Mastering Modern World History

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Mastering Modern World History Page 117

by Norman Lowe

  failures 46–50

  successes 45–6, 49–50

  Lebanon 174, 240–4

  and July War 2006 243–4

  Lebensraum 75

  Lehman Brothers 655, 658

  Lend-Lease Act (USA, 1941) 97

  Lenin, Vladimir Ilich 354–70

  assessment of 368–9

  domestic policies 359–68

  foreign policies 360–1

  and the Russian revolutions 354–9

  Leningrad 95–6, 101

  Lesotho 605

  Liberia 593–5

  Libya 94, 100, 265, 282–3, 286–91, 643

  Liebknecht, Karl 311

  Ligachev, Yegor 405

  Li Keqiang 446

  Limann, Hilla 566

  Lin Biao 436

  Li Peng 439

  Lisbon Peace Accords (1991) 578

  Lister, Joseph 669

  Lithuania 34, 90, 118, 220, 361–2, 406–7, 660

  Litvinenko, Alexander 415–16

  Liu Shao-qui 435

  Lloyd George, David 9, 24–5, 26, 29, 32, 33

  Lloyds TSB 656

  Lockerbie disaster (1988) 263–4

  Lomé Convention (1975) 197

  Long March (Mao Zedong) 420, 425–6

  Lon Nol 459

  Ludendorff, General Erich von 28, 310, 317

  Lumumba, Patrice 574

  Lusitania 26

  Luthuli, Chief Albert 585–6

  Luxemburg, Rosa 311

  Luxembourg 219

  Lvov, Prince George 356

  Maastricht Agreement (1991) 200–1

  Macedonia 10, 164

  MacArthur, General Douglas 145–6

  MacDonald, J. Ramsay 47–8, 53, 58, 79

  Machel, Samora 548

  Macmillan, Harold 195, 233

  ‘wind of change’ speech 543, 587

  Madrid bombings (2004) 275

  Mafia, the 190

  Maginot Line 93

  Maizière, Lothar de 210

  Makarios, Archbishop 540–1

  Malan, Daniel F. 584

  Malawi 546, 605, 681

  Malaya 89, 98, 539–40

  Malaysia, Federation of 540, 693–4

  Malcolm X 489, 509–10

  Malenkov, Georgi 381, 397

  Malta 192, 220

  Malvinas Islands see also Falklands 626–7


  Japanese invasion of (1931) 48

  mandates 34, 35, 45, 169, 228

  Mandela, Nelson 263, 586, 589, 590

  Mandelstam, Osip 387, 399, 403

  Mao Zedong 420, 425–9, 431–6, 514

  problems facing 431–2

  March on Rome (1923) 298

  Margai, Sir Milton 595

  Marshall Plan (1947) 124, 130, 191

  Marx, Karl 123, 353–4, 362, 370, 374, 386

  Masaryk, Jan 131

  Mason, Paul 656, 657, 659, 661

  Matteotti, Giacomo 300

  Mau Mau 545

  Max of Baden, Prince 309

  May the Fourth Movement (China) 422–3

  Mbeki, Thabo 590–1, 654

  Mboya, Tom 545–6

  McCarthyism 145–6, 511–3

  Medvedev, Dmitri 396, 417

  Medvedev, Roy 367, 393, 401–2, 404

  Mein Kampf 315

  Memel 82

  Mengistu, Major Haile 592

  Mensheviks 354, 360, 362

  Merkel, Angela 189, 223, 665

  Messali Hadj 551

  Mexico 608, 612, 615–18, 622, 625–6, 693

  Middle East 159–60, 225–56, 263, 643

  military-industrial complex 513

  Milošević, Slobodan 170, 213, 215–17

  Mitter, Rana 427

  Mitterand, François 187

  Mkapa, Benjamin 573–4

  Mobutu, General 575–6, 577–8

  Molina, Carlos 625

  Molotov, Vyacheslav 381, 397

  Molotov Plan (1947) 130–1, 202

  Moltke, General von 14–16

  Mommsen, Hans 112, 332

  Momoh, Joseph 595

  Mondlane, Eduardo 557

  monetarism 516, 637

  Monnet, Jean 193

  Monroe, James 593

  Montagnards 457

  Montgomery, General Bernard 100, 107

  Morales, Juan Evo 628–9

  Morocco 8, 549, 550

  Morsi, Mohamed 255, 286

  Mountbatten, Lord Louis 535–7

  Mozambique 176, 548, 605

  MPLA (People’s Movement for Angolan Liberation) 577

  Mubarak, Hosni 255, 282, 284–6

  Mugabe, Robert 548–9, 598–601

  Muhamad V, King of Morocco 550

  Mujahideen 267

  multiple independently-targeted re-entry vehicles (MIRVs) 136, 139, 161

  Munich Conference (1938) 70, 81–2

  Museveni, Yoweri 680

  Muslim Brotherhood 256, 284–6

  Muslim League 535

  Muslims see also Islamism 180, 221–3, 233, 235, 248–50, 255, 262–4, 265–70, 276–82, 406

  Mussolini, Benito

  rise to power 295–8

  assessment of 307–8

  domestic policies 299–306

  downfall 104

  during Second World War 89, 94, 100, 101

  foreign policies 72–5

  Mwinyi, Ali Hassan 573

  Nagasaki 90, 108, 335

  Nagorno-Karabakh 406

  Namibia see also South West Africa 35, 169, 578

  Nasser, Colonel G.A. 225–7, 232–6

  National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) 513

  National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) 488–9

  National Industrial Recovery Act (USA) (1933) 495

  Nationalism 7, 299, 406, 531–3

  African 531

  National Labor Union (USA) 481

  NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) 216, 266–9, 278, 288–9

  formation of 132, 192

  National Socialist German Workers’ Party (Nazis) 309–10, 314–33

  compared with fascism 329

  Germany under 316–33

  programme and principles 315–16, 317–19

  naval warfare 19, 22, 25–7, 29, 89, 99–100, 101–2

  Nazi-Soviet Pact (1939) 83–5

  Ndayizeye, Domitien 580

  Nehru, Jawaharlal 535

  neo-colonialism 542, 560, 561, 641

  neo-liberalism 656

  Netanyahu, Binyamin 240, 247–8

  Netherlands see Holland

  Neto, Agostinho 577

  New Deal (Roosevelt) 493–8

  achievements 498–9

  aims of 494

  measures 494–6

  opposition to 496–8

  New Economic Policy (NEP) (Lenin) 366–7, 374–5

  New Zealand 22, 94, 146

  Ngo Dinh Diem 455

  Nicaragua 260, 608, 612, 620–2, 630

  Nicholas II, Tsar 351–6, 363

  Niemoller, Pastor Martin 324

  Nigeria 543, 567–71

  civil war in 567–8

  Nixon, Richard M. 153–5, 157, 162, 514

  social policies 505

  and Watergate 514–15

  Nkomo, Joshua 546, 548, 598

  Nkrumah, Kwame 542, 565–6

  Normandy Landings (1944) 104

  North American Free Trade Association (NAFTA) 617, 625

  North Borneo see Sabah

  Northern Rhodesia see also Zambia 546

  Northern Rock 655

  North–South Divide 638–44

  Norway 89, 90–1, 132, 192, 194, 201

  Nove, Alec 400

  nuclear disarmament 139–40, 161–2

  nuclear power 281–2, 644, 646–7

  nuclear weapons 136–40, 161, 165, 270, 281–2, 453

  Nujoma, Sam 578

  Nuremberg Laws (1935) 325

  Nyasaland see also Malawi 546

  Nyerere, Dr Juli
us 543, 571–3

  OAS (Organisation de l’Armée Secrète) 552–3

  OAU (Organization of African Unity) 573, 582, 587, 594

  Obama, Barack 276–8, 523–5, 656, 660

  Obasanjo, Olusegun 570–1

  Obote, Dr Milton 543

  October Manifesto (1905) 351–2

  Oder–Neisse Line 126–7

  Odinga, Oginga 545–6

  oil 624, 645

  in Third World 614–17, 629, 643

  OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) 237, 643–5

  Operation Overlord (1944) 104–5

  Ortega, Daniel 621–2, 630

  Oslo Peace Accords (1993) 238–40, 247–8

  Ostpolitik 161

  Overy, Richard 381

  Pact of Steel (1939) 75

  Pakistan 670

  creation of 535–7

  Palestine 230–2, 237–40, 247–55

  self-rule in (1995) 240

  Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) 234–6

  pan-Africanism 533

  Panama 260, 608

  Papen, Franz von 316–17, 328

  Paris 91, 105, 106

  Pass Laws 583–4, 585

  Pasteur, Louis 669

  Pathet Lao 462–3

  Paulson, Henry 655

  peaceful coexistence 133, 399, 402

  Pearl Harbor 89, 96–8, 338

  perestroika 208, 403

  Persia see Iran

  Peking see Beijing

  Perón, Juan 335

  Pétain, Marshal Henri 24, 27, 91, 93

  Petrograd see also Leningrad 356–9, 361

  Piłsudski, Józef 63

  Pinochet, General Augusto 157, 627

  Pipes, Richard 357, 358, 359, 363

  Pius XI, Pope 301–2

  Poincaré, Raymond 56

  Poland 62–3

  during Second World War 89, 90, 111

  end of communism in 164, 207, 208–9, 212

  and Hitler 70, 82–3

  since 1945 204

  Polisario Front 556–7

  Polish Corridor 75, 77, 83

  pollution 644, 646–7

  Pol Pot 175, 456, 458–60, 462

  Pompidou, Georges 187

  Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) 236, 239, 249

  population, growth and problems 669–71

  and AIDS/HIV 679–82

  control of 671–5

  and Islamism 675–9

  statistics 667–8

  Portugal 132, 143, 194, 198, 220, 335, 661

  and decolonization 557–9, 612

  and Zimbabwe 547–8

  Potsdam Conference (1945) 126

  Powell, Colin 511

  Primakov, Evgeny 413

  Princip, Gavrilo 11

  Prodi, Romano 219

  Prohibition (USA) 480

  protection see tariffs

  Punjab, the 536

  Putin, Vladimir 396, 413–18

  Pu Yi 421

  quantitative easing (QE) 660

  Rabin, Yitzak 238–40

  racial problems

  in Germany 110–17, 317–18, 325–6

  in USA 469, 479, 486–9, 501, 505–11

  Rafsanjani, Ali Akbar 279

  Rahman, Tunku Abdul 539–40

  Rajk, Laszlo 204

  Rákosi, Mátyás 205

  Ranariddh, Prince 461–2

  Rasputin, Grigori 354

  Rawlings, Jerry 566–7

  Rawls, John 652

  Read, Christopher 366, 394

  Reagan, Ronald 125, 260, 515–18, 621

  Red Guards (China) 435–6

  ‘Red Terror’ (Russia) 363

  reparations 34–8, 51, 52, 56, 312–13

  revisionism, meaning 163

  Rhineland 34


  Northern see also Zambia 546

  Southern see also Zimbabwe 547–8

  ‘road map’ (for peace in the Middle East) 250–5

  Rohm, Ernst 327–8

  Roman Catholic Church, the

  and birth control 610, 669–70, 673, 681

  and Hitler 324

  and liberation theology 611, 614, 620

  and Mussolini 297, 301–2

  Romania 10, 19, 25, 38, 116, 118–19

  overthrow of Ceauşescu regime 211

  since 1945 123, 126, 186, 202, 205, 211–12

  Rome–Berlin Axis (1936) 69, 75

  Rommel, Field-Marshal Erwin 94, 100, 103

  Roosevelt, Franklin D. 473

  and the New Deal 493–8

  during Second World War 96–9, 123–6, 499

  Roosevelt, Theodore 484

  Rousseff, Dilma 624, 651

  Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) 656

  Ruhr, the 103–4

  French occupation of 51, 53, 56, 312

  Rumsfeld, Donald 220

  Russia (USSR 1918–91)

  responsibility for First World War 12–16

  during First World War 18, 20–1, 22–3, 25, 27, 355, 360–1

  and the peace settlement 33, 360–1

  under Nicholas II 351–6

  1905 revolution in 351

  1917 revolutions in 351–9

  civil war in 364–6

  under Lenin 359–70

  under Stalin 372–94

  foreign policies 123–9

  and League of Nations 47

  during Second World War 89, 95–6, 101, 110, 389–90

  under Khrushchev 397–400

  under Brezhnev 400–2

  under Gorbachev 403–9

  foreign policies since 1945 39, 122, 149, 160–2, 173, 399–400, 402

  and China 163

  and Eastern Europe 120–35, 173, 186, 202–10, 401, 406

  and Africa 159

  and the Middle East 159–60, 231–2

  end of the communist regime in 164, 403–9

  end of the USSR 164, 407

  since 1991 409–18, 663–4

  Russo-Japanese War (1904–5) 3, 7, 336

  Rwanda 581–3

  SA (Sturmabteilung) 315, 320

  Saar, the 34, 36, 45, 56, 76

  Sabah (North Borneo) 540

  Sacco and Vanzetti Case, the 485–6

  Sadat, Anwar 227, 236–8

  Saddam Hussein 176–7, 244–7, 270–3

  St Kitts and Nevis 537–9

  St Lucia 537–9

  St Vincent 547–9

  Sakharov, Andrei 402, 404

  Salazar, Antonio 557

  Saleh, A.A. 282

  SALT (Strategic Arms Limitation Treaties) 515

  Sandinista, Augusto 621

  Sankoh, Foday 596

  Sarajevo 11

  Sarkozy, Nicolas 188, 444

  Sarney, José 613

  Saudi Arabia 262

  Arab Spring in 282, 291

  Savimbi, Jonas 577, 578–9

  Schleicher, Kurt von 316–17

  Schlieffen Plan 14–16, 19, 29

  Schmidt, Helmut 189

  Schnellnhuber, John 650–1

  Schroder, Gerhard 189

  Schuman, Robert 193

  SEATO (South East Asia Treaty Organization) 146

  Second World War

  events leading up to 69–83

  causes of 83–7

  events during see also battles 89–109, 111–17

  reasons for defeat of Axis powers 109–11

  effects of 117–20

  and nationalist movements 531–3

  self-determination 33–4

  Senegal 553

  September 11 attacks (9/11) 257, 265–6

  Serbia 7–16

  becomes Yugoslavia 212

  under Milošević 213–17

  Service, Robert 357, 359, 369, 383, 437

  ‘settler factor’ 542, 544–9

  Shaba 575

  Shagari, Shehu 568

  Sharia law 270, 274, 570

  Sharon, Ariel 249–53

  Sharpeville massacre (1960) 586

  short-selling 658

  short-termism 658–9

  Shostakovich, Dmitri 388–9

  Siad Barre 602

  Sibanda, Gibson 600

  Siegfried Line 90, 107

  Sierra Leone 543, 595–7

  Sihanouk, Prince Norodom 158, 175, 457–9, 461

  Simpson, John 440

  Singapore 89, 98, 540, 643

  Six-Day War (1967) 234–6

  slavery (USA) 486–7

  Slovakia 212, 217

  Slovenia 212–13

  Smith, Ian 547

  Snow, Edgar 425

  Social Revolutionaries (SRs) (Russia) 354, 360–2

  Social Security Act (USA) (1935) 495, 498

  ‘socialism in one country’ 375

  Socialist Labor Party (USA) 481

  Solidarity 307

  Solzhenitsyn, Alexander 399

  Somalia 176, 602–3

  Somoza, Anastasio 621

  Sonn San 461

  South Africa 583–91

  apartheid in 583–90

  and Namibia 169

  end of white minority rule in 587–90

  South America 608–31

  South-West Africa see Namibia

  Southern Rhodesia see also Zimbabwe 547–9

  Souvanna Phouma, Prince 463

  soviets 357–8, 360, 364

  Soweto massacre (1976) 586–7

  Spaak, Paul-Henri 192

  space exploration 514, 517

  Spain 342

  civil war in 69, 75, 77, 342–6

  since 1945 346–7, 661

  decolonization 556–7

  Spanish Sahara 556–7

  Spartacist Rising (1919) 310–11

  sputnik 136, 513

  Sri Lanka 262–3

  SS (Schutzstaffeln) 319

  Stakhanovites 377, 384

  Stalin, Joseph 123, 126, 369–70

  rise to power 372–5

  and collectivization 378–9

  and the Five Year Plans 375–7, 390

  and the purges 379–81

  and the Soviet Empire 382

  foreign policies 123–9

  after 1945 203–4, 389–91

  life and culture under 384–9

  religion 386–7

  assessments of 392–4

  Star Wars 161–2

  Stevens, Siaka 595

  Stolypin, Peter 352–4

  Stone, Norman 355

  Strasser, Valentine 595–6

  Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (1979) 515

  Stresa Front 69, 77

  Stresemann, Gustav 54, 309, 313–14

  submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs) 136, 139

  ‘successor states’, the 60–6

  Sudan 282, 604–5

  civil war in 604–5

  Sudetenland 70

  Suez Canal 232

  Suez War (1956) 172, 232–4

  Suharto, T.N.J. 560

  Sukarno, Achmad 554–5

  Sumatra 554

  Suny, Robert 370

  Sun Yat-sen, Dr 420, 423–4

  supply-side economics (USA) 516

  SWAPO 578

  Swaziland 605, 680

  Sweden 217, 246

  Switzerland 194, 201

  Syngman Rhee 143, 449–50

  Syria 225–8, 234–8, 245

  Arab Spring in 283

  Taiping Rebellion 421

  Taiwan (Formosa) 164–5

  Taliban, the 259, 277–9


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