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How To Rape A Straight Guy

Page 13

by Sullivan, Kyle Michel

  He let me. Didn’t squirm, too much. Just let out little whimpers, now an’ then. It’s crazy. I’d done this to girls, before. Shit, Connie loved it. Slow fingers just barely touchin’ skin, drifitn’ up an’ down an’ around. It’d drive her nuts. Drive any girl I was with nuts. An’ send bolts of lightnin’ up my arms to my brain. I loved it as much as them, but I’d never -- never even thought about doin’ this to a guy. But here I was -- doin’ it an’’ startin’ to feel drunk from it.

  Finally, I couldn’t take any more. I stepped back an’ pulled off my jeans an’ shirt, removed my socks an’, finally, slipped my briefs down my legs. I stepped out of them an’ walked around to face Shayes. He was breathin’ hard. Not from fear, now. No. I could see how his tits were pointed. An’ his dick was more full. Not hard. Not even really gettin’ there, yet. But startin’. I could tell. I stroked it a little. Just to show him I could.

  He wouldn’t look at me. Refused to, till I pressed myself against him -- lettin’ my hard dick crush against his softer one -- an’ wrapped my arms ‘round him. Then he glanced at me, sideways.

  “We got an understandin’?” I whispered.

  He just looked away, again. Meanin’, “Yes.”

  I put one arm around his waist an’ lifted him up, then reached up with the other, worked the plastic straps through the opening in the ring an’ let his arms drop around my neck. I smiled at him. He just licked his lips, shiverin’.

  I slipped my free hand down his back, brushed it over his butt an’ wound up inside his left thigh, my other arm stayin’ ‘round his torso. I lifted him up an’ carried him to the bed, like a bride. I lay him on it, face up, an’ knelt back to look him over. His wrists were red an’ cut an’ beginnin’ to swell from the plastic strap. I motioned to Wayne, who handed me a blade. An’ I slit the strap away. I guided his hands to the leather straps attached to the head posts’ dowel an’ wrapped ‘em ‘round his wrists. Then, last but not least, I took off the restraints on his legs.

  He lay there, arms bound above his head, legs still spread apart, shiverin’ not from cold but from anticipation. From fear. His dick lay to the left, still more limp than not, but now it had a slopin’ form to it that looked, I dunno, right. He didn’t try to hide himself; he just looked at the ceilin’.

  Wayne stepped closer to the bed an’ whispered, “He’s beautiful. Everything about him is.”

  I turned to Wayne an’ said, “Have at it.”

  In a nano-second, Wayne was on the bed, naked. He looked at me, waitin’ for me to give him a sign, so I nodded. Then he put his dick to Shayes’ mouth. The guy crushed his lips closed an’ turned away. Wouldn’t open up. Not till I squeezed his balls with my hand an’ whispered, “C’mon, buddy, prove you’re worth it.”

  The guy gave me a look so full of hate, if it’d been a knife, I’d of been sliced to ribbons. Then he swallowed an’ slowly let his lips part an’ Wayne slipped inside. Shoved in deep. Shayes gagged, but after a moment, he started workin’ on it. Nothin’ great about this blowjob, from what I could see, but fuckin’ Wayne didn’t care. Fact is, it only took him a minute to let loose. Took both him an’ Shayes by surprise.

  Shayes choked an’ coughed an’ spit the dick out, gaggin’ from Wayne’s crap. One last spurt hit him on the chin, then Wayne leaned back, breathin’ deep an’ happy. All he could say, over an’ over, was, “Oh, shit. Oh, shit.”

  I leaned over an’ whispered into Wayne’s ear, “No teeth marks?”

  Wayne shook his head, barely able to croak out, “It was perfect. Perfect.” His eyes were tearin’ up.

  “An’ quick,” I sneered.

  “To start,” Wayne sneered back.

  I nodded an’ moved to between Shayes’ legs. I lifted them up an’ positioned myself to where his ass was restin’ on my thighs an’ my dick was bumpin’ on top his balls. His legs were propped up on my shoulders. He didn’t like it -- tried to shift away -- but I grabbed his ass to hold him in place. He stopped squirmin’. I took a jar of Vaseline from beside the bed an’ scooped some out on my finger. An’ I slipped it between the cheeks of his ass an’ smeared it ‘round his hole. He gulped an’ grimaced but said nothin’. Then I lubed some onto my dick, found his hole with my finger an’ pressed the head of my dick against it.

  “Wait,” he whispered, his voice shakin’. “Will -- will you at least use a condom?”

  Fuckin’ idiot. Like I got AIDS? In answer, I began pushin’ my way into him. Slow, like I promised.

  He clenched tight, automatically, an’ grimaced. But the Vaseline did its job an’ I slipped inside. Slowly glided in deeper an’ deeper till I could feel his balls touching my pubes. He was gaspin’ an’ tryin’ hard not to cry out, but little yelps of pain kept escapin’. Once I was all the way in, I held still an’ looked at him.

  Oh, holy fuckin’ Jesus, I didn’t want to move. At that moment, havin’ his ass wrapped around my dick, flexin’ an’ pushin’ at it like he was -- I felt this...this instant of peace. Felt a moment of perfection. It was like, this was all I’d ever wanted to do. This was just how it was supposed to be. I owned the world an’ the moon an’ the stars. I rivaled God in my power an’ control. An’ I never wanted it to end.

  But then I started pumpin’ inside him. An’ it got even better than I could ever have imagined.

  I took it slow with Shayes. Nothin’ to rush. No reason to prove I was top dog. He already knew that. Everybody did. No, this time I was out for me. This time it was just sex. Slidin’ in, my dick sent a rush down to my balls that was as good as the first time you snort coke. Pullin’ back made my thighs quiver an’ burn an’ tingle with feelin’s I never knew were possible. Every little whimper or moan he let escape sent my brain reelin’. Even the hair on his legs ticklin’ my skin an’ even my tits doubled every second of pleasure I got from bein’ inside him. Oh, shit, shit, shit, this was nothin’ like bein’ with Connie.

  I leaned in an’ began suckin’ on his tits. First one, then the other. The hair around ‘em felt soft, like down, an’ teased my nose an’ lips an’ tongue as I played with the brown knob. His pecs were hard -- not soft like a chick’s breasts or even Carter’s -- an’ pressed back against my chin when I brushed against them.

  He gasped at me, “Please, don’”

  I sucked on ‘em, harder. I cupped his ass in my hands, playin’ with the bit of hair that danced across it. It was full an’ firm -- not flat or soft like a chick’s ass or hard like my first punk’s -- an’ fit my hands perfectly. I loved playin’ with it almost as much as he hated me doin’ it.

  Slow in. Slow out. No rush. Not today. Enjoy.

  I straightened up an’ ran my hands up his legs to curl in around his thighs. The hair was a bit coarser but still felt fine, an’ it tickled my wrists as I pumped. I was dizzy from the feel of it.

  “C’,” Shayes grunted, “today, okay? Get it...get it over with...will ya?”

  I withdrew almost all the way then pushed back in, even more slowly than before. “Fuck him,” was the first thought in my mind, an’ I almost let go with a chuckle that welled up deep inside me. Sometimes I crack myself up. An’ that almost brought out another laugh.

  I looked down at his dick an’ saw it finally startin’ to really stir. I think for the first time in my life, I actually considered another man’s dick as somethin’ worth appreciatin’. An’ as dicks go, Shayes had a nice one. It wasn’t as round as mine. More like a little oval. But the skin around the shaft was smooth an’ clean an’ the head -- the helmet, my mom called it the one or two times she bathed me; what a weird fuckin’ thing to remember at a time like this -- that was just as smooth an’ a soft pink. My head gets to be huge -- almost too big in proportion to my shaft -- but his looked like it might be just the right size. Looked like I was about to find out.

  Little faster. Little faster. Not much, though. Don’t want this to end too soon. Just a little longer.

  Shayes hadn’t noticed he was gettin’ a har
d-on but Lenny sure had. He was watchin’ from the side of the bed, his camera back on its tripod. It an’ his eyes were glued to the guy’s dick. I watched him watch it grow bigger an’ bigger till it was floppin’ around on his gut. It wasn’t gonna be anywhere near as big as mine but Lenny didn’t care.

  Shayes finally realized he was hard an’ looked down at his dick, stunned. “What th’ fuck?”

  I snickered, “Never done this before, huh? Right.”

  Shayes shook his head, “No, man -- what’re you doin’ to me? What th’ fuck -- ?”

  I shoved deep into him, harder than I had before. He cried out an’ looked away from me, his breathin’ gettin’ faster an’ faster. His dick was still hard though not quite primed yet. So I looked at Lenny an’ nodded for him to go for it.

  Lenny carefully slipped onto the bed -- out of the way of his camera -- an’ slowly reached over an’ touched Shayes’ dick. The guy jolted an’ tried to wiggle away, but I’d already dug my fingers into his thighs an’ had a good lock on his legs. He couldn’t do a fuckin’ thing I didn’t want him to do.

  “No, don’t...don’t!”

  Lenny looked at me an’ I smiled, “Go ahead.”

  He took Shayes’ dick in one hand an’ began to stroke it. He used his other hand to caress the top of Shayes’ balls.

  The guy started to freak, screamin’, “No! No! Don’t!”

  I started pumpin’ into him, faster, deeper, my own breathin’ gettin’ to be as fast as his. Lenny kept milkin’ him for all he was worth. Then he leaned down an’ licked Shayes’ shaft. Shayes tensed up, tighter than I’ve ever felt any of my punks do, an’ his ass squeezed hard against my dick an’ I almost shot my wad, right there. But I held on. Barely. An’ I kept pumpin’.

  Finally, Shayes’ dick was about as hard as it was gonna get. An’ I felt Lenny’s head down there, suckin’ on it. Shayes’ cried out an’ started hollerin’. Didn’t do a damn bit of good for him. I was still rammin’ him an’ Lenny was still suckin’ on him an’ he was still tied to the bed an’ his legs were still caught in my grip. An’ finally, after maybe ten minutes of us workin’ on him, all he could do was let it rip!

  He jolted. Almost pulled himself off me an’ did yank his dick from Lenny’s mouth. An’ then he started to fire! I mean, he splashed shit all across Lenny’s face an’ onto his own gut. Some of it whipped up to land on my chest an’ it seemed to go everywhere. I just held on, but then his ass slid back down on my dick an’ he gripped me so hard, I couldn’t hold back anymore. I plowed deeper into him an’ let go. Let go until my balls ached from the spasms.

  What’s wild is, I was so lost in the whole crash of -- of feelin’s an’ emotions an’ fireworks an’ all, I didn’t know when Wayne an’ Lenny pulled me back by my hips to let my dick slide out of Shayes so the camera could catch it spewin’ all over the guy. All I know for sure is -- when I was finally done, I collapsed on top of Shayes an’ curled my arms around him an’ ground my dick against his in a way that seemed like religion. An’’ then I kissed him. On the lips. Full an’ complete an’ gentle an’ without hesitation. My mouth seemed to mold into his, an’ I tasted somethin’ salty an’ moist. Maybe my cum, maybe his, maybe just the sweat on his skin. An’ I...I think -- I’d almost swear -- no, I’m sure...abso-fuckin’-lutely sure...he kissed me back. An’ somethin’ behind my heart gave a leap. An’ I almost started to cry from it. Then I drifted away, wishin’ I could stay there with him, forever.

  Chapter Seven

  I had this dream while I was out -- I think it was a dream. I think it was then. Anyway, I was flyin’ through the sky, all in my prison clothes, on my back with my first girl. The first girl I slept with -- what’s her name — Ramona. Yeah, Ramona Verdugo on top of me.

  Shit, ol’ Ramona. I hadn’t though about her in years. Golden skin. Raven hair. Eyes so brown they looked black. An’ tits? Oh, man, she put melons to shame. Fuckin’ Ramona. We were hot an’ heavy in high school -- her a junior, me a freshman. Didn’t make sense, but we collided in a hallway one day like a couple cars on the 101 an’ stayed stuck to each other till fuckin’ Anthony got me busted.

  Anyway, our first time together was up on Zuma Beach, north of Malibu. Her old man had this primo ‘57 Dodge Coronet convertible. Red with white trim an’ interior. Little fins on the tail. Looked like it was flyin’ even when it was sittin’ still, an’ nobody was allowed to drive it but him. Threat of death kind of shit, y’know. So this one day early in spring, we cut class an’ she palmed the extra set of keys she wasn’t supposed to know about, an’ I drove us down the Ten an’ up PCH. It’s funny -- fifteen years old an’ I already knew how to drive, smoke an’ drink football players under the table. An’ I had that nice little business goin’ in the “weed” department at school, so I always had money. Yeah, I had my mom an’ her fuckin’ husband tryin’ to lay claim to some control over me, but that wasn’t goin’ anywhere. So all in all, life was good.

  God, that Dodge could go. Even with its too-cool push-button automatic. It had a V-eight with power enough to snap your neck if you hit the gas too hard. An’ drivin’ it that first time, glidin’ up the coast on a perfect California day, Ramona beside me, her left hand in my crotch workin’ me up, my right hand around her shoulders an’ strokin’ one of her tits -- I was fuckin’ king of the world.

  We played on the beach, the rest of the day, then grabbed some sandwiches from a grocery store close by an’ talked this stoned surfer into buyin’ us a six pack. He brought us fuckin’ “Miller Lite” for Christ’s sake. An’ when we were done eatin’ an’ it was dark, we put up the top an’ got busy in the back seat.

  Damn, that thing was so wide, you could stretch out on it. I mean, I could then; I was still growin’. An’ Ramona, she’s small for the size of her tits. So we got all hot an’ heavy, kissin’ an’ touchin’ an’ grabbin’ -- she liked to grab my ass, for some reason -- then we whipped a blanket over us an’ I unzipped an’ popped out an’ slipped inside her without a thought. Shit, I’d seem my mom fuckin’ guys so many times, I knew exactly what to do. I remember bein’ impressed -- not surprised or happy or freaked out -- at how nice it felt before I went at it.

  As we got close to the finish line, Ramona circled her legs around mine an’ grabbed my ass an’ pulled me harder against her. I came first...lots sooner than I do she kept pullin’ me against her till she was done. Then she bit my left tit. Drew blood.

  I yelped an’ yanked away from her an’ said, “What the fuck?!”

  She just chuckled, licked her lips an’ kissed my other tit. Then she said, “That makes you mine.”

  I laughed, an’ we went at it, again.

  Like I said, we were together till I was sent to County. Even her dad raisin’ all kinds of shit about us takin’ the car didn’t mean jack; we’d sneak it off anytime we wanted, since I’d been sharp enough to get an extra set of keys made. Oh, I’d try to park it exactly like he parked it, so he wouldn’t notice. But sometimes I was just a little too out of it to give a fuck. We laughed our asses off about it -- till he sold the damn thing.

  But then she heard about me an’ Paco an’ his vatos. Seems this cousin of hers was in for shopliftin’ an’ got the skinny from one of the guards in exchange for a couple tabs of acid. When she found out, she stopped talkin’ to me. Wouldn’t answer the phone. Wouldn’t even come to the door when I went to her place. Only clue I got she knew was the last time I was there; her dad smirked at me an’ muttered, “Maricon,” an’ she told me she didn’t want to go out that day ‘cause she had a headache. So I went out an’ asked a vato buddy of mine what that word meant -- maricon. An’ he fuckin’ told me. Fuckin’ Ramona fuckin’ dumped me ‘cause I got fucked. Fuckin’ bitch.

  So I shifted to the club scene, where only a couple people knew me, an’ built up a new rep till I finally collided with Connie. An’ I put that cunt out of my mind. Till this dream.

  Like I said, I was flyin’ on my back, in my prison grey. H
er on top me, straddlin’ me, which she never did ‘cause then she couldn’t dig her nails into my butt. She was tearin’ at my shirt with her hands an’ teeth an’ screamin’, “C’mon, you fuckin’ pussy, giddy up, giddy up!” But my shirt wouldn’t tear. Buttons wouldn’t come undone. I had a ragin’ hard-on in my pants but the fuckin’ zipper was locked in place. So she slapped me. Fuckin’ hard. An’ it fuckin’ hurt. I thought you weren’t supposed to feel pain in dreams. Then all of a sudden, it was Connie on top me an’ Ramona was under me, tearin’ at my ass through my pants. She was usin’ her teeth. Didn’t work. Connie had her scissors an’ was tryin’ to cut the uniform away, but they broke. An’ Connie started to cry.

  Then Ramona dropped away an’ Connie an’ I flipped to where I was on top her an’ she froze into a statue. That’s when I saw we were miles above the earth an’ we weren’t flyin’, we were fallin’. An’ somebody was on top me, tearin’ my shirt away like it was paper. Then tearin’ my pants down like they were nothin’. I thought it was Ramona, again, but it was Father Tello. Which didn’t make sense; he’d never tried to pull any shit with me, but now he we was feelin’ me up rough, grabbin’ an’ pokin’ an’ pinchin’ an’ proddin’ an’ whisperin’, “If only you’d let me. If only you’d let me.”

  Then Tello an’ Connie were gone an’ I was lyin’ on top one of that Dodge’s tail fins an’ I was still fallin’. But now Wayne was standin’ in front of me, naked an’ slappin’ me an’ the ground was rushin’ up to me and then suddenly I was on it, but I hadn’t landed. I was just...there. Finally I looked ‘round an’ the world began to change shape around me. Into that room. Where I’d just fucked Shayes. But I wasn’t where I was supposed to be, in there. I remembered I was lyin’ on top Shayes when I drifted, but now I was off the bed an’ lookin’ at the floor but I wasn’t lyin’ on it. Which didn’t make any sense.


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