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Noelle's Kiss

Page 7

by Cindy R. Williams

  Zave ignored my question as he pulled out a key and opened the door. “I’m onto you. You did your reporter thing, avoiding answering my question by asking a question of your own. It’s not going to work.”

  He took my offending elbow and guided me down the hall into an empty restaurant. The only source of light was a crystal candelabra blazing in the middle of a table by a gigantic wall of glass overlooking the city lights of Denver. The view took my breath away.

  Zave pulled my chair out for me and quipped, “Do I get more brownie points and kisses for being a gentleman again?”

  I narrowed my eyes at him as if I was considering what he said with great concentration instead of answering.

  He left the room for a moment, and soft jazz floated in the air. He returned and walked toward me, slow and smooth. The man had a nice walk, not a clumsy, clunky walk you would expect from such a big man. He sat across the table, took both of my hands in his, and drew circles on my palms with his thumbs.

  “Ms. Frost, I’m waiting for your answer.” His intense gaze searched my face.

  I could hardly think. His touch seemed to drain my brain. Words were hard. “Umm, what was the question?”

  “The first question was…don’t you want to kiss me? And the second question was…do I get kisses for brownie points for being a gentleman along with my basket kisses?”

  As I looked into his incredibly deep green eyes gleaming in the candlelight, my lips went dry, so I rubbed them together. His eyes focused on my mouth. My cheeks warmed.

  “Hello, Mr. Trayce. Here are your appetizers and chilled blue cheese wedge salads. Dinner will be ready shortly.” A man dressed in a tuxedo placed the food on the table between us, breaking the hypnotic spell we seemed to be under.

  Zave’s eyes left my lips and he looked at the man. “Thank you.”

  The chef bowed low, then left the room to work his magic. Whatever he was making smelled divine. My mouth watered and I licked my lips again.

  “You are a dangerous woman, Noelle Frost,” Zave said in a low voice, eyes once again on my lips.

  I felt them turn up into a little smile as I looked at him. He was the most handsome man I had ever seen. He reminded me of James Bond. My parents were Double-O-Seven fans, and I felt as if I was looking at my own Sean Connery/James Bond right now—and he was mesmerizing.

  “The biggest question is still unanswered. Do you want to kiss me?”

  I stared into his eyes. I had no words. My heart flip-flopped. No butterflies now, just plain flip-flops as he stood and gently pulled me to my feet and into his arms. My heart pounded.

  We slow-danced around the room, swaying to the jazz rhythm. He held one of my hands, and the other rested lightly on the small of my back. After a few moments, he raised my hand and placed it around his neck. My other hand followed suit. He placed both of his hands on my lower back and pulled me in close so that my cheek lay on his chest. He rested his chin against my forehead. We danced, spellbound, for the rest of the song.

  He leaned back and lifted my chin gently. The next song started, slow and smooth. We rocked in place.

  “Kiss me, Noelle,” he said in a low voice.

  I felt a ripple of excitement as he tilted his head down. My eyes drifted closed. His lips met mine, tentative at first, but oh so soft, so warm, so delicious. His mouth was tantalizingly sweet on mine. It was a kiss for my tired and frozen soul to melt into.

  “Excuse me. Dinner is served,” the waiter announced.

  “Thank you and go away,” Zave mumbled against my lips, and then he kissed me again, deeper. Shivers of delight sparked through me. After what seemed way too soon, the kiss ended; Zave placed a soft whisper of a kiss on my nose and then looked at me. “I’ve wanted to do that ever since our hands touched the day we met at Cuppa Joe’s—pretty much within the first minute of seeing you.” He cupped my chin and lowered his lips to mine, his kiss tender and light as a summer breeze. Our lips matched perfectly.

  We walked arm in arm to our table. I struggled to focus on the food—my senses still reeling from those heavenly kisses.

  “Noelle, fourth time’s the charm. Did you want to kiss me?” The corner of that luscious mouth turned up.

  I loved every minute of this. “Yes, Mr. Xavier Maximillian Trayce, I not only want to kiss you, but I have wondered—no dreamed of—what it would be like for a while,” I admitted, surprised at my own brazenness. I realized he might think I was one of those calculating females, so I added, “Don’t get me wrong, I haven’t been scheming on you because of your basketball…uh…prowess. In truth, the fact that you are a professional athlete is a strike against you. I’ve had my fill of self-centered, self-absorbed athletes.”

  Zave’s jaw tightened.

  I quickly added, “However, I don’t think you are a typical egotistical athlete.”

  His muscles relaxed. A look of relief washed over his face.

  I continued, “I’m delighted that you also have a good head on your shoulders and seem to be well grounded. I enjoy being with you. You’re a hard-working man with great discipline, which, by the way, is quite impressive. You are kind and good to my sweet Tatum and have brilliant green eyes that…”

  I made the mistake of looking into those eyes, which were crinkled up at the corners. He was biting his lip as if not to laugh at me.

  “You, beautiful lady, have a tendency to jabber when you’re rattled, and my kisses rattled you.”

  “Oh, you think they did, do you? Well, let me tell you I have been kissed before, and…”

  His tall frame leaned over the table and he placed both hands on my cheeks, his lips capturing my lips once again. I felt myself falling, falling, falling—unable to think anymore.

  He sat back and chuckled. “You were saying?”

  “Okay, I’m done. I’m not saying another word tonight.” I tried to pout, but my heart was full, and my lips would do nothing but turn up after those wonderful kisses.

  “That’s okay. Talk is over-rated anyway. Plus I have yet to collect on my kisses for being a gentleman and making baskets.”

  “Dream on, big basketball man. You’ll get kisses when I’m ready to give you kisses.”

  “I thought you weren’t talking to me any more tonight.”

  “I’m not, you big lug.” This time I did pout.

  He laughed. “You’re pretty when you pout.” He took my hand and kissed it.

  “Eat,” I ordered.

  “Yes, ma’am,” he said with a lingering grin. Then he gently set my hand on the table and dug into his dinner.

  The food was amazing—heaping bowls of chicken piccata and shrimp scampi—enough to feed a family of ten. I finished and watched quietly as Zave ate five or six times what I did.

  “I’ve never seen anyone eat so much. How did you do that?”

  “I’m just that hungry. I burn through it fast. I always chow down after games.” Zave folded his napkin and placed it on the table.

  The chef cleared the plates and gave an approving nod to Zave, then asked if we were ready for dessert.

  “How about it, Noelle?” he asked me.

  “Not yet. I need to let my stomach settle a little first.”

  “Chef, thank you for a delicious dinner. Why don’t you go ahead and close up? Just set the dessert on the table. We’ll get to it as soon as we dance and kiss for a while.”

  I kicked his shin under the table.

  He winked at me as the chef grinned, bowed, then disappeared.

  Zave stood and extended his hand. “May I have this dance, m’ lady?”

  He was so charming—my prince charming—I couldn’t resist.

  He pulled me close. We held each other as we slowly glided around the room. He smelled like fresh limes on a summer breeze. I could stay in his arms forever. I never wanted this to end. My feet seemed to float on a cloud. After five or six way-too-short songs, he led me back to the table, and we enjoyed our dessert of Sogno di Cioccolata, “Chocolate Dream.”

; “I want to talk with you about something.” Zave wiped his mouth with his napkin. Always the gentleman.

  “Okay.” My heart pounded. I had no idea where this would go.

  “My manager mentioned an investment deal that includes you and your Frost Foundation. Tell me a little about it.”

  I was surprised and once again answered with my great reporter vocabulary. “Really?”

  “Yes. I’m interested in what you’re doing.” The wide-eyed look in his eyes confirmed it.

  “Well, it all started with my baby brother, Nicky. He was born with a heart defect. Before he turned two, he died on route to the Children’s Hospital in Denver.” My voice broke. It was still hard to talk about it. “If there had been a level three children’s hospital wing in Colorado Springs, they may have had time to save him.”

  Zave reached across the table and squeezed both my hands to comfort me.

  It worked. I pulled myself together and continued. “My parents set aside the money my dad had inherited from his father and started the Frost Foundation to fund a pediatric wing in our local hospital. After they died…” Another pause and reassuring squeeze. “We four sisters made it our goal to continue where they left off and make sure the Nicholas Charles Frost Pediatric Wing became a reality. We are almost there.” I smiled.

  “Are you okay if I ask my financial group to look into it? I’m interested in becoming a contributor.”

  My heart expanded, and I could have danced on a cloud. “I would love it. My sisters and I would love it. Thank you.”

  He broke out in a huge grin, but in spite of my excitement, I couldn’t stifle a yawn. He checked his watch. “It’s three thirteen. Come on, Noelle, I’ll take you to your company condo. I think we accomplished a lot on our first official date. Don’t you?”

  “Yes, our first date and our first kiss. Check those off the list. Right?” I grinned at him.

  “Am I just statistics to you?” This time he tried to pout as if he were hurt. His face looked comical with his chin lowered, lips turned down, and his eyes slightly squinted.

  Laughing, I stood on my tiptoes and pressed my lips on his as he wrapped his arms around me. There was a sweet taste of chocolate. This was definitely a chocolate fudge kiss.

  We finally broke away and I whispered, “No, Zave, you’re not a statistic.”

  I hope you’re not too good to be true, that little devil of doubt on my shoulder whispered in my ear.

  Chapter Fourteen

  I replayed our date over and over until I fell asleep in the soft bed in the corporate condo. I had decided that our first kiss was like velvet—a red velvet cake kiss.

  I woke up glowing. When Zave picked me up around eight o’clock the next morning, he looked as happy as I felt. He hugged me, then swung me around and kissed me soundly before putting me back down.

  “Good morning, Noelle.” His big grin was contagious.

  “You know, Zave, I think it’s time you call me Elle; all the people I love do.”

  His head jerked up.

  “I mean, you know, all my family and friends call me Elle.” I backpedaled.

  The corner of his mouth twitched, and then he gave me a quick kiss and said, “Okay, Elle.”

  We drove to the Springs and picked up Tatum from Holly’s.

  Holly was tickled to meet Zave. She couldn’t stop smiling the entire time we visited. Tatum wanted all Zave’s attention, so he excused himself and walked with her to his Jeep as I thanked Holly.

  “Are you kidding me, Elle? The man’s gorgeous. Did you get that first kiss last night?”

  “Shhhhhhh…he’ll hear you.”

  “Well, did you?” I could see she wasn’t going to leave it alone.

  “Yes.” I giggled.

  “Woo whooo!” she whooped.

  I smacked her arm. “Stop that. He’ll know we’re talking about him.”

  “Of course, he will. What else would we be talking about?”

  “Mommy, Tree says we’re going to Water World.” She waved her arm for me to come.

  “See you, sis. And…a super big thank you for taking care of Tatum last night.” I gave her a hug and ran to the car, afraid she might begin war-whooping again and possibly break into a rain dance.

  We stopped by my condo, changed into our swimsuits, and grabbed some towels. Zave took a quick tour and said he loved it.

  “I know it’s probably tiny compared to where you live, but there’s plenty of room for Tatum and me. I love the balcony and our little fenced-in back yard with the swings, playhouse, and garden.”

  “No, it’s perfect and seems nice and safe for you and Tatum.” His concern touched my heart.

  “You know, Elle.” Standing behind me, he wrapped his arms around my waist as we stood on my balcony overlooking the little back yard. “You might be surprised about my apartment. Yes, it’s sort of big, but it isn’t a home like you have here.”

  I leaned into him and closed my eyes, sighing. I could get used to him. He felt good in my little world.

  “Let’s go,” shouted Tatum from downstairs.

  Reluctantly, I moved out of Zave’s warm cocoon of an embrace and took his hand to go.

  Water World was a huge indoor water park at the Great Wolf’s Lodge. We played in the wave pool, screamed as we slid down each of the ten slides, and roared with laughter when the giant “tipping bucket” dumped its entire load of water on Zave. Once again, Tatum had no fear. She tried everything. There were lots of “Hey, Triple X,” and high fives, but for the most part people let us be, as if we were a normal, real family. Tatum had the time of her life as the center of our attention. It was one of the best days ever.

  Back at the condo, Tatum and I treated Zave to tacos and our famous home-made Frost salsa. Knowing how Zave ate, we quadrupled the amount of food, and sure enough, there weren’t any leftovers.

  Tatum got into her pajamas, and we watched a few Scooby Doo episodes with her curled up in Zave’s lap. I sat next to them under his arm. This was Heaven.

  My little angel fell asleep in Zave’s arms. We walked side by side while he carried her up the stairs to bed. I definitely could picture him as the kind of “daddy” I wanted for my little girl.

  Tatum stirred and opened her eyes. “Tree, read Cinderella, please.” I sat on the edge of her bed as Zave folded his large frame into her overstuffed, puffy-pink chair. He looked so out of place I stifled a laugh.

  “Once upon a time, there lived a little girl named Cinder-Tatum.”

  “No, her name is Cinderella.” Tatum sat up.

  “Oh, sorry. Once upon a time, there lived a little girl named Tater-Rella.”

  “No, Tree. It’s Cinderella.” She placed her hands on her hips.

  “Okay. Once upon a time, there lived a little girl named Cinderella.”

  I watched him read and tease Tatum. This man was the whole package. He was adorable and had an extra sweet spot for my daughter. He was hardworking, kind, patient, caring, understanding, and an incredible kisser. Thinking about his kisses, I tuned out and watched his lips move. “Mmm…luscious.”

  Both Zave and Tatum looked up at me, surprised.

  “Oh no. I said that out loud, didn’t I?” I looked back and forth at them as they nodded their heads and grinned.

  “Sorry. Go ahead with the story.” I tucked my feet up under me and lay back on the pillow by Tatum.

  Zave continued to gaze at me for a moment.

  I’m sure I my face turned beet red.

  He closed the book and said, “The end,” leaned over and gave Tatum a kiss on the top of her head. “’Night, Tater Tot.” He ruffled her hair.

  “’Night, Tree,” she said as she pulled up her covers.

  I gave her a hug and a kiss and switched off the overhead light.

  “I love you, sweetie.”

  “Love you too, Mom.”

  Zave reached out his hand, and I took it as he led me back down the stairs. He lit the fireplace, and we settled down on the couch, side by

  “She’s a great kid, Elle. You’ve done a terrific job.” Zave traced the back of my hand with his index finger.

  “Thank you. She is pretty wonderful. I don’t know what I would have done without her these past few years. She has been my rock, my reason.”

  “It must have been terribly hard to go through all the things you have. I’m proud of you. You are one tough lady, and pretty, too.” He placed his arm around my shoulder and pulled me in close for a soft kiss. “You and Tatum are real. So much about my life is not. I mean, I play games for a living. But when it’s all said and done, it’s just a game. You and Tatum ground me. You two are a breath of fresh air in my crazy life. Thank you, Elle, for letting me into your world.”

  I smiled up at him as he lowered his lips to mine. I drank the sweetness of his kiss. His lips were tender and warm. He trailed kisses along my cheek and down the side of my neck, then back again, a series of slow, shivery kisses. His mouth grazed my earlobe. His lips brushed my brow and finished their little exploration, landing back on my lips. The kiss deepened. I needed his kiss like I needed air. These kisses made me whole again. I melted in his arms. This was perfection.

  Way too soon, he pulled back, leaving my mouth burning with fire.

  “Time for me to go, pretty lady. You are toooo tempting. Tomorrow starts a ten-day road trip, but I’ll call you every night, okay?”

  “Uh…sure,” I managed with my quick use of clever phrases.

  He chuckled and I thought—I hoped—he was going to pepper me with more kisses, but instead, he kissed the tip of my nose and grinned as he stood up and backed toward the door.

  “’Night, Elle. Lock the door, my lovely lady,” he said as he closed the front door, leaving me on the couch dreaming of this wonderful day. The feel of his lips lingered. His kisses were hot and spicy. I think they were jalapeño kisses. I was falling hard for this man.

  I pulled a throw over me and watched the fire in deep contentment until a little voice in the corner of my mind couldn’t leave it alone and nudged me to be careful. Men are not to be trusted. I pushed the thought back into its cage. Men are human, sometimes good and sometimes bad. Zave is certainly very much a human—and definitely on the good side.


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