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Page 15

by Evangeline Anderson

  “Oh?” Neh’sa raised an eyebrow at him and looked at him coolly though her heart was drumming against her ribs for some reason. “And why is that, Thorn?”

  “Because if I ever get the chance to turn the tables on you, I fucking well will, Mistress.” His voice was a low, sexual rumble that seemed to do things to her insides. “Then you’re going to be the one submitting and I promise you, it’s not going to be pretty.”

  “Then it’s a good thing you’re never leaving Yonnie Six,” Neh’sa said as lightly as she could. “Now, no more talking, Thorn. Just hold still and take your punishment like a good slave. I’m going to show you some new knots I learned recently.”

  She got out a silky black cord and began wrapping it around his heavy balls and the base of his cock as she continued stroking him, making sure he was painfully hard. Thorn was silent and uncomplaining as she tied him, though his big, muscular body was tense, every muscle tight with the sexual torture she was inflicting. The strange sparks danced frantically in his eyes as he watched her.

  But though he spoke not another word, Neh’sa could still feel his eyes on her and his words kept echoing in her head. They stirred something inside her—some desire which she’d thought was dead after Heloth died in the riots. There was a game she’d used to play sometimes with her first and most beloved body-slave—a game they simply called “switch.” When they played, Heloth was the Master and Neh’sa was the slave to be held down and tied up, to be dominated in whatever way her Master saw fit…

  Neh’sa pushed the illicit memories away. She had been young then—young and stupid and not sure of what she wanted. Now she was an established Domme and a Mistress who had trained many, many slaves in the proper ways of submission and she liked it like that—liked being in charge. She had no desire to submit anymore.

  None at all, truly—or so she told herself…

  Other than that one exchange, Thorn learned his lessons very well. And despite her departure into more extreme sexual training, Neh’sa retained her stern Mistress demeanor and otherwise kept strictly to the training protocol she had established over so many years as a Domme.

  Well, except when she allowed him to kiss her panties every night before bed, she admitted to herself. That had gotten completely out of hand.

  It was partially her fault, she had to acknowledge. Though she’d told herself she was just training Thorn to be a good body-slave, she’d also enjoyed teasing him. But she hadn’t realized how close he was to snapping when she did…

  The first night she’d decided to allow him to kiss her goodnight, she’d worn a pair of panties that were fairly modest—by Yonnie Six standards, anyway. They were pale peach, covering most of her pussy mound but leaving just the top of her slit peeking above the lacy boarder. She’d put them on specifically for the purpose of testing the big Kindred, thinking that it would be a good trial of his control.

  She hadn’t realized it would also be a trial of hers.

  “Thorn!” She had left him in her small private sitting room where she’d been rubbing the healing balm on his shoulders. Letting him kiss her panties was a spur of the moment idea—they’d been together for three or four days at that point and it seemed like a good thought to let Thorn get used to paying obeisance to his Mistress in this intimate and time-honored Yonnie Six tradition.

  Neh’sa had gone to change for bed and had put on the pale peach panties on the spur of the moment. Her heart hammered in her chest and she put a note of authority in her voice as she called him to her bedchamber.

  “Thorn, come here at once,” she told him.

  “Yes, Mistress?” He’d turned, eyeing her warily. Clearly he wasn’t sure if what was coming next was good or bad—exactly the way she intended him to feel. Anticipating and dealing with his Mistress’s moods was part of what made a good body-slave excellent at his job.

  “You’ve been working hard today,” Neh’sa told him as she stood in the doorway to the bedchamber. To go with the panties, she was wearing a silky peach robe, which clearly showed the ripe points of her nipples, and nothing else.

  The two of them had been calm and relaxed after her nightly ritual of rubbing the balm into his wounded back. Now Neh’sa felt a surge of excitement as she saw Thorn’s eyes widen and the bright motes started dancing in their blue and green depths as he took in her outfit.

  “Thank you, Mistress,” he said hoarsely. “I’m doing my best to learn to be your body-slave.”

  “You won’t belong to me—you’ll be going to another Mistress when I find one who’s suitable for you,” Neh’sa told him sternly.

  Although where she would find a female dominant enough not to let the big Kindred run all over her was a mystery. Not that she really wanted to—more and more she wished she could keep Thorn all for herself. Which was foolish. A thought she must put from her head. But Thorn’s next words didn’t make it easy.

  “I’ll always belong to you, Mistress,” he told her, his eyes flashing. “And to no one else—no matter where you send me.”

  Neh’sa felt her heart give a little thump in her chest but she tried to ignore it.

  “I want to reward you for your hard work,” she told Thorn. “So you may kiss me goodnight—kiss my panties, you understand. As we discussed earlier, when you first came here.”

  His eyes flashed again and his voice dropped to a hoarse growl.

  “It would be my pleasure, Mistress,” he murmured, coming forward. He towered over her, his mismatched eyes burning down into hers, making Neh’sa feel small and fragile in a way she wasn’t used to.

  “On your knees,” she ordered, wishing her voice didn’t sound so breathless. “You can’t kiss my panties from all the way up there.”

  “As you wish, Mistress.” The big Kindred dropped gracefully to his knees before her and put his big hands on her hips. “Gods, been wanting to do this from the minute I first saw you,” he growled and then he was pressing a hot, open-mouthed kiss to her peach panties.

  Neh’sa gasped as she felt his hot tongue tracing the slit of her pussy lips right through the thin fabric. This wasn’t supposed to be happening—he was only meant to press a brief, chaste kiss to the fabric of her panties and then pull back—not try to tongue her open right through the thin material!

  She knew she ought to stop him but Goddess, it felt so good. She didn’t even reprimand him when he moved a little higher and slipped the tip of his tongue into the top part of her slit, which was showing just above the lace boarder of her panties.

  “Thorn!” she exclaimed breathlessly when his tongue sought to travel further down.

  “Yes, Mistress.” He looked up at her, his eyes half-lidded with desire. “Do you want me to stop?”

  It was the last thing Neh’sa wanted and yet she knew it was necessary. If she let him, the big Kindred would strip her panties down, spread her thighs, and go down on her all night. She couldn’t have that—couldn’t allow him to take charge of the situation. He was already too damn dominant as it was. So she made herself nod her head.

  “Yes, that…that will do for tonight,” she whispered breathlessly. “Good night, Thorn.”

  He’d licked his lips hungrily. “Good night, Mistress.”

  Neh’sa had told herself she wouldn’t repeat the mistake and yet, the very next night she found herself standing in the doorway of her bedchamber wearing an even smaller pair of panties. These had a V-shaped cut in the front which showed almost all of her slit…and gave easier access to her throbbing clit.

  She’d told herself she shouldn’t do it, but when she saw Thorn’s eyes go half-lidded with lust at the sight of the tiny pale blue panties which barely hid any of her pussy, she knew she couldn’t help herself.

  “Come here, Thorn,” she’d ordered him yet again. “Drop down and kiss my panties.”

  He dropped to his knees obligingly and crawled across the floor as sinuous as a great cat. When he got to her, he grasped Neh’sa’s hips and pressed his mouth low to the fabric of her pant

  “That’s good…very good.” Neh’sa could hear the soft breathy tone in her own voice but somehow she couldn’t help it.

  “Thank you, Mistress.” Raising his eyes to hers, Thorn allowed the tip of his tongue to start at the v-shaped top of her panties and trace upwards along the exposed slit of her pussy.

  Neh’sa couldn’t help moaning as she felt his tongue slip inside her folds to slide gently over the pulsing button of her clit. This was more than a panty kiss and she knew she ought to stop him. But somehow she couldn’t seem to make herself do it.

  “Mmm…Mistress,” Thorn growled hungrily, his deep voice throbbing with lust. “I love kissing your panties but I can’t help thinking it would be better for both of us if your pussy was spread open…just a little, while I did it.”

  “What…what do you mean, Thorn?” Neh’sa murmured breathlessly. “You…you’re supposed to be kissing my panties—not…not other things,” she pointed out.

  “Yes, but the true meaning of the kiss is to pay respect to my Mistress’s feminine core—her pussy,” Thorn argued softly. “With your pussy lips closed, I can’t pay proper respect. So please Mistress, would you part your lips for me and allow me to kiss you again—properly this time?”

  His words and the hot look he was giving her were enough to make Neh’sa feel molten below the waist. Goddess, it had been so long since she’d allowed a male to go down on her! Not since her beloved Heloth had died had she felt a male’s tongue between her legs.

  And I’m not going to allow it now, she told herself sternly. I won’t really allow him to go down on me—to taste my pussy fully and completely.

  Still, letting the big Kindred to kiss her panties—even with her pussy spread open for maximum contact—wasn’t really allowing him to go down. It was just Thorn being a respectful slave, she argued with herself. That was all.

  “All…all right,” she heard herself saying. “But only because you asked so nicely, Thorn. And please remember you’re supposed to be kissing my panties—not my pussy.”

  “Yes, Mistress,” he growled, his eyes hungry as he watched her slip her fingers down to spread her pussy lips wide—wide enough to reveal her slippery inner folds and the throbbing button of her pink clit.

  “Gods, you’re gorgeous,” he rumbled, eyeing her exposed flesh. “Your soft little pussy is so wet, Mistress…so ready for me.”

  “Just…just do as you’re supposed to, Thorn,” Neh’sa commanded, rather breathlessly. “Just kiss my panties as a body-slave should.”

  “With pleasure, Mistress.” Obediently, he went back to kissing just the fabric of her panties but somehow the tip of his nose kept nudging her exposed clit until Neh’sa felt like she might scream with frustration. She wondered if Thorn was doing this on purpose—maybe getting her back for all the tease and denial she’d been putting him through during his training.

  It was entirely possible. Though another body-slave might have been cowed into subservience by her training, Neh’sa had an idea it only inflamed the big Kindred, though he hid it well enough behind a façade of obedience. He would probably welcome the chance to turn the tables on her—in fact she knew he would—he had told her as much. Which was why she really ought to stop this right now…

  But before she could end their encounter, his hot mouth moved up and he was kissing her inner folds, just above where the brief panties ended.

  “Thorn!” she gasped as he placed a wet, sucking kiss over her throbbing clit and circled it with his tongue. “No—you mustn’t!”

  He kissed her a long moment more—drawing out the act before finally allowing her throbbing clit to slip from between his lips.

  “Sorry, Mistress.” He looked up at her, his eyes dark with lust. “I just wanted to show my devotion to you—what better way than to worship your soft little cunt with my mouth?”

  “You…you’re only supposed to be kissing my panties,” she lectured again. “Not my pussy. I think this was a bad idea—we’d better be getting to bed.”

  “Yes, Mistress.” He grinned at her hungrily. “I think that’s an excellent idea. If I take you to bed, it’ll be much easier to spread your thighs and get my tongue deep in that hot little pussy of yours.”

  “Thorn, you know that’s not what I meant!” For the first time, Neh’sa struggled to put back on her Mistress persona. For some reason her mind kept going back to her time with Heloth, to the switch game they had played…She could see the sparks whirling in Thorn’s mismatched eyes and she couldn’t help wondering what it might be like if she let him…

  But no. She pushed the thought away and ordered the big Kindred to his own bedroom. Then she stripped off the skimpy panties and promised herself she wouldn’t wear anything so revealing again when next she allowed him to kiss her…

  Accordingly, Neh’sa had worn a pair of panties that covered her completely the next night. They were made of a thin, see-through silky white material that showed her pussy but kept it covered—exactly what she should have worn, she told herself, from the start.

  When she called Thorn to kiss her goodnight and pay obeisance to his Mistress, he did so eagerly—too eagerly in fact.

  Pressing his face between her thighs, he’d breathed her in, inhaling deeply as though he couldn’t get enough of her scent. Then he pressed forward hard, lapping and sucking her pussy hungrily through the thin material until Neh’sa gasped and put her hands on his head, though she was unsure if she was trying to stop him or to drag him closer.

  “Thorn,” she gasped. “I don’t…don’t think…”

  “Need to taste you, Mistress.” He looked up at her, his eyes blazing, the bright motes in them flying so fast they looked like sparks about to catch fire. His shaft was long and hard between his legs, dripping precum and throbbing for release. Looking at that long, angry shaft, Neh’sa couldn’t help thinking that she’d been particularly hard on him that day, edging him closer and closer to orgasm but never allowing him to get there.

  She’d strapped him to a chair with his legs spread wide and had spent at least an hour in his lap, pressing her bare breasts against his face as she rubbed her panty-clad pussy against his aching cock. Once or twice she’d allowed him to suck her nipples and she’d even pressed down to allow his rigid shaft to part her soft pussy lips through her panties.

  It was much, much farther than she usually went with her male submissives but somehow Neh’sa hadn’t been able to stop. Thorn had groaned and thrust against her until the thin fabric of her underwear had been soaked with both her juices and his precum but she had never allowed him to orgasm…

  All these thoughts flashed through her mind and she wondered if she had pushed the big Kindred too far. But before she could say anything, Thorn ripped down the sheer white panties baring her pussy completely.

  Pressing his face between her legs, he started taking deep, hungry licks of her wet inner folds, dragging his tongue over her sensitive clit and making Neh’sa gasp in unwanted pleasure.

  “Thorn, stop!” she exclaimed. “Stop at once!”

  He looked up, but only for a moment and this time she thought the sparks in his eyes had turned to actual flames.

  “Not stopping. Need to taste all of your pussy,” he growled, the hunger clear on his face. “Need to bury my face between your legs and feel you coming on my tongue, Mistress.”

  “Thorn, no—no!” she gasped but it was too late. One large hand fisted in her panties and he ripped them completely away. Then the big Kindred grasped one of her legs and raised it, putting it over his broad shoulder. Pressing her hard against the wall, he shoved forward, his tongue lashing her sensitive clit over and over before dipping down to invade the tight, wet entrance of her pussy.

  “Thorn! Oh Goddess!” Neh’sa gasped. She’d never lost control of a male sub like this before but then, she’d never tried to dominate one that was so intensely Alpha. She could feel herself getting closer and closer to orgasm as he sucked her clit into his hot mouth and teased her rut

  But she knew she couldn’t let him make her come—not like this, not without her express permission. It would undo days of training and give Thorn the idea that he could take the upper hand whenever he wanted to.

  Though part of her was dying to give up and just orgasm on his warm, wet tongue which was currently lashing her helpless pussy, Neh’sa knew she had to be strong. Digging her fingers into his thick hair, she yanked sharply, pulling his head away from her open pussy as well as she could.

  “No!” she said, making her voice come out strong and dominant. “No, Thorn! I do not give you permission to make me come. Stop this at once.”

  Neh’sa wasn’t sure if it was the hair-pulling or her strict tone that got through to the big Kindred. But for whatever reason, he finally stopped and pulled back.

  “Mistress,” he growled, his mouth and cheeks wet with her juices. “Mistress please—you’re pushing me too fucking hard. I feel like…like I might snap at any moment. Either I need to come or I need to make you come. Please.”

  Neh’sa realized with a start that his eyes were actually glowing—the flames licking through their mismatched depths so brightly she could see them clearly even in the dimness of her bed chamber. The sight gave her an uneasy feeling and she wondered what it meant. Clearly, Thorn needed a release. Still, she tried to keep her voice firm.

  “You haven’t earned an orgasm, Thorn,” she lectured sternly. “In fact, I ought to punish you, not reward you for what you’ve done. You didn’t have permission to lick my pussy and you know it.”

  “I know it, Mistress,” he growled hoarsely. “But please, if you’re going to punish me, use pain not pleasure. I can’t fucking be responsible for how I’d respond right now if you pushed me to the edge and didn’t let me come again. The way I’m feeling that would be fucking dangerous.”

  Neh’sa was startled to realize he was telling the absolute truth. The sexual tension inside him had reached a breaking point and he was about to tilt over the edge into…what? Violence? Rape?


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