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Chasing the Night

Page 23

by Iris Johansen

  “Of course not. For goodness’ sake, it’s been nine years. How could she possibly remember?”

  “He didn’t call her that frequently. Only several times a year. Just enough to twist the knife and keep her under his thumb.” She made a face. “But there were some calls that she’ll never forget. The ones in which he hurt her the most. She was able to remember where she was, what she was doing, and the approximate date. I was able to pull those periods out of the report and do a graph that indicated where he was approximately and who he was dealing with at that particular time.”

  “What good will that do? You said that probably none of these clients had anything to do with Luke.”

  “Probably. We don’t know anything yet. I’m just trying to explore those black holes. I’m paying particular attention to the early days after he took Luke. He made more calls than usual to her during that period. He must have been enjoying himself.” She shook her head. “What a terrible man he is, Eve.”

  “Yes. What next, Kelly? How do you connect the dots?”

  Kelly smiled faintly. “Catherine said that was what you did with your reconstructions. It’s strange that we work in the same way. I thought perhaps we might.”

  Eve nodded. “I keep telling Catherine it’s science combined with instinct. What about you? Do you have hunches?”

  “Everyone has hunches occasionally.” She looked down at her pad. “I try not to let them get in the way. In this case, dealing with a personality and not a concept, I’m going to have to rely on Rakovac’s background and personality to help me.”

  Eve leaned back in the chair and gazed at her. Kelly was really incredible. Eve kept forgetting how young the girl was. She had been talking to Kelly as if she were an adult and professional on her own level. Yet hunched over that computer, with her blond hair tied back in a ponytail, Kelly appeared even younger than her fourteen years. “Like a puzzle. But I don’t know how realizing just how much of a bastard Rakovac can be is going to help you.”

  “That’s not what I’m looking at. It’s the way he reacts, his past pattern of behavior. I’ve analyzed his behavior in the last nine years, then called Venable and had him send me his entire file. He’s…remarkable.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “He’s totally self-serving and definitely has a God complex. But I was interested in the way he handled his business interests. He’s totally without any sense of loyalty. When he was a child, his father brought him up as a rebel and later was killed in the war. You would think he would have some feelings for the cause, but it didn’t happen. He betrayed Kelsov at the first opportunity to better himself. But after the betrayal, there’s some information that he may have worked a few deals with the rebels once he’d established himself with the mafia in Moscow. You’d think he’d be afraid of getting his throat cut by the rebels after what he’d done. But he’s totally fearless. Wherever the money was, wherever the power was, he was willing to take the chance to grasp it. Later, he did the same thing with the Pakistani government on a munitions deal. He jumped back and forth between Pakistan and India. There are several other instances where he went back and managed to use a client he’d treated shoddily in the past. I don’t know whether he regards it as a challenge or if that God complex is so extreme that he just thinks that he can get away with anything he chooses to do. He uses everyone and manages to keep all his balls in the air.” She looked up from her pad. “I think that may be what he’s doing now. Taking Luke was a big risk, but he did it anyway. Now this deal with Ali Dabala is very important to him, but he’s juggling his revenge against Catherine, and he’s not willing to give it up. Very dangerous but in keeping with his past behavior.”

  “And how is all this analysis helping?”

  “It shows me that he doesn’t deviate from his pattern.” She added, “And that we have to expect the unexpected about where Luke has been hidden away.”

  “Did you tell all this to Catherine?”

  “Of course, I’d never keep anything from Catherine. She’s why I’m here.”

  “But you made a deal with Venable.”

  “And I’ll keep it. But it’s Catherine who is important.”

  Yes, it was Catherine who was important to Kelly. The girl’s single-minded devotion and stubbornness had led her down this strange path to this house in Russia. Well, how could she blame her? Not only had Catherine saved her life, but she seemed to have chosen her to fill her loneliness that was so apparent. “I believe we all realize that’s your main priority.”

  Kelly nodded. “You’re thinking that I’m some kind of nut because I’ve been following her around like a lost puppy. I know Luke’s the only one who is important to Catherine right now. It doesn’t matter. I’m not going to bother her.”

  “I don’t think you’re a nut,” Eve said gently. “I think you’re loyal and brave and trying to find something or someone.” She reached out and squeezed Kelly’s hand. “And I know that Catherine cares about you.”

  “Me, too.” Kelly smiled. “And she’ll like me even more after I find Luke for her.” She looked back down at her computer. “Excuse me, Eve. I have to get back to work.”

  She was dismissed, Eve realized, amused. Politely but definitely. Again, she could see similarities between her own work habits and Kelly’s. She hoped the girl did not become as obsessive about her work as Eve.

  She had a chance of escaping that fate. Her own obsession had been triggered by Bonnie. She only prayed that Kelly’s life would not be marred and twisted so badly that it would draw her into cocooning herself away from all the things a young girl had the right to experience.

  “Then I’ll leave you to it.” She got to her feet. “You seem to be much busier than I am at present. I’ll go twiddle my thumbs.”

  “The ultimate torture for you?” Kelly grinned. “It can’t last long, Eve. Something’s going to break.”

  She was afraid that was all too true. Yes, she was restless and wanted to be busier, but she was aware of Rakovac hovering, waiting, just over the horizon. This was the calm before the storm.

  She just hoped that storm didn’t sweep them all away.

  Catherine got the call from Rakovac six hours later. She was alone with Eve in the living room and put it on the speakerphone.

  “You’ve been very clever,” he said when she picked up the call. “I thought it would take you a little longer to find that skeleton. Of course, I did leave you clues. But I was anticipating your running around frantically trying desperately to find your son. I was disappointed.”

  “Too bad. And that skeleton was not my son.”

  “You say that with complete conviction. I take it that Eve Duncan has completed her reconstruction. I thought I gave her enough time. She’s a professional and can work very quickly under pressure. Were you tremendously relieved?”

  “You know I was.”

  “My words concerning Luke’s death may have been exaggerated, but your relief is only temporary, you know. He will die, Catherine.”

  “But he’s not dead yet.”

  “Not yet.”

  She couldn’t speak for a moment as the waves of relief struck her. It was the first time he had stated uncategorically that Luke was alive. “And he’s well?”

  “It depends on what you call well. I took care to make sure that he wouldn’t resemble that cute little toddler that you knew and loved. He’s a young savage. He’s killed, you know.”

  “For God’s sake, he’s only eleven years old.”

  “I killed my first man on a raid when I was nine. As his guardian, I thought it fitting that he follow in my footsteps. So I set him on the proper path.”

  “You bastard.”

  “Now Catherine, you’ve been asking me questions about your Luke all these years. Yet when I oblige you, all I get is abuse.”

  He had been lying and playing cat and mouse with her emotions since the moment he had taken Luke. The only reason he was giving her all the painful details was that it didn’t
matter to him any longer. “No matter what you did to Luke, you couldn’t change him.”

  He laughed. “How naive you are. Life changes everyone, and I helped the process along. You’d be surprised what a corrupt little son of a bitch he’s become. And I use that term with complete accuracy. You’d never be able to recognize any of the qualities you think Luke possessed. Are you sure that you even want to make the attempt to regain your little darling?”

  “Why should I believe you? You’ve lied to me before. Maybe this is just another lie.”

  “I think in your heart you know that there’s no reason for our little charade to go on. Luke is what I’ve made him. Not the child you created in your womb.”

  He was speaking with absolute certainty, and his words terrified her. “I’ll never give up on him.”

  “That’s what I hoped you’d say. I just thought I’d give you the opportunity to walk away from him and save your life and lives of your friends. Wasn’t that kind of me?”

  “I won’t walk away. But the people who have helped me have nothing to do with this any longer. You don’t have to go after them.”

  “But I do. I told you what would happen to them, and I always keep my word. You should know that by now, Catherine. Our involvement during these past years should have been ample proof. And I already have plans to have you watch their removal. Guilt and regret should add a spice to the occasion.”

  She shuddered. “So many deaths. The adults are bad enough, but the children…Did you kill that little boy whose skull Eve reconstructed?”

  “Oh, yes, that’s what gave me the idea of using the skeleton to lead you here. He was the youngest son of Karl Taskov, a Georgian guerilla that Russia paid me a handsome fee to hunt down and eliminate.”

  “One of your old comrades like Kelsov?”

  “Yes, I had my new nest to feather after I went to Moscow. And I feathered it well.”

  “But why kill the son? You didn’t get money for the murder of a child.”

  “He got in the way. I found Taskov on his farm with his wife and three children. I didn’t want his wife to blab to the other members of the resistance that I was the one who was doing the executions. You can never tell when it may become profitable to go back to your roots.”

  He jumps back and forth. It’s part of the pattern.

  Kelly had hit the nail on the head with her analysis, she thought sickly. “You killed all of them?”

  “It was the practical thing to do. I buried the bodies at different locations. I had to think for a moment to remember where I’d buried the little boy.”

  “Because he wasn’t important.”

  “Exactly. You understand me so well. But your Luke is important. I kept very good track of him over the years.”

  She drew a shaky breath. “What’s next, Rakovac? You’re calling the shots.”

  “Yes, I am. Strange you should use that phrase. I called the shots figuratively with you and literally with your son. Did I tell you what a fine shot he is?”

  “It doesn’t matter how you’ve twisted him. He’s still my Luke. Tell me where he is.”

  “Come and get him.”

  She drew a deep breath. “How? Where?”

  “I assume you’re still in Russia?”

  “Of course. I wouldn’t leave here without Luke. Not this time.”

  “So eager. Your determination amazes me. A mother’s love…”

  “It shouldn’t surprise you. That’s what you’ve relied on all these years. How do I find Luke?”

  “First, separate yourself from Duncan and Quinn. I want our meeting to be one-on-one as I’ve always intended it to be. I’ll attend to them at a later date.”

  “What else?”

  “No arguments?”

  “They’ve tried to help me. Why should I want to pull them into a trap? If they’re not with me, then they have a chance.” She paused. “And I have to make sure Luke has a chance, too. Which means I have to have my chance. You can’t have it all your own way. I’m not walking up to you and letting you line Luke and me against a wall for a firing squad.”

  “How could you believe I would have so little imagination? That would be no fun at all for me. I have to have my final game of cat and mouse before I bring the two of you together. Unfortunately, I have little time so the game must get under way with speed and dispatch.”

  “I’ve no objection.” She could see Eve sitting straight and tense across the room, waiting.

  Make up your mind, she told herself. Do it or don’t do it. It was time to decide.

  What the hell. She’d already decided. Take charge. Don’t be a victim. That would be the supreme mistake if she was going to have any chance at all. The telephone call. She had to set up the telephone call. “So I’ll tell you what I’m going to do. I’ll separate myself from Eve and Joe as you’ve told me to do. It won’t be easy. They’re both very protective. I’ll slip away and go to the Danilovsky Market. It’s a huge open-air market, and I can move around there in the crowd, and I’ll be able to see you or any of the slimeballs you might send after me. At two P.M., you’ll call me and tell me where I’m to go from there.”

  “You’re being very demanding. I’m not sure I like that, Catherine.”

  “It’s time I was demanding. What have I got to lose? You’ve had me under your thumb for years and enjoyed every minute of it. Right now I’m not afraid you’re going to kill Luke if I don’t bow down before you. You’ve already told me that you want your cat-and-mouse game to come to a glorious conclusion. You want cat and mouse? I’ll give it to you. But it can’t be all your own way. If I can grab Luke away and rid the earth of you at the same time, I’ll do it. You should be happy. It will make your game all the more exciting.”

  He chuckled. “You’re magnificent, Catherine. I admit I enjoyed making you subservient. It pleased my ego. But this may be still more stimulating.”

  “I’ll be at the market. Call me at two.”

  “Don’t be pushy. I’ll be in touch.” He hung up.

  Catherine gazed at Eve as she hung up. “I could have blown it at the end. It was hard to strike a balance. I didn’t even know if he’d let me get away with setting up the call at the market. I still don’t know if he’ll call or not.” Her lips twisted. “Or if it will be at two P.M.”

  “You did the best you could,” Eve said. “I wasn’t sure until you did it that you’d actually set up that call.”

  “Neither did I.” She shook her head in despair. “There are so many variables. Is he close enough so that Joe can get to his location quickly after the call is tapped? And how do we know he’ll call from where he’s staying so that we can get at those records? It’s a mobile world.”

  “We need luck. But if Joe can’t find his actual permanent location, then he can at least zero in on his cell phone and go after him from that angle.”

  “That’s why I’m afraid,” Catherine said grimly. “I know Venable. He wouldn’t be able to resist sending someone to pick up Rakovac to try to squeeze the information out of him. I can’t let that happen. Rakovac will do anything to win. He’d arrange for Luke to be killed if he was caught or captured. I went along with this because I know it’s right, but it’s tearing me apart.” Her lips firmed. “But Joe has to promise me that he won’t let Venable get his hands on Rakovac. He can follow him if they get the chance, but he can’t touch him until I have Luke.”

  Eve nodded slowly. “You must trust Joe a lot if you’re willing to take that risk with Luke.”

  “I’ve never known anyone I’d trust more. Joe is…special.” She met Eve’s gaze. “You’re very lucky, Eve.” She got to her feet. “Now I have to get on the move. I have to change, get my automatic, then go get Kelsov and have him drive me into Moscow to the market. Rakovac is waiting.” She glanced over her shoulder as she reached the door. “It’s odd saying that. I’ve always been the one waiting for something to happen, Rakovac to relent, God to send a miracle…Anything to change the status quo. But now I ca
n move, and Rakovac can wait.”

  “We can move,” Eve said quietly. “I don’t want you going to that market by yourself.”

  “I have to be by myself. He has to see that I’m vulnerable.”

  “I don’t like it. You may have told Rakovac you were jettisoning us, but we’re still in this with you. You were a little too sincere on the phone with Rakovac. Don’t try to make the lie true.”

  “I told you that I’d always be honest with you.” Catherine was silent, staring at her for a long moment. “Thank you for everything, Eve. I meant every word I said to you. You’re very special, too.” She disappeared into the bedroom.

  Dammit, that last sentence had been entirely too final, Eve thought as the front door closed behind Catherine five minutes later. Catherine wouldn’t lie, but she wouldn’t say the words Eve wanted to hear.

  Eve quickly dialed Joe and filled him in on Catherine’s conversation with Rakovac. “She wants your promise to keep Venable away from Rakovac until she gets Luke, Joe. She says that she’s cooperating as much as she can, but she has to have your word.”

  Joe swore beneath his breath. “She doesn’t ask much. If we don’t get a residence location, Venable will be on Rakovac like a tiger the minute we get a cell fix.”

  “Catherine knows that.” She paused. “She said to tell you that she trusts you.”

  “Which is the best thing she could do to tie my hands,” he said sourly. “Catherine is nothing if not clever.”

  “She meant it, Joe.”

  He was silent a moment. “I know she did. I’d trust her, too.” His breath expelled in a frustrated sigh. “Okay, I’ll do it. Though God knows how. I may have to knock Venable out and then hog-tie him. We’ve just got to hope Rakovac is at a location where we can find his sources, and not on the move. It will be safer for all of us.”

  “Catherine isn’t concerned about safety right now. Not for herself. But I think she may be trying to close us out.”


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