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Bayside Fantasies (Bayside Summers Book 6)

Page 28

by Melissa Foster

  “I don’t mean to railroad you, and you can totally say no and I won’t be upset. But while I know I can handle taking over this business, having you by my side would make it so much less stressful and put the people who have worked with Uncle Harvey for so long much more at ease.”

  Jock sighed. “Fine.”

  She threw her arms around his neck. “Thank you!”

  “But there are a few caveats,” he said firmly.

  “Anything. Anything at all!” Tegan promised.

  “I’ve seen you cook, and the thought of you touching my skivvies feels wrong on too many levels. So no cooking and no doing my laundry.”

  “Fine. Deal!”

  Jett chuckled.

  “And when we’re not working, we respect each other’s space,” Jock added. “I’ve gotten used to being alone, and as much as I love you, I like my alone time, Teg.”

  “Deal. No problem. You just made me so happy!” She hugged him again and said, “I’ll even try to help you find your muse.”

  Jock scowled. “Space, Tegan. Remember?”

  “Space. Got it. Yes. Absolutely,” she said, walking backward. “There will be no muse seeking going on.” She was so elated, she struggled not to hug him again. In an effort to distract herself, she grabbed the picture and set it on the bookshelf. “See? Back to work, as usual.”

  Jock shook his head.

  Jett leaned in for a kiss. “You’re a smart woman, babe.” He picked up the frame she’d just put on the shelf and said, “I know this isn’t Cici because of the blond hair. Is this Leesa Braden? The one who runs a Girl Power group?”

  “I can’t believe you remember that,” she said.

  “I remember everything you’ve said to me. She has a daughter, Ava. No.” Jett shook his head. “Avery! That’s what it is. She’s married to Cole, a doctor, and she met him when she sweet-talked the last cranberry-walnut muffin out of his hands for you, and then she won Cole in a bachelor auction.” He reached into the box and picked up a picture of Tegan, Cici, and Melody. “And this has to be Melly and Cici. You have a cast on your ankle. Is this when Cici reconnected with Cooper?”

  Tegan closed her gaping jaw, as shocked as she was touched, and said, “Did you take notes?” He had truly listened to everything while she’d rambled on about family and friends. She’d thought he had, but she couldn’t be sure if it was hopeful thinking or the real thing.

  Jock patted her on the shoulder and said, “Better watch out, Tegan. You won’t be able to slip anything by elephant brain over here.”

  “No kidding,” she said softly.

  “I’m going to grab that box of love letters and a shovel. Meet you guys by the garden?” Jock asked.

  Tegan had told Jett about the letters they’d found and that she wanted to bury them by Adele’s ashes. She was glad that he was there. She had a feeling she and Jock might both need a little extra support tonight.

  “Sure. We’ll be right there,” Jett said.

  Jett set the picture on the shelf and took Tegan’s hand in his, drawing her into his arms, and said, “I might be slow on the uptake with regard to understanding and acting on everything that’s happening between us, but from the moment I met you, I have listened to every word you’ve said. I’ve thought about your stories, the look in your eyes as you shared them, and the way each one has helped mold you into the woman that you are. Don’t ever doubt that. It’s why I’m here, Tegs. I can’t shake you off, and I don’t want to.”

  He touched his lips to hers, and she held on tight, sure she’d melt into a puddle of goo if she didn’t.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  USUALLY JETT WAS wide-eyed at five thirty in the morning, but wakefulness crept in one sensation at a time Friday morning. He became aware of Tegan’s warm body draped along his, her arm resting on his chest. Her summery scent floated around them, and her sweet breath warmed his skin. He didn’t want to move a muscle as last night played out in his head like a movie. Tegan and Jock had said their goodbyes to Harvey and then they’d buried the wooden box of letters in the garden beside a rosebush Jock told them Harvey had loved, and they’d marked the location with several large stones, which Tegan set out in the shape of a heart. She’d said she wished she could have buried Berta there, too. Jett had never felt anything when he’d upgraded vehicles, but the pain in her voice was so real, he’d wanted to get her car and let her do just that. Hell, he’d wanted to have a freaking eulogy and ceremony for the damn car. They’d had dinner with Jock at the big house, and they’d had a great time washing away all her sadness with good conversation and laughter. He’d forgotten what it was like to spend time with friends just for the fun of it and realized how much he’d missed it.

  He pressed a kiss to Tegan’s head and rested his cheek there, thinking about when they’d come back to the cottage alone and had finished going through her boxes. She’d told him stories about every single item, from pictures to trinkets. She seemed to love each one of them. She continued telling him tales as they set up her photography and sewing rooms, hanging tapestries she’d made, pictures of her niece and nephew dancing in the rain with her, and three strings of colorful flags with letters on them that spelled LAUGH, SHARE, and INSPIRE. Finally, they’d set up her bedroom.

  He opened his eyes, blinking several times at the slice of sunlight streaming in from the sliver of space between the curtains. What time was it? Panic flared in his chest. He needed to check his email. He’d checked it a few times yesterday, and again last night, but he knew what waited for him every morning. Details of possible investments, updates on current projects, client issues, and a hundred other items that would require immediate attention. He also needed to make sure he hadn’t fucked things up too badly with EBC by rescheduling his meetings to next week.

  But as his gaze trailed over the tiny colorful lights they’d strung around the ceiling, he didn’t move. His anxiety about work was nudged to the side by a pang of desire to wake up with Tegan in his arms and see that bedroom more often, to make love to her there, and fall asleep naked and sated, as they had last night. He wanted to see her life in Maryland, to walk on the beaches she’d told him about, visit her favorite places, meet her family, Leesa, and her other friends. He wanted to take her to New York and spend the day with her sister’s family and see her with her niece and nephew. He wanted to see her spreading her light around those she loved in the same way she’d done in every room of the cozy cottage, when she’d made the cottage hers.

  Just like you spread your light on me…

  He ran his hand down her hip, kissing her head again as he glanced into her closet. She’d hung her clothing haphazardly, mixing shirts in with dresses, pants, and jackets. There was no rhyme or reason, so different from his own organized closet, with suits and dress shirts arranged by color. He shifted his gaze to the dresser, where a basket overflowed with brushes, scarves, an ereader, and Lord only knew what else. He liked all of her quirks and the way her clever, creative mind worked in uniquely Tegan ways. Beside the basket was the wooden box Harvey had given her when she was sixteen. Jett imagined her as a nervous teen leaving her uncle’s house with a set of car keys and returning after her adventure to the gallery confident and ready to take on the world. He wished he’d had a chance to get to know the man who’d had such an impact on his girl.

  My girl.

  Man, he liked the sound of that. He’d never imagined how good it could feel to care about a woman like he was growing to care about Tegan, much less that he’d ever want a relationship. Even the thought used to bring forth not-in-this-lifetime comments. But now his right arm was numb beneath Tegan’s head and she’d drooled on his chest, and there was no place on earth he’d rather be than exactly where he was. He kissed her again, surprised by how many times he’d done it since he’d woken up. It took no thought to show Tegan affection, because for the first time ever, he was letting his heart lead him instead of his head. It was as terrifying as it was complicated and wonderful, and he hoped l
ike hell that he could pull it off better than his father had.

  He reached for his phone, careful not to jostle her as he unlocked the screen. Holy shit, it was nine thirty. He thumbed through emails one-handed, fighting the urge to get on his feet and down to business.

  Tegan snuggled closer, making a sleepy sound.

  Fucking hell.

  He sifted through emails again, looking more closely at the specific issues, his mind chasing every one of them. He should get up and work for the next few hours, then spend time with Tegan. He knew he should do it, but no part of him wanted to. He thumbed out a text to Tia. Can you handle my emails today? Review, respond to buy me time, and text urgent matters.

  His arm dropped to the mattress, and the phone lit up a minute later with Tia’s response. Are you with Tegan?

  He typed Yes.

  She responded immediately with a celebration emoji and then a meme of the cast of Seinfeld doing a happy dance, and finally, I’ll do it for a selfie of the two of you.

  He thumbed out, Don’t fuck with me. She responded with, That’s Tegan’s job followed by a winking emoji and then, SELFIE or the answer is NO. He replied, SHE’S SLEEPING! I’ll send it later. She sent back two lines of emojis with heart eyes and a thumbs-up.

  She was as pesky as he imagined a younger sister would be, but he was lucky to have her. He set his phone down and wrapped his other hand around Tegan, feeling knotted up and relieved at once.

  Tegan stretched, pressing her breasts and thighs against him and turning her beautiful, sleepy eyes up to his. “You’re still here.”

  “Did you think I’d take off?” Christ, he must really suck at this relationship stuff.

  “No. I had a nightmare that I woke up to a note that said you had to get to Louisiana and you’d see me around.”

  He rolled her onto her back, moving over her, and said, “I’m here, babe, and I’m all yours. I asked Tia to handle things today. I know you’re gaining access to the new website today for beta testing, and I’m sure you have other things you need to take care of, so if you want me out of your hair, I’ll knock out a few emails. But I’d like to check out the website with you.”

  “I think you need to send Tia an Edible Arrangement.”

  “I pay her well, and besides, she bribed me. I have to send her a selfie of us.”

  “So fun! I officially love her!” A stunning smile spread across Tegan’s face. “Did you really put off work for the whole day?”

  “Almost. After I decided to come see you, I called Mitchell and asked him to set up a meeting with some of the other business owners in Hyannis. I’m meeting them tonight at seven thirty.”

  Her eyes widened. “You’re going to help them? Oh, Jett, I’m so happy! I was worrying about Mitchell and the other business owners having to delay their openings and lose all that money from the season. Your mom told me how devastating that would be for not only the owners, but their employees, too.”

  “Don’t get your hopes too high, sunshine. I’m not sure how much I have time for or what I can do. This is a preliminary meeting. I’m gathering information and thinking about options.”

  “I get it, but it’s a start. Remember how you were stressed over leaving after the storm? That big heart of yours couldn’t let it all go.”

  “It couldn’t let you go, that’s for sure,” he said, kissing her chin.

  “Or them.” She wound her arms around his neck and said, “I think we should celebrate. Unless you’re too tired. Did you sleep okay, or have you been up half the night?”

  After they’d finished unpacking last night, Tegan had noticed how tired he was from traveling overnight, and she’d suggested they cuddle on the couch and watch a movie. Jett wasn’t a cuddler, but he’d loved cuddling with Tegan. Hell, he’d loved unpacking boxes with her; of course he was into lying on the couch spooning her as they watched a movie. At least they’d started the evening that way, but as usual, their tender kisses and caresses had turned to unstoppable desire. They’d ended up naked, sweaty, and satisfied and were fast asleep in each other’s arms by eleven o’clock.

  “That spell you cast is still hanging on. I slept late.” He trailed kisses down her neck. “But even if I’d stayed up all night, I’d still have energy for you.” He dragged his tongue over her nipple, earning a sexy sigh.

  She bowed beneath him, rocking against his arousal. He covered her nipple with his mouth, sucking gently. She writhed and mewled as he kissed his way to her other breast, savoring her hungry sounds. He worked his way down her body, loving every dip and curve from breasts to thighs.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful,” he murmured against her inner thigh as he spread her legs.

  He licked and kissed all around the very heart of her, using his fingers to tease her wetness. She whimpered and pleaded for more. He slipped two fingers inside her slick heat and pressed his tongue to the cleft of her sex.

  “Oh God,” she panted out, digging her heels into the mattress. “This is so much better than video chat.”

  He chuckled and lifted his face to see her laughing. He nipped at the tender skin of her inner thigh, earning a giggling yelp. When he lowered his mouth, he turned those adorable giggles into moans of pleasure. He licked and loved her fast and deep, then slow and torturously, repeating the pattern until she was at the verge of release, her entire body trembling. He held her on the cusp of climax, savoring her needy sounds, her sweet taste, and her body reaching, wanting, begging for release. He intensified his efforts, bringing his fingers into play where she needed them most, giving her everything she wanted. A string of erotic sounds flew from her lungs as she came apart, clawing at his shoulders. Marking him.

  When she finally came down from the peak, she panted out, “More, more, more!”

  He dragged his fingers and palm along her glistening sex, getting his hand nice and wet. She opened her eyes, watching as he rose onto his knees and stroked his throbbing cock. She bit her lower lip, her lustful gaze never leaving his hand as he worked himself tight and slow. She reached between her legs, touching herself. Holy hell, she was a fucking goddess.

  “I need your mouth on me, baby.”

  She pushed up to her elbows, and he shook his head.

  “Stay down, sunshine. I want to go deep, and I’m nowhere near done feasting on you.”

  He straddled her shoulders and came down over her, pressing a single kiss to her sex.

  “Yes,” she whispered as she fisted his cock, guiding it to her mouth.

  “Stroke me tight as you suck me. I want to feel like I’m inside you as I devour you.”

  She gripped his cock like a vise, sucking and stroking as he used teeth, hands, and tongue to drive her wild. Her moans vibrated around his shaft, sending mind-numbing sensations racing through his core. She grabbed his hip with one hand, pulling him in deeper. His cock hit the back of her throat, and he withdrew to keep from hurting her, but she slammed his hips down, taking him to the root and holding him there. Message received, loud and clear. His girl wanted control, and he was happy to give it to her. He pushed two fingers inside her, and she worked him faster, squeezed him tighter. He returned the favor with fervor, pumping his fingers in and out of her. She rode his hand as she sucked harder, but stroked slower, creating a dizzying rhythm that made it difficult for him to think straight. But he was determined to make her come again. He slid his other hand beneath her and lifted her hips, focusing on the bundle of nerves that made her toes curl. She spread her legs wider, grinding against his mouth.

  Oh yeah, his girl liked that.

  Her muscles flexed and her hips shot up. Bullets of lust bolted down his spine as she cried out around his cock. Her sex pulsed tight and hot around his fingers, and she gripped his cock even tighter, sending him crashing into his release. His hips pistoned fast and hard. But she didn’t turn away, didn’t slow her efforts, swallowing everything he had to give while in the clutches of her own intense climax.

  Fucking. Perfect.

hen the last aftershock shuddered through them, he fell onto the bed beside her and wiped his mouth. Then he gathered her limp body in his arms as the world slowly filtered back in.

  “You destroy me, sunshine…”

  She made a sweet sound and yawned sleepily.

  “Did I hurt you?” He caressed her jaw, hoping he hadn’t been too rough.

  She shook her head and whispered, “So good.”

  She snuggled into the curve of his body, and he kissed her shoulder, her neck, and stroked her hair. He lay holding her for a long time, caressing her back, hips, and face. He was filled with a deep desire to take care of her, to bring her pleasure in ways that weren’t sexual. Because this—holding her, being trusted by her—was everything.

  He kissed her cheek and said, “How about I run a hot bath?”

  “Only if you’re getting in with me.”

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  JETT MASTERS KNEW how to spoil a woman in and out of bed.

  The most luxurious bath Tegan had ever experienced had turned into the most hilarious one. She and Jett had taken their time bathing each other, and Jett had said the sweetest things, making her feel all sorts of good and special. Then they’d washed each other’s hair, which hadn’t gone quite as smoothly. After making horns and mohawks with their hair, Tegan got soap in Jett’s eyes, and her efforts to rinse it out led to soap in her eyes. They ended up in fits of hysterics and had to get into the shower to finally get clean. Now they were sitting at the kitchen table, and Jett was studying her new website, taking notes, and making suggestions. It felt incredible to see months of her and Harper’s dreams and plans coming to fruition. She couldn’t wait to start placing ads and getting their name out there.

  As great as that felt, it was equally wonderful to see Jett solely focused on the site, as if she were his most important client.

  “What do you think?” he asked.

  “About what? Sorry. I must have been daydreaming.”


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