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One Indecent Night

Page 13

by Hargrove, A. M.

  “Don’t worry, sweets, I won’t get anywhere near that rough with you.”

  I kissed her, long and passionately, until she was boneless in my arms. Then I put the sleep mask on her. It was soft satin and padded on the inside. I knew it blocked everything out because I had tested it to make sure.

  “Are you comfortable?” I asked.


  “I’m going to arrange you in a different position. Let me know if you’re not.”


  I pulled her up a bit and then spread her legs again. “Don’t move your arms or I’ll have to tie you up.”

  “Is that a promise?”

  “Do you want them tied now?”

  “No, I was just kidding.”

  I dribbled some warming oil down her body, starting between her breasts and ending at the apex of her thighs. She murmured in pleasure. As I massaged the oil in, my fingers moved to more erotic places, such as her nipples, where I pinched and tugged, and to her clit, where I circled and teased. Soon, she was quivering under my touch.

  That’s when I brought out the flogger. At first, I trailed it gently across her skin, lingering on the more sensitive areas. Then I had her move to her hands and knees and did the same to her back. After she was comfortable, I started moving my wrist in a circular motion to get the flogger going, careful to not let it strike her in any danger zones. My aim was her buttocks and I lightly hit them, taking time to massage them in between each smack. Hearing her moans told me I was on target. When her cheeks were bright pink, I tossed the flogger aside and soothed the heat out of them, rubbing some cooling oil I had on hand. Then I asked how she was.

  “More,” she said, tearing the mask off.


  “You.” Her voice was breathy, and it spurred me on.

  I buried my cock in her and she quivered around me. My hands dug into her hips as I pounded into her. I was hard and relentless as I fucked her. Something came over me and I couldn’t slow down. She was soaked and tight as I thrust in and out, I couldn’t have stopped unless she asked me to.

  “Oh, God, Evan. I’m going to come.”

  She whimpered as her orgasm hit, and then spasmed around me. That’s when I gave a hoarse moan and released myself into her. It went on until I was bone dry. This climax had rocked my sex world. I didn’t know if it was the minor flogging, feeling her squeezing my dick with her pussy, or just the sex itself. But it was fucking epic.

  We both collapsed and I rolled next to her so I could see her face.

  “What’s that lopsided grin all about?” she asked lazily.

  “You really don’t know?”

  “Maybe.” The corners of her eyes crinkled.

  “Did you like the flogger?”

  “Yeah. Where did you learn how to do that?” she asked curiously. Then suddenly, as an afterthought, she immediately said, “Gosh, me and my big mouth. I shouldn’t have asked that.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because. Maybe an old girlfriend taught you or something.”

  “Not that. But when I bought them, the sales lady told me if I used them incorrectly, I could really hurt someone. She gave me an instruction booklet and a great YouTube video link. To be honest, I practiced a lot and barely put any strength behind it. This one has the curved tails that don’t sting as much. It’s short and light so it doesn’t pack as much of a punch. There are some pretty wicked ones that can hurt if you don’t know what you’re doing. I believe real lessons would be necessary with those.”

  “I really liked it. The sting was hugely erotic.” She held the flogger and ran the strands through her fingers.

  “Good. That was my intention. Just a little bit to get you going. Maybe I can practice more, and we can keep doing it. You looked very hot, by the way.”

  “Why didn’t you use it on my … you know?”

  “Your what, Sylvie?”

  “My clit.” She avoided looking me in the eye.

  “You can look at me when you say clit. I won’t laugh at you.”

  “But I might.” She was as pink as her ass.

  “Yeah, you’re right because it reminds me of our first night together. You were so damn funny.”

  “Stop. That’s not fair since I can’t remember.”

  A raspy chuckle left me, but I couldn’t help it. “You jumping on the bed. And then telling me you wanted me to flog your clit. You know, that’s where this flogging stemmed from. I’d never thought of it before you.”

  “Well, I’d never thought of it before those dang raunchy duke books.”

  “Hey, maybe you should read some of that out loud to me.”

  “No way. If you want to read it, you’ll have to buy it.”

  “Does he flog his helpless little virgin?”

  “Why yes, as a matter of fact, he does.”

  I grabbed and kissed her. “I’m gonna send this raunchy duke a thank you note.”

  Her giggles echoed through the bedroom.

  Monday was crazy since it was a short week due to the Thanksgiving holiday. Cole and I were having a meeting with the compliance team later that morning over the report he’d gone over regarding the four corporations we were checking out. They had green flagged all of them, but Cole hadn’t. One of them had off-shore accounts that looked suspicious. When he’d dug a little deeper, there were things neither of us liked, things that didn’t add up. I had a lot of questions for the team and was going to find out how they’d run their investigation and missed this when Cole hadn’t.

  They showed up ready to begin, with smiles on their faces. They didn’t last long when I opened the meeting with, “Can you explain this?” And I passed out the pages of the corporation in question with the red flag on it.

  The director of compliance, Martha, eyed it closely and said, “I don’t understand.”

  “What don’t you understand?” I asked.

  “The red flag.”

  “Cole, would you care to explain?”

  He went through everything he discovered in minute detail. I listened and watched Martha’s expression the entire time. It went from surprise to stunned, to anger. She was pissed that he’d gone behind her and checked all of the team’s findings. The next words out of her mouth actually stunned me.

  “Cole, I find it difficult to believe that in your position, you would actually check up on my team.” She was trying to upper hand him, which was a very bad thing to do.

  Cole sat in silence.

  That’s where I stepped in. “Martha, Cole follows up on what I tell him to. He checks and reviews everything I send him, from financials to compliance reports. And it’s a damn good thing, don’t you agree?”

  Her mouth flapped open and closed a few times before I said, “Don’t bother answering that. I’ve made a decision. Cole will be taking over your position as of today.”

  Now it was Cole who gaped at me.

  “But Mr. Thomas,” Martha said.

  “Don’t worry, you’re not being fired. I’m going to keep you in compliance as his assistant.

  That wasn’t something she was pleased with, but too bad. Had she done her job properly, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.

  “Haley, I’m moving you over as my assistant.” A look of absolute horror came over her. “Don’t worry, Haley. I don’t bite. Cole will show you how I prefer to have things run. And then if you have any other questions after today, you can check with me.”

  I stood and walked out, knowing the rumor mill would run wild. Cole followed me to my office, and I shut the door behind me.

  “Mr. Thomas—I mean Evan—”

  “Cole, before you say anything, let me speak. I’ve been thinking of promoting you for some time now. Your work is exemplary and after what you came up with on this corporation, through your own investigation I might add, I find no reason not to put you in that position. You have uncovered things the entire team was unable to and I’ve been having you do the same research for over six months now
. If you think you’re not prepared for this, you should think again. Everything you’ve been doing for me has set you up for this. Only now you’ll have some assistance. What I’d like for you to do is delegate it properly and then check everything they find. I have all the confidence in the world in you. If you need anything at all, you know where to find me. My door is always open for you and I sincerely mean that. I see you going places in this corporation.”

  “But, Evan, the people in that department are going to hate me, starting with my assistant.”

  “That’s right, so you’ll have to earn her respect and the others. I suggest you think about how to go about doing that.”

  “Any suggestions, sir?”

  “Let me ask you one question and you don’t have to answer it. How did I earn your respect? Now I would appreciate it very much if you would leave a detailed list of what Haley can expect from me. I know it’ll be difficult to do in the time you have left today, but do the best you can. Is that fair?”

  “Yes, sir. And Evan?”


  “Thank you for the opportunity.”

  “Don’t thank me. You earned it. Your new contract will be sent to you from HR sometime this afternoon, along with your new salary. I’m fairly certain you’ll be pleased.”

  He grinned. “I think my wife will be more pleased, sir.”

  Later that afternoon, Haley came into my office.

  “Sir, I wanted to see if there was anything you needed.”

  “Have a seat.”

  She looked as though she was ready to run, screaming from here.

  “Haley, there’s no need to be frightened. I may be a demanding boss, but I’m also a fair one.”

  “Yes, sir. That’s what Cole said.”

  “I hope he told you what you needed to get started.”

  “It was a lot. I hope I can fill his shoes. They’re mighty large.”

  I chuckled. “That they are. I’m always here to help. But the main thing is if you don’t know something, don’t try to cover it up. Ask. One of the things I had Cole focusing on was reviewing the compliance reports. It worked to his advantage. That’s where you were. How did you like it?”

  “I liked it fine.” She twisted her hands.

  “Is there any other part of the business that interests you? I checked your information and saw your background was in finance. Would you like to end up in that department? And I’m curious how you landed in compliance in the first place?”

  “Sir, it was because that was the only opening at the time.”

  “Who hired you?”

  “Martha, sir. It was at a college job fair.”

  “I see. If you had your choice, what would you like to do at StarWorks?”

  “Anything, sir?”

  “Anything and speak freely.”

  “I’d love to work in marketing.”

  “To what end?”

  “My areas of interest are consumer orientation and social marketing. In today’s world, you have to have both. I know StarWorks is on the leading edge of both and I would love to be a part of that team.”

  “Excellent. That’s what we’ll work together toward then.”

  “Really?” A smile grew on her face as she shoved her glasses up her nose.

  “Haley, my goal in having an assistant is to springboard his or her career. The good thing is that it usually helps them significantly. The bad thing is I’m in need of a new assistant every year and a half. I can’t promise you anything, but I can promise you my help.”

  “This is awesome, Mr. Thomas. Thank you. And I promise to work as hard as I can as your assistant. And if I’m not doing something the way you like it, please tell me so I can change.”

  “We have a deal. Go home and I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  She left and I thought I had the beginnings of a good working relationship with her. At least I had it moving in the right direction. Then I thought about Sylvie and our upcoming vacation. I wondered what I could surprise her with that wouldn’t be too overboard. Going to the islands would be great. I’d have to give it some thought.

  My cell phone rang and speak of the angel.

  “Hey sweets. What’s up?”

  “Can you come to meet my parents on Wednesday?”

  “Sure. I thought I’d stay with you that night anyway. The plane will leave from Westchester, so that will make the drive easy Thursday morning.”

  “That sounds perfect. My mom threw a fit, like I expected, but Dad and my sisters intervened and calmed her down.”

  “Is she going to hate me on sight?”

  “Probably. But your charm will get her on your side, I’m sure.”

  “I miss you already and it’s only been a day.”

  She was silent. Was that hesitation on her end?

  “I miss you too, Evan. I’ll talk to you later.”

  “Ciao, baby.” I heard her laughing as I ended the call.



  Tuesday and Wednesday at work dragged. I was about to pee my pants when I thought about Evan coming tonight. And then we were going to Mom and Dad’s for dinner. That sort of made me nervous. I packed last night so tonight after dinner I didn’t have to worry about it.

  By the time Evan arrived, I was riddled with anxiety. What if Mom and Dad hated him? But why would they? He was honest, sexy, caring, sexy, honorable, sexy, principled, sexy, sincere, sexy, trustworthy, and sexy. Besides that, Pearson could vouch for him.

  “Hey,” he said as I practically crawled over him when he came through the door.

  “Hey back.”

  “Someone’s happy to see me.”

  “I am.” I kept kissing his face.

  “Let me have a look.” He tipped my face up to check out my splint-less nose. “It’s perfect, just like before.” Then he kissed the tip of it. “And your bruising is much better too.”

  “I think so. You can hardly tell I was sucker punched.”

  Evan grimaced. “Don’t remind me of that.”

  “It’s in the past.” I kissed him on the lips.

  “Can we skip dinner and leave tonight?”

  I play punched his arm. “Why didn’t you say something earlier?”

  “I’m just kidding. Come on. Let’s go see Mom and Dad.”

  We walked outside and I expected to see the limo, but it wasn’t there. “Where’s your car?”

  “Over there.”

  He pointed to a black Mercedes that looked identical to Pearson’s. “Did you borrow Pearson’s?”

  “No, we have the same kind of car. I took him when I bought mine and he liked it so much, he bought one too.”

  “That stinker. He’s a copycat.” Evan laughed.

  We got inside and I murmured, “Boys and their toys.”

  “What’s that?”

  “You men just love your fancy cars.”

  “What do you mean? Women like them too.”

  “Oh, it’s cool and all, but I love my little Toyota.”

  “So, if I were to buy you a really cool car, you wouldn’t want it?”

  “How much time do you really spend in a car?”

  “You have me there. I barely drive this because I usually have Robert drive so I can get some work done.”

  “My commute is short so even if I could afford it, I wouldn’t spend it.”

  “Fair enough, wise one.”

  I’d given him Mom and Dad’s address and he’d entered it into his GPS so we arrived in no time. When we walked in, they were waiting and having a cocktail already.

  Dad jumped to his feet and hugged me, saying, “Syllie, baby, how’s my big girl doing?”

  For heaven’s sake, he did not just call me that in front of Evan, did he?

  “Hey Dad,” I said, hugging him back.

  Mom came up and gave me one of her usual pert little kisses. “Hello, dear, how are you? You’re looking lovely.”

  “Thanks, Mom, so are you. And
I’m great. You guys, this is Evan. You remember him from the wedding?”

  “Yes, you were Pearson’s best man if I recall,” Dad said.

  “Evan, these are my parents, in case you don’t remember. John and Cindy West.”

  “Mr. West, Mrs. West, it’s great seeing you again.”

  “Please, you must call us John and Cindy,” Mom said. She smiled and I could tell she liked him. He handed her a bouquet of flowers as we stood there. “These are for you, Mrs. West, for allowing me to intrude on your family.”

  “Oh, my, it’s no intrusion at all.”

  “Would you two care for a drink? We have just about everything.” Dad was such a great host.

  “I’ll have a glass of chardonnay, Dad, if you have it.”

  “I’ll have the same, Mr. West.”

  “Please, it’s John and Cindy.”

  We followed Mom and Dad into the kitchen where Dad poured us both some wine. Mom checked on her roast and we sat at the island chatting. Soon, dinner was ready.

  As we ate, they asked Evan all kinds of questions about his life. I intervened a few times, as in when they got a bit nosy about his job.

  “Mom, Evan owns his own company. He’s in hedge funds.”

  “Oh, how nice. What kinds of hedges do you sell, Evan?”

  “Honey, hedge funds are investments,” Dad said.

  “Well, isn’t that something. I never knew people invested in hedges. John, we should look into that. I mean everyone buys hedges, don’t they?”

  Dad shook his head. “No, that’s not it. Hedge funds are sort of like mutual funds.”

  “Oh. Why didn’t you say so in the first place?” Mom could be totally spacey at times.

  Evan was trying not to laugh and so was I.

  “Mom, I barely understand it myself. All that stuff is so complicated. Poor Evan tries to explain it to me, and I’m absolutely lost.”

  “Oh, dear. I don’t blame you though. Your father always tried to explain the stock market to me, and I was a miserable failure at understanding it.”

  “Don’t worry, Cindy, a lot of people don’t understand it. Some of my largest investors don’t grasp it,” Evan said. “In its simplest terms, a hedge fund is for someone looking for above market returns. We use investment strategies designed to perform well in good and bad markets. That’s where the term hedge comes from.”


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