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8 Mine to Love

Page 2

by Megs Pritchard

  Dean glanced over, catching the look Jeremy gave Donnie and glanced away. He could tell from the looks on their faces that they were talking to each other, private words not meant for him or Wyatt, but he didn’t begrudge them their happiness. He knew what Donnie had experienced on tour, having experienced it himself, and he was happy that his friend had found his mate and that he was doing a job he loved that allowed him to help others. Donnie was made for this work, built to save people, and Jeremy was made to stand beside him, holding him together when things went wrong and people were lost.

  “It’s why I have the tats, so I never forget the ones who didn’t make it back,” Dean muttered as he looked across the table at Wyatt, catching his eyes and giving him a smile. He didn’t know what it was about this vampire that drew him in, but he had his suspicions, having seen how the other mates reacted to each other. He couldn’t say for certain, he would need Wyatt to tell him, but he was certain that that was why he was attracted to him, drawn to him like a moth to a flame.

  He needed to be patient, he knew of Wyatt’s past and how he’d been abandoned by his family, that he’d lived on his own the last eight years. He didn’t know all the details, just the basics. Wyatt wasn’t willing to say anything more. Dean had to respect Wyatt’s wishes and just hoped that over time as Wyatt got to know him better, he would open up and share more of himself with Dean.

  He knew how Wyatt had been captured, wrong time, wrong place kind of thing. Seeing something he shouldn’t have. Seeing Carter’s family being forced into a van and then grabbed from behind.

  “So, Wyatt, do you like working with Jeremy and the bakery?”

  Wyatt jerked, startled by the question, and Dean watched as he swallowed then gave him a small smile. “It’s good. I think we both know I’m not going to make chef of the year though.”

  Jeremy chuckled. “You need more patience, Wyatt. That’s your problem.”

  “They smell so good, yet we have to stand there waiting for them to cook.” Wyatt rolled his eyes. “I just want to take a bite.”

  “He’s much better at the front of shop, seeing to the customers. He’s got a little group of old ladies who come in to see him.”

  Wyatt blushed, dropping his head, and Dean grinned. “I can’t help it if they like me,” he muttered.

  “They don’t like you, Wyatt, they love you. I think they like you more than me.” Jeremy grinned.

  Dean chuckled. “Maybe they want to mother you.”

  Wyatt grimaced, his hands curling into fists. “I had a mom and look how she turned out. No thank you, I don’t want any more. I’ve managed on my own all these years and I can do it again.”

  Dean reached across the table and grabbed his hand, frowning when Wyatt snatched it away. “I didn’t mean anything by it, Wyatt. I was only joking with you.”

  “I keep telling him he needs to calm down and relax more,” Donnie said, a grin on his face. “Wyatt here needs to get laid.”

  Wyatt glanced at Dean then looked away. “I’ve had plenty of sex, thank you very much.”

  Dean’s frown deepened. He didn’t like the thought of Wyatt having sex with anyone other than him, and if that wasn’t a huge clue that this vampire was probably his mate than he didn’t know what else was.

  Dean sat back and listened as Wyatt and Donnie bantered, with the occasional line thrown in by Jeremy. Wyatt had spent the last eight years on his own, with no family to support him, having to deal with everything that life threw his way. He admitted he was envious at the close relationship Wyatt shared with Jeremy and Donnie. He could admit that he wished Wyatt had that with him, but he couldn’t begrudge the man — vampire — having someone in his corner.

  He wanted Wyatt to look at him with that open face and relaxed expression. At the moment all he did was hide behind his long curly hair, his eyes occasionally peeking out between the strands, giving Dean a glimpse of those brilliant green eyes he had.

  His eyes dropped to Wyatt’s lips. He wanted to feel those lips on his, he wanted to feel them on his body and he wanted to see them stretched around his dick.

  He pitched on his chair, trying to relieve the ache in his hard dick, and a glance over at Donnie told him that he could scent his arousal. That meant Wyatt could too.

  A quick glance in Wyatt’s direction and Dean could see the faint blush covering his cheeks. He coughed and squirmed, desperately trying to stop thinking of Wyatt that way, but every time he looked at him, his thoughts turned dirty.

  Standing, he muttered, “Bathroom.”

  He practically ran from the kitchen, slamming the bathroom door closed behind him and leaning back against it, panting harshly and willing his dick to go down.

  The kitchen table looked too damn good, and he could easily imagine spreading Wyatt’s naked body out over it as he sank his dick into Wyatt and felt him squeeze around him.

  “Shit,” he muttered, running his hands over his face and through his hair.

  He needed to get a grip, the last thing he wanted was to scare Wyatt off. But if what he suspected was true, then Wyatt should be feeling the same way, so why hadn’t he said anything?

  Maybe he didn’t know what he was feeling? Maybe he didn’t know that mates existed? Dean snorted. Of course he knew mates existed, he was living with Jeremy and Donnie.

  Leaning forward, he flushed the toilet and glanced in the mirror, running his hand through his hair to try and sort out the mess it was in. Taking several deep breaths, he opened the door and slowly walked back into the kitchen. The food was all laid out on the table already and as he took his seat, he smiled at everyone. “Sorry about that.”

  He tucked in and prayed that he could keep his dick under control.


  As soon as he shut the front door behind him, Dean leaned back against it, his fingers fumbling with his button and zipper, shoving his jeans down around his thighs and grabbing his hard dick. He groaned as his hand tightened around it and he ran his thumb over the head, shivering at the contact.

  He bit his lip and stroked his heated flesh, moaning again. His balls were tight already, and he knew it wouldn’t take much to tip him over the edge. He only had to pump a handful of times before he came, erupting all over his abdomen and chest. He gasped, crying out as white heat rolled through him. His body jerked with every pulse of come and he groaned, his eyes squeezing shut, his body shuddering.

  As his orgasm ebbed away, he leaned back against the door, the sweat cooling on his skin. He opened his eyes and breathed deeply.

  “Shit,” he muttered. He had it bad for Wyatt. He couldn’t decide what he wanted more. His dick in Wyatt’s ass, or Wyatt’s dick in his. He didn’t care who did what to who. He just needed to feel Wyatt, touch him, smell him, taste him. “Shit,” he muttered again.

  He took a step and almost fell flat on his face as he got tangled up in his jeans. He hastily pulled them up and cleaned up in the kitchen. Leaning on the counter, Dean dropped his head down.

  He needed to gain control. He saw how Wyatt reacted when he was around, and he didn’t want his mate to back away from him, but at the same time he wanted to strip him naked and fuck him.

  “Shit.” What the fuck was he going to do?

  Chapter Three

  Wyatt stood at the till, smiling as Edith and Bernice chatted. They were both regaling him with tales of what their grandchildren were up to, all younger than him, and Wyatt had to laugh at some of the things they got up to. Edith’s children and grandchildren were a riot.

  Edith’s grandson had been caught with his girlfriend in bed, and even though both of them had been fully dressed, her grandson, Brick, was now grounded for the rest of his life and banned from seeing his girlfriend. His parents had even mentioned a vasectomy. Wyatt hoped they were joking.

  “It won’t stop him,” Edith said, waving her hand in the air. “Young love.”

  “And hormones,” Wyatt added.

  “I remember when my William used to come and see me. My f
ather hated him, despised the look of him, but that didn’t stop me.” Bernice gave them both a shy glance before adding, “I used to meet him in the hayloft. Just the two of us. All alone.”

  “Ooh, get you. Very naughty, Bernice,” Edith teased. “Want to tell me what you two did all alone in the hayloft?”

  “Edith!” Bernice chastised. “Let’s just say we had fun together.”

  Now that Wyatt had gotten to know some of the locals, he knew that William was Bernice’s husband and had sadly died five years previously. She had refused to date anyone else, saying William was the only man for her and no one could replace him. They had five children together, and now Bernice had twelve grandchildren who she doted on.

  Edith was on her fourth husband, saying none of them could live up to what she wanted, and each time she settled down only to realize there was better out there. Wyatt had learned early on that she was very forward when it came to certain matters and she had no problems telling him of her sexual exploits. The number of times his eyes widened in surprise and his mouth fell open in shock were too numerous to count. Edith delighted in shocking Wyatt. She was currently dating a man ten years younger than her and was debating whether to propose to him.

  “How is Harold?” Wyatt asked.

  Edith sighed. “Really don’t know what they teach you men.” She looked Wyatt up and down, before adding, “Straight men, that is. For some reason you just can’t seem to find a woman’s clitoris.”

  Wyatt goggled at Edith as she laughed. “Edith!” Bernice gasped.

  “Oh, look at your face, Wyatt. Just because I’m old, doesn’t mean I don’t know about sex. Don’t forget, young man, I was young once and, yes, we had sex. I’m sure you young people think that we must hit a certain age and stop wanting sex. If I was to say to you that when you reached forty, you would never want to have sex again, how would you feel? Pretty much like me, I’d imagine. I would tell that person where to go. Age doesn’t stop the want or the desire. Age gives you experience and the courage to take what you want. Harold will do for now until a better man comes along.”

  “Edith,” Bernice said, shaking her head. “Poor Wyatt doesn’t need to be hearing about your sex life with younger men. We need to be hearing about his.” Bernice pointed to Wyatt. “So, Wyatt, have you found a nice man to keep you warm at night?” As she spoke, her eyes opened wide, and she grinned at him, and Wyatt was tempted to take a step back.

  He knew she meant no harm, and that they were genuinely interested in him and wanted him to find someone to make him happy, but he really didn’t feel comfortable speaking about this to people who were as old as his grandparents. Certainly not in the detail they clearly wanted.

  “Well, there might be someone?” His mouth snapped shut and groaned. Why did he say anything? Why did those words just leap out of his mouth? He knew what these two women were like. They were like a dog with a bone and wouldn’t give up until he gave them what they wanted. And in this case, it was to gossip about him and he’d just given them the ammunition they wanted.

  “Tell us. Who is it? Do we know him?”

  Wyatt choked and was just about to say something when he heard Jeremy speak behind him. “Hello Edith and Bernice. Keeping our Wyatt company?”

  “Jeremy darling. Can’t you just go back in there for a few more minutes, so we can get the gossip?”

  Jeremy chuckled and walked over to them. “You harassing poor Wyatt over his sex life?”

  “Of course we are,” Edith admitted. “He deserves to find a man to keep him happy, or if not happy, then one who will fuck his brains out.”

  Wyatt spluttered, and Jeremy burst out laughing. “Edith, what are you like? I’m sure Wyatt doesn’t want us poking into his love life, do you, Wyatt?”

  Wyatt stood frozen to the spot, making like a fish as he stared between Edith, Bernice and Jeremy. He slowly shook his head, muttering, “No.”

  “Look what you’ve done, Edith. He doesn’t know what to say now. Anyway, ladies, what did you come in for?”

  Wyatt took a step back as Jeremy took over, dealing with Edith and Bernice’s orders, taking their money and doling out their change. The ladies waved and said goodbye as they exited the shop. Jeremy turned to face Wyatt, leaning his hip on the counter. A grin was plastered on his face as he chuckled softly. “Well, it seems the ladies do like you.”


  “Just to let you know, Edith will be on a mission now to find you a nice young man.”

  “She mentioned lady bits to me,” Wyatt muttered. “Clitoris’? Why would a gay man want to hear about a woman’s clitoris?”

  Jeremy burst out laughing, his hand slapping on the counter. “Yeah, she did that to me the first week I opened and apparently I passed the test because she comes in here every week now, as you know.”

  “Think I passed some test?”

  “Oh, definitely. They’re going to get you a man,” Jeremy said, wiggling his eyebrows at Wyatt.

  Wyatt snorted and quickly covered his mouth with his hand. Shaking his head, he moved his hand away and said, “This isn’t going to end well.”

  “Probably not if Edith is involved, but you could always speak to Dean. Sure he could help you out.”

  Wyatt winced when he heard Dean’s name. “No, everything is fine.”

  Jeremy tilted his head, staring intently at Wyatt. “Want to tell me why Dean is so interested in you? Why he can’t stop coming around, even though you give him no reason to? Is there something that we should know?”

  Wyatt winced again, shaking his head. Busted. If Jeremy suspected, then Donnie suspected. Sighing, he rubbed the back of this neck, glancing at Jeremy.

  “Okay, there is something.”

  Jeremy fist pumped the air. “Yes! I knew it. The fact that Dean can’t stop coming around, the fact that Dean wants to know everything about you and spend as much time with you as he can. He’s your mate, isn’t he?”

  Wyatt shoved his hands in his pockets, his sneakers scuffing the floor. “Yeah, he is, but I don’t want one. You need to stop him coming around, it makes me uncomfortable.”

  Jeremy stared at him, then blinked once slowly. “What? You don’t want your mate?” He shook his head vigorously. “No, no, no. I’m not doing this again. It was bad enough with Ale and then Tank. I’m not doing it with you.”

  Wyatt frowned, staring at Jeremy. Ale and Tank? What the fuck did they have to do with him? “What are you on about? What about Ale and Tank? They’re both mated.”

  “Ale didn’t want Troy because Ale’s twenty years older or some shit, and Tank didn’t want Niles because—” Jeremy started counting on his fingers, “—one, he’s black, two, he’s a vampire, and three, he’s male. His family are the worst kind of people you could ever possibly meet. If the person doesn’t fit in with what they believe is acceptable, then they’re out. Niles was a big no-no for Tank’s family.”

  Wyatt’s mouth opened and shut as he slowly shook his head. “Seriously?”

  Jeremy nodded vigorously. “Oh yeah, seriously. I’m not going through that again. Dean is your mate, you only get one, and he is the other half of you. Yin and Yang. I had an abusive ex, Patrick, and when I met Donnie, he was the last person I wanted. But he’s the best person for me. He knows me inside and out, and I couldn’t ask for a better mate. He has been there for me every step of the way, even if some of those steps were backwards. He completes me in a way that I can’t explain to you, and I’ll be forever grateful that he’s in my life.” Jeremy stepped forward, his hands gripping Wyatt’s shoulders. “I know you’re frightened. I know you’ve had a shitty experience where relationships are concerned, but give Dean a chance, that’s all I ask. If after that, you’re still certain you don’t want to mate, then explain it to him and walk away, but leaving him in this place where he doesn’t know what’s going on and he doesn’t know why he’s feeling the way he does, is unfair to him. Be honest with him, explain your reasons, and see where it goes from there.”

/>   Wyatt stared at Jeremy, seeing the strength of the emotion behind the words in his eyes. Slowly, he nodded, saying, “Okay, I’ll try, but I’m not making any promises.”

  Jeremy dropped his hands, nodding at him. “That’s all I ask.”

  Jeremy took a couple of steps towards the back, then turned and grinned at Wyatt. “Donnie says congratulations, and he’s inviting Dean over for dinner.”

  Wyatt groaned, dropping his head into his hands. “Why?”

  He heard Jeremy approach and slowly lifted his head. “Because he’s your mate and you only get one. Don’t throw him away, Wyatt. I understand how you feel, I really do. Give him a chance.”

  Wyatt didn’t say anything. His mind was in turmoil. He kept replaying everything Jeremy said to him and he didn’t know what to do. He knew Jeremy was right, he knew he should tell Dean the truth, but it seriously scared the shit out of him. He didn’t want a mate, he was nowhere near ready to have a mate in his life, not after everything. He wanted to live again, go out again and experience life, not get tied down. How would he be able to do that if he was mated?

  There was no denying the attraction though. He only had to look at Dean and he was hard. He wanted to touch and lick his skin.

  He heard a timer go off and went into the back of the shop where the ovens were kept. He silenced the alarm and opened the large oven, pulling the tray out. He inhaled and moaned at the delicious aroma. Small, individual cheesecakes. Wyatt’s mouth watered, and he wanted to take the tray and sit in Jeremy’s office eating them all until he was too fat to move.

  He had a sweet tooth and working at Jeremy’s bakery was both heaven and hell. Pretty much how he felt when he thought about or was around Dean. Dinner. Dean was coming for dinner tomorrow and Wyatt wasn’t sure if he wanted to be there.

  He was sliding the cheesecakes off onto the cooling rack when Jeremy came in. “Forget about dinner. They’ve just had a call and are heading out. Might be gone for a few days.”

  “What is it?”

  “Two brothers went out camping or something and neither of them can be reached. The local authorities have called them in.”


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