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Crowning His Unlikely Princess (Mills & Boon Modern)

Page 11

by Michelle Conder

  Cassidy’s heart hammered inside her chest, her breath locked in her throat, as her eyes fastened on Logan.

  Now the idea of seeing how the other half lived and creating new memories that had propelled her into the gown and then downstairs seemed like an unnecessary risk as he cut a determined path through the crowd towards her. He had changed out of his military uniform and into a sleekly cut tuxedo and bow-tie, his layered hair swept back from his rakish features, his vivid blue eyes narrowed with irritation.

  ‘You’re late,’ he wasted no time in telling her. ‘Which is unlike you. I thought I was going to have to send out a search party.’

  His earlier threat that he would be the one to come and find her if she didn’t show up hung in the air between them.

  ‘Sorry...Your Majesty.’ She half dipped, half curtsied in the tight-fitting gown, hiding her disappointment that he had not commented on how she looked, only now realising how much she had wanted his approval when he didn’t give it.

  Hating the needy feeling that balled in her stomach like cooling lava, she called herself a fool and thought seriously about turning around and returning to her room.

  As if sensing her desire to escape, Logan latched onto her arm. ‘You only need to curtsy to me the first time you see me.’

  Feeling like she couldn’t get anything right, Cassidy’s throat constricted. ‘This is the first time I’ve seen you tonight.’

  ‘Just...’ He looked like he was grinding his teeth. ‘You’ve left your glasses off again.’

  Seriously, he was going to talk about her glasses? ‘I already told you that I don’t need them all the time. And they hardly go with the dress.’

  ‘I like your glasses,’ he said gruffly.

  Suddenly aware that he was standing so close that she could scent his cologne, she shook her head, her newly straightened hair swishing around her shoulders. All she could think about was how handsome he was and the only nice thing he could say was that he liked her glasses.

  Unable to come up with a single response to that, she glanced over his shoulder at the sound of a man clearing his throat. She’d been so overwhelmed at seeing Logan, not to mention the low-level hum of excitement in the room, that she hadn’t even realised that his brother was standing right behind him.

  ‘I think your glasses are very nice as well,’ Leo said, casting his brother a reproving glance. ‘And may I add that you look incredibly elegant this evening.’

  ‘Thank you.’ Cassidy gave him a grateful smile, which seemed to irritate Logan even more.

  ‘I’ve asked Leo to escort you to the dining room this evening,’ he said curtly. ‘After that everyone will gather in the ballroom for the remainder of the evening.’

  Fully aware of the schedule as she’d helped produce it, she nodded and made a mental note to never listen to her sister’s advice again.

  Nodding, as if he was pleased to have done his duty to her, he turned and strode toward the front of the room where his mother stood in a small circle of guests.

  ‘Well...’ Leo stepped forward and offered her his arm. ‘That was interesting.’

  More like horrible, Cassidy thought grimly. ‘Actually, I’m not all that hungry.’ She cast a glance toward the door she’d just come through as if to make sure it was still there. ‘I might see if I can’t get a snack delivered to my room. I’m sure no one will notice if I don’t go through.’

  ‘Oh, someone will notice,’ Leo said with a broad grin. ‘I think you’re going to have to soldier on and do it now.’

  Sighing heavily, Cassidy placed her hand in the crook of his elbow and let him lead her past the milling guests, who watched them curiously as they headed toward the front of the line.

  Feeling herself panic at all the attention, Cassidy tugged on the former King’s arm. ‘Really... I’m happy to stay at the back of the line.’

  Leo gave her an amused glance. ‘You might be, but protocol dictates that I can’t. I’m obliged to follow my brother to the table and as his special guest you’re obliged to stay with me.’

  ‘Oh, I’m not his special guest. I shouldn’t even be here.’

  ‘Probably not. But you are so my advice is to relax and enjoy it.’

  Cassidy pulled a face. ‘Any advice on how to do that when so many people are looking at me as if I’ve just landed from another planet?’

  ‘When in doubt just smile and nod. It’s always got me through when I’ve had to work a tough crowd.’

  Hoping that this crowd wasn’t going to be any tougher to handle than her boss, Cassidy decided that now that she was here, wearing a dress that probably cost at least her monthly rental bill back in New York, she may as well make the best of it. At least until she could slip away unnoticed and collapse into bed with a film.

  The line moved sedately toward the dining room like a procession of tourists lined up to get into The Met on a hot summer day, only much better dressed.

  The cavernous dining room was dominated by three rows of glittering chandeliers and two long tables set with white tablecloths and gleaming silverware. Footmen stood to attention every few metres along the wall and Cassidy forced herself to concentrate on not tripping up in her new sky-high stilettos the exact colour of the dress.

  Stopping beside Leo, Cassidy followed his lead and stood behind her chair, surprised when she looked up to find Logan directly opposite her.

  When their gazes collided she felt all the air leave her lungs and suddenly she was back on the mat with him leaning over her, and she had a breathless feeling he was having the same thought.

  Fortunately Leo murmured for her to take her seat, breaking the connection between them, and Cassidy let out a breath, telling herself that she had imagined the whole moment.

  After that the dinner went surprisingly well. Leo was great company and the never-ending relay of mouth-watering dishes left little else to do besides eat and drink.

  Of course she was conscious of Logan across from her the whole time, but fortunately he didn’t scowl at her as she imagined that he might after his terse greeting. Instead, his testy mood seemed to have evaporated as he conversed with the guests on either side of him. Which didn’t lessen her awareness of him, but it did mean that she could begin to relax and take in the splendour of her surroundings.

  When the meal was concluded, Leo directed her to the ballroom, the largest room in the palace, with rich, red-flock-covered walls and gilt-edged thirty-foot-high ceilings with cherubs holding bows and arrows chasing each other across puffy white clouds.

  Orchestra music drifted through the dazzling room that was bright and airy with the wall of French doors opened to take advantage of the balmy evening. Fairy lights twinkled like stars from the manicured gardens, beckoning guests to enjoy the stone terrace and tranquil surrounds.

  Cassidy caught sight of Logan at the far end of the room, surrounded by a group of glittering guests. Wondering how many of those were the single women on his mother’s list, she reminded herself that she wasn’t going to think about that and turned to watch the crowd that had already taken to the dance floor.

  ‘Shall we?’

  Flushed with exceptional wine and food, Cassidy pushed all thoughts of Logan and his mercurial moods to the back of her mind and took Leo’s hand. ‘Yes, please.’

  After that the evening seemed to fly by. Cassidy felt as if she danced with every man at the ball. But it was either dance or feel out of place in the crowd of people that, after their initial surprise at finding that she worked for the new King, subtly dismissed her when they realised that she didn’t have a title preceding her name. Just as his mother had implied that it would.

  To be fair, some of the guests were nice. Like the Italian twin countesses with whom she had passed a pleasant half-hour talking about the tricks identical twins played as children. But it had soon became apparent just how different their lives wer
e when they’d mentioned their summers spent in Portofino and shopping trips to Milan and Dubai. Cassidy hadn’t thought that taking her nieces on the subway to Coney Island and getting to the sales early at Macy’s quite cut it, and it had been a relief to accept the hand of the next man who had asked her to dance.

  And it had taken her mind off the number of suitable women Logan had been dancing with all evening. A statistic she’d like to not have in her head, but which was firmly planted there by every person who commented on it whenever he came into view.

  Dispirited by the fact that everyone wanted a piece of her boss, and that she was no different, she was contemplating whether to have another glass of champagne or to call it a night when Logan materialised in front of her.

  ‘I’ve been looking everywhere for you. Where are you going?’

  Startled, Cassidy’s hand fluttered to her chest. ‘I was thinking of retiring for the night.’

  Looking distinctly disgruntled, he shook his head. ‘Not yet you’re not. You’ve danced with every other man here tonight. Now it’s my turn.’


  CASSIDY BERATED HERSELF when she automatically put her hand in Logan’s. She was so use to doing what he asked that she didn’t stop to question whether it was a good idea to dance with him, and before she could reconsider he’d swept her into his arms and out onto the dance floor.

  And then she couldn’t really think at all with Logan’s large hand planted firmly against the centre of her back and one of hers captive in his other one as he pulled her against him.

  Breathlessly aware that her composure had deserted her, she tried to stop her body from melting against his but it wasn’t easy when all he did was firm his hold on her when she tried to ease back.

  ‘Relax,’ he ordered, his warm breath against her ear, sending rivulets of pleasurable pulses down the line of her neck.

  Cassidy lifted her gaze to find that he was staring down at her with a dangerous gleam in his eyes. ‘We’re just dancing.’

  It didn’t feel as if they were just dancing, and she couldn’t relax. ‘I can’t,’ she said, wriggling a little in his grasp. ‘You’re holding me too close.’

  ‘Stop trying to get away and I won’t.’

  Taking a breath, she did as he suggested, only to find that instead of easing his grip he inched her closer.

  ‘I thought you said—’

  ‘Dancing is much better when it’s done in silence,’ he murmured, his hand smoothing down her spine to rest on her lower back.

  Her breath hitched in her chest at the caress, every one of her senses in a silent battle of wills with her self-preservation instincts. ‘Your guests are already wondering why I’m here,’ she said, ignoring his edict to keep quiet. ‘If you don’t let me have enough room to breathe, you’ll start unnecessary gossip.’

  And Cassidy knew intimately that gossip could destroy a person’s reputation, and that Logan in particular could not afford to create any for himself. Arrantino stocks had not only started to recover once Logan had confirmed that he would become King but had bounced even higher than before.

  ‘You have room to breathe,’ he said.

  Yes, she did, but every time she drew air into her lungs her breasts brushed against his jacket and it only made her want to press closer.

  Realising that she would give too much away if she kept complaining, and that he was completely unaffected by how closely they were dancing, she gave up.

  ‘Such a heavy sigh.’ His lips quirked as he studied her. ‘And here you looked like you were enjoying dancing earlier in the evening.’

  She had been. But that was because she hadn’t felt like this in the arms of any other man. Ever. ‘I thought you said dancing was better without talking,’ she threw back.

  Logan laughed softly, the sound rumbling from his chest and into hers. ‘So I did.’

  If it were possible, he drew her even closer and Cassidy had no choice but to follow his lead. And then she didn’t care, her body melting against his as he expertly guided her within the tight circle of his arms. He really was an exceptional dancer, his strong thighs brushing intimately against hers as he controlled their steps.

  She didn’t know if it was the soft music flowing over her, too much champagne, or Logan’s hard body solid and strong against hers, but the intimacy of the moment took her over and dragged her into a sensual spell that made her feel dizzy.

  Worried that he’d see the effect he was having on her, she ducked her face against his chest. Logan brought the hand entwined with hers in against her cheek and Cassidy had to fight the urge to place her lips against his skin.

  When she felt him stiffen against her she was mortified to realise that she hadn’t just thought it, she’d done it, and the tantalising male taste of his skin was exploding across her taste buds.

  Jerking back, Cassidy stood mute in the circle of his arms, her eyes wide with panic.

  Logan stared down at her so intently that for a moment she thought he was going to kiss her in full view of his other guests. Then he swore softly under his breath and started to lead her off the dance floor.

  Stumbling to keep up, Cassidy leaned close to him. ‘Where are we going?’

  ‘Somewhere else.’ His grip on her tightened as he picked up his pace.

  That somewhere else turned out to be outside, down past a thick hedge of conifers to a trellised garden bed and stone steps that continued to a high brick wall. Stopping in front of a green-painted door, he flicked a hidden latch and shifted aside so that she could precede him inside.

  Cassidy was immediately assailed by the soft scent of roses and jasmine that lingered in the evening air, the perfume heady and intoxicating. Breathing deeply, her eyes closed and she forgot the reason Logan had dragged her out here.

  Rose bushes stood like silvery sentries around the perimeter of the small square garden, ethereally still in the moonlight.

  Mesmerised, Cassidy moved from one bush to another, taking in the shape and what she could of the colour, leaning in to smell the tightly furled blossoms.

  Suddenly she sensed Logan behind her, the heat from his body warming her back, even though he wasn’t touching her.

  ‘This is a Perfume Passion,’ she said, recognising the flower her father had grown in their garden before their mother had walked out. ‘It’s a hybrid tea known for its incredible citrusy scent.’

  ‘All I smell is you,’ Logan said, his voice deep and low.

  Cassidy shivered at the hunger her body picked up in his tone. She couldn’t fathom that he might actually want her as much as she wanted him, and yet every feminine instinct flooded her with the knowledge that he did. It seemed incredible. Impossible. And she daren’t move in case the fragile moment was ripped away from her and revealed as a figment of her imagination.


  Her name was both a question and a command on his lips, and she didn’t move as he shifted closer. If she leaned back the barest inch they’d be touching, his front to her back, his hands on her body. His warm breath on her neck. Every cell in her body urged her to do it but she couldn’t. She couldn’t make that tiny move to show what she wanted because the fear of making a mistake overwhelmed her.

  And then Logan’s hands settled gently on either side of her hips, taking the decision out of her hands.

  Cassidy’s breath left her lungs in an excited rush. Hearing it, Logan’s fingers tightened as he nuzzled her hair aside, his lips soft as he kissed the tender skin beneath her ear. ‘You taste better than I imagined.’

  Cassidy shivered, arching her neck to the side, a quiver racing through her as Logan’s lips seared a path to the pulse point at the base of her neck. Need flooded the space between her legs and she sagged against him.

  ‘And you feel better than I imagined.’ His hands came more fully around her, splaying across her belly and coming t
o rest under her raging heartbeat as he took her weight back against his chest.

  Cassidy’s breasts ached to have him shift his palms higher, a small keening sound ripping from her throat as he kissed the base of her neck, his teeth biting gently on the tendon that joined her shoulder. Her whole body drew tight at the contact, a stab of piercing pleasure shooting from her breasts to her core as he finally moved his hands and cupped her in his palms.

  Her sob of pleasure was lost as one of his hands rose to turn her chin as his mouth captured hers. Twisting in his arms, Cassidy plastered herself up against him and wound her arms around his neck, her mouth open to the delicious thrust of his tongue.

  The distant sound of crystal clinking and the soft strains of the cello couldn’t compete with the sound of her heartbeat in her ears as Cassidy gave herself over to the madness of Logan’s kiss.

  Her father’s early warning to ‘hold out until you know it’s real’ was muddled with the bizarre feeling that this was real, and then her sister’s voice joined the mix, urging her to soak up every experience while she was here.

  But neither message mattered. All that did matter was for this madness to continue. For the clamouring in her body, and the desire to touch this man, be met.




  His confident mouth slanted across hers, teasing her and devouring her in turn, his tongue seducing her to open and cling. Cassidy moaned and the kiss deepened until they were both panting.

  Logan leaned his forehead against hers to catch his breath. ‘I don’t know what this is,’ he murmured, his voice like velvet-covered gravel. ‘And I don’t care. I want you in my bed. Tell me you want to be there too.’

  The raw need behind his command sent a shiver up her spine, creating a tingling sensation that spread over her skin. She did want what he wanted. She wanted to be in his bed with a desire that terrified her because she was very afraid that she wanted it too much. If it was just a matter of physical release she might not be so perturbed, but she couldn’t hide from the feeling that it was more than that, at least for her.


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