Uncle Daniel's Story Of Tom Anderson, and Twenty Great Battles

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Uncle Daniel's Story Of Tom Anderson, and Twenty Great Battles Page 20

by John McElroy



  "After life's fitful fever, he sleeps well: Treason has done his worst; nor steel nor poison, Malice domestic, foreign envy, nothing Can touch him farther." --Shakespeare.

  "When I left off speaking of Gen. Silent and his command in the East, andcontinued my story about the West and Center, you will remember that hehad passed through eight days of bloody contest with Laws. We must nowreturn to him and understand the condition of things on his line whilethese events were transpiring in the North, in Canada, and in Sherwood'sdepartment, of which I have given you a history.

  "Silent moved out in the night time the last of May, and on June thefirst found a heavy force in his front. Fighting at once began again.Sherlin was in the advance, and by direction held his ground throughthat night. By daylight support reached him and his position wassecure. Silent now established his headquarters at an old tavern, underwide-spreading trees, at Cool Haven, some ten or twelve miles from therebel Capital, and at once assaulted Laws in his works. The Union troopscharged with great dash and heroism, taking the enemy's first line ofrifle-pits; but the enemy, falling back to his shorter and strongerline, was enabled to hold his position and force our troops to abandonthe assault. The contest continued during the afternoon and evening. Ourlosses were quite heavy.

  "On the next day a general assault was made, which resulted in ourrepulse. The enemy being behind heavy earthworks, it proved too great atask to dislodge him. Onr army was now intrenched, and heavy skirmishingcontinued for several days. Laws made two assaults on our lines, but wasrepulsed with severe loss on both occasions.

  "A few more days of skirmishing and desultory fighting, and the campaignclosed for the season. During the Summer, Silent had succeeded inholding Laws close to Richmond. The Copperhead press and orators ofthe North made him the especial target for their calumny during thePresidential campaign. This course was evidently directed from Richmondand Canada.

  "The following September, Silent, with his usual vigor, began activeoperations against the enemy. Sherlin was now in the valley of theShannon, operating against the rebel Gen. Dawn, and Silent was holdingSentinel Point as his headquarters, and directing operations from there.On the morning of the last day of September Boutler moved from DeepValley. Orden's Corps moved by the Veranda road close to the river,Burns by the new Sales road, and the cavalry by the Derby road to ourright. All our forces were now moving in the direction of the rebelCapital.

  "Our troops struck the rebel works and attacked them at five o'clockp.m., and after desperate fighting for hours Fort Harris was taken, withits fifteen guns and all its garrison; also, the line of works runningdown to Champ's farm, with several hundred prisoners. Thus again thework of war had begun in earnest. Silent stood on the side of the fort,and could with his field-glass view the whole line of rebel works nowheld by them, as well as see the church spires in Richmond. Our cavalryhad advanced on our right to within six miles of the Capital. This wasvery encouraging. Yet many a bloody battle must be fought before theprize could be ours.

  "Burns now made a gallant assault against the enemy's works in front ofhis advance, but, unfortunately, was repulsed. This checked the advanceof our troops on this part of the line. Boutler's position now extendedfrom the river (James) to the Derby road, fronting Richmond.

  "Meador's command was in front of Petersville. In the afternoon of thenext day Parker's Division of Warner's Corps was attacked near Boyd'sroad. He was promptly re-enforced, and the rebels were repulsed withgreat loss. Fort Harris was also assaulted with a view of recapture, asit was a very important position. The attempt failed, and we still heldthe fort.

  "Our right and left wings were now being slowly advanced in thedirection of the Capital, under the very eye of Laws, the rebelcommander. He had the advantage in this, that it would require a dayfor Silent to move from one flank to the other, while Laws, holdingthe chord of the circle, could re-enforce any part of his line in a fewhours. Laws could not by any possibility stretch his line much farther,while Silent was steadily acquiring more ground.

  "The greatest consternation now prevailed in the city of Richmond. Itsevacuation was seriously contemplated. The publication of the newspaperswas suspended, and the printers were called out to defend the city. Someof the city police fell into our hands. Offices and shops were closed.The church bells sounded the alarm. Guards were sent into the streets toimpress every able-bodied man. Members of the Government were sent intothe trenches, and all between the ages of fifteen and fifty-five wereordered under arms. Laws stubbornly held his position. He could plainlysee that Silent was determined to fight it out and settle the contestin and about Richmond, without being driven or drawn away, unless somealarm at Washington should cause a change of his campaign.

  "After many movements, counter-movements, and much fighting, of allwhich I cannot speak in this narrative, Laws concluded to set Ewellingat the work of threatening our Capital. He crossed the Potomac andturned and threatened Washington, expecting Silent's army to be at onceordered to its defense; but this made no impression on Silent. He sentWight's Corps to meet Ewelling and to follow him, which was done, andthe danger to our Capital passed. Ewelling struck for the Valley of theShannon, passed into Maryland and the border of Pennsylvania, levyingcontributions as he marched through towns and country, returning withmuch booty to the valley mentioned, joining Dawn. In the meantime Wightwas following him. Sherlin was sent to take command of these forces.He fell upon Ewelling and Dawn, and almost annihilated their commands,driving what was left of them entirely out of that part of the country,and making such a desolation that another movement in that direction bythe rebels would be wholly impracticable. Leaving a sufficient forceto prevent any further movement, he returned to the army near Richmond,destroying railroads, canals, and in fact nearly all the enemy's linesof communication of any advantage to him.

  "In the meantime an attempt was made by our forces in front ofPetersville to mine and blow up some of the enemy's main forts. The mainsap was run some 500 feet, until it was under a fort on Cemetery Hill.Wings were constructed to the right and left of the sap or tunnel, sothat about four tons of powder were placed under the fort, tamped withsand bags and wood. The intention was to explode the mine, and at themoment of the explosion to open with all the artillery in this fronton the enemy's lines, and to rapidly move a storming column through thecrater and carry the high ground in rear, which, if in our possession,would command the city and the enemy's works. At about 3:30 on themorning of the 30th of July the fuse was lighted, but no explosionfollowed. Many attempts were made before the powder ignited. Thesuspense was great. Silent was quietly waiting to see the result.

  "Finally the smoke was seen and the dead, heavy sound was heard,like unto the mutterings of distant thunder or the rumblings of anearthquake. Following this the whole surroundings were darkened, and upfar in the air were sent guns, gun-carriages, caissons, picks, shovels,timbers and human beings. They went up in a confused mass and came downas though falling from the clouds in fragments. Many poor fellows wereblown to atoms. Our artillery opened, and the cannonading that followedperhaps was never equaled during the war. A column of infantry chargedinto the crater and there hesitated and halted after capturing thosewho were left alive. This hesitation gave the enemy time to recover fromtheir astonishment and alarm. They rallied and opened a terribly gallingfire into the crater. Support was sent in, which only made the confusionamong our men the greater. A cross-fire was now poured into them in thebreach, and it was turned into a great slaughter-pen. Both sides wereslaughtered in great numbers. Rebel and Union troops, white and coloredmen, were mixed together, crying to one another for help. The scene,as described by those who witnessed it, was one upon which no one couldwish to dwell. Our people felt this disaster as much as any during thewar. It was used by our enemies everywhere to prove our commander to bea heartless butcher.r />
  "About this time an ordnance boat loaded with supplies of ammunition wasexploded at or near Silent's headquarters at Sentinel Point. The reportalarmed every one for miles around. The earth shook and trembled as ifthis globe was dissolving. Fragments of shell, wood and human beingsfell about the locality like hail coming down. Men shrieked and ranwildly about, thinking that the final end of all things was at hand.Silent was near by, but uttered not a word. He entered his tent, quietlysat down, and wrote a dispatch describing the disaster.

  "Time wore on without any very great results either way, until thearmies were all ready for the final movement in the Spring following.Silent was still steadily gaining ground to his left, and holding Lawsclose to his lines, at the same time keeping his cavalry in motion, tothe great annoyance of the enemy. In February, 1865, when I was at theCapital, where I met the President, Secretary of War and Gen. Silent,the campaign of Sherwood north to the rear of Richmond was aboutcommencing; but I was not then aware of it. Gen. Silent was alsogetting ready for his final move against Laws, though he was waiting forSherwood and Scoven to make a junction at or near Goldsburg, in NorthCarolina.

  "In the meantime Charleston had been evacuated; Columbia, S. C,surrendered, and many of our starving prisoners were there released fromtheir deadly and poisonous prison-pens, not fit for pigs, even, to livein. Cotton had been piled in the streets of Columbia by the retreatingrebels and set on fire. When our troops entered the city they put thefire out, as they thought. In the evening, however, the smolderingfire was fanned into flames by a strong wind, and the burning flakes ofcotton lighting on and against houses, set them on fire. One divisionof our forces worked hard to subdue the conflagration, but in vain.The flames leaped from housetop to housetop, as if some unseen hand wasaiding in the terrible work of devastation. Men, women and childrenleft their houses in their night-dresses, screaming and crying for help.Nothing could be done to allay the destruction. A great portion of thecity was laid in ashes, and many people were in the streets houselessand homeless. The troops of Sherwood did all in their power to alleviatethe suffering, by dividing blankets and food, and also by taking as manyfamilies as could be placed in the wagons to a point from whence theycould take shipping North, where, on their arrival, they were amplyprovided for.

  "Again moving forward rapidly, Sherwood's left wing struck Harding'srebel corps at Averyville, and drove it in rout from its position. Ourleft wing then moved by rapid marches on the Burton and Goldsburg road,the right wing moving on a shorter and more direct route in the samedirection, many miles to the south. At Burton's Cross-roads the headof column of the left wing struck the rebel army under command of Gen.Jones, who had again been placed at the head of the forces collectedtogether since Head's defeat at Nashua. His forces were now commanded byHarding, Biggs, Chatham and Hamden, the latter commanding his cavalry.The Union forces, under Gen. Somers, discovering that a large force wasin their front, deployed two divisions and attacked, but could not drivethe enemy from his position. Somers hastily constructed earthworks andheld the enemy in his position until the right wing, or a portion ofit, could come to his relief. The word was soon sent to the Generalcommanding the right wing, and the Fifteenth and Seventeenth Corps weredispatched at once to Burton's Cross-roads.

  "They arrived early on the next morning, having received the order lateat night. The General commanding the Fifteenth Corps, which was in theadvance, at once formed his leading division (Gen. Charles Ward's) andcharged the enemy's works. His men went on the run over the works andright into his trenches, the General commanding the corps leading andleaping his horse over the parapet in the midst of a shower of deadlymissiles. Our men captured the rebels who were in their front, and ageneral stampede of the enemy followed, and in a short time Jones andhis whole command were hastily making their escape across Mill Run.The march was not any farther impeded, and Sherwood's army marched toGoldsburg, where, as before stated, they joined Scoven, and thus endedthe hard fighting of Sherwood's army.

  "The President and Vice-President had been inaugurated, and the messageof the President was so mild and conciliatory, breathing forgiveness andcharity in such an honest and earnest spirit, that many thought it mighthave some influence on the feelings of the enemy in respect to the Unionin which they had lived and controlled so long to their own advantage.But no; the more he expressed sentiments of respect for their opinionsthe more bitter they became, denouncing every expression of kindness asan insult to their people; so that it was determined there should be nolet-up in any way whatever--no armistice nor rest, but when the movementcommenced, to let that end the rebellion before ceasing. The countrywas now up to this point, and all were ready and fully prepared for theresult.

  "Gen. Silent had now directed Papson, as well as Sherwood, to keeptheir cavalry at work in destroying lines of communication, bridges,and supplies of the enemy. Willston in the West was operating southof Tennessee, cutting off all chance of re-enforcements from thatdirection, and Sherwood's cavalry in the direction of Augusta andnorthward, performing the same character of service, while Sherlin wasagain marching with 10,000 cavalry around Laws, making the whole countryuntenable for want of facilities in gathering supplies, of which atthis time the enemy was in great need. The whole coast from Savannahto Newbern, with forts, gunboats and munitions of war, was now in ourhands, with 100,000 as good soldiers as ever marched or fought a battlealmost entirely untrammeled, well supplied, and ready to drive Jones orany opposing force north back to Laws, where the whole could be crushedat one blow. Sherwood was to so conduct his movements as to detain Jonesin his front until the 10th of April, and then he was to move directlyagainst him and drive and follow him; but if possible, to get to theRoanoke River, so as to hold Laws in his position.

  "While Silent was preparing for his final movement against the enemy,which was to commence on the 29th of March, Laws, suspecting themovement, on the morning of the 25th, selecting the weakest point in ourlines, as he thought, assaulted the right of Meador's position in frontof the Ninth Corps. The point assaulted was a small fort known as FortSleman, where the two opposing forces were not more than 200 yardsseparated from each other. At dawn of day the rebels moved againstthis point with Gadden's Corps, re-enforced by Bush Jones's division.Parker's pickets were overwhelmed and the trenches taken by the enemy,so that the main line of the Union forces was broken. The rebels nowseeing their advantage wheeled to the right and left, sweeping our linesbefore them, and capturing our batteries, which they at once turned uponFort Sleman. The fort made all resistance possible, but, being assaultedin front, flank and rear, was compelled to surrender. The guns ofthe fort were now turned upon our own lines on either side with greateffect, driving our men and taking complete possession of this part ofour intrenchments.

  "General Parker at this juncture came upon the scene, brought upartillery on the hills commanding the point attacked, and ordered hisforces to occupy the fort. General Hartley also moved up and massed hisdivision and assaulted the enemy as they were moving along our line.He checked their advance, and, being re-enforced, drove Gad-den'sCorps back, recaptured the fort and all our abandoned lines, with 2,000prisoners. Meador arrived on the field and at once ordered Wight andHume to advance on Parker's left, which was promptly done, and that partof the enemy's picket-line was taken, with many prisoners; so that thetemporary success of the enemy proved very expensive to him in theend. This was the only unprovoked assault that Laws had made since thecampaign of the Summer before.

  "On the night after this assault Gen. Meador, General Orden and severalother Generals were at Gen. Silent's headquarters, discussing thecontemplated movement to be commenced on the 29th. The President hadalso been down to see Silent, and agreed in every particular to hisprogramme. Gen. Tom Anderson was also present, having been ordered toSentinel Point for assignment to duty. He was introduced by Gen. Silentas an able and brave officer. Gen. Orden said to Gen. Silent that hewould be pleased to have him assigned to his command; to which Silentanswered that he would speak t
o Anderson.

  "When the movement was understood, preliminary thereto Gen. Orden wasdirected to move the next day to the extreme left, in connection withand in support of the cavalry under Sherlin, designed to prevent Lawsfrom finally retreating in that direction, as was thought he mightattempt, in order to make a junction with Jones and fight Sherwood'sforces instead of Silent. This was not desired, as the Generalcommanding wished the army that had always confronted Laws to have thehonor of the capture of him and his army.

  "When all had left for their respective headquarters, Gen. Silent spoketo Gen. Anderson of Gen. Orden's request.

  "Anderson replied: 'General, assign me anywhere; I will try to do myduty wherever I may be placed.'

  "Gen. Silent then wrote the order and handed it to him, saying: 'Youwill proceed to join Gen. Orden in the morning; he will move to the leftduring the day.' Silent said that he would give him a larger commandin a few days, but could not do so then, as they were on the eve of themovement in contemplation.

  "Gen. Anderson expressed entire satisfaction, and directed Lieut.Whitcomb, who was with him, to have preparations made for starting atdaylight the next morning.

  "During the evening, they being entirely alone, General Silent said:'Gen. Anderson, do you remember a conversation we had at my rooms thenight before I left Nashua for the East?'

  "'Very distinctly, General; I was much impressed by what you thensaid as to your views in reference to crushing this rebellion within acertain time, and the mode to be adopted for the accomplishment of thisend.'

  "'Well, we will do it within the time mentioned. But do you remember myasking you if you believed in dreams, and if you had ever seen anythingthat you could not explain or understand?'

  "'Yes, General, I well remember that also.'

  "'Well, sir, I desire to make a confidant of you in this particular. Ido not wish what I say known at this time.'

  "'You can do so; I will not betray your confidence.'

  "'I intended telling the President to-day,' continued Gen. Silent,'but was so taken up with other matters that I forgot it; and I feel astrange kind of superstition that I may not see him again. He and I areboth in great danger, but I feel that I can protect myself better thanhe can himself. I do not desire to tell this story to any of my family,as I do not want them, or either of them, to become superstitious. It isso easy for any of us to become so. I find even the President, as stronga man as he is, somewhat so inclined.'

  "Gen. Anderson said: 'I am surprised at this. I did not suppose he wasso; but many strong people are, and many claim to have cause for beingso.'

  "Gen. Anderson then related my wife's dream to Gen. Silent, and told himPeters interpretation of it, and said six of her sons were now dead--oneonly (Henry) remaining alive.

  "At this Gen. Silent became melancholy, and quietly responded, ''Tisstrange, indeed!' He then related to Gen. Anderson the fact of hishaving seen a strange form in the night-time while under a tree atChatteraugus; also, the night that he met him at Nashua, as well as inthe night near his quarters while fighting the battle of the Chaparral,its indications at Chatteraugus, and its indications to him at Nashuaand in the Chaparral. He said:

  "'I have also seen the same spectral form to-night, saying to me: "Moveto the left rapidly; the enemy are all in your hands, and in half a moonall will be prisoners." Gen. Anderson, what is this? Am I dreaming,or am I laboring under some disease of the mind? I hope you will speakfreely to me as to what you think. I could not keep it longer. I musttell some one. I feared I was becoming broken down in my brain power,--Ihave studied over the military situation so much.'

  '''No, General, you need not have any fears of that. You are as vigorousin that respect as any man living. I cannot, however, explain this; norcan I understand it. I will ask you, however, if you had this characterof campaign in your mind before you saw this strange apparition?'

  '"Yes, I had a thought of it; but somehow this seemed to influence menot to deviate in the least, and to give me faith and confidence in ourfinal success; and yet I cannot but believe this to be only an opticalillusion. It must be; it cannot, it seems to me, be otherwise.'

  "'There is one thing, General: it appears to be leading you, or, atleast, helping your faith, in the right direction.'

  "'Yes; but, Gen. Anderson, it harasses me by day and by night. I cannotkeep it from my mind. I try to throw it off, but cannot. But we willspeak of this no more at present. I feel that my mind is greatlyrelieved since I have given you my secret. What a strange feeling thisis; but I believe it is so with every person.'

  "'Yes, General, that is true. Things pent up in the mind and heartbecome oppressive, and wear the mind until relieved. This seems to beour safety-valve.'

  "The conversation here ceased on this subject, and both retired to rest.The next morning Gen. Anderson and his companion, Lieut. Whitcomb, leftvery early for Gen. Or-den's headquarters. As they were leaving Gen.Silent came out and spoke many kind words to Gen. Anderson. He said:

  "'I feel much better this morning. I will be at the front to-day, andwill see you, perhaps.9

  "With a good-by they separated. When Gen. Anderson arrived at Gen.Orden's headquarters he was ready to move his command to the left. Hehad been telegraphed by Silent of Anderson's assignment, so the orderswere ready, and Gen. Anderson at once took command of a splendiddivision, getting acquainted as best he could on the march that day. Hiscommand was in the lead. Late in the afternoon he met Gen. Sherlin, whowas overjoyed to see him, saying:

  "'Anderson, you have no time to learn the situation, but I want you tobe close to me. I will speak to Orden.'

  "Their lines were formed that evening and all was in readiness foraction. On the afternoon of the 29th the Union line was continuous fromAppomattox, and still moving to the left. Silent said:

  "'I feel now like ending the matter, if it is possible, before goingback.'

  "The army of Silent was located about as hereinafter stated. Parker andWight held our line in front of Peters-ville, and Orden's line reachedto the crossing of Hatcher's Run. Hume had moved to the left of Orden,by change of orders, and Warner was on the left of the moving column.Sherlin was now at Dinwiddie, on our left flank, some five milesseparated from the left of our infantry. This movement was made latein the afternoon. Our lines now covered the ground from Appomattox toDinwiddie Courthouse. Silent said:

  "'Now, let us see what we can do with the enemy.'

  "This portion of the country was covered with forests and swampystreams. During the night the rain fell in torrents, and by the nextmorning it seemed impossible for man or beast to move without stickingin the quicksands. The rain continued, and a deep gloom seemed to settleover our army. Some who were in Silent's confidence suggested a returnto our former lines, but Silent could not see how we could go back ifnot forward.

  "Just at this moment Sherlin came riding up, through rain and mud, andsuggested that an advance was sure of success. Silent at once gave himorders to return and take possession of Five Forks. The enemy was nowconfronted by our army at every point.

  "Sherlin, on his return, at once sent one of his divisions forward.The conditions of the roads prevented any serious assault with cavalry.Warner was now advanced, extending his left across the Boydton road, Hefortified his position, but did not attack; the enemy were too strongin his front. Hume, meanwhile, attacked the enemy and drove him from hisadvanced position. On account of mud and bad roads no further movementwas made during that day.

  "On the next day, however, as Silent had suggested to Meador, the enemymade a heavy assault on Warner's left, and pressed his whole corps backsome distance. Hume sent Milo with his division to Warner's support. Therebels were now checked. The Second Corps was sent to Milo and the enemywere attacked in flank in front of Warner, and were driven back to theiroriginal line. Warner now moved up, supported by Milo, and gained alodgment on the White Oak road. Sherlin was attacked near Dinwiddie anda severe battle ensued, which continued until dark, Sherlin holding hisground.

  "Both parties lay upon their arms that night within a stone's throw ofeach other. During the night the Fifth Corps was ordered to the supportof Sherlin. The enemy, discovering this movement, retreated early inthe morning, Sherlin following and assaulting them at every opportunity.Laws had instructed his infantry and cavalry that Five Forks must beheld. Sherlin well knew the importance of this position; Petersvillemust fall with this in our possession. He ordered Mullet to assault infront with his cavalry, while the Fifth Corps, and McKenon, with hiscavalry, were to hold the White Oak road and to drive the enemy backtoward Petersville. At five o'clock the assault was made. The cavalrydismounted and fought on foot. The division of the Fifth Corps underGriffith and one brigade under Ames charged the rebel ranks, and underthe inspiration of the bands playing and the lead of the intrepidSherlin, the works were stormed by our men and the rebels routed,leaving 6,000 prisoners in our hands. Five Forks was ours, and a nobleday's work had been accomplished. This was the first great battle foughtin the last campaign against the rebel Capital.

  "Gen. Silent now ordered the enemy's works assaulted at three pointsat four o'clock the next morning, April 2. Promptly on time Wight andParker moved against the strong works of the enemy in their front. Theybroke over the enemy's picket-line with ease; but now in their frontfrowned heavy earthworks and forts. They moved under a galling anddeadly fire, tearing away abatis and all kinds of obstructions untilthey came to the main works. Here the contest was severe and bloody.Bayonets clashed and musketry rattled; but our troops seemed to knowthat the end was near, and nothing could stay or resist them. Theyclimbed and leaped over parapet and wall and into the enemy's trenches,capturing men and guns. The advance of our men could not be stopped.They pressed forward to the railroad, tore up the track, and turned andswept right and left down the enemies' lines. Soon the whole line, fromthe point of attack to Hatcher's Run, and all the artillery and fortswere in our possession.

  "Parker made his assault near the Jerusalem road. His column stormed andcarried the works in his front, capturing twelve pieces of artillery andabout 1,000 prisoners.

  "Orden now assaulted, Gen. Anderson's division leading. The fighting wassevere, the rebels saw that this kind of fighting meant the capture ofRichmond. Anderson led his men in person, and was one of the first toscale the enemy's works. The enemy retreated in great haste. Andersonagain recognized Joseph Whitthorne leading one of the brigades inretreat.

  "'My God?' he exclaimed, 'am I always to meet this man in battle!'

  "Orden turned his command to the right and joined on with Wight, andthey now made their lines strong in order to resist the enemy, as theyexpected him to attempt a recapture. It had now become one continuousbattlefield, from Petersville to and beyond Five Forks. Silent nowdetermined to face Meador's entire command, as well as Orden's, intoward Petersville, and take it if possible. The entire rebel army wasrushing to the defense of Petersville. Sherlin was moving on the WhiteOak road toward the city. Laws was exerting himself to stay the tide.Gadden was ordered to drive Parker back from his Une. Hiller and Mahoneywere gathering all the fragments of commands that they could find andreorganizing them. Longpath, who had not been engaged, was ordered tocross the James River to the south side, for the defense of thisportion of the line. Laws telegraphed his chief, the President of theConfederacy, of the imminent danger to his army.

  "The enemy now assailed Parker's line, which was on both sides of theJerusalem road, and several desperate efforts were made to dislodge him,but being re-enforced he held his position. His line included severalforts, and also commanded the main bridge across the Appomattox, almostthe only exit then left to the enemy. The rebels were now concentratingtheir forces within an interior line of very heavy works immediatelysurrounding the city. There were, however, two strong forts outside ofthis line not yet captured by our forces--Forts Gregg and Baldwin. Ordenwas directed to take Fort Gregg, and two of his brigades, commanded byTurnlee and Forest, made the assault. After one or two repulses theysucceeded in storming and capturing the entire garrison. Both sidesfought gallantly. It was finally taken at the point of the bayonet.

  "Milo was now attacking the enemy near the intersection of the White Oakand Claiborne roads, but finding him too well intrenched, had to fallback some distance.

  "Late in the afternoon Sherlin, with the Fifth Corps and a portion of hiscavalry, struck the enemy who had repulsed Milo in their works that day,taking them in flank. He routed them, capturing nearly 1,000 prisoners.He pursued, and struck them every opportunity, until finally they threwaway their arms and took shelter in the woods. Night covering theirretreat the darkness saved them. The day's work left about fifty piecesof artillery and 12,000 prisoners in our hands.

  "All west of the center of Laws's army had been driven by Sherlin acrossthe Appomattox, and the rest had been forced inside the interiorlines around Petersville, from which there was no escape save by badroads--country highways. Laws was now struggling to get his army out andescape, so as to join Jones, and get the best terms he could after onemore short campaign.

  "Gen. Hiller, of the rebel army, fell that day. Laws had him buried thatnight, and after the last rites were paid, he rode with his staff outof the city, and in accordance with orders previously given, thewhole rebel army, save a small picket-line, filed out and moved in thedirection of Amelia Court-house. Parker, under his orders to feel theenemy during the night, discovered the movement, captured the rebelpickets, and the city was surrendered at four o'clock the next morning.Laws burned behind him the small bridges on the Appomattox and blew uphis forts on the James River.

  "The next morning Silent ordered Meador immediately up the AppomatoxRiver. Sherlin was ordered to push for the Danville Railroad with Humeand Griffith and all the cavalry. Orden was directed to push south-west,on the Cox road. Silent waited until he got news of the surrender of therebel Capital and the flight of Davis and his Cabinet; then he pushedout on the road to his army marching to intercept Laws. Mullett, beingin the advance, came upon the enemy at Deep Run, on the 3d of April,and then a battle ensued, in which the rebels were defeated and put toflight. The road was strewn with caissons, ammunition, clothing, and allkinds of material used by an army.

  "This was evidence of the great demoralization of the enemy.

  "At 5 p.m. on the 4th, Sherlin, with the head of the column of the FifthCorps, arrived at Geterville, capturing Law's dispatch to Danville forrations, his army being entirely destitute of food. He was at Amelia,but our forces were in his front and in possession of the Danville road.

  "On the 5th, Silent received information from Sherlin, that Laws and hiswhole army were at Amelia, and that he (Sherlin) had possession of theroad to Burkesville. He sent Davies' division on a reconnaissance inthe direction of Painstown to see if any movement was being made by theenemy. This command struck a train of wagons, burned them, and capturedfive pieces of artillery and several hundred prisoners. The enemy movedout a stronger force and renewed the contest, but were driven back.

  "Meador had now arrived with his force and joined Sherlin, but failed toattack, he being the senior and then in command. Silent rode late in thenight to Sherlin's headquarters, and at once ordered an attack at fourin the morning, but said that Laws would steal away that night. Thenext morning he was gone, and changing his course, was now heading forLynchburg. Pursuit was immediately made. Hume struck the rear of theenemy at Deatonville, and at once attacked him. Crooker and Mullettattacked the enemy's wagon train in flank. Orden had arrived at RiceStation, and was intrenched, so as to prevent any further movement ofthe enemy south. At four o'clock Wight's Corps came up and at oncewent into action and carried the road two miles south of Deatonville,breaking the enemy in twain. Hume was on his rear and Sherlin on hisflank. Hume here moved to the right after one of the fragments, in thedirection of the Appomattox.

  "Wight now drove the enemy in his front two miles into a swampy, marshybottom of Sailor's Run. The cavalry were now to the left, where theywere burning and destroying the wagon tra
ins of the enemy. The rebels infront of Wight's Sixth Corps had crossed the run, and were throwingup breastworks, Sherlin ordered the stream crossed and their worksassaulted. This was done by two divisions. The fight was a desperateone. The works were carried on the enemy's left, but a division of theenemy came sweeping down on our flank and drove the troops of the SixthCorps back across the stream.

  "Just at this moment Mullett's division of cavalry came charging down onthe enemy's rear. The Sixth Corps again advanced, and a most desperateand bloody hand-to-hand bayonet and saber contest now took place. Ourartillerymen opened on the lines of the enemy some twenty guns. Ourlines were now closing around them. Crooker had come up with hiscommand and closed the gap. The enemy threw down their arms andsurrendered--7,000 men and fourteen pieces of artillery, with Gen.Ewelling and his seven subordinate Generals. This utterly destroyed theentire command that was covering Laws's retreat.

  "Hume had pursued the fragment of the enemy which he had opposed inthe morning to the mouth of the run, some fifteen miles, attacking andfighting--a running battle all the day--as well as fording streams,building bridges, etc. The last stand of the enemy was stubborn. Hume'scommand was victorious. His captures during the day were four pieces ofartillery, thirteen stands of colors and about 2,000 prisoners. Nightnow drew her curtain over the scene, and our troops lay down to rest.

  "The next day was used almost entirely in winding the coil more closelyaround Laws's army. Hume and Crooker were on the north side of the riverconfronting Laws; McKenon was at Prince Edwards; the cavalry columnwas moving in the direction of Appomattox Station; the second and SixthCorps were moving to the north side of the river to attack the next day;Mullett was pushed to the south side to Buffalo Station; the Fifth andTwenty-fourth Corps were moving on Prospect Station, south of the river,to prevent Laws from escaping in that direction; Orden was followingSherlin, having taken with him Griffith, with instructions to attack thehead of Laws's column. The next morning news was received that Stonerhad entered Lynchburg and was holding it. During the greater part ofthe night the armies of the Union were moving in the direction assignedthem. Gen. Silent occupied the old tavern at Farmville, where Laws hadslept the night before.

  "After the last of his forces on this line had passed, Silent wassitting quietly on the porch, thinking Laws must surrender the nextmorning. He concluded to send him a note suggesting his surrender, tostop the further effusion of blood, stating that the last few days mustconvince him of the hopelessness of his cause. He sent the note. Soonafter this he was about to retire, when he heard his name pronounced.He looked and saw the same form as heretofore mentioned, which spoke inthese words:

  "'Laws will not surrender if possible to escape with any portion of hisforce. Do not let your army rest until he is surrounded completely.'

  "Silent returned to the porch, and did not retire that night. Aboutmidnight he received Laws's reply, saying he did not feel as Gen. Silentthought on the subject of surrender, and during the night again movedout in order to escape.

  "On the morning of the 8th our forces moved at once. Slight contestsonly occurred during the day. At night the head of our cavalry columnreached Appomattox Station. The enemy were coming in quite a force forsupplies, there being at the station four heavily-loaded trains, whichhad just arrived, for Laws's army. One train was burned, and the otherswere sent to Farmville. The enemy made an assault on our forces, butwere repulsed, 25 pieces of artillery and many prisoners falling intoour hands.

  "Sherlin was here, with no force as yet save two divisions of hiscavalry. He moved a force on the road in the direction of Farmville andfound Laws's whole army moving to Appomattox. Orden and Griffith weremarching rapidly to join Sherlin, and by marching all night reachedAppomattox at 6 A.M. on the morning of the 9th, just as Laws was movinghis head of column with the intention of brushing away Sherlin's cavalryand securing the supplies. Laws had no suspicion of infantry havingjoined our cavalry at Appomattox. Orden was the senior and commanded thetwo corps of infantry--his own and Griffith's, formerly Warner's. Thesetroops were deployed in line of battle across the road where Laws mustpass, the cavalry in front covering the infantry. Crooker moved out andwas soon hotly engaged with the enemy. He fell back slowly, and finallyour cavalry moved off to the right, leaving the road apparently opento the rebels. They, seeing this, sent up a shout and started as if topursue the cavalry, when, to their utter amazement, Gen. Tom Andersoncame charging down at the head of his division upon the head of Laws'scolumn, and at the same time our battle line advanced. The enemy wererolled back in great demoralization, our lines pressing them on everyside.

  "Anderson was assaulting them in front. Griffith was on one flank, andSherlin, moving around quickly on the enemy's left, was just orderinga charge, when Laws sent a flag of truce and asked for a cessation ofhostilities. The cordon was now complete. Laws and his army were atour mercy. Laws surrendered his army that day, and thus the rebellionvirtually ended.

  "The news sped on the wings of lightning, and the joy that found ventthroughout the North no pen could do justice to by way of description.Old and young wept, embraced and shouted aloud, with their hearts fullof the glad tidings. None but the class of rebel sympathizers beforementioned mourned at the sad fate of the enemy.

  "The next day after the surrender of Laws, Gen. Anderson and his staffwere riding around the field taking observations. While passing downnear Longpath's Corps, suddenly a man in a rebel General's uniform, withtwo other officers, came dashing up to the General and halted. It wasJoseph Whitthorne. He cried out:

  "'Tom Anderson, is that you?'

  "Gen. Anderson responded affirmatively, at the same time saluting him inproper military style. At this Whitthorne drew his pistol and was justin the act of firing at the General, when Lieut. Whitcomb rushed at himand ran him through with his sword. He fell from his horse and expired.Gen. Anderson shed tears, but did not disclose to anyone present theclose relationship existing between them. This occurrence was of such acharacter as might have caused trouble with the troops, so it was keptquiet. The officers present on both sides deemed this course the bestunder the circumstances. Lieut. Whitcomb never knew of the relationship,Gen. Anderson's wife, Whitthorne's sister, always thought her brotherwas killed in one of the last battles. The General revealed the factsonly to myself.

  "The joy that now pervaded the North lasted for but a brief space oftime before sorrow and deep mourning took its place.

  "You remember that Alston, one of the Canadian conspirators, had beenarrested and placed in prison at Washington on the charge that, he, withothers, were intending to attempt the capture of the President. Thishaving failed, doubtless the last resort had been agreed upon byThomlinson, Carey and their allies. Page had returned from Richmond withDurham and met Wilkes at Baltimore, where this diabolical scheme wasagreed upon. The President, the Secretary of State, the Secretary ofWar, and Gen. Silent were all to share the same fate. Wilkes, doubtless,with his picked few, were to dog the President, Page the Secretaryof State, and Durham the Secretary of War, and others to in some waydestroy Silent. My son Henry returned from Canada on the 14th of April,and stated to me that Wintergreen said the three above named were nearWashington and would do their work well, each selecting his man; thatThomlinson and Carey had left for Europe on the 6th of April.

  "Henry left that night for Washington with this information for thePresident and his Secretaries. His trip, however, was for naught, as onthat night the assassins did their work in part. Wilkes did his, andMr. Lincoln, the noblest of all men, fell by the bullet of his murderer.Page tried his hand, but failed to complete his task. Durham failedentirely from some cause.

  "Henry arrived in Washington the next evening, when he saw the Secretaryof War. He told him to say nothing, as they would all be put on theirguard by these facts being made public. Gen. Silent only escaped, as itseemed, by a miracle, as he had agreed to accompany the President thatnight and was only prevented by his wife's trunks with her wardrobebeing carried by Washingt
on to Baltimore that afternoon.

  The shooting of President Lincoln by Wilkes 431]

  "The intelligence of Mr. Lincoln's death, as it trembled along the wireson the morning of the 15th to every portion of this Republic, comingas it did in the midst of universal rejoicing, firing of cannon andunfurling of banners, struck dumb those who a moment before wereshouting with joy. Language nor pen can adequately express the horrorand grief with which the people were stricken. A Nation's shouts of joyand triumph at one moment, were the next turned into grief and sorrow.The people were bowed down and bathed in tears. The shadows of gloomwere on every countenance. The flags that were floating in triumph onemoment were the next at half-mast. Almost instantaneously all houseswere draped in mourning. Women ran into the streets wringing their handsand weeping aloud. Children ran to and fro to learn the cause of thegreat change from joy to overwhelming grief. Each family wept as thoughfor the loss of their first-born. The soldiers in the field had losttheir idol; the colored people had lost their deliverer from thewilderness of slavery.

  "The people gathered in their places of worship and mingled their tearswith their prayers. A dark pall hung over the whole land. The peopleseemed to lose heart. The very earth seemed to groan and cry out againstthe horrible deed. The enemies of the Government were alarmed andshocked at this terrible crime, growing out of their own course ofconduct. Foreign Governments were horrified at the atrocity of thefiendish resentment shown. Many men became alarmed and hastened to leavethe country. Some left for Mexico, some for South America, and some forEurope.

  "The Vice-President had now taken the oath of office and had enteredupon the duties of President. Lincoln was dead; the last act in thebloody drama on the program of the conspirators had been played."


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