not?” Jacob looked to Jennifer.

  “Yes, thank you kindly. I would be very much obliged for the work, Mrs. Hawkins,” Jennifer said.

  “Are you able to act as ladies maid.? I would need you to do my mending, dress me, do my hair for functions, the laundry and more. When we travel you will take on the role of house maid, as our maid Violet will stay with our home.”

  “Yes ma’am I can do all those things. I can sew garmets from scratch.”

  “Good. And since you are a reference of my husband, Mr. Smith, I shall take your word that she is as good as she says.”

  Jennifer noticed that the woman referred to him as Mr. Smith. She did not question, for she new he had many identities and now she herself had two.

  “That I am, Mrs. Hawkins. She is the best servant I have ever had in my employ, but I will move on to Cornwall and cannot take her with me. If you have use for her...”

  “I do. Then come with me, Sarah, and I shall take you to our home and get you set. Is that your only bag?” Mrs. Hawkins asked as she looked at the carpet bag Jennifer held, that was packed with four dresses, stockings, and boots that Jacob had purchased for her.

  “Yes, that is all.”


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