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Past of Shadows

Page 17

by Connally, Colleen

  So, she waited.

  Kela had no desire for anyone see the hurt within her. She had only simple garments, one tunic, overcoat, slippers for the warmer weather and one set of clothing for cold weather made of wool and boots along with a fur coat.

  Over the years, her clothing had grown tight and worn.

  Kela made no complaint, but it is not that she didn’t have her own secrets. She held to them dearly, fearful that they might be taken from her. Secrets from the Forbidden Forest. The Wood Spirit visited her often after the others were gone.

  At times, she wondered if the Wood Spirit was real or a figment of her imagination, but she had found an escape from the sorrow that being alone brings. The Wood Spirit told her when he lived he went by the name Daigh. So, that was what she called him.

  Though, he floated around the vast woods as a dark shadow, there were times when he would materialize well enough to make out the details of his face. Daigh had a flowing beard with a large nose. He had a kind face, but she had been warned by Guilda not to trust any spirit for they would take a sympathetic form to gain one’s trust.

  Yet, Daigh never asked anything of her.

  Instead, he talked to her of legends of the past, the path of a Euchoun, a true Euchoun of which he holds she was. He let her see within the world that she was no longer a part.

  He showed her the Shimmering Pool.

  The Shimmering Pool, a small inlet from the stream that flowed through the Forbidden Forrest, had crystal clear blue water. When the water became murky and swirled, a scene would appear and allowed Kela views of the world that had been denied to her. The Shimmering Pool became a great comfort for Kela for it gave to her a glimpse of Falco, Sareta, and their lives they were leading.

  Kela saw only what the Shimmering Pool felt necessary for her. At least, that was what Daigh told her.

  Once, in her excitement, Kela tried to show Guilda, but her old nurse saw nothing. Only Johannes had seen…then, only by accident. He kept her secret for she held his.

  In the Shimmering Pool, Kela discovered her quiet, shy friend had a deep, dangerous secret. If made known, the knowledge would destroy his life…would cost him his life.

  She kept it to herself for a time, but her worry for his safety led her confessing the knowledge of his Sordarin lover. Johannes vehemently denied it until Kela showed him the Shimmering Pool, which let Johannes see scenes of Yucca.

  “I saw you in an embrace with a Sordarin warrior, Johannes,” Kela said tentatively for she had no desire to hurt her friend. “I saw you kiss him.”

  “If what you surmise is true, what do you intend to do with the information?” His voice faltered.

  Kela had never seen him show any emotions. Her heart ached for her friend. “Nothing more than to warn you.”

  She was taken back by his belief that she would do him harm. “I have been sheltered here in the Forbidden Forest, but I know that you both would lose your lives for your feelings. Why…why would you ever chance such a thing?”

  “It is not a choice,” Johannes explained. “Larko is my life.”

  “I cannot say I understand, but I know the Wood Spirit says the Shimmering Pool shows me only what I need to see. Perhaps, it has seen your need to be able to share your burden. I have lost my family, Johannes. You are my only friend. I cannot believe I was shown to do you harm. In my heart, I know I will not. It will not be me to betray you.”

  Touched, Johannes said no more.

  They had not mentioned it again.

  Though, Johannes said little, no matter of what they talked. He had stayed a true friend to her. Moreover, this allowed Johannes to teach her the ways of the court of King Edulf.

  The two sat beside the Shimmering Pool while he told her who walked through the scenes before them. The views came and went. Some were clear; others foggy. Some lasted only seconds, but she had a glimpse of her home and all within it.

  “Queen Beatrix takes delight in all her family. As you know, she is not your grandmother by birth, having married King Edulf after your grandmother, Althea’s, death. Prince Fenwick and Princess Iris are her children, though Fenwick has lost his heir apparent title, thwarted by your brother, Falco’s, reappearance.

  “Outwardly, Prince Fenwick has never shown resentment toward Falco, but he is not to be trusted, nor would I his wife, Lady Dogmar. Rumors abound of her unhappiness of the change of status of her husband. She has set her sights on a crown for Belasquita. Rumors have it that she has pressed for King Edulf to attach her daughter to Prince de Flour of Brixtone. She now has her sights set for a king for her daughter. Lady Dogmar wants the heir of Brixtone for Princess Belasquita,” Johannes said honestly. He continued. “Though, their son, Prince Silas has been constantly by your brother’s side and loyally serves Prince Falco as he served his brother, Prince Axel.

  “Princess Amicia, the daughter of Princess Iris, is known for her sweetness, contrasting Belasquita in more than one way. Her blonde hair shines as the sun, her eyes glow as the deep ocean blue. She has two younger sisters, Wymarcha and Cinara. Princess Iris has cared for your sister as she has cared for her own daughters.

  “Now, Princess Sareta, is the darling of the court and quite happy. Her sheen, I had to shield, but the beauty within her still shines. When she matures, she will surely overshadow all of her cousins in her glory. Know, she is well loved by Queen Beatrix as well.”

  Through the Shimmering Pool, Kela watched through the seasons and the changes within the court…for it is all that she could do.

  Yet again, another season began to unfold. Ice had begun to thaw, buds had emerged on the trees. Each morning, Kela rose with the hope that the Ecrils would return. This day had been the same.

  Her hope answered. A screech greeted Kela when she walked out of the cottage. Excited, she ran through the early morning dew up the hillside.

  She watched a Sordarin circle above her. She recognized him immediately, most would have with his red hair and white streak.

  A minute later, Johannes landed beside her. Immediately, she hugged her friend. There had been a time when he would have tightened upon her show of affection. Now, he had grown accustomed to her gesture, when it was only the two of them.

  Kela released him and studied the empty the sky. There were no signs of others. “You are alone?”

  Johannes responded with a tentative smile. “For the time being, though Twiten may well be at the castle as we speak.”

  The news surprised her only that the other Ecrils had not come. Twiten traveled by his open portals. There was one within the castle, but only Twiten knew where since one could not see the portal.

  It was the reason Guilda and Kela weren't allowed to stay at the unoccupied castle. Portals were dangerous when used without a Seeing Eye to guide one. Twiten had warned her about the dangers numerous times. Yet, she had watched Twiten and deciphered the proximity of the portal.

  To be honest, Kela had to spy upon Twiten. The word forbidden had that effect on her.

  “I'm so glad you are here, Johannes. I have to show you what appeared in the Shimmering Pool. I saw a scene yesterday that will interest you.”

  Johannes stopped dead in his tracks, jerking back her hand abruptly. “Kela, I forgot!”

  “Forgot what?”

  “Your boots,” he admonished himself staring down at her old ratty ones. “I promised to get you a pair when I left and more clothes. You have a great need, but with all that has happened, it slipped my mind. I will send Larko back when I return.”

  She had completely forgotten about the boots. Her excitement lost, she stuttered, “You aren't staying?”

  His gaze lowered. His lips pressed his lips together tightly. Evident the news he had to share would not bode well with her. Finally, he said, “It is why I came early. I won’t be back. I have bonded.”

  Her heart sang for her friend. Bonding was the ultimate vindication for a Euchoun. “That is wonderful, Johannes. It is what you hoped…it is what we all hope. I am not
surprised. You are strong…”

  “It is to Falco, Kela,” Johannes interrupted abruptly. “I have bonded with your brother.”

  For a moment…an eternity, Kela stood with her mouth open, trying to speak, but no words were uttered. Readily, the significance sank deep within her, cutting her worse than if someone had stabbed her in the heart.

  Long she had believed she would bond with Falco. In some manner, she believed they had already. Twiten had taken for granted the bond would materialize. Bonding was the most important event for a Euchoun.

  A bond was forever. Moreover, a Euchoun did not bond twice.

  Yet, she was not the one for her brother.

  There was no choice but to swallow back her disappointment. She walked over to her dearest friend, leaned up on her toes and kissed his cheek.

  “It is wonderful news. I know of no other who would protect my brother as you will. Twiten must be excited to have a Euchoun finally bond…”

  “I am not you, Kela. We both know you are much stronger. This means only your destiny lies with another or, perhaps, it means you may not need to bond.” Johannes spoke as if he had practiced the words. He continued, “It is confusing to Twiten, also. It is why he has come to meet with us both before I return to your brother’s side.”

  Kela nodded, ignoring the pain of the realization that she had lost her dear friend along with her dream of standing by Falco. She would not hold her head downcast…she would not take away from Johannes’ triumph!

  Johannes took her hand, kissing it lightly. “I give you my word I will serve him with my life.”

  “Of that, I have no doubt,” Kela said, regaining her composure. She gave him a half smile. “Now, my news seems so insignificant. Of course, you must already know.”

  Now it was Johannes, who showed confusion. “Know?”

  “Sareta. I assume she must have a new power. It’s so pretty.”

  He gave her a puzzled look. “Sareta has no new power that I have been told about.”

  Kela pulled on his hand. “Come then. Hopefully, the Shimmering Pool will show it to you. It is fascinating.”

  They walked in silence to the edge of the Forbidden Forest. Whether or not her discovery was anything of interest, she was glad for the diversion. Kela fell to her knees at the pool’s edge and ran her fingers into the water.

  “What are you hoping I will see?” Johannes asked, standing over Kela.

  “My sister.”

  To her joy, the waters swirled until the figure of Sareta emerged. Sareta sat on a settee in a large, elegant chamber with a fire burning in the hearth. Kela recognized the others who surrounded her sister: Amicia, Wymarcha and Cinara. Princess Iris sat embroidering by the window.

  She recognized the tall, dignified backs of Sordarin warriors. Their uniforms showed they were from the King’s Wings. The warriors seemed engrossed in conversation with the women. Though, the Shimmering Pool allowed Kela to see, she heard nothing.

  But it wasn’t important. What she had seen earlier, she saw clearly…even more so.

  Bright beams of different colored beings fluttered around Sareta. Their wings beat ferociously, no more than a foot from her sister. Their beaks moved as a woodpecker upon a tree, except it seemed they were pecking at air. When Kela had seen them yesterday, there had only been a few. Now, they had multiplied.

  Smiling, broadly, Kela turned back to Johannes. “Are they not the most beautiful creatures? There were only a couple last night. What do you think they are?”

  Johannes’s face turned solemn. “I see nothing around Princess Sareta, Kela. What are you seeing?”

  “You jest.” Kela pointed to the scene in the pool. “The pretty bird like creatures of different colors, multitude of colors. They are so beautiful surrounding Sareta, trying so hard to get to her.”

  Suddenly, Johannes jerked Kela up by the hand. He gripped her waist as if he was about to fly with her.

  Stunned for he had never done so before, she cried, “What is wrong, Johannes?”

  “I can’t see them, Kela, but what you are describing are Hallow Minions! Hallow Minions that are trying to get at your sister through my shield!”

  * * * *

  Time slowed. Twiten had the look of shock when Johannes flew Kela in through his balcony. Kela listened to Johannes utter the necessary words, but impatience weighed upon her. Her sister was in danger.

  Whipping around to Kela, Twiten demanded, “What does the room look like? Where is the window entrance? The sun shines which way? Sareta sits upon what?”

  “Let her go, Twiten,” Johannes urged. “Let Kela lead the way. Let her use the Seeing Eye. She will find her sister. I didn’t see the Hallow Minions. Kela did. I fear there is little time.”

  Twiten’s eyes meet Kela’s. Slowly, he nodded. “Let us go.”

  He placed his hand on her shoulder, turning her toward a bare wall.

  Feeling a strong pull, then hard thrust through an invisible barrier, Kela fell unto a hard floor. Twiten and Johannes followed.

  Kela pushed upward with her arms. She saw the Hallow Minions clearly…hundreds of them…all converging on Sareta, who leaped to her feet at the unexpected appearance of the small group. Johannes screamed for her to sit.

  “I see them,” Twiten whispered.

  Crawling to her feet, Kela focused on the creatures. With a flick of her hand, she swiped back a line of the Hallow Minion against the stone fireplace. Unearthly screams echoed loudly.

  Kela watched Sareta’s face betray her fear. Again, she aimed her hand, refusing to let any Minion to hurt her sister.

  “I can’t reinforce my shield,” Johannes said, shaking his head. “I can’t penetrate the Hallow Minion’s magic.”

  His shield couldn’t break through, but Kela blared hers against Johannes’s shield to protect her sister. The force of her power bounced off his, sending the creatures into the air. Johannes was free to shield Sareta once more.

  Contain the threat!

  There was no hesitation. Kela whirled her hand in a circular motion, encapsulating any surviving Hallow Minions.

  Johannes came to her side. “Let me within.”

  Backing up, Kela parted her hands, allowing Johannes to ease his hands within hers. She cried, “They are directly before you, Johannes.”

  His eyes lit as his repellent magical shield forced the creatures against Kela’s. The Hallow Minions began to simultaneously explode. A moment later, all was quiet.

  It’s done. Let go.

  As she was told, Kela released her shield. Johannes turned with her.

  Kela found all eyes upon her. Her sister stood in awe. To her surprise, she found Falco was in the room, standing beside another warrior, tall and dark.


  Her heart raced. She was in Yucca. Within the castle walls. In front of her family!

  Kela stepped toward her brother and sister, but in that instant, she felt Twiten’s hands upon her shoulder. Immediately, she was thrust back through the portal.

  Before she had time to take another breath, Kela was once more in the Forbidden Forest. Twiten had come with her.

  “You need to return back to your cottage, Kela. I have to return and decipher everything that has occurred. I wish it could be different, but for now go home. You have done well, extremely well.”

  He stepped back and disappeared.

  Kela was alone, again.

  * * * *

  Days passed without word. Kela worried. She sat for hours beside the Shimmering Pool without a view of her family. Guilda took to bed, her fears magnified for her precious Sareta.

  “Hallowed Minions!” she cried. “They found Sareta! They would suck the magic out from her leaving only an empty shell.”

  “Guilda, Sareta is safe. We killed them all. Johannes shielded her again from the Hallowed Minions. She is strong herself and only needs to be taught to defend herself. She is at an age where she should learn. She has the power within her.”

  “She is not you, Ke
la.” Guilda saddened. “You without question could survive on your own. Sareta is Witheleghean. It is hard at times to defend oneself.”

  “But she has Falco and me.” Kela sat down on the mattress beside Guilda. She, too, felt the overwhelming helplessness. “King Edulf would never allow her to be put in danger, Guilda. I have been told she is the darling of the court.”

  After she comforted Guilda, questions abounded. How could she see the Hallowed Minions when Johannes couldn’t? What happened to cause Johannes shield to weaken?

  Kela returned to the castle and contemplated entering the portal once more. She warred within herself, but hesitated. Johannes would come for her if she was needed.

  Instead, Kela walked, finding herself again at the Shimmering Pool. She refused to leave, afraid she would miss a view.

  So, she waited.


  Destiny Discovered

  The world had awakened. The grey darkness that had followed Cono over the last years dissipated, the pale mist fading. He had seen his dream clearly—she lived.

  Kela was alive!

  He wanted to shout it for all to hear.

  At the sudden explosion into Queen Beatrix’s drawing room, everyone had been shocked by the appearance. Yet for him, it was as if the void that had lived within him since that fateful night had been filled.

  On her appearance, Cono felt the urgent need to protect Princess Sareta. Before him, he saw no threat, but held no doubt it was there. Instincts had called within him to calm her, focus her attention.

  In this, he had done…or thought he had.

  Afterwards, the girl had looked at him…knowing it was he…as he had known it was her.

  “What has happened?” Falco demanded from his Euchoun, Johannes. As was custom, few knew of the bonding.

  Cono did.

  Beginning with the killing of the Sawamdai, Cono had long distinguished himself with his service to the crown. He had been rewarded by now serving alongside of the young prince.


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