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The Principle (Legacy Book 2)

Page 28

by Rain Carrington

  Steve’s parents were both as sweet as he was. His mother was a tiny woman with long, dark hair who had a heavy Italian accent and the same pretty brown eyes that Steve had. His father was taller than Steve, but looked very similar, giving Matt insight to how Steve got everything good from them.

  Mac and Leo walked to him after he was finished speaking with Steve’s parents, Mac hugging him quickly. “Hey, cousin.”

  “Mac, I’m so grateful to you.”

  As his cousin blushed, Leo mentioned, “You look a lot better than the last time we saw you.”

  “I feel even better than that, thanks to you guys. If you hadn’t sent Stacy, this wouldn’t be happening today. I don’t know if I’d be alive today.”

  Mac glanced over at her as she took her place by Matt and nodded to her, pledging, “I owe ya a bunch fer what ya did fer my cousin.”

  “Meeting him, getting to know him, that was payment enough.”

  “Still. Anything ya ever need, let me know.”

  Her wicked grin cast to Matt made him curious, but her words did more. “I think your gift to this one is repayment enough.”


  They all three smiled at him, not one said a word, except Mac promising, “After.”

  “Mac, tell him the other thing, babe,” Leo prodded.

  “Oh! If ya like…I know we ain’t close and all, but I’d be proud ta walk with ya, give ya away.”

  Matt had been feeling low because he had no one to do just that, and someone walked in to do it. He felt tears coming, but forced them away, telling Mac, “I’d…I’d love that. I’d love it, thank you.”

  “I’m not related, but I wouldn’t mind coming along. Give me practice for when Mac and I do the same thing.”

  Matt asked him, “When’s that going to be? And am I invited?”

  “Shoot, boy, o’ course, yer invited.”

  Family. He didn’t have a lot there, but he had one member that was becoming more and more important to him by the day.

  There was an arch, like he and Steve had spoken about long ago, and it was beautiful, with lilies and wispy material, blowing in the soft breeze on the beach. The chairs were covered in the same white wisps and there were flowers strewn in a line straight up the aisle.

  Mac and Leo stood on either side of him, and the music began, a song from the iPod that Steve had given him. “Faithfully” by Journey. He’d clung to it while being away from Steve, knowing the words were true, that he’d be faithful as long as Matt was gone. The melody was perfect for the walk, all the people there, looking on. Helen winked at him as he passed, and Charlie nodded to him as he got to the front, Charlie stood as best man to Steve.

  Mac and Leo both hugged him when they got him to the front and then Stacy took his hand, squeezing it as she cried and smiled at once. It was rare to see such emotion from her, and he knew it came from a special place.

  A car arrived, and from the back, Steve appeared. He was dressed in similar clothes, the bright white of his attire making his skin look all the darker and creamier. Matt watched his smile bloom as he looked up the aisle, seeing him waiting there. It brightened as well when his parents approached him, taking an arm each as they led him to Matt.

  The waves of emotion and love came over him, threatening to knock him down more each moment. The song, being surrounded by such love and friendship, and his Steve, about to be his forever. Everything weighed on him in good ways, holding him tightly and grounding him.

  Steve came to him and took both of his hands into his, confessing, “This is exactly how I pictured it.”

  The sand under his bare feet was course, and that was the only thing that was. Everything else was soft and comforting. Steve’s hands in his, warmth in his eyes glistening and staring right into his. It was perfect.

  The minister came out, one that Stacy had found for them. He was an older man, hair silver and thick, a little mustache on his lip. He grinned at them and said only to them, “I’m Rev. Michael Stratsworth. Very nice to meet you both.”

  They each shook his hand, then stood side by side in front of him, their fingers interlaced.

  The ceremony began with a cheer as the reverend said, “Welcome these two men who are in love!”

  Matt laughed and Steve joined him, but they didn’t look away from one another as the reverend went on for the rest of the ceremony. When it came time for them to say their vows, Steve went first, chiding first thing, “I didn’t know about the wedding, so I didn’t formally write any vows!”

  Matt grinned and ducked his head, mumbling, “Sorry,” though he didn’t mean it.

  “It’s okay, because I’ve been making them since we met. I know what I want to say to you.”

  Matt gazed up into his eyes, feeling his body tremble. This was it, it was going to happen. Steve would pledge his love and devotion, and Matt would worry that he wasn’t worthy of such a beautiful man, but knew he’d work to be, forever.

  “You came into my life in the most terrible way, but all that matters now is that you came into it. I felt a pull to you from the first moment, and that grew into friendship, which grew into a love I didn’t think was possible outside of stories and songs. When I used to listen to love songs, I thought they were made up feelings, that love like that didn’t exist. I should have known it did, because my parents love this way. Maybe it was me, I didn’t think it would happen.

  “Then I fell for you and all of those songs made sense. I love you, Matt, and I vow to spend my life showing it and making you as happy as possible. I will stand beside you, behind you, and in front of you, wherever you need me to be. I will be yours, only yours, and you’ll never have to doubt that. I’ll never love or want anyone but you.”

  Like he was reading Matt’s heart to know exactly what to say, Steve had said it. The reassurance that not all men were like his father and the men from the compound, that love could exist between two people and only two people, that was what he needed the most.

  When it was his turn, he knew his throat wouldn’t work, his tongue and lips would stumble over the words, but he was wrong. “I am not who I was, not completely. The only thing I held onto for the last year was the love I have for you. We have a lot of things to learn about each other, like we talked about, but I don’t doubt that we’ll spend every day doing that, learning each other, and finding out new and good things that will make our love better and deeper.

  “I don’t know how to be married the normal way. I’ve had no guideposts for that, but with you, it’s coming naturally. I want to protect you, hold you, share everything with you, and only you. You’ll be my partner and my friend as well as my husband. All the roles we’ll play in this life will only serve to make us grow together as men and as husbands. Everything about you is what I’ve dreamed of and I will never take that for granted or wish for something else, because I do realize I have the best.”

  “Okay, enough,” Stacy moaned. “Pregnant woman here.”

  Stacy was bawling and Matt gripped her shoulders. “Are you all right?”

  “The words, I can’t stop crying and I’m getting contractions. They’re probably false labor, I’ve had it a few times now, but just in case, hurry,” she whispered, sniffling and wiping her eyes with a hanky.

  “Almost done, then right to the hospital,” Steve promised beside him.

  After exchanging the rings and being pronounced married, Steve kissed him so hard and so deep that people were whistling and cheering so loud, they could have been heard back in New Mexico.

  Charlie made them stay for the reception while he took his bride to the hospital. Matt didn’t think he could enjoy himself, worrying over her, but Charlie swore to call if the labor was for real.

  Steve’s parents and many others toasted them, and their first dance as married men was the stuff of dreams. Holding him, in front of the world, sneaking kisses, whispering words to him that made him blush and complain he’d have wood in front of everyone. All of it was magical.

; Charlie did call, and they rushed to the hospital, putting off their wedding night in favor of sitting with Stacy, taking turns holding her hands and watching her give birth to the two most beautiful little girls Matt had ever seen.

  “Betsy and Martha,” Steve said, chuckling a little.

  Stacy agreed with his opinion. “I’m going to call them Bea and Em. My husband, the patriotic prick, won’t get away with winning the naming.”


  Steve told Matt, “They made a bet on the Superbowl. Our girl here, she lost. So, Charlie got to name the babies, and since he’s a fed and an American History buff, he thought Betsy, for Betsy Ross and Martha, for Martha Washington would be great.”

  Rolling her eyes, she cooed to her daughters, “My little Bea and Em.”

  Matt cleared his throat and informed her, “You realize what that sounds like.”

  Steve burst out laughing. “BM. Bowl movement!”

  “Ugh, I can’t win!”

  It was noon the day after their wedding when they finally made it to their motel room and fell into the bed. Matt was exhausted and Steve fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. Matt barely got an arm over him before he joined in on the sleeping, and he didn’t move the rest of the day and into the night.

  The best part of it, though, was how Steve woke him. He felt it like a feather, light kisses trailing down his neck, his shirt being pulled up so Steve could trail more there. Matt groaned and ran fingers through Steve’s thick, dark mane, unwilling to open his eyes and possibly stop the attention.

  Then he remembered, he was married. Lifting his head, the first thing he saw when he opened his eyes was the man he married, moving to kiss his lips.

  Matt’s sleepiness was forgotten, and he turned them both, moving over Steve quick, holding him on the bed by the shoulders. “We’re married.”

  “Did you forget already?”

  “Yeah, almost!” They shared laughter and Matt felt better than he ever had. He would no longer wake up alone, not for the rest of his life. “We have to go have dinner with your parents.”

  “Yeah, in an hour. I wonder how we’ll fill the time?”

  Matt’s body responded to the words and the thoughts, but he didn’t want to rush. “After we see them. I don’t want to have to hurry. I’ve had lots of plans for our first time, and none of them can be done in under an hour.”

  He wasn’t smiling, letting Steve know he was deadly serious about what he wanted to do to him.


  “Yeah, you’ll be cussing, crying, screaming, begging for more.”

  What he wanted was to feel Steve trembling with earnest anticipation under him. “Matt, this is our life now. We’re finally together. I am ready to pinch myself to make sure I’m not dreaming this.”

  “I’ll pinch you, if you like.”

  Steve smiled brilliantly, debating, “You could pinch me, but that would probably get me revved up, and you pointed out we had to go. I might want to pinch myself.”

  Matt lowered to kiss him, moving his hand up Steve’s chest until he found a nipple and before Steve could guess what he was about to do, he pinched hard, making Steve’s smile turn to a heavy, silent scream and his back arched so high, Matt had to hold onto the headboard to not be bucked off.

  “Matt, damn, damn, damn! That hurt.”

  “But you know you’re not dreaming?”

  Panting, rushing to say, “Not dreaming, definitely not dreaming,” he laughed. “You’re tough, Mr. Ricci.”

  When Matt and Steve had talked a few times about their names after they got married, there wasn’t a doubt he wanted to lose the Whitehouse. Anything associated with his father was tainted, and that included the name. Steve’s parents were thrilled that any child they had would have their name as well, so it made everything included happy.

  Matt got off the bed and ordered, “Shower. Both of us.”

  Steve scrambled off the bed and ran to the bathroom, making Matt drool as he watched. Sure, he was mostly dressed, and Matt craved to see him naked, but even covered, he had a beautiful body. He was the luckiest man in the world, having the man belong to him. He meant what he said, that he could never take it for granted. He went into the bathroom, and there he was, nude, feeling the spray for warmth. “Almost ready,” he said.

  It could take hours, and it would be fine with Matt. Staring at him, seeing his perfect skin, his light muscled frame, even the scar he had, every part of him was a miracle to Matt. Steve came to him, begging, “Let me take off your clothes for you. I don’t want you to ever have to worry about mundane things again.”

  Matt took his mouth before he could accomplish that, and kissed him deeply, holding him by the back of the head while he explored his mouth, sharing their breathing and feeling his heart speed, sounding loudly in his chest.

  One hand roamed down, gently cupping one cheek of his ass, squeezing a little, only to feel Steve move back, wanting more.

  When Matt released him, Steve stepped into the shower and held his hand to help Matt inside, getting the shampoo into his hand. “Get your hair wet and I’ll wash that first. I’ve been dreaming of bathing you, pampering you.”

  It was the best feeling in the world, a man like Steve, wanting so badly to do for him. He had felt so strange about it, but Tom said that some people had a natural need to serve those they loved. Steve was that, naturally giving in every way. To deny him would be cruel, and he’d never be cruel to Steve.

  Fingers massaging in his hair was amazing. Steve didn’t hurry through it, every bit of his scalp was touched, Steve’s body close against his, kissing through the soap that ran down his neck.

  Then Steve moved him under the water, brushing back his hair from his face as the soap rinsed, and he was delighted to feel Steve’s lips again, moving to the base of his throat, a tongue running up and over his Adam’s apple. Despite the heat of the water, he was shivering with the chills Steve was inflicting, so he reached out to embrace him, sharing their warmth.

  “I could get used to this.”

  “I expect you to,” Steve confirmed. “I want to make every day special for you. Every day, do things that will let you know how very loved you are.”

  “How is this real? How is this happening? I feel like I shouldn’t have this, which is crazy, I know. I’ve gone over it again and again with Tom and in groups, but I forgot how beautiful it felt.”

  Steve nodded against his neck, agreeing. “I guess that’s why I get so scared sometimes. It feels so good, there’s got to be something wrong.”

  Knowing he wasn’t alone in his fear, he felt a little better. “That fear is good, though. At least, Tom said it to me enough. It keeps us from forgetting this. It’ll keep us from ever forgetting how special we are.”

  Steve pulled back to look in his eyes. The water forgotten, everything forgotten. “We are special, Matt. I’ve seen a million relationships, and we are special.”

  “Finish up with me so we can see your parents.”

  “Our parents,” Steve corrected. “They’re yours now too.”

  He took as much care as he had with Matt’s hair as he washed over his body. Steve was on the floor of the tub, running the thick washcloth up each leg, washing between each toe, then he did something that caught Matt so off guard, he had to try to hold on to the slippery tiles.

  Matt’s cock was slipped into Steve’s mouth in a tender way, where he barely felt it at first, but then he tightened his lips around it and sucked as he pulled back, causing Matt to moan loudly, and hearing it come back as it echoed on the walls.

  With his nails scraping on the tile, Matt let his head fall back on them, the mouth on his cock doing strange and extraordinary things. Sucking, licking, the tip of Steve’s tongue fucking inside Matt’s piss hole, all while the washcloth was taking special care with each of his balls.

  “Steve…oh, Steve, please, please...”

  Not stopping, not letting up even a little, he sucked Matt until he felt hi
s orgasm approach like a panther, slowly stalking its prey, closer, closer, the tension making the muscles flex and breath quicken. His low moaning stopped as the orgasm hit, his throat closing out the noise as well as the air he was trying to draw into his lungs.

  Steve slid up his body as he licked his lips. “Oral is moral.”

  “You’re not moral, you’re evil,” he teased. “My legs are Jell-O now!”

  He was dried and dressed, all done by Steve, then he was treated to watching Steve dress himself. He put quite a show on for Matt, slowly covering himself in underwear, pants, socks, then the top, an undershirt and buttoned shirt over that. All the while, his eyes were on Matt, seducing him with the heated looks, the tongue licking over his lips.

  “I’m going to make love to you, babe. Oh, when we get back here, you are going to pay for all this teasing.”

  Sinking to his knees to get Matt’s shoes on him, he said, “I’ll gladly take my punishment, Sir. I deserve it.”

  “Yeah,” he grunted as he smiled. “You sure do.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Though he could barely wait to make love with Steve, he found himself enjoying the time with Steve’s parents. They were wonderful people, and Matt knew exactly why Steve had turned out to be the good man he was. It also let a lot of his fears subside. Matt’s father was an older man, but sweet and attentive to his wife. The love they shared was obvious to anyone seeing them, and Matt knew then that Steve would be the same with him, no matter how long they were together.

  Steve’s mother asked when she might expect some grandchildren to spoil, and Steve blushed dark. “Mama, don’t rush us. Let us be married first.”

  “I’m just saying, Stefano, you’re getting old. I’m getting old.”

  While Steve’s mouth hung open, Matt assured her, “We won’t wait long. We both want kids, and a lot of them.”

  “A lot? Really?”

  Steve’s father said, “Mama, don’t rush them. Look at them. They’re in love. Let them have their time alone for a while. You know how much better parents that made us to wait for Stefano.”

  His hand lay over his wife’s and she blushed as Steve had. He got so many of his features from his mother, but his devotion, that was his father’s influence. “I guess you’re right.”


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