Mastering Modern World History

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Mastering Modern World History Page 116

by Norman Lowe

Ethiopia 592–3

  Liberia 594

  Nigeria 567–8

  Rwanda 581–2

  Sierra Leone 595–7

  Somalia 602–3

  Sudan 604–5

  USA 469, 486–7

  Clemenceau, Georges 27, 29, 56

  Clinton, Bill 269, 519–20, 582, 603, 649

  Cold War, meaning 122

  causes 123–5

  end of 163–5

  events during 125–40, 160–3, 608


  in China 433

  in Korea 455

  in Russia 378–9, 398–9

  collective security 44, 70

  Comecon 131, 202

  Cominform 202

  Comintern (Communist International) 69

  Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) 199–200

  Common Market see European Economic Community

  Commonwealth, British 195

  Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) 407


  in China 434

  in Yugoslavia 203


  meaning and nature of 123

  in Cambodia 158, 448, 457–60

  in China 431–46

  in Eastern Europe 127–9, 202–7

  in Laos 158, 449, 462–3

  in North Korea 142, 449–53

  in Russia 348–409

  in Vietnam 140–3, 455–7

  collapse of 163–5, 207–11, 403–9

  Congo (Zaire) 159, 173, 574–7

  Conquest, Robert 380, 381, 383

  contraception 610, 669, 673–4

  and AIDS 680–1

  Contras (Nicaragua) 621

  convoys 28, 101–2

  Coolidge, Calvin 473

  Corfu Incident (1923) 47

  Correa, Rafael 629–30

  Council of Europe 192

  Craxi, Bettino 190

  credit-rating agencies 659

  Croatia 212–14

  Cruise missiles 139, 141–2

  Cuba 142, 147–9, 608, 610

  missiles crisis (1962) 137–9

  Cultural Revolution (Chinese) 431, 435–6

  Cyprus 173, 540–1

  Czechoslovak Legion 364–5

  Czechoslovakia 646

  between the wars 61–2

  creation of 38–9

  division of (1992) 212

  end of communism in 207, 210

  and Germany 70, 81–2

  under communist rule 131, 204

  1968 rising 174, 205–6

  Czech Republic 212, 217

  D-Day (1944) 104–7, 100

  da Silva, Ignacio (Lula) 614, 622, 624–5

  Daladier, Edouard 81

  d’Annunzio, Gabriele 296

  Danqua, J.B. 565

  Danzig 70, 83

  Dardanelles 13, 24

  Darfur 604

  Dawes Plan (1924) 53, 312–13

  Debs, Eugene 481–3, 485

  decolonization 529–61

  see also individual countries

  De Gaulle, Charles 187, 192, 196

  and Algeria 550–3

  and Fifth Republic 187

  De Klerk, F.W. 589–90

  democracy, meaning 3

  democracy wall (China) 437–8

  Democratic Republic of the Congo see Congo (Zaire) 576–7

  Deng Xiaoping 431, 436–41

  Denmark 196

  Depression, the Great see world economic crisis

  détente, meaning 122, 160–3

  events 160–3

  Diaz, Porfirio 615

  Dikotter, Frank 433

  disarmament 45, 49

  German 33–46, 49, 55–6, 76–7

  Doe, Samuel 594

  Dollfuss, Engelbert 64–5, 76

  Dominican Republic 608, 611

  domino theory 151

  Dos Santos, Jose Eduardo 578–9

  Dreadnoughts 7, 9, 13, 25–7

  drought in Africa 692

  drug trafficking 277–8, 625, 628

  Dubček, Alexander 206

  Du Bois, W.E.B. 488

  Dumbarton Oaks Conference (1944) 167

  Dunkirk 91

  ‘dustbowl’ (USA) 471

  Earth Summit (1992) 649

  East Timor 558–9

  Ebert, Friedrich 309, 311

  ecosystem, the 644

  Ecuador 622, 629–30

  Eden, Sir Anthony 194, 233–4

  Egypt 225–9, 282, 284–6

  Arab Spring in 284–6

  Eire 196, 219

  Eisenhower, Dwight D. 151, 192, 513

  Doctrine 159

  social policies 502–3

  Elizabeth II, Queen 565

  Enabling Law (Germany) (1933) 320

  Enosis 540–1

  Enron 522

  Entente Cordiale (1904) 7, 8

  Eoka 541

  environmental pollution 646–7

  Eritrea 592–3, 605

  Estonia 34, 90, 118, 220, 406–7, 660

  Ethiopia 43, 49, 73–5, 118, 591–3

  civil war 592

  euro, the 217

  eurozone 217

  in crisis 661

  Europe, Council of 192

  European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) 193

  European Commission 193, 194

  European Economic Community (EEC)


  economic model 653

  formation of 192–3

  becomes EC 194

  becomes European Union 201

  and Britain 194–6, 198–9

  problems 199–200

  European Free Trade Association (EFTA) 194–5

  European Parliament 193–4, 197

  European Union (from 1992) 201

  in crisis 221–3

  new constitution 218–21

  problems in 219–21

  2008 financial crisis 660–1, 665

  Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM) 197

  Falkland Islands see also Malvinas 626–7

  Falun Gong 444

  Farmers’ Relief Act (USA, 1933) 494

  fascism 299–307

  principles of 299

  Fatah 234

  Federal Emergency Relief Administration (USA, 1933) 495

  Fenby, Jonathan 436, 446

  Fergusson, James 279

  Finland 46, 118, 217, 360

  Fischer, Fritz 13–16

  First World War

  causes of 12–16

  events during see also battles 3, 18–32

  events leading up to 7–11

  peace settlement 32–41

  reasons for German defeat 29–30

  Fitzpatrick, Sheila 381, 383, 392

  Five-Year Plans

  China 433–41

  USSR 375–7, 390, 398

  FLN (National Liberation Front – Algeria) 551–3

  FLNA (Angola) 577

  Foch, Marshal F. 28

  food production and population growth 647–9, 667–71

  Ford, Gerald 514–15

  Ford, Henry 514

  Formosa see Taiwan

  fossil fuels, exhaustion of 644–6

  Fourteen Points (Woodrow Wilson’s) 32

  Fox, Vicente 618, 622, 625


  before First World War 3–4, 7–9, 11

  during First World War 18–25, 27–31

  and the peace settlement 32–4, 37, 41

  foreign affairs between the wars 48–9, 51–2, 53–7, 60, 78–81

  in the Second World War 89–90. 91, 105

  reasons for defeat 91–3

  since 1945 187–8

  and decolonization 549–54

  and the EEC 191–3, 196–8, 199–201, 217–23

  and Cambodia 457–8

  and Laos 462–3

  and Suez 232–4

  and Vietnam 454–5

  Franco, General 344–7

  Franz Ferdinand, Archduke 11

  Frei, Eduardo 155, 627

  FRELIMO (Mozambique) 557

  French Community 553–4

  FRETILIN (East Timor) 558

  Friedman, Milton 516

  Fukuyama, Francis 257, 445

  Fulton Speech (Churchill) 129

  Gaddafi, Colonel Muammar 286–7

  overthrow of 282–3, 288–90

  Gaidar, Yegor 409–10

  Gallipoli Campaign (1915) 22–3

  Gandhi, M.K. 535–6

  Gandhi, Rajiv 589

  Gang of Four (China) 436–7

  Garvey, Marcus 489

  GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) 191

  Gaza 262

  Israeli attacks on 254–5

  GDP (Gross Domestic Product), meaning 198

  Geneva Protocol (1924) 47–8

  Genoa Conference (1922) 53


  and Britain before 1914 3–11

  and responsibility for First World War 12–16

  during First World War 3, 18–22

  reasons for defeat 29–30

  and the peace settlement 32–8, 41

  Weimar Republic 309–14, 316–17

  under Hitler 316–33

  and League of Nations 45, 53–5

  and Austria 57, 77

  and Britain 57, 78, 80, 82

  and Czechoslovakia 75, 81–2

  and France 51–7

  and Poland 57, 82–3

  and Russia 59

  during Second World War 89–120

  reasons for defeat 109–11

  divided after 1945 132–3

  East 164, 209–10, 646

  West 188–9

  reunited 165, 189. 210

  since reunification 189, 212, 665

  Ghana 159, 563, 565–7

  Gilbert, Martin 85

  Giolitti, Giovanni 296

  glasnost 403

  Gleichschaltung 320–6

  global terrorism 258–9, 265–82, 521

  global warming 635, 644, 649–52

  GM crops 647–9

  GNP (Gross National Product), meaning 640–1

  USA 499

  world 641

  Goebbels, Dr Joseph 322, 331

  Gold Coast see also Ghana 533, 542–3

  Goldman Sachs 656

  Gompers, Samuel 481

  Gomul⁄ka, Wl⁄adysl⁄aw 204, 207

  Gorbachev, Mikhail 161–2, 163, 208, 267, 396, 403–8

  assessments of 408

  Gore, Al 520

  Goulart, Julio 612–13

  Gowon, General Yakubu 568

  Great Depression, the see world economic crisis

  Great Leap Forward (China) 431, 434–5

  Greece 94, 661

  ‘green revolution’, the 670

  Greenspan, Alan 657

  Grey, Sir Edward 9, 11

  Grivas, General George 541

  Guantánamo detention centre 276

  Guatemala 608, 610–12, 618–20

  Guernica 77, 345

  Guevara, Che 148, 628

  Guinea 605

  Guinea-Bissau 557

  Gulf War (1991) 175, 246–7

  Gusmao, Xanana 558

  Guyatt, Nicholas 259–60

  Habsburg Empire see Austria-Hungary

  Haig, Sir Douglas 24, 29–31

  Haile Selassie, Emperor 591–2

  Haiti 608

  Halifax Bank of Scotland (HBOS) 656

  Hamas 240, 249, 262

  Hammarskjold, Dag 575

  Havel, Václav 210

  Hayek, Frederick 516

  Haywood, Big Bill 483, 485

  Heath, Sir Edward 196

  Henig, Ruth 49–50

  Helsinki Agreement (1975) 207

  Herriot, Edouard 57, 60

  Hezbollah (Islamic Jihad) 240, 243–4, 262

  Hindenburg, General Paul von 24, 315–17

  Hirohito, Emperor of Japan 338

  Hiroshima 338

  Hitler, Adolf

  Beer Hall Putsch in Munich 311

  rise to power 314–16

  foreign policies 75–7, 81–3

  internal policies 319–28, 330–2

  and the Holocaust 111–17, 325–6

  and the Second World War 89–117

  and the ‘weak dictator’ theory’ 332–3

  Hoare, Sir Samuel 74, 79

  Ho Chi Minh 150–1, 455

  Holland 89–90, 91, 132, 171, 192–3, 197, 200

  and decolonization 554–5

  Holocaust, the 111–17, 325–6

  Honecker, Erich 209–10

  Hong Kong 338, 643

  Hoover, Herbert 489, 492–3

  Horta, José 558

  Horthy, Admiral Nikolaus 66

  Hossbach Memorandum 86

  Hoxha, Enver 211

  Hu Jintao 442, 444, 446

  Hua Guofeng 436–7

  Huddleston, Trevor 586

  Human Rights Commission (UN) 177–8

  Hundred Flowers Campaign (China) 433–4


  between the wars 65–6

  and the peace settlement 38–9

  since 1945 122, 126–8, 204, 220

  1956 rising 173, 205

  end of communism in 164, 209

  Hun Sen 461–2

  Husak, Gustav 206

  Hussein, King 229, 235

  Hutton, Will 261, 652, 654

  Hu Yaobang 437, 438, 439

  Idris, King of Libya 559

  Iliescu, Ion 211

  immigration (USA) 469, 474–7

  imperialism, meaning 4

  India 534–7

  Independence 534–5

  partitioned 535–7

  in the 21st century 663, 670

  Indo-China 149–50, 549–50

  Indonesia 554–5, 560–1, 644

  Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) 483

  Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) 136, 139, 161

  Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 650

  Intermediate Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty (1987) 161–2

  International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) 270, 281, 287

  International Court of Justice 169, 621

  International Criminal Court 170

  International Labour Organization (ILO) 178, 644

  International Monetary Fund (IMF) 180, 612–16, 622, 626, 661

  Iran (Persia) 159–60, 229

  after the Shah’s overthrow (1979) 263, 279–82

  its nuclear programme 281–2

  Irangate 517–18

  Iran–Iraq War (1980–8) 175, 244–6

  Iraq 160, 229

  2003 invasion of 176–7, 270–3

  Iron Curtain 129

  Islamism 603

  beliefs and principles 677–8

  ‘clash of civilizations’ 675–7

  situation in 2012 678–9


  creation of 125, 230–1

  wars with Arabs 225–6, 231–7, 243–4, 247–50


  before 1914 3, 4, 7, 12

  during the First World War 18, 23, 27, 30–1

  and the peace settlement 41

  problems after 1918 31, 295

  Mussolini comes to power in 295–8

  under Mussolini 299–306

  foreign policy between the wars 72–5

  during Second World War 89, 94, 100, 101, 104–5

  since 1945 189–90, 661

  and decolonization 559

  Ivory Coast 553

  Jackel, Eberhard 87

  Jamaica 537–9, 605

  Japan 3, 4, 7

  before the First World War 336

  during First World War 336

  between the wars 336–8

  and China 69, 70–2, 118, 336–8, 421–2

  and League of Nations 43, 48

  invasion of Manchuria 43, 48, 69, 70, 337–8

  and USA 52–3, 338–40

  during Second World War 31, 89–90, 96–100, 108–10, 117–19, 338

  since 1945 338–42, 650

  Jaruzelski, General Woyciech 208–9, 647

  Java 554

  Jerusalem 248–9

  Jews 172, 225–40, 247–55

  under Hitler 111–17, 325–6

  Jiang Quing 436

  Jiang Zemin 440–2

  Jim Crow Laws 487–8

  Jinnah, M.A. 535

  Johnson, Lyndon B. 612

  social policies 504–5

  and Vietnam 151, 153

  Johnson, Paul 674

  Johnson-Shirleaf, Ellen 594–5

  Jonathan, Goodluck 571

  Jordan 229

  Jospin, Lionel 187–8

  Jung Chang 425

  Kabbah, Tejan 596

  Kabila, Joseph 576–7

  Kabila, Laurent 576

  Kádár, János 204, 205, 209

  KADU 546

  Kagame, Paul 577, 582

  Kamenev, Lev 367, 373–5, 380

  Kampuchea see Cambodia

  KANU 545–6

  Kapp Putsch (1920) 311

  Karadžić, Radovan 217

  Karzai, Hamid 259, 268–9, 277–8

  Kasavubu, Joseph 574

  Kashmir 173–4

  Katanga (Shaba) 574–5

  Kaunda, Kenneth 546, 602

  Kellogg–Briand Pact (1928) 54

  Kennan, George 129

  Kennedy, John F. 137, 152–3, 611

  assassination of 501, 504

  social policies 503

  Kennedy, Robert 139, 505

  Kenya 264, 544–6

  Kenyatta, Jomo 544–6

  Kerensky, Alexander 356–8

  Kershaw, Ian 82, 87, 112, 317, 318–19, 325, 332–3

  Keynes, J.M. 41, 54

  Khatami, Muhammad 279–80

  Khmer Rouge 175, 456, 458–60, 462

  Khomeini, Ayatollah 244–5, 262, 279

  Khrushchev, Nikita 137–9, 203, 381, 396–400

  criticism of Stalin 204, 397

  Kikwete, Jakaya 574

  Kim Dae Jung 451

  Kim Il Sung 143–5, 449

  Kim Jong Il 451–3

  Kim Jong-un 455

  King, Dr Martin Luther 505, 506–9

  Kirchner, Cristina Fernández de 626–7

  Kirchner, Nestor 622, 626

  Kirov, Sergei 380

  Kissinger, Henry 459

  Kohl, Helmut 189

  Kolchak, Admiral Alexander 364–5

  kolkhozy 378


  North 448–53

  South 449–53, 643

  war in (1950–3) 143–6, 172, 450

  Kornilov, General Vladimir 357

  Koroma, Ernest Bai 597

  Koroma, Johnny Paul 596

  Kosovo 215–16

  Kosygin, Alexander 400–1

  Krenz, Egon 210

  Kubitschek, Jusselino 612

  Kufuor, John 567

  Ku Klux Klan 487, 489, 510

  kulaks 378–9

  Kun, Béla 38, 66

  Kuomintang 420, 423–9

  Kutchuk, Dr Fazil 541

  Kuwait 246–7

  Kyoto Protocol (1997) 261, 521, 649–50

  labour unions (USA) 481–6

  Lancaster House Conference (1979) 548–9

  Laos 143, 149, 151, 158, 462–4, 549–50

  Latin America 137–9, 142, 147–9, 155–8, 608–31

  Latvia 34, 90, 118, 220, 361–2, 406–7, 660

  Laval, Pierre 74, 80, 93

  Lawrence, T.E. (of Arabia) 39

  League of Nations 34, 41, 43–50, 55, 70, 72, 74, 170–1, 593


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