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Goddess Rising

Page 5

by Alisha Ashton

  “Where ya off to now, my Lady Queen?” Ruarachan asked quietly as he stopped beside her, keeping his eyes on Taran and ensuring he did not get too far without him.

  Skye glanced up at Ruarachan, noting that even on the rare occasions he spoke to her, he never looked directly at her. “To find Drostan,” she answered.

  Ruarachan inhaled slowly in displeasure and sucked his teeth. He always disliked when she was not with one of her men, but his duty was to remain with Taran. “He was downstairs a few moments ago. Be safe. Stick to the crowded halls as ya go. Same as always – first sign of trouble, ya give us a holler,” he advised before grudgingly moving to follow after Taran.

  Skye reached out and caught his massive hand. He visibly flinched at her touch and glanced down at her in surprise.

  “Thank you. I’ll be careful,” she assured.

  Ruarachan sighed and nodded, waiting for her to release his hand before he quickly set out to catch up with Taran.

  Skye watched him go, then turned her attention to locating her Maker, Drostan. She bit her bottom lip as she decided which means to use. She could utilize her new faol senses – track his scent and listen for his voice in the distance. Those abilities came more readily than her magic, however. Her telepathic link to the vast majority of her clansmen was still shaky and difficult to maintain. Sorcha assured her that it would grow easier with time, but Skye was doubtful.

  With Ciaran it had come naturally. It felt like a private highway had already been paved directly between them, ensuring that she could always reach him effortlessly. They were able to share emotions and thoughts, physical sensations (which he took full advantage of) and even memories. Of the very few clansmen Skye could reach, her connection to Ciaran was by far the strongest.

  Her link to Miko had originally been one discovered and born of necessity – first used when they both were captured by the enemy. Skye often wondered whether her early success in reaching him was due to her wolf recognizing Miko as her pup before the bite had been given.

  Aodh seemed to have been pre-tuned to her wavelength. He was a walking radio tower ever searching for her signal. He possessed an inherent openness to her thoughts.

  But with all of the others – Taran included – it never came easily. She had to work incredibly hard to establish and maintain her connection. For the purposes of tracking her Maker in that moment, she decided it best to use the opportunity to practice reaching out to his mind.

  Drostan… she called. She felt his bristling and instinctive alarm through the link. With a smile, she pressed on. Drostan, don’t panic. It’s me, Skye – not the whispers. Where are you?

  Drostan was having some difficulty adjusting to this new method of communication. His technique, as she had learned many times in the past few weeks, was reliant on physical contact. He needed to hold hands with the person he was trying to reach. He used touch as an anchor and conduit – a direct connection to their life energy. As such, he was unsure of how to send a reply to Skye’s long-distance question. His words were weak and quiet when he responded. His answer was just barely perceptible in the jumble of his thoughts: Main entry.

  Skye held the connection between them the entire time she made her way to his location. To keep him appraised of her progress, she sent him flashes of what she could see. When she at last descended the main stairs and he came into view, she sent him the image of himself through her eyes.

  “Tha’s goin’ to take some getting used to, for sure. Must say, though, my arse is lookin’ mighty fine today,” Drostan called as she approached.

  Skye laughed and inclined her head to numerous still-new faces of pups and elders as they greeted her formally. “And your modesty is impressive as ever, Drostan,” she answered with a smile. “Are you free? I have need of your artistic flair.”

  He quirked a brow and put his hands on his hips. “And I’ve the suspicion you’re nah intending to use my gifts for the purposes of décor,” he stated knowingly.

  “Your suspicion is on point. Walk with me?” she asked before setting off down the hall. She waited until he had fallen in beside her to continue. “The enchanted runes along the outer wall of Faol Seunta… We need to replicate them around the perimeter here.”

  Drostan cast her a sideways glance as they walked. “The carving into stone shall present little problem. As for the riverbank, we can build pillars to complete the circle.” He frowned as he added, “But it’s no small undertaking to be charging them up. Especially if you’re wantin’ to do so discretely, so’s nah to alarm the general public. Are ya sure you’re up to the task?”

  Skye nodded. “I spoke with Sorcha about it before we left. With the full moon approaching, this is the best time to attempt it. After I perform the spell, I will be able to recover my magic from the moon’s light. Can you have it ready for me in the next two days?”

  “Aye, whelp. I can have it finished tonight, if need be.” He eyed her curiously for a moment before asking, “What brings this up now? Why nah sooner?”

  Skye’s posture tensed as she made a concerted effort to feign unaffectedness. “I wasn’t sure if I’d be ready in time for this moon. I had planned to wait another month, but I’m up to it now. We might as well get the protections in place as soon as possible.”

  “Has this anything to do with all the nightmares ya’ve been having?” Drostan asked meaningfully.

  Skye’s face flushed red. “Which one of them told you?” she asked in annoyance.

  “Neither had to,” Drostan assured. “I’ve overheard ya more than once since our arrival here. Soundproofing can only do just so much. These dreams… Are they anything to do with the whispers?”

  “NO.” Skye answered entirely too quickly and sharply. She winced at her own telling vehemence as Drostan raised an apprehensive brow.

  “Tha bad, are they?” Drostan asked sympathetically. He knew her adamant refusal must be due to the horrific content of the dreams. If they were being sent by the whispers, they might prove to be prophetic. Skye was clearly terrified of that possibility. “Perhaps I should have a look…?” he offered cautiously, but the fierce and anxious expression she gave in reply made him quickly abandon the effort. He held up his hands. “Or nah. Totally up to you. Just remember, offer stands if ever ya want a second set of eyes on your nightmares.”

  Skye took a choppy breath and nodded in agreement. She hoped the dreams would stop so she would not need to ever take him up on it.

  “Ya think it just the ghosts of your past stirring?” he pressed.

  “That’s the only thing I can think of,” she offered quietly. “There’s nothing about them that feels like the whispers and they’re not speaking to me the way they used to. Besides, you haven’t heard anything, have you?”

  Drostan shook his head.

  “Good. But…” She trailed off for a moment, her eyes taking in the serenity of their new home and the joy of her clansmen. She winced recalling the image of their corpses in her dream. “Let’s get those runes and enchantments up, just to be safe, okay?”

  Drostan brought his fist to his heart and bowed his head. “It will be completed this very night. Ya have my word, my Queen.”

  “Thank you, Drostan,” she said with a somewhat relieved smile. “How’d you make out with the pup cages? Are they finished?”

  “All set to go,” he replied. “And what of Miko? Is he getting nervous for the first change?”

  “Nervous, excited, terrified…” Skye offered with a smile. “The usual for any first timer, I’m sure.”

  “What about you? Do ya s’pose ya ‘ll be changing with the moon?” Drostan asked curiously, unsure of what the rules were where Skye was concerned. She had already shattered nearly all of what they had come to expect from a new pup.

  Skye shook her head. “Only if I wish to. The Nasgadh is complete. Thankfully, my heritage spared me the inconvenience of being subjected to the traditional schedule. Miko and the other pups, unfortunately, are not so lucky.”

p; “Aiyana wishes to be present for Miko’s change, had ya heard?” Drostan asked. “D’ya think it wise?”

  “That’s between them,” Skye said with a shrug. “If he wants her there and she’s willing to witness it, more power to them. It’s sure as shit not the prettiest of sights. And doing it before a live studio audience sucks ass, in my personal experience. But… as long as she stays well out of all the pups’ reach and I am there to ensure her safety, I have no problem with it. Do you think any of the other pups will mind having her there?”

  “Unlikely. There’s nah a man in our pack I’d describe as ‘shy’ when it comes to showin’ off his body.” He chuckled as he added, “Come to think of it, the only one who might blush havin’ his bare arse and dangly bits on display is Miko himself.”

  Skye laughed at that. “Well, I’ll be sure to stress to him that this will mean giving Aiyana a full view of the goods. Then I'll give him the opportunity to change his mind, if need be.”

  4: She's a Killer Queen

  She and Drostan went off in separate directions – Drostan to see to her request, Skye to find a distraction from the darkness in her thoughts. Thankfully, it was only a matter of minutes before her favorite distraction of all found her.

  “Ooh… Hey there, sexy,” Ciaran called from across the room.

  A relieved smile formed on Skye’s lips. She closed her eyes and focused on the feeling of his approach.

  Ciaran walked slowly towards her, playfully singing Queen’s ‘Killer Queen.’ He made it through the chorus before Skye finally gave in and chuckled at his latest theme song for her.

  Satisfied with her reaction, his eyes wandered unhurriedly down her back and became happily affixed on the curve of her ass. He bit his bottom lip in appreciation.

  “Sweet, merciful Jaysus!” he exclaimed loudly. “Did ya sit in a pile of sugar there, darlin’? ‘cause tha is without a doubt the sweetest little arse I’ve ever laid me eyes… or me mouth… upon.”

  Skye threw her head back and laughed. Ciaran grinned triumphantly. When she finally turned toward him and caught a glimpse the devilish glint in his eyes, she did a doubletake. That look could only mean trouble… Delicious, delicious trouble.

  “Uh oh,” she said knowingly. “What are you up to?”

  Ciaran clutched his chest and let his mouth drop open in feigned offense. “I’ve nah the faintest idea as to what ya are referrin’, love,” he insisted. His claim would have been a great deal more convincing were his eyes not carefully scoping out their surroundings to gauge who was within earshot. “I’m just givin’ ya a cordial greeting, is all. Commenting on your awe-inspiring personal brand of delectableness. Nah up to a thing…”

  Skye eyed him skeptically. “Sure, you aren’t.”

  Once he was standing in front of her, Ciaran leaned back and cast one last purposeful glance down the halls. Skye stepped closer, expecting him to say something meant for her ears only. Without warning, he instead abruptly snagged her by the hand. Skye cracked up when he darted toward the door, dragging her along with him as he went. They raced through the vast interior of the building, down hallways and through rooms Skye had not previously explored.

  “Where are we going?” she asked in amusement.

  “I lied. I am up to something,” he answered over his shoulder.

  “No shit,” she said wryly.

  “Taran! Where ya hidin’, brother?” Ciaran shouted once they reached a barrier of plastic sheeting.

  Skye knew better than to keep walking in that direction or to ask why Ciaran had not simply walked through to find Taran. This was the section she was not meant to see until it was completed. The same section where her King was reluctantly spending his day.

  A moment later, and with a great deal of grumbling, Taran pushed aside the plastic and stepped through with Ruarachan in tow. Taran gave Skye a pleased smile, then looked to Ciaran with a wary frown.

  “What are ya up to now?” Taran sighed.

  Ciaran’s jaw dropped. “Why’s everyone always askin’ me tha?”

  Ruarachan answered wryly, “I’d imagine it has something to do with ya always being up to no good.”

  Ciaran rolled his eyes and shot a playful scowl in the direction of Taran’s personal guard.

  “Out with it,” Taran urged. “What trouble are ya causing and where do ya think you’re off to with Skye?”

  “Wellll…. I was wonderin’ if I could take this little beauty out for a bit of fun today,” Ciaran said cheerfully. “Go shoppin’. Get her mind off things. Maybe even find her some clothes tha do nah fall under the category ‘unisex’…” Ciaran curled his lip and shook his head as he side-eyed her current clothing in feigned distaste.

  “Hey!” Skye griped and swatted him in the arm.

  “I’m just sayin’!” Ciaran laughed.

  Taran frowned and crossed his arms over his chest. He looked back and forth between the two, keeping his expression blank. He did love the way Ciaran was able to put that particular carefree smile on Skye’s face. He loved the way her posture changed when they played around – as if some heavy weight had been lifted from her shoulders. Given the stress she had been under lately, some time to relax and enjoy herself would do a great deal of good. Taran was not, however, crazy about the idea of her leaving the safety of the den without him. The last time they had been further than a matter of rooms apart was the night of her kidnapping and his (temporary) death.

  “Where?” Taran asked.

  “Just a few blocks away. We’ll both have our phones on so ya can track us the whole time,” Ciaran assured.

  Taran pursed his lips and exhaled through his nose – a sure sign that he was not pleased with the idea.

  “We’ll bring Eògan. And Ailean.” Ciaran offered as he waved them over. He squinted to gauge his brother’s reaction to each name in the hopes of finding a trace of approval. “And Elijah. And Donnach. Annndddd…” He glanced around their current location for anyone else that could help sway his brother. “Aodh! No one wants to mess with good ol’ Aodh, am I right?”

  Once the requested men had all come over to see what task they were needed for, Ciaran turned back to Taran. “So, what d’ya say? Can I get our girl out for some fresh air?”

  Taran’s jaw flexed. A tell that he was considering agreeing, but not quite convinced yet.

  “We’ll be back before sunset,” Ciaran assured.

  Taran scowled.

  “By 4:00?” Ciaran tried.

  Taran sucked his teeth.

  “3:00?” Ciaran squeaked hopefully.

  Taran rolled his eyes and let out a long sigh.

  Ciaran grinned.

  “Fine,” Taran grudgingly granted. “But ya all stay close and watch for any hint of trouble. Keep Skye surrounded at all times. Ciaran – I want ya attached to her side. Do nah make me regret this.”

  Skye grinned and walked over to her King. She draped her arms over his shoulders and stretched up to give him a kiss. “We won’t be long, I promise,” she assured.

  Taran wrapped his arms around her and kissed her more deeply, reveling in the feeling of having her close. He prayed that this was not a thing he would regret, but – regardless of his wishes – he knew they could not spend eternity hiding indoors, too frightened to live. While his instinct was always to keep her at his side, he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that she was every bit as safe under Ciaran’s protection. Any threat Ciaran could not defend her from would best him, as well.

  Skye held him just as tightly, knowing all too well the reason for his long goodbye. She was always hesitant to leave his side, too.

  No one rushed the pair. They waited patiently for them to finish.

  Once they were beyond the walls of their property and out on the city streets, Skye bumped shoulders with Ciaran. “So, what really prompted this little excursion? I know for damned sure you don’t mind my clothes.”

  Ciaran licked his lips suggestively. “Only when they’re in me way, a stóirín,” he teased
with a wink. “But you’re right, there was an ulterior motive for this little trip of ours. Was havin’ a chat with Taran the other night and it occurred to me… Your King of hearts back there hasn’t the foggiest what modern lingerie looks like.”

  Skye’s eyes widened at all the wondrous possibilities that factoid presented. She stared at the side of Ciaran’s head as he led her across an intersection.

  “See? Precisely me own reaction,” Ciaran chuckled when he looked over at her. “I knew he’d go on hemmin’ and hawin’ about us leavin’ the den, but, come on, there are some things tha are just worth the risk. I mean think about it – the last time he ventured beneath a skirt, it was ankle-length and 20 layers thick.”

  Skye grinned. “Well, I did joke with him the other day that I owe him a wedding present… Okay, let’s do it. Let’s go find something to blow that ancient mind.”

  It drew quite a bit of attention from the city’s residents to walk down the street surrounded by Ciaran, Aodh, Eògan, Elijah, Donnach, and Ailean. Especially when Ailean was at the edge of the sidewalk with his god damned button-up shirt wide open and flapping in the wind in fucking DECEMBER to show off the contours of his massive, chiseled chest and rippling abs and chilled, pierced nipples through his ultra-thin, white undershirt and OMFG why did he always do that?! His hair had been returned to its former glory of bleached blond with black roots. For some unknown reason, it made his trimmed black beard, light blue eyes, and tan complexion even sexier. Lord help her.

  Skye absolutely adored Ailean, but his utterly-distracting good looks made her wonder sometimes whether it would have been better for her blood pressure to be in separate packs. For the millionth time, she cursed her body’s traitorous broadcasting of arousal when she caught Ciaran’s knowing sideways glance. He looked around her to openly admire Ailean’s physique for himself. He bit his bottom lip and the look of wicked intent that passed over his features nearly made Skye whimper. When the torment earned him a hard punch to the arm, Ciaran laughed. Skye abandoned the effort to look annoyed when he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and kissed the side of her head.


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