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Melody's Christmas

Page 24

by ID Johnson

  Melody expected her fingers to be stiff and out of practice. She assumed it would be difficult to begin again, but as the notes began to flow from her fingertips, she realized the memory of the music was still inside of her. She had forgotten the pure joy of filling the air with song, the magic that sparked to life when her fingers chose just the right keys and placed them together in harmony. The music came to life through her hands, and soon her heart and soul took over, moving through each measure with precision and passion.

  Once the first song was over, Melody paused and took a deep breath, tears beginning to form in her eyes. Not only had she conquered her fear, she’d proven to herself that she was capable of doing the impossible—of accepting her new reality and embracing the challenge of remembering her father while building everlasting memories with the remaining loved ones in her life.

  The thought made her look out into the crowd, and even though it was dark and the stage lights were harsh, she could still see Reid’s smiling face. He had come into her life when she needed him most. The fact that Michael had managed to bring them together was nothing short of a miracle and further proof to her that God answered prayers and healed wounded hearts in ways she could have never imagined.

  Melody continued to play each of the songs in order, and when it was Michael’s turn to say his line, she gave him her full attention. “Do not be afraid. For you have found great favor with God. Luke 1:30.” His sweet voice rang loud and clear, and it spoke to Melody’s heart in a way that familiar verse had never spoken to her before. Who was she to be afraid when the Creator of all things commanded her not to be?

  By the time she began to play “Silent Night” to end the children’s portion of the show, Melody felt as if she might float right off the stage. For the first time in two years, her soul felt free from the chains of guilt she’d woven around herself. She knew in her heart her father was in heaven smiling down upon her. At that moment, she felt as if she could do anything.

  When the song was over, Melody flipped the last piece of sheet music over and realized that was not the last song on the stand. She gasped when she saw that Mrs. Gregory had also set a copy of the last song her father had ever written there before her. It was the song he was going to play for Melody to sing that night, the night he died. Melody wasn’t even certain how Mrs. Gregory had gotten a copy, and suddenly she felt the fear she’d banished begin to creep back into the recesses of her mind.

  “I want to thank all of these wonderful children,” Mrs. Gregory was saying into the microphone as the kids left the stage to find their parents in the audience. “I want to thank all of the parents and church members for all of their support. I want to thank Mrs. Agnes Watson for her hard work in rehearsal and ask each of you to keep her in your prayers. Most of all, tonight, I want to say a special thank you to Melody Murphy who agreed to play piano for us at the last moment. Melody, if it hadn’t been for you, all would be lost. Thank you, Melody.”

  The room erupted in applause, and Mrs. Gregory came over, microphone still in hand. Melody stood and gave a shy wave to the crowd as Mrs. Gregory wrapped her free arm around her. “Are you ready to tackle that last obstacle, sweetheart?” she whispered into her ear.

  Melody pulled back and locked eyes with her, not sure if she should be upset that Mrs. Gregory had predetermined this was the time for Melody to overcome her anxiety or grateful that she had dragged her kicking and screaming to this point in her life. But one thing Melody did know for sure was that she had a song in her heart, a special song her father had written for these people to hear, and she needed to share it with them at last. She gave a weak nod, and Mrs. Gregory smiled broadly.

  Bringing the microphone back to her mouth, Mrs. Gregory said, “Ladies and gentlemen, we are in for a special treat. Melody is going to sing for us a beautiful song that her late father, the wonderfully talented Tim Murphy, wrote just for the Christmas Festival. I am honored to be accompanying her on piano.”

  Mrs. Gregory thrust the microphone into Melody’s hand and patted her on the back with a wink. She circled behind and slid onto the piano bench as Melody stood frozen on the stage, her feet unwilling to move to the center where a spotlight seemed to be waiting for her.

  She may have stood stationary like that for all of eternity if a familiar voice didn’t shout out, “Yay, Miss Melody!” Not only did Michael’s encouragement bring a chuckle to the entire audience, it brought a smile to Melody’s face, and she remembered the lesson she’d learned at the piano a few minutes ago. All she needed to do was try. She had nothing to fear. God would guide her.

  The opening notes began to play, and though she missed her dad terribly, Melody finally crossed to the middle of the stage. She saw her mother’s face, tears in her eyes, and then found Reid and Michael who were smiling at her encouragingly. One face might have been missing, but these were the faces she would concentrate on now. With a deep breath, Melody raised the microphone to her mouth and began to sing.

  * * *

  On a night long ago, in a manger far away,

  God delivered a promise we still cling to this day

  Through a sky filled with stars, the angels did sing

  And on a clear Christmas Eve, the melody still rings.

  * * *

  Hear the song in the falling snow,

  In your heart, feel a love that grows

  With each flake that falls from above

  Hear God’s promise of eternal love

  * * *

  Wrapped in warmth each cool December night

  We bask in the love of our family’s light.

  Bells are ringing, laughing children play,

  And in each chorus you’ll hear Him say,

  * * *

  Hear the song in the falling snow,

  In your heart, feel a love that grows

  With each flake that falls from above

  Hear God’s promise of eternal love

  * * *

  We may not know what tomorrow brings,

  But I believe there’s music in all things

  A message of hope from God above

  That His son brings to us eternal love

  * * *

  So hear the song in the falling snow

  A message of light to God’s people below

  With each flake that falls you’ll know

  There’s a song in the falling snow.

  Hear the song in the falling snow.

  * * *

  Mrs. Gregory played the last chord, and Melody realized there were tears streaming down her face. The song had come straight from her heart. The words, the tune, the message was all there, engraved in her heart forever, just like the memory of her father.

  She smiled out at the audience, hearing their applause and knowing it wasn’t for her but for her father who had loved her on earth and her Father who loved her in Heaven still.

  A few moments later, after a blur of hugs and congratulations from Mrs. Gregory and whomever else happened to be backstage, she found herself making her way down the aisle to join Reid and Michael, not quite sure how she’d gotten there.

  Michael hugged her, and Melody scooped him up and set him on her lap, wrapping her arms around him as Reid slid his arm around her. The adult choir was about to begin their first song, but Reid leaned over and whispered into her ear, “You really do sing like an angel.”

  Melody leaned her head against his shoulder for a moment before she looked up and said, “Thank you. I never would have had the courage to do it if it wasn’t for you.” Looking up on stage, she could tell that her mother had been crying, but her smile beamed so bright Melody doubted she’d even need the stage lights, and for the first time in a long time, Melody felt as if the world was perfectly right again.

  The voices from the choir filled the room with the “Hallelujah Chorus,” and Melody closed her eyes and let the music surround her, reaching into every crevice of her soul, every nook and cranny, and she felt like her old self once more. Melody would never
lose her song again.

  Once they had finished, Melody leaned over, and whispered in Reid’s ear, she said, “I hope next Christmas is just as magical as this one, though I don’t know how that would be possible. Do you think we’ll all be sitting here again this time next year?”

  “Yes, I do,” he said, nodding his head. “And I think it will be even more magical than this year.”

  Melody was surprised. “You do? How could it possibly be?”

  Smiling, he said, “Because by next Christmas, I intend to make sure Michael gets what he wanted for Christmas this year.”

  Melody beamed, and staring into his blue eyes, twinkling in the reflection from the stage lights, she wished she could kiss him right now, in the middle of the sanctuary. “Good,” she said, overjoyed, “because that’s what I wanted for Christmas, too.”

  “What a coincidence,” Reid laughed. “Me, too.”

  She tipped her head so that it was resting on his shoulder and he softly kissed the crown of her hair. “I love you, Mel.”

  Looking up, she said, “I love you, too.”

  “Thank you for reminding me that finding happiness requires taking risks.”

  “Thank you for helping me to find my song again. And I promise, I’ll never lose it again.”

  The choir began to sing, “Oh Holy Night,” and Melody sang along letting the music fill her heart and radiate from inside her for all the world to hear. With the arm of the man she loved around her and his precious child perched on her lap, she knew she’d found the true meaning of Christmas. It wasn’t magic that brought them together, it was a Christmas miracle, the kind that can happen with a leap of faith, music in the air, and the innocence of a child.

  Turning his head to the side, Michael asked, “Miss Melody, are you an angel?”

  “Why do you ask that?” she whispered into his ear.

  With a sigh, Michael said, “You look like one, you sing like one, and you hug like one.”

  Melody caught Reid’s eyes and saw her own joy reflected there. “I hug you like one because I love you, sweet boy.” She squeezed him just to prove it.

  “I love you, too, Miss Melody,” he said resting his head on her shoulder. “Will you love me forever?”

  “Forever and a day,” she replied, kissing him on the forehead.


  “I promise, Michael. I will always love you, and I will always be here for you. No matter what.”

  “Thanks, Dad,” Michael said, leaning a bit closer to his father so he could hear.

  “For what?” Reid asked, smoothing back a tuft of blond hair.

  “For giving me the best present ever. Exactly what I asked Santa for—for Miss Melody.”

  Melody watched as Reid struggled with the right words. It wasn’t quite what Michael had asked for, but Melody knew for certain it would be. There was no doubt in her mind that these two were her family—now and forever. And as Reid tousled his son’s hair and said, “You’re welcome, Mikey,” she knew he felt it, too. Melody caught Reid’s eyes and smiled, knowing no matter what the future held, she’d always hold the memory of this Christmas in her heart forever.

  * * *

  The End

  A Note from the Author

  I hope that you sincerely enjoyed Melody’s Christmas and that it added a bit of Christmas magic to your holiday season. If you liked the book, please consider leaving a review.

  Christmas is my favorite time of year, and I’m a firm believer that any day can be magical with a bit of Christmas cheer. (I’ve been known to watch Christmas movies in the middle of July!) You just never know when I might write another Christmas romance. If you’d like updates about this series, please subscribe to my Sweet Romance newsletter by clicking this link:

  Or download The Doll Maker’s Daughter at Christmas for free here when you sign up.

  Christmas Cocoa, book 2, is now available. If you’d like to find out what happens between Delaney, the town baker, and Josh, the Christmas tree farmer, you’ve got to read Christmas Cocoa!

  * * *

  Each book in the Heartwarming Holidays Sweet Romance follows a different couple, but if you love Melody and Reid and simply want to know what happens next, check out Melody’s Christmas Wedding. Will Melody and Reid’s wedding go off without a hitch or will there be lessons to learn and obstacles to overcome?

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  Connecting independent readers to independent writers.

  Also by ID Johnson

  A Vampire Hunter's Tale




  Forever Love

  Cordia's Will: A Civil War Story of Love and Loss

  Cordia's Hope: A Story of Love on the Frontier

  Ghosts of Southampton

  Prelude: A Prequel



  Heartwarming Holidays Sweet Romance

  Melody's Christmas

  Christmas Cocoa

  Winter Woods

  Waiting on Love

  Shamrock Hearts

  A Blossoming Spring Romance


  Falling in Love

  Thankful for You

  Melody's Christmas Wedding

  The Chronicles of Cassidy

  So You Think Your Sister's a Vampire?

  Who Wants to Be a Vampire Hunter?

  How Not to Be a Vampire Hunter

  My Life As a Teenage Vampire Hunter

  Vampire Hunting Isn't for Morons

  Vampires Bite and Other Life Lessons

  Gone Guardian

  The Clandestine Saga










  The Doll Maker's Daughter at Christmas

  The Journey to Normal: Our Family's Life with Autism

  Ghosts of Southampton: The Complete Three Book Series

  The Clandestine Saga Books 1-3

  The Chronicles of Cassidy Books 1-4

  Watch for more at ID Johnson’s site.




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