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8 Mine to Love

Page 8

by Megs Pritchard

  “Just make sure to cover your tracks. They caught on to you the other day,” Chester reminded them, staring at the piece of paper before giving it to Ale.

  Hunter nodded. “We were sloppy. It won’t happen again.”

  “Euan. You’re sure your friends can help us?”

  “Positive. I’ve already spoken to them and they’re ready whenever we need them.”

  “How many?”

  “Up to two hundred.”

  Ale whistled. “Two hundred men available when we need them?”

  “Men and women. We have multiple locations where the slaves are being held and the same for the weapons. We need all the help we can get.”

  “I’m not arguing that, Euan. I’m just surprised that many would be willing to help us.”

  “I told you why,” Euan muttered, holding Ale’s gaze.

  Ale nodded once. “Right. Food stores first. Hit them sooner rather than later so while they are scrambling around to restock their stores they’ll hopefully be distracted enough that we can come in and hit the weapons depots and retrieve the slaves.”

  Silas pushed the papers and maps towards the middle of the table. “The two largest stores are in these two locations.” Silas pointed to two circles on the map. “If we can take the largest one out, it will push their plans back.”

  “If only they were closer, then we could have done both of them.” Chester shook his head. “Going after both will let them know that we managed to gain access to their records and they will move their stores.”

  “We’ll take out the larger of the two, make it look like an accidental fire.” Hunter stood and pointed to the nearest location. “The food will go out quickly. It’s mainly grains in that one.”

  “A two-man team,” Donnie muttered.

  “Three,” Jensen countered. “I’ll stay as back up and you and, I presume, Hunter will go in. Ale and Chester can monitor us remotely.”

  Donnie and Hunter shared a look then nodded. “Three it is.” Looking between Chester and Ale, Hunter asked, “What do you think?”

  Before they could answer, Euan said, “I can get access to a satellite.”

  All heads turned to him and Dean spluttered, “A satellite? A real fucking sat?”

  Euan grinned. “It’s surprisingly easy to buy one now. It’s the launching that causes issues. My friends have one.”

  “I really want to meet them,” Jared said.

  “All in good time.”

  “I hate it when you know something I don’t.” Jared pouted, crossing his arms over his chest. Silas reached over and slapped the back of his head. “Hey!”

  “Get over it.” Silas grinned. “Some good news.” He glanced over at Miguel. “We found Jacques’ siblings.” Everyone started speaking and Silas held up a hand. “They’re with Jacques. Turns out his parents did a number on them too, but they will recover.”

  Miguel leaned forward, resting his arms on the table. “They’re staying with us for now at the cabin. They need time to recover and Jacques wants them close by.”

  “Any help you need, let us know,” Sacha said, and the others echoed the sentiment.

  Miguel nodded, giving them a small smile. “Thanks, guys. I think for now they just need some time to themselves and Troy’s been over at the weekends.”

  Ale nodded. “He wouldn’t take no for an answer.”

  “And it’s helped them having someone their age around.”

  Ale snorted. “Thanks.”

  “What about Etienne?” Mich asked. “Fucker needs his balls removing with a rusty knife.” More than a few winces showed on their faces and Mich shrugged. “Don’t tell me he doesn’t deserve it.”

  “Oh, he does, Mich,” Silas agreed. “And if he escapes again, I’ll personally hand him over to you.”

  Mich grinned. “I’ll have fun too.”

  “So, back to the question.” Chester coughed, glancing at Mich. “He is and isn’t cooperating.”

  “The fucker’s being a cunt.” Miguel grunted. “Only answers questions he wants to.”

  “You should send me in. I’m sure I could convince him,” Mich told them.

  “I wish we could, but we have to play by the rules. All interviews are recorded, and we are learning information I don’t think he’s aware he’s telling us.” Chester grinned. “He isn’t too smart. He forgets what he’s told us from one interview to the next.”

  “So, let’s recap.” Silas leaned forward. “Good news, Jacques has his family back and Etienne is talking to us in a roundabout way. Now, we need to plan our raid on this food store.” Silas pointed to the map.

  “We need to do a recon then. Assess security, guard rotations, weapons, other security measures, motion detectors.” Euan also leaned forward. “I’ll get my friends to watch the location once their sat’s in position. Get a few days of info, and with the recon, we can move ahead with our mission.”

  “Hunter, Donnie and Dean will focus on this mission, with me as back up,” Ale said. “If we’re called in, we’ll need Chester out in the field. Silas can run back up for him.”

  “I can keep trying to track down more information,” Carter muttered. “And we need to plan the recon on the other locations.”

  “I’ll be the lead on that with Carter,” Jensen said. “It’s not like I can go out in the field with this.” Jensen held up his plaster cast.

  “How much longer?”

  “Two weeks. Bitch itches.”

  “Next time, ask for help,” Mich told him. “Seriously what did you expect trying to fix the roof on your own?”

  “Not to fall off?” Jensen said with a straight face.

  Mich grinned. “Poor Jensen.”

  Jensen flipped her off, and she burst out laughing. “Thanks, Mich,” he muttered giving her a mock glare.

  “Carter and Jensen will liaise with Euan and his friends.” To Euan, Ale said, “We need to arrange a meeting with them soon. Start making plans.”

  Euan nodded. “I’ll sort it out.”

  Chester stood and took everyone in. “Let’s end these fuckers once and for all.”


  Garrick stood in the IT room, watching and waiting. They knew someone had been accessing their systems and they were waiting for them to try again. They had a program set up to trace their location, and all they had to do was wait for it to happen.

  It was Carter, Garrick was positive. The little fucker couldn’t stay away. He had his freedom-for now- and now he wanted to cause them further problems. His ego would be his downfall. Carter thought no one would be able to track him, but Garrick knew they could.

  Time ticked by slowly until someone murmured, “He’s in.”

  Garrick stood and walked over to the monitors, watching. “Well?”

  “Give him time. He’s probably waiting to make sure he hasn’t trip any of our security measures, then he’ll start searching.”

  “How long?”

  “I’ll give him ten minutes and then set up the trace. Let him get comfortable first. Patience, Commander Garrick. If I act too soon, it’ll tip him off and he might not try again.”

  Garrick growled and grabbed the hair of the person speaking to him, pulling back. “Don’t tell me what to do.”

  The man swallowed and tried to nod but winced. Garrick still had hold of his hair. “I’m sorry, Commander.”

  Garrick released him and paced the floor behind. He could hear the ragged breaths the man took and grinned viciously. He was in charge and no one told him what to do. No one, not even their king. Garrick’s grin widened. Oh yes, their king was in for a surprise.

  “Trace is active, but he’s covered his tracks well. This could take a few hours, Sir.”

  “Call me when you have a location.”

  The man swallowed hard and nodded. “Yes, Sir. Right away, Sir.”

  Garrick left the room, slamming the door shut behind him, and left the mansion. Walking over to the trees, he paused, checking behind him to make sure he was alone
, and then continued. Once he arrived at the meeting point, he found he was the last to arrive.

  “Well?” he was asked as soon as he arrived.

  “Carter will be ours soon. As for the king? He knows nothing.”

  “Good. Once we put this in motion, he needs to be gone, dead. I won’t have him controlling us any longer. It’s time for the royal line to cease.”

  “I agree. The future is ours.”


  Wyatt sat outside Dean’s house, waiting for him to come home. He’d spent all day thinking about his future and what he wanted. He liked his job. People treated him with respect and he could even say he’d made friends with some of the regulars at the bakery.

  He liked where he was living. The town was beautiful, and everyone was friendly. No one had a problem with him being a vampire, no one crossed over to the other side of the street when they saw him coming. No one gave a damn that he was gay either.

  Yeah, he was in a good place, a place he wanted to stay.

  Friends, a home, a great job with a fantastic boss, and then there was Dean, his mate, the man he had yet to mate, and that was where most of his thinking had been.

  Everything felt right for once. There was no tension, his stomach wasn’t a churning mess, and he had a man who was willing to wait for him to get his head out of his ass. But it was scary too. He didn’t want to have to depend on someone after all the years he’d been left to depend on himself.

  He sat in the car watching the clouds float across the sky and sighed. No, he’d made his decision now, he knew who and what he wanted, and as soon as Dean was home, they could move on with their lives, together as mates.

  Thinking of mating with Dean had Wyatt’s dick hard in seconds. He wanted to fuck Dean as he bit him and cemented the bond between them. He gripped the steering wheel, and closed his eyes, breathing deeply. He wanted Dean with a hunger he’d never known before.

  He caught a glimpse of himself in the rear-view mirror and gasped. His eyes practically glowed, and his fangs were on show. As soon as Dean saw him, he’d know what he wanted. He only hoped he was ready because Wyatt didn’t think he could be gentle.

  Now, he’d made the decision, his body was raring to go.

  When he heard the sound of an engine in the distance, Wyatt sat watching the road, waiting for Dean to appear. When he did, he saw him smile as he drove past him and parked. He’d barely made it out of the car before Wyatt was pushing him back against it.

  “What? Wyatt-”

  Wyatt silenced him by slamming their lips together. He pushed his tongue into Dean’s mouth and growled when he tasted his mate. Dean grabbed his hips, jerking him closer, and they both moaned when their dicks rubbed together.

  Dean broke the kiss, panting. “Is it time?”


  Dean nodded. “Get inside.”

  “I can’t be gentle.” Wyatt had to warn Dean.

  “I’m good with that.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Dean grabbed Wyatt’s hand, and together, they rushed towards the house. Dean opened the door and shut it behind them, leaning his head on it. Wyatt came up behind him and kissed his neck, his hands reaching around the front to pull his T-shirt free from his jeans. He slid his hands under, caressing Dean’s skin and Dean shivered at his touch.

  Dean leaned back, turning his head and their mouths met in a frenzied kiss. Wyatt groaned, his hands squeezing Dean.

  “Fuck me, Wyatt. Make me yours.”

  Wyatt spun him around as they kissed again and tugged at each other’s clothes. Somehow, they ended up in the living room, falling on the sofa. Dean spread his legs so Wyatt could lay between them and arched up rubbing himself against Wyatt.

  They continued to rub together, and Dean gasped into Wyatt’s mouth. His hands stroked over Wyatt’s ass cheeks, then gripped them tight. Wyatt arched into his touch then ground against him, sliding their dicks together.

  Suddenly Wyatt stood and stripped off, standing naked in front of Dean. Dean sat up and stared at his naked body and moaned. There was nothing about Wyatt’s body that didn’t turn him on. He loved the small amount of hair he had on his chest, the slight treasure trail that led to a gorgeous dick and low hanging balls.

  Dean jumped up and also stripped, watching Wyatt’s eyes glow. Wyatt hissed when Dean grabbed his dick and stroked, precome slicking the head.

  “Don’t,” Wyatt muttered. “That’s mine.”

  Dean released his dick and stood as Wyatt approached him. Wyatt walked slowly around him, trailing his fingers over Dean’s skin. Everywhere he touched, it heated under his caress and Dean bit his lip, closing his eyes to the sensation in his body.

  Wyatt sat on the sofa and beckoned Dean over to him. Dean crawled onto him, sitting in Wyatt’s lap. He rolled his hips over Wyatt’s dick, feeling the silken skin glide against his own.

  Wyatt reached over and picked up a sachet of lube Dean hadn’t noticed. He raised an eyebrow and Wyatt grinned salaciously. His fingers trailed over Dean’s hole, and he automatically clenched in anticipation. He wanted to feel Wyatt slide in nice and deep.

  He heard the sachet rip open, and he leaned forward, kissing along Wyatt’s shoulders. He shivered when he felt the cold liquid on Wyatt’s fingers and clenched when he rubbed them over his hole.

  “I’m going to make you mine, Dean.”

  “At last,” he whispered as he licked a path up Wyatt’s neck.

  The fingers teased his hole, rubbing over it but not pushing in. Wyatt kept on stroking and caressing the wrinkled flesh and Dean shuddered at the bliss rolling through his body. Wyatt’s other hand snaked between their bodies and rolled Dean’s balls.

  Dean moaned and bit Wyatt’s ear. “Again,” he muttered, and Wyatt tugged them, causing him to cry out.

  Wyatt’s fingers trailed up his shaft and circled the head, stroking it gently. Dean sucked in a breath as one of Wyatt’s fingers slid in his ass. He clenched then relaxed, sweat breaking out over his body.

  Wyatt’s finger moved in and out of his ass, then another pushed in. Wyatt used both his fingers to stretch his ass, twisting them around until he found Dean’s spot.

  “Yes! Just there!” Dean shouted. He grabbed hold of Wyatt’s shoulders, his eyes closing and his body jerking. Wyatt teased him mercilessly, his fingers rubbing his spot over and over again. Precome dribbled down his dick and Dean cried out, “Please, Wyatt. Fuck me, please.”

  He didn’t care that he was begging. All he wanted was Wyatt’s dick in his ass, fucking him hard and deep, branding his body. Dean wanted Wyatt to stamp his ownership on him and make him his.

  Wyatt’s fingers slid free and Dean leaned up, moving Wyatt’s dick to his ass. When he felt the spongy head at his hole, Dean slowly sat down, taking it in. He bit his lip and dropped his head back, gasping when the head of Wyatt’s dick slid in.

  Wyatt’s hands tightened on his hips and Dean paused, waiting to adjust. When he felt ready, he slid down Wyatt’s long, hard shaft until Wyatt was all the way in. He panted harshly and lifted his head to stare into Wyatt’s eyes. The red was intense, glowing bright, and Dean leaned forward and licked across his lips until Wyatt opened and Dean’s tongue slipped in.

  They kissed languidly as Dean moved slowly. He held onto Wyatt’s shoulders as he rode Wyatt’s dick. It filled him up, making him groan, and he adjusted his position until Wyatt’s dick brushed his prostate.

  “Shit,” he muttered, and moved again and again. The pleasure raced up his spine and throughout his body. He closed his eyes and let it take over, moving his body on Wyatt’s dick.

  Wyatt’s hands tightened on his hips and he let Wyatt take over, giving up all control to him. Wyatt moved him, faster, and Dean cried out every time Wyatt’s dick his hot spot.

  He grabbed his dick, stroking it in time with Wyatt’s thrusts. Wyatt’s tongue licked over his neck, the tip tracing his vein and Dean tilted his head to the side. He opened his eyes and stared into Wyatt’s.
r />   “Do it,” he whispered.

  He saw Wyatt’s fangs before a brief flash of pain triggered the most intense orgasm of his life. His balls tightened, then come shot from his dick, covering both of them. Dean cried out and felt a warmth in his ass as Wyatt came.

  His body jerked and shuddered, and he whimpered as ropes of come erupted from his dick. He slumped forward and felt Wyatt’s tongue lick his neck and his hands slide up and down his sweat-slicked back. He panted harshly, his heart hammering, and he turned his face into Wyatt’s neck, inhaling his scent.

  He felt. Damn, did he feel. The connection was bright and strong, and he swore if he opened his eyes he would see it stretch between them.



  “Ouch,” he mumbled against Wyatt’s skin. “Hurts.” He couldn’t string a sentence together; his mind was a jumbled mess.

  He felt Wyatt chuckle. “It’ll ease with practice.”

  He kept his eyes closed and reached out, his mind touching their connection. He could feel Wyatt, knew he was tired of fighting, but also very scared.

  “I won’t hurt you, Wyatt.”

  There was no response, so he lifted his head and looked into Wyatt’s eyes, seeing the fear there.

  Wyatt swallowed and slowly nodded. “I know. I can feel it.”

  “It’ll take time.” Dean kissed Wyatt gently.


  They stared at each other and Dean could feel Wyatt’s emotions, but also the fear close behind. “I know. Me too.”

  Wyatt sighed in relief and Dean kissed him again.

  Smiling, he asked, “Shower?” Wyatt’s eyes began to glow, and Dean shook his head, a smile on his face. “Again?”

  “Again,” Wyatt said before kissing Dean.

  Yeah, Dean could go again. In fact, he could go all night with his mate.


  “It’s too easy,” Carter muttered. “I shouldn’t be able to access this.”

  Wyatt sat next to Carter, watching the screens as Carter fingers danced over the keyboard. “Do you think they know?”

  Carter bit his lip and slowly shook his head. “I don’t know.”


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