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by Elyzabeth M. VaLey

  Chapter Eleven

  Gabi sat at her kitchen table, staring at the pile of papers she’d resolved to organize. It was useless. Nothing she did seemed to get her mind off Marcus. She hadn’t heard from him since Sunday, after he’d texted her his address and once more invited her to come to his house and see for herself the proof that he was or had been an FBI agent.

  She’d ignored his text and barely managed to make it through the rest of the day without crying. She had hoped work would keep her distracted, but it hadn’t. She’d been anything but productive for the last two days, and every time she let her guard down, Marcus would sneak into her thoughts.

  She didn’t understand why he’d reappeared in her life or why she couldn’t seem to give him up. After all, she’d barely known him for a handful of days, so she shouldn’t be so attached.

  Yet, she was. The thought of him and the possibility of a relationship with him had her sighing and daydreaming. They shared similar values and interests, and in three short days he’d shown her he believed in her—something which Antonio had never done. Then, there was the sexual chemistry. There from the start, it’d just increased with each passing day.

  “And let’s be honest, Henry, it’s not like good Doms abound.”

  Her cat blinked then returned to his grooming. Gabi rolled her eyes.

  “Fine, since you’re not being much help,” she said. “I’m going to go for a walk.”

  Throwing on a pair of sneakers and her sports jacket, she grabbed her phone, headphones, keys and headed out. Some fresh air and her favorite beats would help her clear her mind and see things from a new light.

  Her favorite movie soundtrack came on, and she frowned. They’d spoken about it on Sunday, right before the fiasco. He’d even mentioned having a movie night with popcorn, chocolate, and a fuzzy blanket to cover her naked body.

  “God,” she murmured, the scene making her pussy tighten.

  Quickly, she switched to some heavy metal. Surely, the fast riffs would keep her mind from wandering to Marcus. They didn’t. The heavy beats had her picturing a set of X-rated activities featuring them. She stopped walking and frantically browsed through her playlist. A new song came on bellowing about second chances.

  “Fuck it,” she muttered switching the music off. She would enjoy the silence and the sound of the city around her. She resumed her stroll, focusing on the birds chirping before sundown and the car engines strong vibrato as they rushed home from work. Music drifted from the nearby park, no doubt an impromptu concert. Gabi headed in its direction.

  She lived in the city center, where there was always something going on. When she’d decided to permanently stay in this city, she’d chosen this location because she was close to the hubbub and at the same time had a park nearby, in case she needed some peace and quiet. It was the best of both worlds.

  On the other hand, Marcus’s house was on the other side of the city. Sure, it was closer to the ocean, but she’d Google-mapped it and it was also a dead area. The nearest house was miles away, and for Marcus to get to work he had to take a car. Just on that basis, their relationship would not work. He’d want her to leave everything here, and she couldn’t. Gabi smacked her leg and fisted her hands.

  “Stop thinking about him. You’re not going to have a relationship with him. You’re done. He’s part of Antonio’s world, and you want nothing to do with that.”

  Second chances.

  The lyrics from the song she’d heard earlier replayed in her head. She dropped onto a bench, covering her face with her hands.

  Would it really be that bad? This wasn’t like before. She could call the police if he as much as lifted a finger in anger. She could leave and never look back. She was the architect of her own decisions. And damn it all if she didn’t want to say yes. Reaching for her phone, she quickly texted a response.

  I’ll be there in an hour.

  Chapter Twelve

  Marcus stood at the window, watching as she parked in his drive away. His hands were clammy, and he swept them against his black jeans. Things hadn’t played out the way he had wanted them to. He’d never expected her to remember their past, and if she did, he hadn’t realized it would be so traumatic. She got out of the car, and his heart jolted. There was still hope. She had come wearing a dress which showed off a pair of sheer stockings. Marcus went to the door. He squared his shoulders and thrust the door open.

  “You were waiting for me.”

  “Of course. Come in.”

  She swept past him, her fragrance making his loins stir and his chest ache. This was his last chance to convince her he didn’t mean her any harm.

  “So where’s your proof?” she asked, crossing her arms across her chest.

  Marcus lifted his eyebrows. “Don’t you want to take off your coat? Have me show you around?”

  “No. I want to make sure you aren’t lying before I do any of that.”

  Marcus bit the inside of his cheek. “Fine. It’s in my office. This way.”

  He led her down the hallway, absently wondering what she thought of his house. In his opinion, it was homey with wooden paneling, family and landscape photographs. “In here.” He sat down at his desk and rebooted his computer. “Would you like a seat?”


  She lingered behind him, shuffling her feet nervously. Marcus opened up the first document.

  It was a picture of him in full uniform. He motioned for her to have a look.

  “Could be a fake,” she said.

  He smiled.

  “I knew it wouldn’t be enough.” He pulled a pile of papers toward them. “Here.” He handed them to her. At the top was the certificate for having completed his twenty weeks of training. “If you go through the rest of it, you’ll find a few more certificates of achievement, as well as my early retirement agreement.”

  Gabi scanned the documents. Her lips pursed, and she wrinkled her nose as if she were smelling something foul. Patiently, Marcus waited. Even under all the evidence he was presenting her, she could still choose not to believe him.

  “Why did you retire before your time? You’re still young. Not even close to your fifties.”

  Marcus took in a deep breath. He’d figured she’d ask, but speaking the truth was never easy, even if what he had done had been for the best.

  “I killed Antonio, and my bosses decided it was better if I stepped down. I was too involved they said.”

  Gabi’s eyes widened while her lips mouthed the hard fact. “Why?” she whispered.

  Marcus stood up and cupped her face. “He had to pay for what he had done to you.”

  “You didn’t know me,” she replied, her gaze dancing over his face, no doubt seeking understanding. “I was a stranger.”

  “I didn’t know you the way I do now, but I knew that beneath your frail exterior was a woman made of steel, and I loved you for it.”

  “Love?” she squeaked.

  “I tried to look for you after we brought Antonio down, but you had dropped out of the map. Six months later, I found you, but you were still recovering and I realized you didn’t need me. I could wait. I lost track of you again after that, tried to move on with my life. Then, you landed here.” Marcus stroked his thumb across her cheek. “And you were you. The woman I had fantasized you’d always be. I couldn’t let the chance pass me by again.”

  “It’s insane,” she murmured, grabbing his wrist. He held his breath. In her eyes he saw something. A flicker of fear mingled with hope and desire. All she needed was a little push. He bent his head and brushed his lips over hers.

  “I’m not asking you to love me back straight away, kitten. I’m asking you to give me, us, a chance.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Gabi’s pulse rushed in her ears. He’d killed Antonio. She remembered watching the news. In it, they’d said he’d taken his own life. She’d never believed it. Someone like Antonio would have fought or died fighting. And now this. The man who’d murdered her ex-partner stood in front
of her offering her his heart in exchange for nothing more than an opportunity.

  Gabi swallowed. He’d killed Antonio and freed her from the fear of ever being found by Antonio. The truth dawned on her in quick strides, making her heart pump wildly.

  Marcus was her savior.

  Even before she’d escaped Antonio’s hell, he’d helped her.

  You are not replaceable.

  Those words and his kind gesture on that terrible day had prompted her to get out of the abusive relationship she’d been in. How could he have loved her when she’d been nothing more than a dirty stain on Antonio’s floor? How could he still love her now, almost a decade later?

  It was madness.

  The same kind that had made her trust him from the onset. For years, she’d kept her kink buried at the club, but then Marcus had come along, and in three short days she’d been captivated. Fear had kept her from opening up to him completely.

  Warmth flooded her, emotions crowding every nerve ending, bringing a tingling sensation across her cells. Fool. She’d been a fool. Coming here today with the idea of giving Marcus a second chance had been a mistake. He’d never done anything wrong. No. This was her second chance. It was her opportunity to love and be loved by a good man. An angel. Her Sir.

  “I want to try, Sir,” she finally said, meeting his gaze. The joy in Marcus’s eyes had her heart thrumming to a new rhythm.

  “Then, I think it’s time we really played, kitten,” he said. “Take off your clothes and kneel.”

  A shiver ran through her, excitement pumped in her veins. She’d considered coming in jeans and a t-shirt, but knowing how he preferred dresses, she’d decided to wear a simple black one with stockings. She was glad she did. She removed her coat, draping it over the chair.

  “Let me help.”

  Marcus came up to her and slowly drew down the zipper of her dress. Grasping her shoulder, he bent to kiss her cheek. Goosebumps sprouted on her arms.

  “Don’t think I didn’t notice you came wearing a dress and stockings. You remembered,” he whispered huskily.

  “I wanted to hope, Sir.”

  “And I’ll reward you for it.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  Unable to stop her lips quirking into a smile, she hid her face behind her bra and underwear as she removed them and set them aside. Trembling in anticipation, she kneeled. She kept her hands on her thighs and her gaze down, waiting for her next order. Silence filled the room, and she took in a deep breath to calm the quickly gathering nerves.

  “I know you don’t like bondage so I’m not going to bind you, kitten, but I want you to place your arms behind your back, as if you were holding them. That’s right. Thrust your chest slightly forward and show me those glorious breasts. Yeah, like that.”

  He reached for her breasts, weighing them with both his hands, and then, he grasped her nipples and tugged. She gasped at the sharp sting of pain. Quickly, he soothed it with a caress. Then he pulled again, twisting them. She locked her hands together to keep from reaching out and closed her eyes, focusing on her breathing.

  “That’s my good girl,” Marcus praised her.

  He released her, leaving her breasts throbbing and liquid arousal dripping between her legs.

  “Stay there. I’m going to grab something.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Marcus left the room in quick strides. Gabi closed her eyes. She didn’t know what was coming, but she found herself surprisingly calm. When she had been with Antonio, she had never known what to expect, and the thought had always unnerved her. With other Doms at the club, she’d learned to manage them to her advantage and there were no real surprises. With Marcus, it was different. She wasn’t sure what he had in mind, but there was no fear, only anticipation and a burning yearning to get on with it.

  She heard his footsteps and out of the corner of her eyes spotted his feet. He’d taken off his shoes and was now barefoot.

  “Lift your head.”

  She did, and her eyes widened. He held in his hands a simple black collar and chain. Marcus grinned.

  “The chain and collar are momentary, just to take you to the other room. When you’re ready, we’ll make the collar permanent. What do you think, kitten?”

  Gabi stared. Antonio had used a collar and leash on her before, but it had never been a pleasant experience. Many times, he’d paraded her around his friends like a dog on display. She shuddered at the memory. Marcus crouched in front of her, his gaze steady, reassuring.

  “You’re thinking back to the past. I’m not him. I hated him for those moments. Every time I saw you forced to crawl in front of those leering assholes, I wanted to kill them all,” he growled. Anger flashed across his visage. “I only want you to wear it to lead you to the other room, because I want to assume control. If you’re not ready, we can skip it. I will not be disappointed. I will not hold it against you.”

  She nodded. She wanted to say yes, but she also knew deep down, she wasn’t ready and saying no meant she still had some inkling of control over this situation.

  “Can we skip it, Sir?” She bit her lip, fearing he’d be upset.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Marcus’s dick throbbed. He was slightly disappointed she’d said no to the collar and chain, but he didn’t hold it against her. It would come with time. Eventually, they’d pick out a permanent collar, too, something she could use all the time so she could remember who she belonged to. He smiled.

  “We can skip it today,” Marcus said. He watched her exhale in relief. “We’re going to go to the basement, kitten. I have a playroom down there. It’s a small space, soundproof so your screams of pleasure won’t be heard and a few toys for us to use and indulge in. You’re going to crawl in front of me, but I have something else for you to wear as you do so.”

  Gabi’s lips parted. He could almost see the gears in her mind turning, aiming to find a way to make things go how she wished.

  “This is non-negotiable,” he said, opening his clenched palm and showing her what he held. Her eyes widened.

  “It’s been a while,” she said softly. She let out a long exhale, then straightened her spine, thrusting out her breasts. “If it pleases you, Sir, will you put them on me?”

  “It does please me, immensely so, kitten,” Marcus said, unable to keep the emotion from his tone, his voice cracking lightly when he called her pet name. Shaking his head, he absently wondered if it’d always be like this. If she would forever be able to touch his heart with a few words and her promise of submission. Cupping her breasts, he kneaded them, increasing the pressure with every stroke. Gabi swayed lightly, but didn’t complain. He grabbed her nipples between thumb and forefinger, pulling and twisting. She whimpered.

  “Hold it,” he demanded. Without warning, he gave each of her breasts a series of quick slaps. Gabi gasped and swayed forward, but she didn’t break her position. “Good girl,” Marcus said. “They look beautiful all red and swollen, but with these they’re going to look gorgeous. Bear it.” Quickly, he clipped her turgid right nipple, then the left. The silver chain attached to them hung to her sternum, making it seem as if she were wearing a necklace.

  “Remember to breathe, kitten. How are you feeling?”

  She swallowed hard before answering, but her voice came out clear and strong.

  “I’m okay, Sir. Actually, really horny.” The hopeful look she gave him made him chuckle.

  “I could probably snap wooden boards with how hard my dick is, slut, but we’re not going to fuck yet. First, you have to crawl. Get into position.”

  Quickly, she scrambled into all fours. Marcus walked around her.

  “Your cunt is so engorged I can see it weeping from here.”

  He ran three of his fingers across her labia. Gabi parted her legs further. Marcus tsked.

  “Slut.” Moving in front of her, he took the chain and pulled. Gabi gasped. “You’re going to carry this in your mouth. Keep your tits on edge for me and your pussy juice flowing, right, sl
utty kitten?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Without him asking, she opened her mouth.

  “Good girl,” he praised her while placing the chain between her teeth. “When you’re ready, crawl out and take your left. It’s the last door in the hall.”

  Gabi made a small noise from the back of her throat and started to move. Marcus lingered behind observing her glorious body sway enticingly. His dick throbbed relentlessly, and he couldn’t wait to take possession of her and hear her scream out his name as she came around him. Finally, she made it to the basement door.

  “You’ve done well, slutty kitten. Your prize is that you may let go of your chain and stand up.” He offered her his hand, and she took it. Firmly entwining their fingers together, he tugged her close. “You okay?” He searched her face for any signs of distress.

  “Yes, Sir,” she replied. “Ready to get on with it.” Her lips quirked, and he raised his eyebrows.

  “You might regret what you just said.”

  He led her downstairs. Years earlier, he’d rebuilt his basement dividing the ample space in two. On the one side, he had a small gym for personal use when he wasn’t at work and on the other, his personal BDSM area. The room was painted a soft grey with blue accents. On the back wall, he kept an arrangement of floggers, paddles, and canes he’d collected through the years. Two shelves, with drawers and baskets containing an assortment of toys, lined the other wall. A spanking bench and a thin mattress scattered with pillows took up some of the floor space. Finally, because sex could get messy, he’d made sure to include a small bathroom with a shower, toilet, and sink.

  When he’d gone to fetch the collar and chain, he’d purposely left the door open and tried to gauge Gabi’s initial reaction. She stared, cheeks flushed and chest heaving.


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