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One Indecent Night

Page 11

by Hargrove, A. M.

  “Very good, sir.”

  We sat and were enjoying our wine when Flavio stopped by.

  “You were happy with the choices?”

  “Very,” I said.

  He looked at Sylvie and she said, “It was amazing. The best I’ve ever had.”

  “Grazie. Thank you.” He bowed and left.

  It was close to ten o’clock and I wondered if she would consider going to my place. I’d tried the last time and she’d said no. Would she say the same thing again?

  The waiter brought the check and I placed my credit card on it for him to take. When he brought it back, I signed it, leaving him a huge tip. On the way out, I also gave Flavio a large cash tip as well.

  Once outside, I asked, “Well, Sylvie, where shall I tell Robert to take us. My place or yours?”



  Taking Evan’s hand in mine, I said, “Yours.” His smile sent shivers down my spine and I knew tonight would be a repeat of what happened on St. Lucia. But this time it wouldn’t be a mistake. I would be a willing partner with a full memory of everything we did.

  We arrived at an underground garage and exited the car. Evan thanked Robert as we parked and they exchanged a few words. I was so nervous, I didn’t pay attention. What had I gotten myself into? Was I ready to take this step or had this been a mistake?

  Evan wrapped his large and warm hand around mine and we walked toward the elevators. He punched in some numbers on a keypad and up we went. I wasn’t sure to which floor, since the elevator didn’t have the usual numbers on it. When the doors swooshed open, we were in some sort of lobby or vestibule. There was another door in front of us and we walked up to it. I watched him enter a series of numbers onto another keypad and press his fingertips on a pad. Then I heard a click as the door unlocked.

  “Is this some sort of high tech security lock or something?” I asked.

  “Yeah, I don’t want any snoopers entering, you might say.”

  “How can they even get through the elevator?”

  “You’d be surprised. They’ve come disguised as the maintenance man, an electrician, the internet guy, you name it.”

  “But I thought you said nobody knew you lived here.”

  “I did, but that doesn’t mean people aren’t curious about who actually does live here. I’m not even listed on the building’s tenant list. All my mail goes to the business address.”

  I smiled. “You really are a man of mystery.”

  “I suppose so. Would you like to come in?” He waved an arm and it made me laugh.

  I walked through the entryway and tried hard not to suck in a breath. The room opened to an expansive living area where one entire wall was nothing but windows that looked out over the city of Manhattan. It was stunning. I found myself in front of the view and hardly remembered walking there. In the distance, I saw the Empire State Building and even the Freedom Tower.

  “This is incredible,” I said as I felt his presence next to me.

  “It’s the very reason I bought the … place.”

  I glanced up at him when he said that, because I sensed there was more to the story. “The place?”

  “I own the building. I’m also heavily invested in real estate.”

  “Out of curiosity, did you own the Italian restaurant we went to tonight?”

  He shook his head. “Sylvie, I don’t own everything.”

  To me, it seemed he did. Of course, when all I had to my name was one small townhouse and a car, anything more than that seemed like a lot.

  He turned me towards him and asked, “Does it bother you that I have all this wealth?”

  “In some ways, because it makes me seem insignificant.” He went to say something, but I stopped him. “But in others, it doesn’t because you worked hard for it and earned it.”

  He appeared thoughtful for a second and said, “Thank you for that. And I don’t ever want you to feel insignificant because you are not that to me at all. In fact, you are quite the opposite. The mere fact that you are standing here should tell you something.”


  “You don’t remember?”

  I tried to recall what he was saying, but couldn’t.

  “Sylvie, you’re the first and only woman I’ve ever brought here.”

  Then it hit me and a huge grin settled on my face. “Yes, and thank you for trusting me enough to do that.”

  “Let me show you around.”

  Since we were in the living room, we started here. It had a massive TV, because apparently Evan loved sports. The furniture was welcoming and not stiff and formal. I threw myself on one of the sofas and exclaimed, “Oh, I love this. It’s so comfy.”

  “I’ve been known to take long naps on them.”

  “Can’t blame you for that.”

  Moving on to the rest of the place, the dining room was huge, but I asked myself if he never brought anyone here, why he needed such a large one. And then the kitchen was a gourmet cook’s dream. Expansive, with all the top appliances anyone could want, it also had a huge island with seating, a beverage cooler, wine cooler, and just about anything one could imagine.

  “Wow, this is amazing! Do you cook?” I asked.

  “I dabble, if you want to call it that. But I have a housekeeper who cooks for me during the week. She spoils me something fierce.”

  A wave of jealousy tore through me. I imagined this housekeeper to be young, attractive and to wear one of those French maid outfits when she worked. Oh, my God, I had it bad already.

  “Why is your face red, Sylvie?”

  My hands flew to my cheeks and they were hot. “I didn’t realize they were.” I was a terrible liar. That only made them redder.

  “Sylvie, what were you thinking?”

  “Nothing, really.”

  He’d backed me against one of the counters and now had me caged.

  “Come on, I know you’re hiding something. What is it?”

  “Really, it’s nothing.”

  “Then why are your shoes suddenly so interesting? You were fine until I mentioned that I had a housekeeper. Is that it? That I have a housekeeper, who happens to be in her late fifties?”

  I immediately glanced up to see his eyes dancing with mirth. Dammit! I gave it away. Why was I always so stupid?

  “You were jealous of Rita, weren’t you?”


  “Rita, my fifty-eight-year-old housekeeper who spoils me like her own son.”

  I scrunched up my face and squeaked out, “Maybe.” But I didn’t dare tell him about the image of Rita in the French maid’s outfit. He’d never let me live that down.

  “I can’t wait to introduce the two of you. She’s going to love you and be so happy I finally have a girlfriend.”

  “Is that what I am? Your girlfriend?”

  “I certainly hope so.”

  “Then are you my boyfriend?”

  “Why do I feel like this is so cheesy and we’re in junior high?”

  “I don’t know, but I think it’s kind of cute.” I bit my lower lip.

  “Hmm. Wanna know what I think is much cuter?”

  “What?” I asked.

  Suddenly, I found myself sitting on the counter, where I was now face-to-face with him. He took my chin between his thumb and finger and said, “This.” Then his lips captured mine in a heated kiss and everything else I’d been thinking of, including Rita and the French maid’s outfit, was erased from my mind. All I knew from that moment on was how his lips and mouth made me feel. Hot and sexy. When his tongue slipped past the opening of my mouth and the kiss deepened even further, I was completely under his spell. I decided right then I never wanted this kiss to end.

  Unfortunately, we had to breathe, which really sucked. I must’ve voiced that out loud, because Evan burst out laughing.


  “The things you say. Breathing sucks. You’re hilarious.”

  “I didn’t mean to say that out loud, but it’s true.”
br />   He wrapped my legs around his waist, put my hands on his shoulders and said, “Hold on.”

  “Oh, wait, is this the reverse piggyback?”

  He laughed again. “Yeah, and this time, I get to kiss you.”

  He finished the tour, saving the best room for last. His bedroom.

  “Holy crap, my whole house could fit in here.” It had a sitting area with a fireplace, the kind you turned on with a switch. The closet was larger than my bedroom, and the bathroom was like a luxury spa.

  “Wanna take a bubble bath?” he asked. He set me on my feet, and I walked around, inspecting the place.

  “Dude, your shower is a palace.” It was true. I counted ten shower heads. “How do you ever get out of here?”

  “You can turn only one on, if you want.”

  “I see.”

  The tub was gigantic. It could probably hold four adults. “You could have a party in here.”

  “Sylvie, the only party I’d like to have in there, would be with you.” His voice gave me goosebumps. Was I ready to get naked in front of him? I knew coming here would result in this. Why was I acting like a virgin?

  “Evan, I’m nervous.”

  “I can tell. What can I do to make it easier?”

  “Turn the water on, put the bubble bath in, and dim the lights.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  I watched him go about it, and then he turned to me, asking, “What next?”

  “Kiss me?”

  “You don’t have to ask.”

  I was in his arms and we were practically devouring each other, when I said, “Do you think we should undress?”

  “That’s an excellent idea.”

  “You first,” I said.

  “Fine, but Sylvie, I’m going to be the one who undresses you.”

  I nodded and then watched him get naked. First, he unbuttoned his shirt. Next, his jeans. He was down to his boxer briefs and I had the outlined glimpse of what lay beneath. I licked my lips. Then he slipped those off and he was exactly as I remembered. Magnificent.

  He walked up to me and lifted the hem of my sweater. It whooshed over my head, leaving me in my bra. Then he unhooked it and just stared. My nipples hardened under his gaze.

  “You’re perfect, just as I remembered.” A hand teased one nipple as the other unbuttoned my jeans. I moaned, responding to his touch. My pants fell to my ankles and I stepped out of them, leaving me in one of the thongs he’d sent me. It was the black lacy one with the bow right in front.

  “You look gorgeous in this.” He dropped to his knees and placed his mouth on me. When he opened it around me, I moaned again.



  Two hands gripped my hips as he tongued me over the silken fabric. The feel of his mouth and teeth was divine. If his hands hadn’t been holding me, my knees would’ve buckled. Then he tugged the thong to the side and his tongue flicked over me repeatedly, before it circled and pressed down. I cried out his name as I came.

  Afterward, he pulled the thong off and I was finally naked. He picked me up, sat in the tub with me in his lap. I was leaning against his chest and felt his erection against my back when he lifted my hips and slid carefully inside.

  “Is this okay?” he asked.

  “Ahh, yes.”

  “Lean forward, hands on my thighs.”

  I did as he asked.

  “You’re now in control.”

  His legs were together, and I rose and fell on him, first slow, then faster. His hands directed me, as he filled me, stretched me. How could I have not remembered this? I rocked my hips to hit my most sensitive spots, both of them, until I was in a frenzy, and the deep sounds he made only drove me harder. The orgasm I chased was within my grasp and it plowed into me as I gasped. My inner muscles spasmed around him as he groaned loud and long, spilling himself into me. I fell back against him, panting.

  He smoothed my hair back, kissing my neck. I felt slightly awkward now and didn’t know what to say. I wanted to say, “Whoa, that was epic.” But would that sound juvenile? He saved me by speaking first.

  “The only thing missing was that I didn’t get to see your beautiful face when you came.”

  I melted.



  Sylvie looked over her shoulder at me with a hint of shyness in her eyes. I wasn’t having any of that. I turned her around to face me so I could kiss her plump lips. The sounds she’d made as I’d thrust into her were enough to set me off and here she was again, moaning into my mouth. I tore myself away from her saying, “You keep that up and I’m going to have to fuck you again.”

  “Would that be so bad?”

  “Not bad at all, but we’re turning into raisins.” I held up her hand to show her. A bubble of laughter filled the room. “Come on.” I set her aside, stood up, and her eyes circled as she ogled me. I’ll admit it was a proud moment. Reaching for a couple of towels, I wrapped one around her first, and then me.

  We dried off and I carried her to the bed. Moments later, I brought back two bottles of sparkling water. “I hope this is okay.”

  “It’s great.”

  We drank and then climbed under the sheets.

  “This bed is fantastic. It’s so comfortable.”

  I pressed a button and the shades closed. “It’s really bright in the morning and these are blackout shades.”

  “Evan, can I ask you something?”


  “I noticed you didn’t wear a condom.”

  I didn’t waste one second before rolling over and looking her in the eyes. “No, I didn’t. When we were in St. Lucia, I asked you about it and you told me it was okay not to because you were on the pill. I’m safe, Sylvie, if that’s what you’re concerned about.”

  “Well, that’s good. I don’t remember any of that. I’m glad you asked.”

  “I would never have done anything else. You are on the pill, aren’t you?”


  I sighed. “For a moment there, you had me scared.”

  She brought her hand to my face, saying, “Thanks for asking while I was drunk out of my mind. That’s something I never would’ve thought of in that state.”

  “You’re welcome.” I kissed her. “Are you tired?”

  “Yeah, I am.”

  I pulled her against my side. “Go to sleep, sweetheart.” Her eyelids fluttered closed and I watched as she fell asleep in my arms. I had dreamed about this since I’d gotten home from St. Lucia. I’d wanted her back in my bed and now I hoped she was here to stay.

  My mind leaped ahead to Thanksgiving. I had to notify my people that I would be arriving on Thursday. I also had to let my flight crew know. They probably wouldn’t be happy, but they would earn double pay so that should alleviate some of their irritation over having to work on a holiday. I made mental notes of everything to be done tomorrow before sleep claimed me.

  When I woke up, the room was dark, and Sylvie was wrapped around my torso, using me as a pillow. One of her hands was dangerously close to my dick, so I didn’t want to move. I already had morning wood and moving would only make it worse. I was an early riser from habit, so I didn’t know how long she intended to sleep. In here, it was easy to forget the day was passing on with the blackout shades. Reaching for my phone, I was surprised to see it was already eight.

  I typed out a message to my staff at the house in the islands, letting them know I would be arriving Thursday afternoon. Next, I sent a message to my flight crew, telling them to be prepared to leave Thursday at ten in the morning from Westchester for Canouan and returning on Sunday morning. I would plan to stay at Sylvie’s on Wednesday night since she was close to that airport.

  Then I slipped out of bed, trying not to disturb her. I hoped she could sleep late. I threw on a pair of old jeans and a T-shirt and went to the kitchen to brew some coffee. After I poured a cup, I took it to the office with the intentions of getting some work done. When I turned on the computer, one of
my emails had already been answered. My pilot said he’d have everything ready for wheels up at ten a.m.

  There were reports to review and other things, but my mind was occupied with thoughts of the woman who was still asleep in my bed. What the hell was I doing in here working when I could still be naked next to her? Was I insane? It seemed so.

  Shutting down my computer, I drank the rest of my coffee and went back to bed. Sylvie was still curled on her side, where I had been laying, so I crawled back in and curved my body around hers. She smelled of lavender and lemon, making me want her even more. I remembered how perfect she’d been last night, and the sounds she’d made as we fucked. But I frowned as I thought about it. I wanted more of her, more than once a week, only I didn’t want to scare the shit out of her either. I thought back to Robert’s advice about the filly. Slow and easy. It would be hard because when I wanted something, I usually went after it with everything I had. And I hadn’t wanted a woman in ages. After tasting her again, the truth was, I’d never wanted anyone the way I wanted Sylvie.

  The sound of her stretching pulled me out of my daydreaming. Her arms touched one if mine and she jerked awake. When she saw me, a slow, sexy smile spread across her face.

  “Good morning, sweets.” I leaned down to kiss her.

  “Stop. I have morning breath.”

  I laughed and kissed her anyway. “I love your morning breath.”

  “Hmm. Yours tastes like coffee. Have you been up?”

  “Uh huh. But then I decided I’d rather be naked with you.”

  I stretched her arm above her head and went for one of her nipples. Taking it into my mouth, I sucked it hard until it elongated and hardened.

  “Oh, my. That’s good.”

  Moving to her other one, I did the same. Then I crawled between her thighs and lifted them, spreading them wide. Using my tongue, I pushed inside of her, and then licked her in a long swipe.

  “One or two?” I asked.


  “Fingers. One or two.”


  I used one finger to press inside of her and my tongue for the outside, concentrating on her clit. She was slick with desire and her pink folds gleamed. When she was about to come, I stopped. She let out a wail.


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