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Page 31

by C E Johnson

  When Emily was not on Ammolite, she spent much of her time with her mother walking through the elf forest and meeting elven relatives. She also spent time with her friends from Bashan—Cameron, and Keaton, hoping she would see them when she next returned to Acacia, but knowing in her heart this was probably their last meeting.

  * * *

  “Is everyone ready,” Dr. D asked the group from Earth. They were standing next to the shores of Portal Lake.

  “I’m not quite ready for you to go.” Elaina wrapped her arms around Emily, Hadrian, and each of Emily’s friends in turn. “Before you go, I wanted to give each of you a gift.” Crittenden came forward and handed the queen a leather bag, which she opened. “Greenstones are very rare. They have many properties including healing. These were found in my forest.” The queen presented each of the girls a polished emerald-cut greenstone set in a necklace of tiny stones. “The greenstones can accelerate healing if they’re placed next to an injury and they’ll augment healing spells. Additionally, these stones are tuned to me and will alert me if one of you is ever in mortal danger.” She pulled out the last two necklaces and handed them to Hadrian and Luke. “My gem-smith worked to carve these into the shape of a dragon-tooth.”

  Emily studied her necklace and realized small diamond shards were worked into the jewelry. “It’s beautiful.” As her finger contacted the greenstone, she realized this stone was a part of her mage-stone set. She only needed three more stones, a blackstone, a silverstone, and a goldstone to complete the sextet. She pulled her radiant redstone ring and Cadux, her oval-cut bluestone staff out of her leather pouch on her belt.

  “They match.” Elaina gasped while fingering the three stones.

  “What do you mean?” Anna ran her finger lightly over Emily’s stones.

  “A mage-stone set consists of six stones that somehow match or belong together,” Elaina began. “Each stone will have its own properties, but when a magician puts together a perfect set of six, they can perform a powerful spell revealed only to the bearer once the set is formed.” She got a far-away expression on her face. “I once knew an elf magician who formed his own set of magestones.”

  “Who?” Luke stared at the magestones twinkling next to each other.

  Queen Elaina looked pensive for a moment and then began to speak. “His name is Shadoe. He’s an orange magician, extremely skilled with the power of prophecy. He’s the most powerful elf magician I’ve ever met. Shadoe and I were engaged before I met Andrew. He now lives in the Dothan Forest.”

  Emily slowly put her magestones away. “I promise I’ll return to Acacia soon.” She gave her mother a long hug.

  “Perhaps someday I’ll journey to Earth” Elaina gave Emily a warm wink.

  “Not if I can help it,” Crittenden warned. “I don’t want you to leave the protection of the forest. Even this area is way too far from our home.”

  Dr. D opened his backpack and began to organize some items in leather bags. “We need to put a little more money in the bank to keep scouting Earth for more ‘visitors’ and for more portals, so I brought back a few more gemstones.”

  Emily went to Ammolite and wrapped her arms around her dragon-bondsmate. I’ll miss you. She delved deep into their mind-link, sending all her emotions and feelings across their connection.

  I think I’ll occasionally go through the portal that’s in my volcano in the Black Mountain, Ammolite thought back. I won’t reveal myself to your world, but I hope our mind-link will function when I cross to let us talk. I also want to test my flying on Earth. Who knows if I might have to go there one day. Maybe I’ll have to rescue a poor princess captured by an evil prince.

  Emily could easily sense Ammolite’s pain through her teasing words. She had lost her mother and was now losing her bondsmates. “Perhaps one day Earth will need a visit from my dragon.” Emily caressed Ammolite’s snout. “Until that time, I think you better stay away from the machines and weapons of Earth.”

  Dr. D rubbed his fingers absently through Dax’s fur. The otter was perched on his shoulder. “Link hands while going through the portal. We need to go together in one group.” He was the first to dive into the crystal-clear waters, but they all remained close. Dr. D made a mark and they swam through.

  Exhausted in the new atmosphere of Earth and soaking wet in the subbasement of the hospital building in Austin, Texas, Emily looked around at their bedraggled crew and began to cry. Her sobs set off the rest of the group and they hugged each other, with tears rolling down their faces, only just realizing all they had lost.

  “Everything is so muted,” Isabelle’s voice was full of sorrow. She sadly rubbed her temples.

  “My hearing is horrible,” Anna added, brushing away the tears from her eyes.

  “I feel so weak.” Luke clenched his hands into fists.

  “It’s what I imagine a drug withdrawal feels like.” Emily whispered.

  “I’m wheezing again,” Elizabeth murmured in a hushed voice, glancing in the direction of the portal. “It makes me want to return to Acacia.”

  “After a few days, you’ll get used to it.” Dr. D sighed as he adjusted his pack. “The memory of what we once had will begin to fade.”

  “I don’t want to forget any of it.” Luke reached out, interlacing his fingers with Emily’s hand. “Before we go home, do you have the energy to sear all the events into our memory?” Emily nodded. She used her magic to fix the memories of all that had occurred on their trip into each of her friends’ minds forever.

  “I don’t think I have to say this, but I will anyway.” Hadrian’s face was solemn. He shouldered his own backpack. “Keep all of this to yourselves. Don’t ever email or write any of it down or talk about it on the phone. Only talk about it when one of our group is with you.”

  “Kind of like a secret society,” Elizabeth’s eyes were still brimming with tears, but she forced a smile on her face. “Maybe we should have a cool name for our group?”

  “Well, as you all essentially became knights, why not Acacean Knights, or AK for short?” Dr. D’s words were warm, but Emily could sense how tired he was beneath the mask.

  “I like that,” Emily answered in a soft voice. She started toward the exit. “I’ll plan out the first meeting of the Acacean Knights.” She pushed the button for the elevator. “Now let’s go see our families.” Hadrian and Dysis left in their car, while Dr. D shoved everyone else in his Range Rover with Xena in the rear of the vehicle. Emily sat next to Luke and put her head on his shoulder. Luke gently stroked her hair and she closed her eyes. She lost track of time, only able to focus when she performed a group hug as each of her friends slowly left the car. Each departure made her feel as if a small portion of her heart was being taken way.

  “Hadrian’s heading back to D.C. to track down the last loose ends, searching for the people Samil was working with. I wonder what he’ll find.” Dr. D had a faraway look in his eyes.

  “I wish I didn’t know about Iscar,” Emily spoke in a hushed voice. Why did Droth exit the battle? Where was Iscar?

  If Iscar’s on Earth, he could be any age, depending on the time he crossed through Samil’s portal, Xena whispered.

  “It’s not over … is it?” she asked her father. Unanswered questions continued to swirl in her mind.

  “No, it’s not over yet,” Dr. spoke in a weary tone.

  Glossary of Characters

  Aamon, Abadd, and Abatu – Samil’s sons

  Achcat Tat – Overlord of the Javan

  Aderyn – Falcon, Keaton’s bondsmate

  Adrienne - Dryad, half-dead created by Emily

  Amana – Saber-toothed tiger, Rios Esteppe’s bondsmate

  Amanda Baker – Potential Stargate Project member

  Andrew Dalton – Doctor, pediatric surgeon, Emily’s godfather

  Anna - Emily’s friend, martial artist

  Apache - Emily’s horse at the Henry stable

  Arach – King of the dragons in the first dragon war

- Isabelle’s horse at the Henry stable

  Ashignis Angel – Gold Magician, Professor of the elements

  Bronte - Emily’s warhorse

  Brytam – White Magician, Samil’s assistant

  Cain – Vampire, half-dead created by Samil

  Calumnia Funk – White Magician, Alitis, Professor of illusions

  Cameron – Blue Magician, orphan

  Caroline – Swimmer

  Chimalli – Captain of Achcat Tat’s guard

  Claire –Blue Magician, orphan

  Crittenden Quercus – Elf, Captain of the guard

  Cyril –Red Magician, King of Ekron sector

  Dax –River otter, Dr. D’s bondsmate,

  Delores Quadmire – Bully in Austin, Texas

  Doeg Quadmire – Delores’ father, trainer

  Dracul, Drago, and Drakkon - Dragons of the Black Riders by Portal Lake

  Drakus – Black Magician, Drogor’s ancestor, fought in first Dragon War

  Drogor – Wraith-spirit - dead grandfather of Samil, magician, black magic

  Droth –Black Magician, Samil’s general on Earth

  Duke – Boxer, Hadrian’s bondsmate, nickname for Orthus

  Dysis Hoshi - Blacksky lieutenant

  Elaina – Elf queen

  Elizabeth - Emily’s friend, swimmer

  Emily – Blue Magician

  Fang – Saber-tooth tiger, Suci Abaddon’s bondsmate

  Ferdinand Maurer –Yellow Magician, Professor of auras and magestones

  Finnur Haukur – Captain of the Elisabet

  Flamescale – Red dragon of Eusebius

  Fred Wernli – Pulmonologist

  Gavone Gassone – Red Magician, leader of the Cat Clan

  Ginger Mero – Brown Magician, Professor shape changing

  Goldenmoon – Dragon of Eusebius

  Hadrian Simara - Blacksky Commander

  Ian McClinton – Medic who found Hadrian in Hawaii

  Isabelle - Emily’s friend, horse rider

  Iscar - Magician

  James Moss - Doctor that trained Dr. D

  Jon – Magician, Green Magic, crew of Elisabet, longbow expert

  Keaton –Blue Magician, orphan, Alitis

  Kelcey –Black Magician, Elf, sister of Shadoe

  Kwan Tat –Gold Magician, Javan, crew of Elisabet

  Mors – Vampire, half-dead

  Mr. Jesse Gunlock - Attendant at the animal shelter

  Ladon - Dragon of Angkor

  Lampos - Horse merchant of Angkor

  Loff Retz - Indigo magician, nexus, wraith spirit

  London Belafsky –Indigo Magician, Professor of bondsmates

  Luce Levi Laadah – Lacerta warrior

  Luke - Emily’s friend, fencer

  Maaca – Vampire, half-dead created by Samil

  Magog – Saber-toothed tiger, Suci’s bondsmate

  Malachi Hughes – President’s son

  Marcus Tate – Yellow Magician, Samil’s assistant

  Marie – Swimmer

  Medens Force –Green Magician, Professor of healing

  Milo – Red Magician, Droth’s assistant

  Nathan Ezer- Fisherman who gave Cyril a water cobra

  Nicos and Yorgos – Twins, crew of Elisabet

  Nox – Horse, Cameron’s bondsmate

  Oliver Tseng - Sensei of martial arts

  Pendon – Angkor Castle director

  Richard and Jean Whayne- Emily’s adoptive parents

  Rios Esteppe –Red Magician, Cat Clan

  Roseanne Reese – Orange Magician, Professor of Dragon lore and the history of magic

  Ross – Elf warrior

  Janishka Rumanovah – Violet Magician, Droth’s girlfriend

  Sak – Gray dragon of Citlaltzin

  Samamune – Javan Swordmaker

  Samil - Black Magician

  Scott Henry - Owns the stables where Emily trains

  Shachal – Black tiger, Gavone’s bondsmate

  Shadoe – Orange Magician, Elf

  Skyler – Black dragon, Samil’s bondsmate

  Stacy Stevens –Silver Magician, Professor of psionics

  Steele – Captain John Steele, Elf warrior

  Suci Abaddon –Violet Magician, Professor of potions

  Tebah – Blacksky agent, close friend of Hadrian

  Tertius Kline – Captain of pirate ship

  Tiamat – Queen of the dragons on Acacia

  Tonalli – Javan warrior, trained Hadrian

  Ullr – Shade, half-dead created by Samil

  Vadimas – onetime head of the magical academy on the Island of Bashan

  Val Vincere –Red Magician, Professor of offensive magic

  Victor – Fusion of mermaid and Acacean, crew of Elisabet

  Wennogle Wall –Blue Magician, Professor of shields

  William Hughes – President of the United States

  Wuldur – Shade, half-dead created by Samil

  Xander, Xanthus, Xeno - Xena’s littermates, Droth’s dogs

  Xena – pronounced Zeena, Doberman, nickname Z, Emily’s bondsmate

  Yannis – Water Cobra, Cyril’s bondsmate

  Yotan – Javan King during Hadrian’s youth

  Zara – Innkeeper of the Flotsam

  Glossary of Magic

  Aneoxa porta - Open

  Aranea Textura - Weave a web to search for others, or scan for items

  Ardesco - Fireball

  Armus – Communicate with animals

  Ater – Purgatory, the spirit world

  Consigno – Seal a message in a mage-stone fragment

  Defigere – Enchant an object

  Dream-link – A spell to communicate

  Fegkos fulgar - Fire

  Flammeus absorbeo - Reduce things

  Fulgar makria - Turn off lights

  Glacies – Freeze spell

  Ianitorus - Spell to open doors

  Ki (Pronounced “key”) - Inner voice, inner magical power

  Madai – Name for someone who has no magical ability

  Mage-field – Force field around an object to prevent magus use

  Mage-lock – A lock on a door allowing limited magician entry

  Magus – (pronounced “may-jus”) - Inner magic

  Makria - End a spell

  Medicor - Heal

  Memoria – Memorize, commit to memory

  Mind-link – A mental link between bondsmates

  Mouwe – Camouflage spell

  Mutationem – Mutate to another shape

  Oath-bound – Samil’s dragon-oath bound warriors

  Propero - Move

  Pulsus – Psionic spell, push, moves an object

  Remedio bestia – Healing spell for bondsmates

  Somnio - Sleep or meditation to begin to send across a dream-link

  Thyreos o – Shield spell

  Ukcabala – The process of pulling across a spirit from Ater

  Vinculum – The process of bonding with a bondsmate

  Zambi – Formation of a Mavet raa

  Glossary of Time

  1. Earth prime age: starts from the day one first arrives on Earth

  2. One day on Earth is equivalent to one year on Acacia

  3. Traveling from Acacia to Earth: No change in age. Earth prime age begins. Weakening in magic, senses, agility. A tolerance can be built over time or adaptation occurs with spells that promote rejuvenation

  4. Traveling from Earth to Acacia: Travelers from Earth to Acacia undergo a heightening. Agility, strength, intelligence, senses and magical ability all increase, greater based on years on Earth. Heightened abilities decay slowly over years spent on Acacia

  5. Traveling from Earth to Acacia and back to Earth:

  - For each year spent on Acacia, one day passes on Earth.

  - Age will revert upon a return to Earth based off Earth prime age plus one day for each year spent on Acacia. Cheating time.

  - Retain skills and memories from a trip to Acacia upon a return to Earth

sp; - Weakening upon a return to Earth - greater depending on the amount of time spent on Acacia


  1. Born on Acacia. Leave Acacia at 30, arrive on Earth. Earth prime age begins at 30. Weakening. Tolerance will build. Remain on Earth 10 years. Will be 40 Earth years. Return to Acacia. Will stay 40. Heightening. 3,650 years will have passed on Acacia (365 x 10). If remain on Acacia 10 years, heightening decays. Will be 50 years old. Return to Earth. Weakening. Only 10 Earth days will have passed for the 10 Acacean years. Revert to 40 Earth years plus 10 days. Cheat time. Will retain new abilities, memories. Tolerance begins

  2. Born on Earth. Earth prime age begins at birth. At 14, travel to Acacia

  Heightening. Live 10 years on Acacia, will be 24 years old, heightening decays. Return to Earth. Weakening. Revert back to 14 years of age plus 10 days. Cheat time. Will retain memories and skills learned. Tolerance begins

  3. Twins born on Acacia. Twin A leaves at birth to Earth. Weakening. Earth prime age begins at age 0. Tolerance begins.

  Twin B lives 10 years on Acacia (10 Earth days). Twin B goes to Earth. Weakening. Earth prime age begins at 10 years. Tolerance begins. Twin A will be 10 days old, Twin B 10 years old. Discrepant age based on Earth prime day.

  4. Born on Acacia. At 50 years old, travel to Earth. Earth prime age begins at 50. Weakening. Tolerance begins. If stay one day and return to Acacia. One year will have passed on Acacia. Mild heightening. Stay on Acacia ten years - 60-year-old. Return to Earth. Weakening. Revert back to 50 years plus 10 days. Cheat time. Stay one day on Earth, return to Acacia. One year will have passed on Acacia. Will still be 50 years plus 11 days. Cheat time. Mild heightening.

  Glossary of Locations

  Acacia – Parallel world to Earth

  Achrace - Adjacent city to Citlaltzin in the Javan lands

  Angkor – Sector in Acacia

  Aquatine River – Flows into the Atitlane Sea

  Atitlane Sea - Many islands in the center, including the Black Mountain and the Island of Bashan


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