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Unexpected Chances (Fairshore Series Book 2)

Page 12

by Christina Butrum

Again, I apologize for putting all of this on you. I was left with no other choice.

  Please help.

  Courtney 341-225-7809

  Amelia folded the note after she read it to Bailey. Silence swallowed the space around them. Amelia felt numb and she did not know what to do or say next.

  “That’s strange, Amelia,” Bailey stated.

  “I know she isn’t lying about the man hurting her,” Amelia admitted.

  Bailey glanced at her with a puzzled look on her face. “Why do you say that?”

  “Because I saw the bruises on her today.”

  Bailey held up a finger. “Wait a minute, you mean to tell me you saw her today?”

  Amelia nodded. “Yes, at the grocery store.”

  “And that’s when she handed you this note?” Bailey asked as she pointed to the folded paper in Amelia’s hand.

  Amelia nodded again.

  “She didn’t give you any clue about what she wrote?” Bailey asked.

  Amelia shook her head. She felt overwhelmed at the thought of another woman wanting to let her raise her baby. She wondered why Courtney hadn’t gone to an adoption clinic. She wondered why Courtney hadn’t let the hospital know any of this while she was there with her baby.

  “It’s too much to understand,” Amelia said.

  Bailey nodded. “It seems like she needs someone to reach out to and she chose you,” Bailey said. “I’m sure she doesn’t really want to give her baby up for adoption. Otherwise she would’ve done that in the hospital.”

  “It just doesn’t seem right,” Amelia said. Her gut instinct told her none of this made sense.

  “I wouldn’t worry about it, Amelia.”

  “That’s easier said than done,” Amelia said. “I shouldn’t have read the note.”

  Bailey shrugged. “Maybe let Zach read it and see what he thinks about it.”

  “He’ll tell me to call the police and have them take care of it,” Amelia stated.

  “Maybe that’s what you should do then,” Bailey said as she shrugged her shoulders. “It’s a crazy situation.”

  “I should be used to the craziness by now,” Amelia admitted.

  “You just hang on and get through it,” Bailey suggested. “Zach will know just what to do and everything will take care of itself.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Amelia took Bailey’s advice and showed the note to Zach. She still had a hard time believing the note was real. She wished she had never opened it. If she hadn’t opened it, she would not be in the situation she was in now.

  She handed the note to Zach.

  “What’s this? A love note?” He winked at her when he grabbed it from her.

  “You’re going to wish it was,” she confessed. “I don’t think you’re going to enjoy it.”

  He unfolded it and read it. She watched his eyes as they traced over each word. He looked up at her and shook his head. “This can’t be happening.”

  Amelia stared blankly at him. He continued to read. When he finished the note, he folded it and tossed it on the coffee table. “I’m not doing anything with it. She needs to go to a psychiatrist. That’s what she needs.”

  “Zach, what if it’s true?” Amelia asked. “What if she really does need our help?”

  Zach shook his head. “I’m not raising a baby that isn’t mine. Isn’t that why we went through all of this hell? To prove that kid isn’t mine?”

  Amelia shrugged her shoulders.

  Zach looked at her. “Come on, you can’t actually be thinking about it,” he stated firmly. He tossed his arms in the air and stood up. “That’s it. The only thing I’m going to be doing about this is calling the cops.”

  Amelia stood and grabbed his arm. “Wait, Zach—” she said.

  He interrupted her, “What? That she’d be in trouble?” Zach shook his head. “I’m sorry, but if she cared enough to write this crazy note to you, then she should care enough to explain it to the cops.”

  Zach walked into the kitchen and picked up the phone. “I’m sorry, Amelia. I don’t know what else to do.”

  She stood frozen in the doorway as she watched him dial the number to the police station. She wondered why all of this had happened to them. She wished it would all go away and leave them to their own life. She wanted her normal, not-so-crazy life back.

  “I need an officer at my house, please,” Zach stated and gave the dispatcher their address. “Thank you.”

  He hung up the phone and looked at her. Worry filled her as she thought about Courtney and the baby. What if the note was true and Courtney really had reached out to her to help?

  “We’re helping her the best way I know how to, babe,” Zach said as he reached out for Amelia’s hand. He guided her to the couch and sat down next to her. “I’m sorry if you disagree with me.”

  Amelia shook her head. “I don’t disagree with you,” she admitted. “It’s just I don’t know what to do.”

  “Just relax. We’ll let the police take care of it,” Zach told her again. “That way, she gets the help she needs and we can get back to our happy normal life.”

  Amelia nodded. “I hope it goes that way.”

  The police officers who had come to their house the other day knocked on their front door.

  Amelia hopped up and answered the door. She allowed them to enter the house. They stepped into the living room. Zach stood and greeted them with the note. “She gave Amelia this letter earlier at the grocery store.”

  The officer took the note and opened it. He slowly read through it and looked up at Amelia. “Did she say anything to you in the store?”

  Amelia shook her head. “Not really. She asked me how I was feeling and mentioned she wanted to visit me in the hospital.”

  “She didn’t give you any indication about what was in this letter?”

  Amelia shook her head.

  “Well, we’ll take it from here and get her the help she’s requesting,” the officer confirmed. “I want you to contact us if she tries to contact you.”

  Amelia nodded. “Will the Department of Human Services get involved?”

  The officers nodded. One of them answered her question, “Most likely DHS will get involved because of the baby. That’s about as much as I know so far.”

  Amelia nodded. Zach wrapped an arm around her and brought her close to him. “Thank you officers for your help,” Zach said.

  “Let us know if you hear any more from her,” the officer demanded.

  “Will do,” Zach stated.

  When the police officers left, Amelia looked at Zach and asked, “Can we go to bed? I’m exhausted.”

  Zach nodded and lifted her off her feet. He carried her up the stairs and into their bedroom. He laid her down on their bed and kissed her. He climbed in next to her and placed his arm around her.

  “I love you, Amelia,” he whispered in her ear

  “I love you, too,” she said as she wiped tears from her cheeks.

  He rolled her toward him and asked, “What’s wrong?”

  She shook her head and tried to dismiss his question, but she cried harder. He embraced her against his chest and hugged her tightly.

  “I’m sorry you’ve been through all of this,” he apologized. “I wish I could’ve made it all disappear.”

  Amelia looked into his eyes. His eyes filled with tears. “It’s not just that,” she admitted.

  He propped himself on an elbow and asked, “Then what else is bugging you?”

  She turned her head away from him and wiped more tears as they fell silently down her cheeks. She wished this whole nightmare would end and she would wake up to her happy relationship. “I just want us to be happy.”

  He kissed the top of her head and said, “We are happy, babe.”

  She rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Not with everything that has happened in the last few months, we aren’t happy.”

  The pain she saw in his face when she said this was unbearable.

  “You’re right, we have
n’t been as happy as we once were,” he admitted. “But, I can tell you I wouldn’t have wanted to go through this with anyone but you.”

  * * *

  She woke to him as he teased her with his mouth. She moaned and arched her back as his mouth found her nipple. “What’re you doing?”

  “I’m finishing what we started the other day,” Zach said as he climbed on top of her.

  She arched her back as he gently bit her chest. She pressed her hips against his hardness and allowed him to enter her. He tore his mouth from hers and a gasp escaped her as he plunged himself deep inside her.

  He rolled her on top of him and allowed her to straddle him. She rode him until they climaxed. Both finished in a triumphant explosion. She collapsed to his chest and inhaled his scent.

  “Simply amazing,” Zach whispered in her ear.

  “You can say that again,” she said, breathless.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  “Zach called the police like I thought he would?” Bailey asked as she stacked a box along the wall.

  Amelia looked around Bailey’s house. Bailey had been busy as she prepared for her move to Bexley. Stacked boxes full of Bailey’s belongings lined the living room wall. Piles of empty boxes crowded the hallway. Amelia made her way through the path of unpacked boxes to the living room. It was only a matter of time until her best friend moved out of town. She refused to look forward to it.

  “Yes, he did,” Amelia frowned. “I still don’t know if that was the right thing to do or not.”

  Bailey stood by the bookshelf and watched Amelia. She grabbed a stack of books and stuffed them into a box. She could tell Amelia was in deep thought. “Amelia.” Bailey waited for Amelia to acknowledge her before she said, “I think Zach’s right for what he did.”

  Amelia nodded. Bailey stuffed the last set of books into the box and taped it closed. She walked toward Amelia and said, “I know it doesn’t feel like the right thing now, but it’s the best thing for her and the baby. Letting the police and the state take care of the situation will allow the most help for them.”

  “I understand that, but she said in the letter she’d be in trouble if the man she’s with finds out.” Amelia felt tears as they stung her eyes. Her bottom lip quivered as she tried to talk. “I’m afraid for her and the baby.”

  Bailey walked over to Amelia and embraced her in a hug. She rubbed her hand on Amelia’s back. Amelia hated the fact she cared so much. “You care too much sometimes. It’s getting the best of you,” Bailey told her. “You need to think positive. They’ll get her the help she needs.”

  Amelia had a hard time as she accepted the fact there was nothing more they could do for them. She nodded. She loved how practical Bailey was. Bailey was her anchor, her guidance, and her best friend. She would be lost without Bailey when she moved.

  “I can always count on you to help me figure everything out,” Amelia said.

  Bailey shrugged. “I didn’t do much, but hey, I’m here for you. I just want you to be happy and I know the thoughts that were running through your head.”

  Amelia tilted her head to the side and raised a brow. “Oh, really? And what thoughts were those?”

  Bailey threw her head back and laughed. She pointed a finger at Amelia and said, “By now, I know how you think.”

  Amelia shook her head.

  Bailey smiled and said, “You know dang well you wanted to adopt that baby of hers and help her.”

  Amelia’s eyes widened.

  Bailey pointed at her and said, “See, exactly.”

  Amelia chuckled. “I don’t know how you know these things,” Amelia said in disbelief.

  Bailey grabbed Amelia’s sleeve and said, “Because you wear your heart right here.” She shook her head and said, “You want to help everyone with everything. But you’ve got to realize, sometimes there’s nothing more you can do. People have to fend for themselves. Sometimes it’s best to let people help themselves.”

  Amelia nodded in agreement with Bailey.

  “You and Zach did the right thing,” Bailey confirmed. “You guys will have your own babies someday. And if you can’t, then you’ll be able to adopt all the babies you want to.”

  Amelia smiled at the thought of Zach and her with babies of their own. Bailey nodded as she watched Amelia drift off into her thoughts. Amelia knew when the time was right, her and Zach would have however many babies they ever wanted.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  A wave of nausea overcame Amelia while she was at work. She ran to the bathroom. She felt dizzy and not like her normal self. Her first thought was a late effect of the surgery she had. She dismissed that thought when she realized her surgery was more than a month ago.

  “Amelia, are you alright in there?” Tony hollered through the door, his tone of voice amped by the adrenaline. Amelia wondered if he would kick the door in. She stepped away from the door. He hollered again, “Amelia!”

  She rinsed her mouth out with mouthwash and returned it to the cupboard. She washed her hands and hollered to Tony, “I’m fine!”

  “Open the door!” Tony yelled through the door.

  Amelia wondered how many customers had surrounded the bathroom door near Tony. She unlocked the door and slowly opened it. She peeked out and realized only a few customers, Courtney, and Tony were there. They stood frozen with concerned expressions on their faces. Amelia opened the door all the way and escaped the bathroom. She held up a hand and said, “I’m fine, thanks for your concern.”

  The few customers she had as onlookers went back to their shopping. Tony and Courtney grabbed each of her arms and guided her into the back room.

  “You don’t look fine,” Courtney said as she grabbed a rag and dabbed Amelia’s face.

  Amelia felt fine now. She didn’t feel good a moment ago, but she refused to tell these two that. She rolled her eyes. “Guys, I’m fine. Why would I lie to you?”

  Tony grunted and said, “Because you’re stubborn.” He sat her in the office chair and asked her, “Should we call Zach?”

  Amelia’s eyes widened when she heard Zach’s name. She narrowed her eyes at Tony and said, “Don’t you dare call him.”

  Tony raised his hands in defense against her glare and said, “Okay, I won’t call him. But we need to make sure you’re alright.”

  “Like I said twenty times already, I’m fine,” Amelia insisted. “Can I get back to work now?”

  Tony crossed his arms the best he could over his gut. “I don’t think you should do anything at the moment, except sit here.”

  Courtney nodded. “I agree. Have you eaten breakfast?”

  Amelia rolled her eyes a second time. “Yes, I ate breakfast.”

  Her co-workers stared at her as they waited for her to tell them what she ate. She looked at both of them and tossed her hands up. “What?”

  “What’d you eat for breakfast and what time did you eat?” Courtney asked.

  Amelia sat back in the chair and crossed her arms in front of her. Busted. “What’re you? A doctor?”

  Courtney shrugged. “I might as well act like one if I can’t be one.”

  “Well, you’re not, so leave it for the real ones, will ya?” Amelia said with attitude.

  “You’re just mad because you didn’t eat breakfast and you’re not sure what to say,” Courtney stated proudly.

  “Oh, really? What if I told you I had two pieces of toast this morning before coming to work?”

  “What if I told you I don’t believe you?” Courtney asked.

  Amelia shrugged. “That’s not my problem.”

  Courtney sighed. “Amelia, why do you have to be so stubborn?”

  Amelia shrugged. “I really did eat this morning.”

  She had to think about this morning. She wondered if she really did eat breakfast or not. Her brain had struggled lately to remember anything. It barely helped her remember her own name.

  “Okay, maybe we should call Zach and Dr. Bohage,” Tony suggested.

a begged, “Please don’t call either of them. I’m fine, really, I am.”

  Tony shrugged. “I don’t know. You don’t look so great. You’re pale and clammy.”

  Amelia shrugged her shoulder. “Well then, I’ll just go home and go to bed. Is that okay with you guys?”

  Courtney and Tony exchanged looks. Courtney shrugged and said, “Maybe you should hang out in here for a little while until you feel better.”

  Amelia rolled her eyes for the third time. “I’m fine. I’ll go home and sleep it off. I probably just caught a bug or something.”

  Courtney walked out of the back room and came back with a sandwich from the deli counter. She handed it to Amelia. “Here, eat this, please?”

  Amelia took the sandwich and took a bite of it. Her stomach growled and her mouth watered. She ate the sandwich in four quick bites. “See, that’s it, I was just hungry.”

  A wave of nausea rocked her stomach. Her stomach twisted and she ran for the bathroom. She could not believe this. She wondered what was going on with her. Courtney followed her into the bathroom and closed the door so onlookers could not see in. She held Amelia’s hair back from her face as Amelia puked in the toilet.

  Amelia sat back on her knees and took a drink of water. “What’s wrong with me?”

  She had no idea what this was all about. She hardly ever got sick. She stood up when Courtney helped her off the floor. She reached for the mouthwash in the cupboard and rinsed her mouth for the second time.

  “Amelia, when was your last period?” Courtney asked after she waited for Amelia to wash her hands.

  Amelia turned around and faced her. She had no idea when her last menstrual was. The last time she knew, it was before her surgery. Her gut twisted again and she maneuvered to the toilet.

  “I think before my surgery,” Amelia said as she gargled mouthwash. “But I’m not sure.”

  Courtney looked at Amelia wide-eyed and said, “Amelia, your surgery was a month ago.”

  Amelia threw her paper towel into the waste basket. “I need out of this bathroom,” she said as she made her way out of the bathroom.


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