Love Like Crazy (Crazy Love Book 1)

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Love Like Crazy (Crazy Love Book 1) Page 15

by Carmen DeSousa

  I stared at the driveway in anticipation, since he hadn’t called this morning. He’d also told me that he didn’t want to talk on the phone, that after three weeks of being apart, he wanted our reunion to be in person. He wanted me to go out of my mind crazy with worry, was more like it.

  “No news is good news,” he’d said. “If anything happens to me, you’ll be the first person the medics notify, since I’ve already added you as my wife in my contacts.”

  He’d told me that to appease me, I was certain.

  I paced across the floor anxiously, looking out the window every few seconds. “He should be here by now. I should call.” I grew more fretful by the minute. Every tick of the clock sounded like a countdown to disaster. Like a bad dream, time seemed to move in slow motion.

  “What if he fell asleep behind the wheel and went off an embankment and no one saw him there for days?” I said, wishing my father was there to pacify me, but he’d already left for work. “He could be hurt! Pinned inside his truck!” I shouted up at the clock that just kept ticking.

  I picked up my phone and stared at the blank screen: no missed calls, no texts. I thought back to prom night when he’d called when he was standing outside the door, and my insides warmed. Nothing bad could happen. Not now, when we were supposed to marry tomorrow.

  Phone in hand, I walked onto the front porch. I’d just send him a “?” text to say Where are you? No talking to ruin our reunion. He’d be okay with that.

  Before I could hit Send, I heard the sound I’d been longing to hear: tires rolling over gravel. When I saw his truck, relief pulsed through me. Unconcerned about being barefoot, I flew off the stairs and rushed across the front yard to meet him.

  Jesse jumped out of the truck before I made it to him, closed the distance, and gathered me into an embrace and swung me around. Tears filled my eyes, but they were tears of joy. How would I be able to let him leave again? His lips found mine, and I melted under his touch. My heart thrummed an erratic beat under my skin, my blood rushed as he kissed me. I wrapped my hands around his neck and pulled him closer. He scooped me up in his arms and carried me across the yard and up onto the porch.

  “Barefoot and in your PJs, just like I imagined.” He grinned, lifting his eyebrows up and down. “God, I missed you!”

  I kissed away his words while he held me in his arms. “Jesse, I missed you so much. I don’t want you to ever leave again.” I blinked to clear the tears that flowed down my face. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say that, and I didn’t plan to cry when I saw you. I usually save that for when you leave.”

  He set me down on the porch, but continued to hold me in his arms. “I understand. I don’t want to leave again either. But let’s not talk about leaving when I just got here.” He kissed my tears away, then pulled back a few inches to look at me. “But look at the reception I get. Do you think I’ll get this every day when I come home from work?” He nudged up my chin and kissed me again.

  “Maybe,” I admitted, my cheeks burning.

  “Good, I think I’ll like that.” He pulled me through the door and led me to the couch. “Your dad already left for work?”


  “So I have you all to myself?”


  “I should sleep so that when he gets back we can get some work done. He said he needed to discuss a few things with me. But I think I’d rather make up for three weeks of missed kisses if that’s all right with you.”

  “Jesse!” I hissed. “Stop talking and kiss me.”

  He plopped down on the couch and pulled me onto his lap, burying his head into my neck. “You smell so good. How can such a simple smell be so seductive? I’ve barely slept in the last three weeks thinking about our camping trip.” A shiver swept through my body as his warm breath caressed my skin. He pressed tiny kisses up my neck until he was at my ear. “I love you, Kayla,” he whispered. “Are you ready to be my wife?”

  Heat soared through every part of my body. “Yes. Very … much … so.” Breathless, the words came out broken.

  His mouth moved along my jaw to my lips, and then finally his mouth was on mine. He kissed me with renewed passion. He always seemed to hold back, but this was good. I hoped his willpower would weaken once we were married. It just didn’t make any sense to wait.

  Jesse lowered himself down the length of the couch, pulling me beside him. He supported my head with his arm, hugging me tightly to his chest. His lips moved against my head, whispering words I could barely hear, but it didn’t matter. My body relaxed into his, happy just to have him here holding me.

  Only a few minutes passed, and I heard his breathing grow deep and steady. I tilted my head to look at his face. He was sound asleep. His strong chiseled features relaxed when he slept. He looked young and sweet, which he was, but he was also a man. A man who would take care of me, stick up for me, probably even fight for me. I thought of prom night when he’d made it clear he wasn’t about to share me with anyone.

  The front door opened, startling me, since I’d dozed off in his arms. Jesse didn’t move an inch.

  “Hey, Dad,” I whispered, attempting to turn my head in his direction. There wouldn’t be any getting up; Jesse’s arms still held me in a tight embrace. “I think he was exhausted. He fell asleep within minutes of arriving.”

  My dad offered me a knowing nod, but didn’t look disturbed by our position. “What time did he get here?”

  “Just after eight.”

  Dad just shook his head. “Probably worked all day, showered, ate, and then headed directly here. He’ll need to sleep awhile. I’ll get some work done, and then I’ll return around lunch to drive him around the properties.”

  “Okay,” I said, resting my head back on Jesse’s chest and dozing off again.

  I felt the arms around me contract involuntarily.

  “Mmm, this is all I ever want, cowgirl.”

  Okay, so maybe not involuntarily. Jesse was awake.

  He buried his face in my hair again. “What time is it? I didn’t plan to fall asleep, but this is nice.”

  “I don’t know,” I whispered. “You fell asleep within minutes, and I think we’ve been here several hours, so maybe twelve?”

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to waste our day,” Jesse mumbled, but didn’t attempt to move.

  “It wasn’t a waste, Jesse. Like you said, this is nice, and you obviously needed your sleep. My dad is supposed to be here around one to show you around. So if you want to shower and eat —”

  “I don’t want to do anything but hold you.” He squeezed me tighter. “I missed you so much, Kayla.”

  His body shifted from beside me and suddenly he was on top of me. He pressed his mouth hard on mine, but then rolled off the couch, pulling me on top of him. I gasped for air, but he grabbed me and kissed me again, rolling over me until I was on my back, his body suspended over top of mine.

  He trailed his hands down my side to my waist, lowering his body on top of me. Surprisingly, his weight didn’t bother me. I knew he weighed just shy of two hundred pounds, but it felt good pressed against me. I wrapped my arms tightly around him, holding him to me, knowing all too quickly he’d escape.

  Feeling him retract, I tightened my hold on him. “Don’t stop,” I moaned. “Kiss me again.” He obliged, and my insides boiled, but all too soon he stopped again.

  “I think I need to go take that shower now.”

  “Need any help?” I teased.

  “Kayla …” He groaned again. “I don’t think I’m going to be able to take this; you’re driving me insane.”

  “But I didn’t do anything this time.”

  “You don’t have to do anything,” he said, pressing his lips to mine again. “Like a bee to nectar, I’m drawn to you. Not just my body, but my heart, too. It’s as though it aches to hold you. It really is amazing, isn’t it? How our bodies yearn so much for something we’ve never done? It’s like your mouth watering for something you’ve never tasted; it doesn’t make se
nse. It’s as though my body knows what I should be doing, even though my mind says no. Luckily, my mind is stronger than my physical body.”

  “I wish it wasn’t,” I complained.

  “It doesn’t help matters that you’re always so willing. You’re supposed to fight me off.”

  I laughed. “That’s not gonna happen anytime soon, Jesse. I understand exactly what you’re saying, and I don’t think it’s entirely physical. My soul aches for you.” He afforded me one final kiss, then pulled back. Once again, I tried to hold him down, but it was no use; he was entirely too strong for me.

  I gave up and let him pull me to my feet; his arms remained folded around me, though, as he nuzzled his face into my neck, sending chills down my back.

  “Would you like breakfast or lunch?” I asked.

  He continued his nuzzling, kissing me along the line of my jaw to my ear. “Surprise me.” His hands brushed my hair off my neck, and he trailed kisses down my neck to my throat and my exposed chest. His hands ran down my sides, sending goosebumps down my arms.

  I squirmed in his arms. “You’re driving me insane.”

  “Good. It’s about time. You should suffer like I am,” he said, chuckling darkly. But then he backed away, just his hands holding me. His eyes bore into mine. “Soon, my love,” he whispered seductively, dropping my hands and closing his eyes, breaking contact with mine. “I’m going to go get my stuff,” he said, and if I wasn’t mistaken, he even pouted.

  I smiled and watched him stomp out the door. He’d said good that I was suffering too, as if I wasn’t the one always pushing him. Maybe he thought I did it just to tempt him; he didn’t understand how much I wanted him too.

  Jesse made himself at home, walking straight up the stairs with his bag. I considered following him, but my dad would be home soon. One more day and then I wouldn’t feel like a harlot always trying to seduce him. Tomorrow, I could tempt him all I wanted.

  I texted Dad to see if he’d be home soon and if I could make him something as well.

  He texted back in seconds: tht’d b grt, b hm n 20

  Dad planned to take Jesse around to all of our local properties this afternoon and said he wanted to talk to Jesse man-to-man before we married tomorrow. I couldn’t imagine what “man-to-man” meant, but he promised they’d be home before dark so we could show Jesse our new house.

  Thinking about setting up our new house made me think about kids. I’d decided I wasn’t ready yet, but wasn’t going to go pro-active against having them either. I would watch the days closely, and if we were close we’d just have to use protection. I didn’t want to start taking the pill as I’d heard too many horror stories about the drug, not to mention that it diminished sex drive. I definitely didn’t want that to happen. Also, with my mother dying from a heart attack, I was at higher risk for complications. Now, I just had to figure out how to bring up the discussion without Jesse getting all serious.

  As I flipped over an omelet, Jesse’s warm, strong arms circled my waist. “Mmm … I feel like a new man. And what better sight is there than a beautiful woman who can cook.” He dipped his head over my shoulder and pressed his lips to my neck.

  “Barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen, huh?” I teased as I turned my head to kiss him.

  Jesse huffed out a breath. “I’m not that antiquated, Kayla. I’m more than happy to pull my share. I’m not a stranger to cooking and cleaning. And if you decide to go to college and work, I’ll pull more than my share if need be.”

  With a practiced flip, I transferred the omelet onto a plate, then turned within Jesse’s embrace. “I’m just playing with you, Jesse. I told you this is what I want. I’ll find plenty to keep me busy. Besides, I do most of the bookkeeping for my dad. In fact, I guess you could say I already have a position as the accountant for the company.”

  “Smart, beautiful, and a great cook. How did I get so lucky? That smells incredible. I didn’t realize how hungry I was. I never was an inventive cook. I pretty much eat the same thing every day.”

  Pleased with his words, I smiled. As long as Jesse thought I was smart and beautiful, that’s all that mattered. “Well, have a seat. Dad’ll be here in a few minutes, and I guess I should probably go shower and change out of my PJs.”

  Chapter 25 - Jesse

  I tugged Kayla to me, holding my arms tightly around her waist, pulling her hips to my body. I pressed my mouth to hers, and her lips parted invitingly. I wouldn’t see her for several hours, and then her dad would be here. I ran my fingers through her hair and pulled her head closer to mine. My tongue circled hers, tasting her. This week was going to take me to the precipice. The question was: would I fall off? Would it even matter if I did? I was starting to realize my previous concerns were now unfounded. Kayla loved me just as much as I loved her. We were going to make it.

  The front door opened, and John announced, “I’m home.”

  I stepped back from Kayla and headed to the table. Since he’d clearly announced his entry, her dad obviously didn’t think I was capable of keeping my hands to myself either, and more than likely didn’t want to catch us in any precarious situations.

  “We’re in the kitchen, Dad. I’m just putting lunch on the table,” Kayla said.

  John walked through the door dressed in jeans and a polo shirt, his standard attire, it seemed. He walked toward me, so I closed the distance to greet him.

  “Good to see you made it safe and sound,” John said, extending his hand. But as with the last few times, my father-in-law-to-be pulled me into his standard half-hug. It felt good.

  “I know y’all got some catching up to do, but you think you could spare a few hours with me today, Jess?”

  I flinched ever so slightly at the shortening of my name. It was inevitable, since Gram always called me Jess. It really shouldn’t still affect me the way it did. I hoped John didn’t read something else into my reaction. “Yes, sir. Looking forward to it actually.”

  John sighed. “Call me John please, or,” he paused, “if you’re comfortable and it doesn’t feel awkward — you’ll be my son-in-law tomorrow, after all — you could call me Dad.”

  Standing behind her father, Kayla instantly teared up. John wasn’t just trying to make me comfortable for her benefit. He truly liked me.

  I gave my soon-to-be father-in-law a wide smile. “That’d be nice and not uncomfortable at all. Although, I can’t promise that sir won’t come out. Since we’ve worked together for years, I’ve always called my dad sir, but I’ll do my best.”

  “Whatever you’re comfortable with, son.” Evidently accustomed to Kayla waiting on him, John took a seat and I sat across from him. “Smells great, sweetheart, as always.” He laughed as his head moved up and down from her feet to her head. “Nice to see you got dressed up for Jesse.”

  She dropped her head. “I know … I’m going now.” She bounded up the stairs.

  “Just like her mother.” John laughed. “She practically lived in sweatpants and a T-shirt; good thing her mother looked good in them.”

  My cheeks burned. I knew John was talking about his wife, but I was picturing Kayla, and she did look good in them. Especially the thin cotton ones she’d worn camping. I still lay awake at night thinking about them.

  “So, Jess …” John drummed his fingers on the tabletop. “I’m going to show you our office and our apartment buildings today, and then we’ll come back and get Kayla and take you to the house.”

  “The house … sir?” I shook my head. “Sorry. I’ll seriously try to stop doing that. It’s bordering on being rude at this point, isn’t it?” John waved off my apology, so I continued, “One house? I thought you had many that needed to be overseen?”

  He laughed heartily again. “Oh. Yeah. We’ll go look at the rental houses next week when I get back. Today, Kayla wants us to go look at your house.”

  “My house?” I asked, bewildered. I could feel the furrow between my eyes and worked to relax my expression.

  “Well, yours and Kayla�
��s. Didn’t she tell you she found a house she wanted for the two of you? I told you I was buying you a house for your wedding gift.”

  “Uh, no, she didn’t tell me you found one.” I was a little shocked and wasn’t sure what I felt. It was a gift, so I shouldn’t feel as if they should have included me, but suddenly I did. I hoped that she hadn’t picked out something extravagant that would make me feel self-conscious for agreeing to her father’s conditions of marriage. “I thought I was going to stay in an apartment until —”

  “Kayla had other plans,” John cut me off in a low whisper for some reason. “But don’t tell her I told you. Oh, and she’s gone over there every day cleaning it up, so try to act excited. She loves it for some reason that I can’t fathom, so try to show enthusiasm, even if it’s rather rough.”

  “Of course. I’m very grateful for you doing this.” Once again, I felt like kicking myself. Of course Kayla wouldn’t allow her father to buy just anything. She wanted what I did. She didn’t want life handed to us. I had acquiesced on the job offer because I knew I’d pull my weight, knew I’d be a great employee. Why should I snub a job offer just because my father-in-law had offered it to me? If someone other than her father had presented the same opportunity, I would have jumped at the position.

  I had just finished cleaning the dishes when Kayla stepped into the kitchen, looking incredible. I tossed the towel on the counter and closed the distance between us. I inhaled deeply. “You smell so good. Please don’t ever change whatever it is you use. I love it.” Her damp hair fell in long spirals around her face, and her cheeks blushed pink. “You’re so easy to make blush anymore. What happened to that feisty cowgirl?”

  She giggled, proving my point. “Oh, she’s still here. I’m just a little worked up.” She looked around the kitchen, then focused her gaze back on me, narrowing her eyes. “You cleaned?”

  “Of course. You cooked.” I shrugged. “Everything was great.” I rested my hands softly on her waist.

  “Thanks, but you don’t need to clean —”


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