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Prey (Blackwater Pack Book 2)

Page 35

by Hannah McBride

  He moved closer, barely a couple of inches, but enough so that I could feel the inferno of his body near mine. The hand not currently exploring my bra splayed wide over my naked stomach. The flesh there trembled under his touch.

  “I need you to be completely positive that this is what you want, Skye,” he whispered, dipping his head to kiss the underside of my jaw.

  One last chance to back out. One final check to make sure I was giving consent.

  I lifted my hands and framed his face. “All I want is you. I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.”

  Another low growl vibrated through his chest, his lips curled into a smile that promised all sorts of things that had a low throb starting between my thighs. I pressed them together, trying to relieve the ache.

  His eyes lit like twin flames as he caught the subtle movement of my legs. The hand on my stomach dropped lower.


  My head fell back with a sharp gasp as his knuckles dragged against the zipper of my jeans. The friction so unsatisfyingly soft, but so incredibly hot, that my knees went freaking weak. I had to grab his shoulders to steady myself.

  His teeth caught the tender place where my shoulder curved into my neck. The usually playful nips he often delivered had a little more sting this time, his teeth scraping against the skin with a promise of a lot more.

  “You’re mine,” he swore, kissing the flesh he just assaulted.


  I’d had that word thrown at me more than I cared to remember. My life was never mine. My body was never mine. People like my uncle and Cassian liked to remind me as often as possible that I belonged to them. I was an object to be owned and used. I spent seventeen years of that word being my prison.

  And now that same word was the key that opened the lock of my cage and set me free.

  “Yours,” I agreed. I curled a hand around the nape of his neck, holding him to me.

  “Mine,” I vowed, settling my other hand against the steady thump of his heartbeat. I could feel the delicious heat of his skin through the thin cotton of his shirt.

  His lips curved into a devastating grin. “Yours,” he agreed, rocking his hips into me.

  My head dropped back with a groan, every nerve ending alight with anticipation and awareness.

  He exhaled slowly. “I love you.” His lips blazed a scorching trail across my collarbone.

  “Then show me.” I arched a brow, a teasing dare I knew would have an irreparable effect on the alpha in front of me.

  His grin turned absolutely feral, more wolf than human, a second before his mouth claimed mine.

  The kiss was hot and drugging, pulling me under and twisting my body in an undercurrent of sensations that had me gasping for air. My fingers curled into his shirt, fisting the material so I had something to hold on to before my legs gave out.

  His tongue slid into my mouth, invading and conquering. His kiss demanded everything I had to offer and more, but I was happy to surrender it. Happy to give him anything I had left to offer.

  A hand slid around me, his massive palm splaying across on the small of my back as I arched into him. The prominent ridge in his jeans pressed against me. I rubbed myself against him, needing relief from the heady pulse that thundered through my body.

  His hand slid lower, drifting over the curve of my ass and squeezing. He released a low, appreciative male groan, but kept going until he caught the back of my leg and lifted. The change in angle pressed my center against him, and now I whimpered.

  He lifted me effortless into his arms, easily absorbing my weight with his strength. My legs came around him, twisting around his body as I tried to get closer still.

  Our teeth clashed together in a frenzied kiss as he started moving, walking. He carried me up the stairs and to our room, kicking the door shut with his foot. Seconds later, I gasped as he tossed me on the bed.

  I landed sprawled on my back and managed to push up onto my elbows to see Remy reach behind his neck and fist his shirt in one hand, pulling it over his head and dropping it to the floor by the bed.


  It took me a second to remember to breathe again as my eyes roved over all the planes and dips in his torso, every muscle sculpted out of granite.

  He was, in a word, perfection.

  And he was, in another word, mine.

  I leaned forward, snagging one of the belt loops on his jeans and tugged him closer. With a teasing grin, he knocked my hand away. He reached down, deftly undoing the button and zipper of my jeans before I could blink. A second later, he peeled them from my body, tossing them over his shoulder.

  My breath caught as he stared down at me, his eyes ravenous and his tongue darting out to wet his lips. I could hear the whooshing of my blood as it roared in my ears, my breaths coming hard and heavy.

  His dark gaze dragged slowly up my body before latching onto my eyes. They were twin flames of want and need trying to decide what part of me to devour first.

  For a heartbeat, I was almost nervous and embarrassed. But there was no mistaking the love in his eyes, the reverence in his hands when he reached out and traced the feminine arch of my hip.

  He slowly lowered himself to his knees beside the bed, using his hands to drag the thin material of my panties down my legs.

  I held my breath for a second. In the stillness of the room, I could hear the rustle of lace and satin as my underwear hit the floor.

  Remy nudged my legs apart, pressing his mouth to the inside of my thigh before draping it over one shoulder. He moved to the other leg, kissing his way up in a sinfully delicious trail that made my hips jerk.

  I didn’t know which one of us groaned louder when his tongue licked up my center. I gasped, my hands fisting in the fabric of the bedspread as my back arched.

  “Your taste addictive as hell.” His throaty words were a direct line to the throbbing pull between my legs. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to squeeze my legs shut or open them as wide as I could.

  I reached for him, and he threaded my fingers with his, using his other hand to trace the inside of my thigh as his tongue made another pass, licking me from my entrance to my clit. His lips suckled the needy bundle of nerves into his mouth gently as he worked a finger inside of me.

  Mindless with need, I moved my hips, finding the natural rhythm of his finger pumping into me as his lips and tongue teased my clit.

  I gasped his name, my hand tangling in his hair as he added a second finger. He slowly worked me up, the peak of my orgasm just hanging out of reach. The second I was ready to topple over the edge, he changed the speed of his mouth or the angle of his fingers, finding new places to torment. I lost count of how many times he brought me to the edge, only to drag me back.

  “Rem,” I finally whimpered, looking down at him.

  He looked up at me, his dark eyes hooded as he stared back at me from between my legs before dropping them back to what he was doing.

  His fingers rubbed a spot inside of me that had stars bursting behind my eyelids. When his teeth grazed my clit a second before he sucked it hard into his mouth, I shattered apart with a strangled cry.

  My body slowly floated back down to earth as he kissed his way up my body, taking the time to worship every inch of skin he found before claiming my lips in a bruising kiss.

  A hand palmed my breast, his fingers twisting and teasing the peak until I arched against him, rubbing myself against the heavy bulge in his jeans.

  “I need you,” I whispered, shuddering as he lowered his head to suck a nipple into his mouth.

  He grinned against my skin, climbing off the bed and standing up.

  I pushed myself up onto my elbows as I scooted back, not willing to miss the show as he stripped out of his jeans and boxer briefs, pausing only to toe off his boots and socks, before he was spreading my legs apart and kneeling between them.

  He braced his hands on either side of my head, lowering his mouth to mine as his hips settled between my thighs, the length of him nudging my

  He reached for my hands, tangling them in his and bringing them on either side of my head as he kissed me slowly, thoroughly. I hooked a leg around his waist, arching my back.

  He broke the kiss with a throaty groan that made me grin.

  His dark eyes met mine. “I love you.”

  “I know,” I whispered back, emotion clogging my throat. “I love you.”

  Another smile that warmed my heart. “I know.”

  He kissed me again, squeezing my hands as he flexed his hips forward, sliding into me in one powerful thrust.

  I gasped into his mouth, crying out at the sudden rush of pain mixed with pleasure. Everything in my being throbbed, pulsing in time with the galloping of my heart.

  Remy paused giving me time to adjust as he kissed my jaw, my cheeks, my eyelids.

  After a few seconds, I rocked my hips into his once, experimentally, and my eyes nearly rolled back in my head at the sensation.

  “More,” I murmured, needing him to move.

  He lifted his hips, almost pulling out of me before driving back in with a groan. He repeated that over and over, thrusting and retreating, building in speed and intensity until his hips were slamming into mine.

  I pulled my hands free, needing to touch him. My arms circled his shoulders, pulling him down on top of me as his hips snapped against mine. He slipped one arm under my back, the other hand settling between us and circling my clit. My hips jerked in response, a low moan clawing from my chest.

  The need inside of me started to build, rapidly ascending as I scoured his back with my nails. It was more than just a frantic race for relief, though. I could feel my wolf, feel his wolf, driving us faster and harder.

  His mouth found the curve where my neck met my shoulder, and he dragged the flat of his tongue across the skin before nipping at it. He repeated the action, but this time, bit down harder, his teeth piercing my skin.

  The wolf in me howled and I turned, lifting my head enough to bite him back, locking us in a circular embrace that rippled through us. My teeth sinking into his hard skin until I tasted the coppery tang of blood on my lips. The taste of him filled my mouth, awakening the animal in me. I clawed at his back, raising my hips to meet each of his thrusts even as my legs hooked around his lower back, frantic to reach an epic conclusion.

  His hips pounded into me once, twice, a third time, and then I flew apart. He followed me over the edge with a roar, his teeth again biting down harder than before. The spike of pain rolled into the orgasm ripping through me until I thought I would never come back down.

  Which was fine by me; I was happy to live amongst the moon and stars if Remy was with me.


  I was never leaving this bed.

  “We need to get up soon,” Remy told me, his voice full of regret as his lips trailed kisses across my bare shoulders. His hand caressed the curve of my ass, coasting over the dips and swells absently. I wasn’t even sure if he knew he was doing it.

  I glanced over my shoulder at him from where I lay on my stomach in our bed. “Your words say one thing, but your mouth and hand seem to have other ideas,” I laughed.

  The hand in question lazily exploring my backside dipped lower, teasing the seam of my entrance before one finger slipped inside of me.

  I sighed, my eyes closing as I moaned softly into the pillow.

  The slight twinge of discomfort was quickly washed away by a cascade of want and need, my legs falling open wantonly to give him better access.

  Our first time together had been fast, driven by our wolves to complete the bond. I had damn near blacked out after the orgasm to end all orgasms tore through me. Remy had gently cleaned me up, his soft strokes and mouth pressing kisses against my damp skin until I was a writhing mess on the bed.

  The second time, Remy had taken his time, dragging out my pleasure until I was pretty sure the whole resort heard me begging and moaning for release.

  The third time had been after we had fallen asleep. He had woken me up with his head between my legs, his mouth coaxing a rolling orgasm out of me before I was barely awake. I returned the favor an hour later, waking him up with my mouth.

  Exhausted, we had fallen asleep, curled around each other until morning, where my body was more than ready to go a fifth round. Exhaustion be damned. I could sleep later.

  I bit the corner of the pillow as he added a second finger, curling them to hit some magic spot in my body that had my vision blurring every time he did it. It only took minutes before my body splintered apart again.

  Remy grinned as he lay back down beside me, lifting his hand to his lips to lick them clean.

  My breath caught, the sight indescribably erotic and sending fresh waves of want pulsing through me even as my stomach growled.

  Screw food. I could feast on my mate.

  He chuckled, a hand smoothing my hair away from my face. “You need to eat.” His stomach growled. “Okay, we both need to eat.”

  “What time is it?” I mumbled, not wanting to roll over and look at the clock.

  “Almost eight,” he replied.

  We had been in bed for almost eighteen hours, only getting up to use the bathroom and grab a drink. That had to be some kind of record.

  I rolled over onto my back, grinning impishly when his eyes dropped to my bare chest.

  “I think we should stay here all day,” I said, reaching up to touch his face.

  I wanted to stay in this moment forever. I was happy. More than happy. My wolf was at peace, and I felt closer than ever to Remy.

  He kissed the side of my breast, a finger gently tracing the mark he had left on me last night. I winced as a small thread of pain pierced the happy fog I was in.

  The bite was healing, but, judging by what I had glimpsed in the mirror in the middle of the night when I went to the bathroom, I would have a hell of a scar. I was definitely a claimed mate.

  My eyes studied the mark I had left when I bit into the hard muscle of his shoulder. It wasn’t as deep as the one he had given me, but it was still there.

  Remy’s lips found mine, his tongue sweeping into my mouth like he owned it. Which, he did. Completely.

  “I think you should stay in bed,” he said softly, his eyes warm and full of love. “I have a meeting I can’t miss this morning. You can be lazy for both of us.”

  “It’s more fun when you’re in the bed with me,” I said with a huff as he sat up.

  He stood up, unabashedly naked as he headed for the bathroom.

  “I could always join you,” I offered, raising up onto my elbows.

  He glanced over his shoulder with a chuckle. “Yeah, that’s a good way to make sure I’m late. I have ten minutes to get ready.”

  I flopped back against the mattress and stared up at the ceiling. “Fine. I guess I’ll take care of myself.” I splayed a hand low on my belly, making the intent clear.

  Two hands grabbed my ankles, jerking me down the bed until my butt reached the edge. I squeaked in surprise as Remy stepped between my spread knees and cupped me between the legs boldly, his thumb easily sliding through my slick folds and tracing my opening before stroking the side of my clit with unerring accuracy.

  I bit my lip to suppress a groan as he did exactly what I had hoped my little threat would entice him to do.

  “You don’t fight fair,” he said, shaking his head before pulling his hand back and heading into the bathroom.

  I groaned, frustrated in more ways than one. “You suck!” I called.

  His head appeared in the doorway, his eyes glittering with mirth as he smiled. “Yeah, but you like it when I do.”

  My jaw dropped open a second before a giggle slipped past my lips. I rolled onto my side as I laughed while he shut the door and turned on the shower.

  I was still being lazy, laying in bed and studying dust motes floating in the air when the door opened and he appeared dressed with wet hair. He grabbed his phone from the dresser and slipped it into his back pocket before coming back and si
tting on the edge of the bed beside me.

  “I’ll order you something to eat before I leave,” he said, his fingers sliding through my hair.

  “Waffles?” I asked hopefully, wanting carbs and sugar. I adored the way butter and syrup would pool in the tiny pools the waffles provided.

  “And extra bacon,” he added with a knowing smile. He leaned over and kissed my forehead. “If you want to come to the afternoon meeting, they’ll be doing a group session. Let me know and I can come back and get you.”

  “I’ll see what Tate’s doing,” I replied. “I need to call my mom at some point today. We haven’t really talked since I got here.”

  “Sounds good,” he agreed. “Call me if you need me.”

  I blinked at him slowly. “I always need you.”

  His gaze heated. “Same.” He kissed me again, his mouth slanting over mine. The kiss ended too soon and he was getting up and leaving the room.

  I waited until I heard his footsteps on the stairs before getting up and heading into the bathroom myself. I flipped on the light and studied myself in the mirror.

  “Whoa,” I murmured, bracing my hands on the counter and leaning forward to inspect my seriously messy hair. I tried to finger comb it into submission, but it was a disaster from Remy’s fingers and rolling around in bed.

  My gaze dropped to the bite on my shoulder. I winced as I touched it, gently probing the bruised and red skin. The muscle under it ached where Remy’s canines had pierced muscle as well as flesh.

  I smiled at myself, proud of the mark and what it represented.

  I took my time showering, letting the hot water ease some of the soreness from my body before I stepped out in a cloud of steam thick enough to hide the door.

  My skin chilled as I stepped into our bedroom, and went to the dresser to decide what to wear.

  Jeans were an easy choice, but I hesitated before selecting a white scooped-neck tank top. I pulled on my underwear, struggled to get the jeans on over my damp skin and finally pulled on the top.

  The low cut perfectly showed off the claiming mark.

  I smirked at myself in the mirror, already imagining my uncle’s face when he saw he was wrong.


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